Commercial fishing endangers dolphins, porpoises and whales - 11 Feb 2010  
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The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has released a report cautioning of the significant risk to these marine mammals especially by large-scale fishing operations.

The study stated that 86% of all toothed-whale cetaceans are seriously threatened by entanglement or capture in gillnets, driftnets, trawls and other types of fishing gear.

As an example, the scientists cited China’s Baiji River Dolphin, which has not been sighted for many years in the Yangtze River, as well as the Vaquita porpoise residing in the northern Gulf of California, whose population has diminished to only 150 remaining in the wild. Both of these species have perished in high numbers due to entanglements in fishing gear.

UNEP Executive Secretary Elizabeth Mrema stated that governments need to increase their efforts to implement protective policies for the survival of the cetacean species.

Our earnest appreciation United Nations Environment Program for revealing the impact of fishing’s detrimental practices on our unique marine mammal friends. May all countries join in acting now to protect the lives of these and all precious fellow beings.

In her tireless endeavors to ensure the welfare of the Earth’s inhabitants, Supreme Master Ching Hai has often emphasized the need to halt fishing, as during a November 2008 interview with Ireland’s East Coast Radio FM.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We have to stop it. Just stop the fishing. The government has to forbid fishing because it’s too important to our survival to delay any further.

Not only is there overfishing and depleting of  marine life, but there is also side killing. Like when the commercial long liners go fishing,

they’re killing tens of thousands of sea turtles, by the way, and hundreds of thousands of sea birds and millions of sharks every year.

To stop this destructive practice of fishing, the solution is the vegan diet, no fishy stuff in our meals. The sea offers us plenty of better food choices; the wide varieties of super healthy and nutritious sea plants.
We can even live on it forever.  We must protect a living and healthy sea, as it relates to our living and healthy self.