布魯斯.立普頓博士談「先天、後天環境與愛的力量」(二集之一)    第1集

Our show today features excerpts of a lecture by Dr. Bruce Lipton, an internationally recognized authority from the United States on the connection between science and the spirit.

Dr. Lipton is the author of several books, including  “The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles.” By training, he is an expert in cell biology and is a former medical school professor and research scientist.

His research work in the 1980s at the prestigious Stanford University, USA showed that the outer layer,
or membrane, of our cells, is the equivalent of our brain. By processing information from the outside environment, the cell’s “brain” can effect changes inside the cell.

He has found scientific evidence demonstrating that our beliefs manifest themselves at the level of the cells in our bodies. Dr. Lipton says that by modifying these beliefs, we have the power to fundamentally change our lives for the better. Now we now present part one of our program featuring portions from his fascinating talk entitled “Nature, Nurture, & the Power of Love” which concerns conscious parenting or how parents can set the best possible foundation for a child’s future. 

Educational Resources and Referrals

Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health :


The Alhance for Transforming the Lives of Children

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