Record high temperatures reported across Canada - 30 Ma 2010  
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With parts of the Arctic and northern Quebec reaching more than 6 ° Celsius above normal seasonal averages, the nation’s Meteorological Service has reported that this past winter was the warmest and driest on record.

Along with up to 60% less precipitation in some regions for this year alone, the past decade has produced 4 of the ten warmest years on record.

Meanwhile in the United States, a recent analysis by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) affirmed that average temperatures in the past decade have continued to rise rapidly despite year-to-year fluctuations caused by El Niño and La Niña cycles.

Our heartfelt thanks, Canadian and US scientists for this revealing data, despite its unsettling observations.
Let us all move now to adopt planet-cooling actions that restore the balance of our shared global home. In a video message during a June 2009 climate change conference in Veracruz, Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of the quickest way to reverse the case of ever-extreme temperature rise.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The past decade has twice, at least, seen the hottest average annual temperatures ever recorded in our planet’s history. So, we must cool the planet, first and foremost. And one of the most effective and fastest ways to reduce the heat in the atmosphere is to eliminate methane production.

Methane not only traps up to 72 times more heat than carbon, it also goes away from the atmosphere much faster than CO2.

We can start by cutting down on the biggest methane producer in the world, that is, animal raising. So, to cool the planet most quickly, we have to stop consuming meat in order to stop the livestock raising industry

If everyone in the world would adopt this simple but most powerful practice of an animal-free diet, then we could reverse the effect of global warming in no time.