Dramatic decline in sockeye salmon in Canada's Fraser River - 17 May 2011  
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Following a dramatic decline in sockeye salmon in Canada's Fraser River, with only one million returning in 2009 to start families instead of an expected 10 million, a US$25 million federal inquiry has been commissioned to study causes that could include climate change.


Saying that the damage from a 28,000-barrel oil spill was successfully contained in part by a beaver dam near the village of Little Buffalo in Canada's Alberta province, officials also report that beavers and other wildlife sadly perished at the spill site.


The first ever green community house, a spacious 95 square meters built from eco-friendly materials, opens in Long Thới village of Nhà Bè district in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), with its low cost and sustainability, making it ideal as a model for other less fortunate locales.


Experts report that the recent sinking of the two small islets of Poomarichan and Villanguchalli in the Gulf of Mannar between India and Sri Lanka, in an area known for its diverse flora and fauna, is the result of illegal coral reef mining as well as rising sea levels caused by global warming.
