Sweden helps cool the planet by promoting more veg - 27 Jun 2009  
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A collaboration between the Swedish National Food Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency has resulted in “Environmentally-smart Food Choices,” guidelines that outline a reduction of greenhouse gases by decreasing meat intake, the food group that has the most significant environmental impact.

 The document states: “Eating less meat, and making careful choices about what you eat, is therefore the smartest environmental choice you can make…Healthy food choices can also go hand in hand with choices that are good for the environment.” As the first guideline of its kind in Europe, Sweden is distributing the document to other European Union countries for feedback and hopes to fully implement it within three months.

Our respectful accolades, Sweden, for these progressive measures to mitigate climate change! The Heavens are surely smiling on you for advocating the plant-based diet to sustain humanity and our planet.
