Arctic warming has global implications - 7 Nov 2010  
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Arctic warming has global implications.
The recently released annual Arctic Report Card, authored by scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Colorado, USA, noted that warming continues at an unprecedented rate, with effects that are spreading further south than ever before.

Produced by nearly 70 collaborating researchers, this year’s update revealed that 2009-2010 summer sea ice was at its third lowest since satellite monitoring began in 1979, and snow cover duration saw an all-time minimum. In Greenland, lack of precipitation combined with record high air temperatures resulted in the worst ice melt and glacial area loss in at least five decades.

NOAA Administrator Dr. Jane Lubchenco stated, “Beyond affecting the humans and wildlife that call the area home, the Arctic's warmer temperatures and decreases in permafrost, snow cover, glaciers and sea ice also have wide-ranging consequences for the physical and biological systems in other parts of the world.”

Dr. Lubchenco and fellow National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists, our sincere thanks for the alert to these further Arctic changes, despite their disturbing implications. May humanity respond quickly by choosing lifestyles that protect and cool our Earth. Addressing the increasingly dire conditions of the Arctic during an October 2009 videoconference in Germany, Supreme Master Ching Hai emphasized immediate measures that could preserve the ice and thus our planet.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : With melting that has caused the biggest ice loss ever known in the Arctic, scientists now tell us that the region is warming at a rate twice as fast as the rest of the world.

So the vast ice beneath Greenland is also melting even faster than previously predicted. Many researchers are saying that at the rate of current warming, there is almost no way for our world to stay within the limits of a 2 degree Celsius temperature rise, which is the maximum that will still ensure the safety of most life on the planet.

But even though our predicament is very grave, we do still have time if we act now. And the solution is still very simple. It’s the vegan diet - no animal products. This is the key. If everyone switches to this beneficial lifestyle, our planet will be cooled in no time, scientifically speaking and my promise.

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