Rising sea level erodes Solomon Islands food security - 16 Nov 2010  
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Rising sea level erodes Solomon Islands food security.
Residents of the Solomon Islands’ smaller, more remote islands are witnessing the effects of climate change as rising seas erode their islands. A cemetery, once 50 meters away from the sea, now stands 1 meter from the shoreline, and it is estimated that most houses along the shore will be washed away by 2015.
Sea water has also affected soil salinity, and staple crops like taro are slowly dying off.

Some children have stopped going to school because there is no food to eat, and residents have also lost a source of income because their crops are not substantial enough for them to sell at market.

National project coordinator of Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (Pacc) Casper Supa stated, “Our people need to eat a balanced diet and nutritional food, but with effects of rising sea level, food crops like taro in Ontong Java are dying. The coastal people depending on swamp taro and local ferns are losing their source of food due to the salinity of the swamp.” 

Our thoughts and prayers go out to residents of the Solomon Islands. May we all act swiftly to halt such distressing conditions, for the protection of Solomon Islanders and all those who are vulnerable to climate change.

In a July 2009 interview published in the Irish Sunday Independent, Supreme Master Ching Hai expressed her deep concern for the urgent plight of island nations due to encroaching sea levels.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: (Master coughs) half of the Bhola Island was swallowed by the rising sea leaving half a million people homeless, just like that, unable to farm and live as they used to. Salt water has also been invading farm lands in Egypt’s Nile River delta, where 32 million people reside, and in Âu Lạc’s (Vietnam) Mekong River Delta, home to at least 18 million.

These tragic examples are just a few of the many on our planet, and illustrate the urgent need to halt the effects of global warming, with the quickest way being to adopt the vegan organic diet, which is so simple and easy, as we have mentioned many times.

Populations of the Saimaa ringed seal in Finland, one the most endangered seals in the world, grow from just 10 to around 270 thanks to increased protection and conservation efforts by local residents.


US scientists studying a 370,000-year record of climate and vegetation changes in the Andean ecosystems find that if the current global temperature increases more than two degrees Celsius, parts of tree-covered Peru and Bolivia could become arid, desert-like regions.


At a Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry meeting in Oregon, USA, scientists warn that damaging substances such as pesticide residues and household chemicals may become even more toxic to fish, wildlife and humans due to the effects of global warming.
