
Batbayar : Mongolia undoubtedly is one of the countries most seriously affected by global warming. Over the past 60 years, the average temperature in Mongolia has risen more than twice as much as the global mean temperature.

Approximately 85 percent of our land surface in Mongolia has been degraded, mostly by wind and by human activities, including mining and livestock.

Greetings, green-living viewers, to today’s episode of Planet Earth: Our Loving Home where we examine how climate change is endangering Mongolia.

Mongolia, the world’s second-largest landlocked country, is particularly vulnerable to climate change due to its location and geography.

In the past 60 years the nation’s average temperature has risen 1.6 degrees Celsius. The Gobi Desert, the largest desert in all of Asia, makes up about 30% of its territory and the rest is largely vast, treeless, grassy plains, called the steppes.

Annual precipitation is around 50 millimeters in the desert regions, and 400 millimeters in the northern provinces. For the last 40 years, climate change has devastated Mongolia’s ecosystems,
as expanding deserts, extreme cold, heat waves, flooding, forest fires, sand storms, the melting of high mountain glaciers and permafrost degradation have intensified.

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