持純素是讓地球降溫最快的方法(四集之一)    第1集

Welcome to Planet Earth: Our Loving Home and today’s episode entitled Vegan:  The Fastest Way to a Cooler Planet

During this series, we will introduce you to current information on greenhouse-gas emissions, solutions for rapid planetary cooling and why a plant-based diet is the quickest, most inexpensive way to reduce emissions and stabilize the Earth’s temperature.  

In the past, efforts to mitigate global warming have focused almost exclusively on lowering carbon dioxide emissions. But we now know that although reducing CO2 is critical, even if the entire world switched to a zero-carbon economy and lifestyle today, it would take thousands of years for this gas to dissipate.  

Some scientists and government officials now recognize that limiting shorter-lived greenhouse gases such as methane and ozone, and other contributors to warming such as black carbon, released into the air from burning biomass and fossil fuels, can have a major influence in slowing planetary heating in a short amount of time.  As one climate scientist says, we need to reduce short-lived greenhouse gases today in order to ensure a livable planet for our children, and we need to reduce CO2 to ensure a livable planet for generations a few hundred years from now. 

Limiting these gases, particularly methane, is relatively inexpensive and rapid, whereas many of the technologies to reduce CO2 are either in their infancy or are costly and time consuming to integrate into the current infrastructure.

Scientific understanding of the role of livestock in accelerating global warming has increased as well.  Some researchers are beginning to recognize that livestock contributes much more to global greenhouse gas emissions than the 18 percent estimated by the 2006 United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization report “Livestock’s Long Shadow.”  Demand for beef directly contributes to the rapid melting of Antarctica due to the black carbon and other pollutants emitted into the atmosphere by livestock raising. 

Dr. James Hansen, one of the world’s preeminent climate scientists, recently stated that if Western Antarctica melts it could be one of the most frightening climate change tipping points of the 21st century.

 地球:我們可愛的家 持純素是讓地球降溫最快的方法(四集之一)
 地球:我們可愛的家 訪問帕卓里博士:全球的警訊:肉品生產與肉食對氣候變遷的影響(二集之一)
 地球:我們可愛的家 巴西綠色和平組織的紀錄片:氣候變遷對生活的影響(二集之一)(葡萄牙語)
 地球:我們可愛的家 不殺生的農耕:有機無土栽培(一)
 地球:我们可爱的家 拯救干地:COP10联合国抗沙漠化公约(1/3)
 地球:我們可愛的家 悠樂(越南)無須灌溉的旱作農耕
 地球:我們可愛的家 川口由一的自然耕種法(二集之一)(日文)
 Growing Fruits and Vegetables in Sand - One Story From Âu Lạc(Vietnam)
 地球:我們可愛的家 亞莉.米德布魯克介紹原生植物園的奇妙世界(二集之一)
 地球:我們可愛的家 炭火圖:氣候變遷科學家史帝芬.史耐德博士談地球的現況(二集之一)