
HOST: Environmentally aware viewers, welcome to today’s Planet Earth: Our Loving Home featuring the first in a two part series where we present excerpts of the documentary “±2°C – the Truth Formosa (Taiwan) Must Face.” The film focuses on the effects of climate change in Formosa (Taiwan) and was produced by famed Formosan (Taiwanese) television host Sisy Chen.

The documentary’s title refers to the goal adopted at the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark of preventing the Earth’s average global temperature from rising more than two degrees Celsius in the future as beyond this point runaway climate change will occur and endanger humankind’s survival.

Sisy : I think that each individual should try to adopt green energy technologies. It’s very important. I hope everyone can make an effort; I also hope that people won’t forget that 80% of his effort should be put into using our right to vote, telling our leaders, such as the legislators, the mayor or the president, “If you don’t make significant changes, you won’t get my vote.”

HOST: The film has received enormous attention in Formosa (Taiwan), with its February 22, 2010 premiere attended by heads of various government branches, top entrepreneurs, academics, celebrities, and volunteers from local environmental groups. More than a thousand people participated in the grand event.

The premiere was followed by a series of promotional activities in movie theaters, universities and other venues. The film’s producers are encouraging everyone to download and view the documentary free of charge from its official website.
It’s hoped that more than a million people in Formosa (Taiwan) will watch the film, thus increasing awareness about the urgent need to take action to halt climate change. We’ll now present part one of “±2°C – the Truth Formosa (Taiwan) Must Face.”

For more details on “±2°C – the Truth Formosa (Taiwan) Must Face,”
please visit
www.正負2度C.tw (xn--2c-692dw97bup4b.tw)
The film is available for download free of charge at the website
Or www.mepopedia.com/?page=394

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