
HOST: Greetings, eco-friendly viewers to today’s episode of Planet Earth: Our Loving Home featuring Finnish geophysicist and environmental advocate Veli Albert Kallio. Mr. Kallio has long dedicated himself to protecting marine and terrestrial ice in the Northern polar region.

 In 2005 he launched the Frozen Isthmuses Protection Campaign of the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans (FIPC) and led an international movement to regulate ice-reducing shipping practices. He is also a scientific ambassador of the Environmental Parliament, a UK-based community environmental action group. 

Recently subglacial volcanic eruptions, or those eruptions occurring below a glacier, have been occurring with increasing frequency with the acceleration of climate change.

For example, on March 20, 2010 Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull  volcano erupted, and on April 14, 2010 a second eruption occurred, scattering volcanic ash into the atmosphere and closing airspace across Europe.

In Iceland, glaciers and ice caps cover 11.1% of the land mass, most of which is located above volcanoes.   From April 20 to 22, 2010, the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth was held in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

More than 35,000 people from 140 countries, representing indigenous peoples, various social and environmental organizations and concerned citizens gathered to discuss solutions to global warming.

The final product of the discussions, “The People’s Agreement of Cochabamba” which outlines a new vision to address climate change was presented by Bolivia to the United Nations.

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