訪問基督復臨安息日會:單純的生活與神聖的生活準則(二集之一)    第1集

When God created the day, it was perfect, it was good. And God is a promoter of life.  The essence of God’s creative abilities communicates that – that God is all about giving life.

In fact, in John Chapter 10 in Verse 10, Jesus, when he was speaking, he says, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

HOST: Welcome, glorious viewers. We are glad to have you here with us on Our Noble Lineage. Today’s program will be the first of a 2-part program of “Diving Principles of Life and Pure Living,” featuring our conversation with two ministers from the Seventh-day Adventist Church in California, USA.

J(m): Halo, everyone. My name is Pastor Jay Rosario. I am a pastor here at Los Gatos Church.  And it is such a delight for me to be here to talk and discuss, and share a little bit of our views of healthy living.

HOST: Pastor Jay Rosario is joined by Mr. Raymond Ruckle, who is the Church’s organist, pianist, and Sunday school teacher. The Seventh-day Adventist Church is distinguished by its observance of the Sabbath on Saturdays.

According to the Bible, God created Heaven and Earth, humanity, and animals in six days. On the seventh day, he rested to develop a relationship with Adam and Eve.

Therefore, the Sabbath, which means “rest,” is supposed to be the time we spend with our Creator and our brethren. As Pastor Rosario explains:

J(m): Well the reason why we observe Saturdays the seventh day, and on Sunday the first day, is because the Bible mentions that it’s the seventh day of the week.

In fact, in Luke Chapter 23 in the New Testament, He tells that after the Sabbath, the first day of the week, Jesus raised from the tomb.

So right there you see that Sabbath comes before the first day of the week. First day of the week is of course Sunday; Jesus resurrected on Sunday.

Please visit LosGatos.AdventistFaith.org for more information on the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Los Gatos, California, USA

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