
Hallo, caring viewers, and welcome to Good People, Good Works.
Today’s program features Ms. Geri Weis-Corbley, founder and managing editor of the Good News Network, a website that presents only positive and inspirational news from around the world.

Scientists have discovered that watching or reading negative news can have a lingering, detrimental effect on our psychological well-being.

In his recent book about the influence of the media, Professor Emeritus of English History Dr. C. John Sommerville at the University of Florida, USA discusses the consequences of hearing or reading negative news. He states that such kinds of information can induce feelings of sadness, anger and hopelessness
and recommends that, in particular, we should avoid watching troubling news first thingin the morning or just before going to bed.

If we leave the house or go to sleep with this perspective, we are more likely to focus on the negative things that happen in our everyday lives.

But what can we do instead? The easiest solution is to watch or read primarily upbeat and happy news stories.

Not only do they cheer us, but they also motivate us to be better people. Where can we find such stories? At present, the best source is the Internet.

Many websites filled with happy, optimistic news reports are now springing up. With names such as Global Good News, Positive News, Happy News and Daily Good, these wonderful sites disseminate only cheerful, uplifting information to their readers.

Supreme Master Television’s own Noteworthy News is also a terrific example of where constructive stories can also be found.

The Good News Network was founded in 1997 by Ms. Geri Weis-Corbley of the United States with the objective of providing positive news to encourage readers to live happier, healthier, wealthier and wiser lives.

Ms. Weis-Corbley, who is also managing editor of the Network, shares with us why she started this laudable project.


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