
Mr. Mazari (m): I want Afghanistan to be a peaceful country. We have wonderful hospitality in Afghanistan. We have good customs. We have a good culture. I have a dream for Afghanistan to have a good educational system, good health services and for all to live in peace in Afghanistan.

HOST (IN DARI): Welcome, gracious viewers, to another edition of Good People, Good Works. Today we are delighted to introduce Mr. Najaf Mazari, the altruistic Afghan founder of the compassionate Mazar Development Fund, a grassroots non-profit organization based in Melbourne, Australia. The Fund, created in 2007, seeks to financially support those non-governmental organizations providing health services and educational opportunities to residents of Mr. Mazari’s hometown of Mazar-e-Sharif, the fourth largest city in Afghanistan.

Mazar-e-Sharif is famous in the country for being the site of the revered Shrine of Hazrat Ali or the Blue Mosque which was built in the 15th century.   Let us now meet the friendly Mr. Mazari who has lived in Australia since 2001.

For more details on the Mazar Development Fund,
please visit: www.MazarDevelopmentFund.org.au
“The Rugmaker of Mazar-e-Sharif” is available at

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