
Derek Goodwin (m): We’re going where there’s people that aren’t vegan and the Bus will attract their attention and we’re going to be handing out vegan donuts that we baked last night, and handing out literature and hopefully get a few people thinking.

HOST: Gather around, loving viewers! On this week’s edition of Good People, Good Works we board the comfortable and inviting Vegan Bus. The Vegan Bus project is a group of activists, artists and speakers who travel around in a school bus that uses vegetable oil as fuel with the mission to increase public awareness about the links between a lifestyle free of animal products, health and sustainability.

Based in Northampton, Massachusetts, USA the project was started by Evolvegan, an organization that is also responsible for Vegan Radio, a podcast about veganism, vegans, animal rights, and living a cruelty-free lifestyle and Veganica, an on-line gallery space for artists who are vegetarian or vegan to display their work.
Derek Goodwin is the founder and president of Evolvegan as well as The Vegan Bus’ driver.

Derek Goodwin (m): Um, The bus is a vehicle of transformation. We use it to go places, talk about veganism and talk about sustainability issues with food and with other resources like fuel.
The bus runs on waste vegetable oil, which we collect from restaurants, and so that’s always a good conversation starter. And just having a bus always makes people look and get happy and start talking.

For more details on The Vegan Bus, please visit: TheVeganBus.com
For information on other Evolvegan projects please visit the following websites:
Vegan Radio

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