
Yang (m): Everyone in this world should know one thing: that is, no matter how much money we have, we cannot take one penny with us when we die. Therefore, when we are alive,instead of seeking material wealth, we should be kind and helpful to the less fortunate people in this world, and then we can achieve greatness in our lives.

HOST: Earth-loving viewers, welcome to Good People, Good Works. Today’s program features Dr. Wender Yang of Formosa (Taiwan) who is the president and founder of the non-profit HIMA Foundation.

The Foundation is responsible for the New Loulan Project that seeks to revive a thriving green oasis that once existed in the ancient past of in Xinjiang, China’s Taklimakan Desert.

Approximately 2,000 years ago, Loulan was a prosperous city-state that supported much life and featured a vibrant culture. Located along the historic Silk Road, it once was a prominent economic hub and connected China, the Mediterranean and Europe.

Dr. Yang (m): The desert in Xinjiang is at the west end of China. Taklamakan Desert began to desertify around 2,000 years ago and it continues to expand with the speed of 168 square kilometers per year so far. The condition of desertification is very serious.

For more details on the New Loulan Project,please visit

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