
Welcome to Good People, Good Works on Supreme Master Television.
On today’s show we will visit Sikhcess, a non-profit charitable organization founded on the principles of kindness and care for others.

Let’s learn more about this special group from Mr. Jason Singh, Chicago City Coordinator for the Chicago, Illinois, USA chapter of Sikhcess.

Jason Singh (m): Ok, well Sikhcess was started in January 2007. It was basically started in Vancouver, Canada. A group of individuals felt they needed to bring the Indo- Canadian youth out and have them do something beyond themselves.

For that reason an individual by the name of Jay Singh put together an idea where he was going to distribute 15,000 food packages within a nine-month time frame. He gathered a lot of young adults as well as older individuals and they went on the streets of Vancouver with that direct aim of getting out there and providing food packages for the homeless.

They were able to get the help of a lot of the community there, and they were able to actually exceed their goal of 15,000 and they distributed 20,000 packages within a nine-month time frame. So that’s basically where Sikhcess started. The individual as I mentioned, Jay Singh, gathered other people
throughout different cities and people took interest, and that is where the movement has initiated from.

Sikhcess is inspired by two things. One thing is the human feeling of helping people. Everybody has that feeling, no matter if you’re a Sikh or what you are. But this comes from Sikhism, which is our religion,
founded by our first Guru, which is Guru Nanak Dev Ji. A basic principle of Sikhism is to give, to help humankind, no matter what religion they are, no matter what gender they are, always treat everybody equal.

In his teachings Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave much importance to performing 『seva』 or selfless service. In the Guru Granth Sahib, the sacred script-xure of Sikhism, Guru Nanak says, 『One who performs selfless service without thought of reward shall attain his Lord and Master.』 Furthermore Guru Nanak stated, 『You shall
find peace doing seva.』 Seva is instilled from a young age at the gurdwara or Sikh temple.

Jason Singh(m): For our Feed The Homeless Campaign, we usually gather at our Gurdwara Sahib in Palatine, Illinois. We are always getting new members, but we’ll consistently have about 200 to 250. Friday we’ll get together, no matter if you are old, young, you are male, female, they are all there, and we will put the food packages together.

We’ve done peanut butter-jelly sandwiches. We’ve done vegetarian burritos. In each package we’ll have a dessert item as well as a beverage.

For more information on Sikhcess please visit

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