健康生活 泰瑞.梅森醫師與「重新出發」運動(二集之一)   
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Hallo, treasured friends. This is Healthy Living on Supreme Master Television.
Dr. Terry Mason is Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Public Health in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

He is also Chief Urologist at Mercy Hospital in the same city and serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Urology at the University of Illinois. His dedicated, tireless contributions to society have won him many awards including the Outstanding Young Doctor Award from Dollars and Sense magazine, the Nigerian-American Forum's Distinguished Persons award, and the Monarch Awards’
Foundation Men in Medicine Award.

In addition to his important work responsibilities, Dr. Mason is actively involved in serving his community in his free time. He has hosted Doctor in the House, a health-oriented talk show on the Chicago radio station WVON for 15 years.

Dr. Mason also leads the annual “Restart” or “Meatless January” campaign, which calls on Chicagoans to go completely meat-free during the first month of the year.

At the beginning of 2009, on Doctor in the House, he pledged that he would not eat meat during January.He also told his listeners, “I’m going to focus on eating a healthy and delicious variety of fresh vegetables and fresh fruit… and I want you to do the same.” Dr. Mason’s initiative is now in its fourth year.
The program encourages everyone to stop unhealthy eating habits and to “re-start” their systems by making smart food choices. 
Dr Mason’s five quick tips to “re-start” are as follows:
1. Stop eating meat for one month;
2. Drink plenty of water;
3. Eat more vegetables than anything else;
4. Eat fruits every day and 5. Allow your food to be digested properly and be eliminated frequently.

There was a delightful surprise this year as Dr. Mason decided to continue abstaining from meat even after January.

Our Supreme Master Television correspondent recently interviewed Dr. Mason about his campaign and his recommendations for a lifestyle featuring healthy eating.

For more details on Dr. Terry Mason and the Meatless January campaign, please visit

To listen to Dr. Mason's weekly Sunday radio show, please visit

To contact him, please email

健康生活 邁克‧安德森:RAVE飲食(二集之一)
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健康生活 艾瑞克史萊維奇醫師談純素飲食的營養(二集之一)(葡萄牙語)
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健康生活 哥林‧坎貝爾博士的《中國研究》:吃純素降低患病率(一)
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