與清海無上師的視訊會議:SOS拯救地球 3/6/2009(六集之一)墨西哥沙拉巴市    第3集
第1集 Play with windows media ( 97 MB )
第2集 Play with windows media ( 123 MB )
第3集 Play with windows media ( 105 MB )
第4集 Play with windows media ( 96 MB )
第5集 Play with windows media ( 83 MB )
第6集 Play with windows media

Concerned about the critical state of the planet caused by climate change,Association members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association in Mexico organized the SOS: Save the Planet conference in Xalapa, the capital city of the State of Veracruz, also known as “The Athens of Veracruz.”
On March 6, over 1,000 concerned Xalapenos, government officials, and dignitaries attended the conference to join in the discussion on the latest issues and key solutions to mitigate the planet’s climate crisis.

Supreme Master Ching Hai graciously accepted the invitation as guest of honor to share her insights during the forum via videoconference. Prominent guest speakers were the Honorable Fidel Herrera Beltrán, Governor of Veracruz State, and His Honor David Velasco Chedraui, Mayor of Xalapa. Also present were Mariana Munguía de Velasco, President of Xalapa’s Municipal Family Integral Development (DIF); Mr. Ranulfo Marquez Hernández, Civil Protection Secretary of the State; Mr. Víctor Alvarado Martínez, Coordinator of the Program “Tú Decides” (You Decide) with the state’s DIF; Mr. Elfego Riveros Hernández, Communication and Journalism Director of Radio Teocelo; Mr. Oscar Pedro Reyes Castelán, journalist and president of “El Centinela” newspaper;and Nominjin, one of the most famous singer-songwriters in Mongolia.

European Parliament Vice President Mr. McMillan-Scott, Senator Heherson Alvarez from the Philippines, and Legislator Tien Chiu Chin from Formosa (Taiwan) also lent their support by sending their greeting messages to Supreme Master Ching Hai and the conference’s participants.

The SOS: Save the Planet was broadcast live by the local station, Oliva Radio on 95.5 FM. We now invite you to join us for the rebroadcast of the “Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai: SOS: Save the Planet,” held on March 6, 2009 in Xalapa, Mexico.

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「遏止全球暖化:馬上行動」與清海無上師的視訊會議 10/11/2008 泰國(英語、泰語)
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SOS:遏止全球暖化研討會(一) 二○○八年六月廿七日 日本東京 (英語、日語)
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氣候變遷國際會議 (1) 美國加州西好萊塢 7/26/2008 (英語)
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「二○○八拯救地球關鍵時刻:我可以怎麼做?」視訊會議 (1) 6/29/2008 福爾摩沙 (中文、英語)
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「緊急求救!全球暖化國際會議」視訊重播:特別嘉賓清海無上師 (1) 5/22/2008 韓國
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