Trust in Nature's Cure with Dr. Zarin Azar (In Persian)   
第1集 Play with windows media ( 48 MB )
第2集 Play with windows media ( 55 MB )

Welcome, marvelous viewers, to this week’s edition of Healthy Living, the first in a two-part series featuring the dietary and nutritional views of Iranian-American, raw vegan physician Dr. Zarin Azar of San Diego, California USA.

Dr. Azar specializes in gastroenterology, the study and treatment of the digestive tract and hepatology, the study and treatment of the liver. Besides her training in these nutrition-related specialties, Dr. Azar has 25-years of self study in the area and is a Life Member of the National Health Association and a Life Partner of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), both of which advocate the vegan lifestyle.

She is certified by the PCRM in the use of the plant-based diet in clinical practice and by Our Place International in natural care of the body and fasting.
Let’s now find out why she chose to adopt the plant-based diet.

To contact Dr. Zarin Azar, please email:

健康生活 纯素饮食是正确的起跑点:孕期母子均安的建议(2集之2)
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健康生活 優質飲食,優質生活:三位名醫的忠告
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健康生活 尼爾巴納德醫生:飲食正確可抗癌(八集之一)
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健康生活 麥克‧克拉柏醫生談標準美式飲食的危害(二集之一)
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健康生活 傑佛瑞.史密斯談基因改造食品之害(二集之一)
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健康生活 馬克.卡茲醫師談心臟健康與純素飲食
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健康生活 史帝夫‧布雷克醫生談明智的飲食方式(二集之一)
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健康生活 人類是草食動物:專訪威廉.克利佛德.羅伯特醫生
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健康生活 食物是良藥:智利營養學家妮爾巴.維拉葛倫(二集之一)(西班牙語)
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