地球:我們可愛的家 二○一○世界海洋日:保護地球藍色的心臟   
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Philippe Cousteau (m):  No matter where we live, on the coast uh, or inland, uh, the oceans are important to all of us every day.

HOST: Observed from space, our Earth is seen as predominantly blue, due to the immense oceans which cover 71% of our planet’s surface. Although 97% of Earth’s water is in the oceans, an incredible 95% of this vast marine world has yet to be explored. The importance of the oceans is highlighted by the United Nations declaring June 8th of each year as World Oceans Day.

Supreme Master Ching Hai explained the importance of our oceans and the need to conserve this vital life supporting system during a May 2009 videoconference in Togo.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Balanced marine ecosystems are extremely important, as more than two-thirds of the planet is covered by oceans. They provide half of the world’s oxygen and play a major part in regulating the global climate.

So, life on Earth truly depends very much on the ocean for survival. In addition, oceans also absorb atmospheric CO2 – carbon dioxide – which directly helps to cool our planet.

These are just a few among the great things that the oceans do. To disturb the balance of the seas, thus, ultimately places our own lives in danger. So, we could say that it is in our interest to care for the oceans if we want to survive, and all the life that they contain, including fish.

HOST: From the majestic blue whales to the playful dolphins, giant seaweed to colorful coral reefs, the oceans are home to nearly half of all known living species on Earth. They play an integral role in our biosphere by regulating the climate and weather.

Dr Ward (m): There's a lot of current systems in the ocean. What the oceans are trying to do is simply equilibrate heat.

Leandra Gonçalves (f): When healthy, when well preserved, protected; the oceans are responsible for absorbing up to 70% of all carbon dioxide gas present in the planet’s atmosphere.

Normally, society looks at the seas and sees that beauty, very beautiful, everything very blue and it really seems as if everything is very clean and healthy. But the truth is very different.

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地球:我們可愛的家 畜牧業造成全球生物多樣性快速消失
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