美好人,美好事 擁護女權的尼泊爾母親之家(尼泊爾語)   
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Anuradha Koirala (f): Mother Teresa, I always used to meet her and she said, “Continue all your work, don’t stop your work.”

HOST (IN NEPALI): Hallo, enlightened viewers, and welcome to today’s Good People, Good Works. Our program features Maiti Nepal, a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of women’s rights in Nepal.

Maiti Nepal was established by a group of caring teachers, journalists and social workers in November 1993. It provides a warm shelter for women and girls who have been victims of human trafficking, abuse and neglect by their families, and exploitation.

Besides pursuing the legal rights of those it helps, Maiti Nepal also provides loving encouragement and support such as teaching basic reading and writing and vocational skills to enable clients to start a bright new life.

Due to the tireless efforts of Maiti Nepal, the issue of human trafficking has received much attention and concern from the public and the Nepali government.

In recognition of its outstanding contributions to the protection of girls, the World’s Children’s Prize for the Rights of the Child was awarded to the group in 2002.

Ms. Anuradha Koirala is the founder and chairperson of the organization. She now discusses the evolution of Maiti Nepal and its efforts to protect women’s rights over the years.

Anuradha Koirala (f): I used to go to Pashupatinath, that is a temple, and I used to see women begging; very healthy women begging with lots of children. And I asked them, “Why are you on the street?

Why are you begging? You are so healthy. And the begging time is only three hours in the morning and two hours in the evening. What happened to you? Why do you beg?” They always told me that my husband
married another woman or my husband died and then my in-laws kicked me out of the house or my husband ran away with another woman and that is why I’m on the street today.

HOST: Learning of the desperate circumstances of these women, Ms. Koirala began to think how she could help them become independent and lead dignified lives.

For more details on Maiti Nepal please visit www.MaitiNepal.org

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