素食菁英 作者暨插畫家露比‧羅斯:彰顯真理與慈悲(二集之一)    第1集
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Little girl(f): The fish and the pigs are my favorite because I like them a lot.
Woman(f): And what is the book about?
Little girl(f): About animals.
Woman(f): And what about animals?
Little girl(f): Why we don’t eat them.
Woman(f): Yeah.
Why don't we eat them?
Little girl(f): Because we love animals. Because they, because they don't like to get eaten.

“Where adults are more firmly entrenched in their ways, children need only the slightest insights and guidance, and off they soar into the direction of a more conscious and kind way of living.
This book will help to create the much needed healers and leaders of tomorrow.”
~ Kathy Freston

HOST: Hallo, shining viewers, and welcome to Vegetarian Elite. Today, we are delighted to introduce children’s book author and illustrator, Ms. Ruby Roth.

The 27-year-old American former elementary school art teacher, who dares to rattle the unwritten convention of systematically giving children sugarcoated stories, has brought to the public the truth-telling and heart-changing book, simply entitled: “That’s Why We Don't Eat Animals.” Since its launch recently, Ruby’s book has been a popular topic of discussion, winning favorable reviews by notable people like bestselling author Kathy Freston, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dr. Jane Goodall, and Ingrid Newkirk, the president and co-founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

To read more about author and illustrator Rby Roth and her beautifu book
"That's Why We Don't Eat Animals,"
please visit:www.wedonteatanimals.com

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