善心能改變命運(二集之一)(悠樂語)    第1集

The film 『A Good Heart Changes Fortune』was adapted from an ancient Buddhist tale about a hard-working and kindhearted young man with an unfortunate fate. The story is a reminder of the unfolding of the law of cause and effect in the present life in which a person’s deeds could alter his or her past life’s karma right in this existence.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the film 『A Good Heart Changes Fortune,』 written by screenwriter Nguyên Chơn, directed by Châu Minh Xuyến,and produced by Hoằng Pháp Temple.
This film will be aired in 2 episodes,with performances by Quách Khoa Nam as Hưng Nhi and Hưng Bang,Mai Thành as Mr. Hai Thịnh,Uyên Trinh as Mrs. Hai Thịnh,Bích Trâm as Miss Mỵ,Trương Hoàng Long as Mr. Nghị Thanh,Diễm Kiều as Mrs. Nghị Thanh,Hữu Thành as Mr. Bửu,Lê Cường as Household Manager,and other artists.

 全球首映《皇帝與百官》第一集" 由清海無上師編導的歷史大劇(九集之一)
 悠樂電影: 《覺醒》(三集之一)(悠樂語)