To Disclose One's Inner Power   

* Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, before we start with this Quan Yin method's conference we will have an offering of fruits and flowers.

Ladies and gentlemen,let's welcome the Grand Supreme Master Ching Hai.
May I ask you to close your eyes for a few moments to remember God's love and blessing on us. We thank God for everything Hes has bestowed upon us,be it happiness or sorrow; happiness is to encourage us,sorrow is to clean us. Amen!Thank you.
My dear friends,I feel like I am coming home - I came home - because of the love you have showered upon me these days,since I arrived in Costa Rica,by so-called strangers on the streets,by the children in the schools,by the passengers on the bus,by the clients in the restaurants. I feel I know everyone in Costa Rica because they all know me. I feel that God has loved us so much these days. I feel God has united us in a very invisible and loving way.
I'm filled with such a very rare sentiment that I am surprised also at myself. I could let my tears roll down,but I saved it. Because if the tears come out,it lessens the intense… I like to enjoy it,the blessings that I cannot speak of. I think you also feel the same way. I hope you do. Do you?Now I want to break the sentiment and tell you some nice stories,otherwise,I'll just keep silent and may cry here for two hours. Then you'd come home,wonder,"What kind of Master is that?- came all this way and cried; didn't say anything.』
Maybe that is the best way,too. But I think we react in a normal way,it's more familiar to our human standard. That is,to speak something in response to the audience's expectation. I will try my best to explain something that is inexplicable. I will try to tell something that is not easy to convey in the human language,through stories,through examples,and through my own inner realization. Today,there was a very nice journalist who came for interview. He asked me,but also confirming something. He said, 『Through the ages,God sent many messengers on Earth to convey Hiers love,message,Truth,and commandments to mankind,but not many people understand and follow.』
So he was in the kind of… questioning me,how would I do my job. And then I said to him, 『Whether the people listen or not,they are doing some part of God's will on Earth.』There are some who are not ready to go Home. Their jobs are unfinished,so they might not listen to me. That doesn't mean they are bad. It is that they have not finished their work here,so by God's will they feel attached,loved,and bound by this world's entertainments,wealths,pleasures,jobs,duties or affections.
Those who are completed with their duties on Earth,they will want,they will yearn,to go Home;they will long to go back to God,the Kingdom of God,and they will understand,they will follow my message. Because these people,they feel tired of this world. They feel they don't need to do any more things here. The only thing they want is to go back to God,to the original of all things.So these people,I will help them to realize their goal. This is my sole purpose, my only duty,to bring people back to the Kingdom of God. 
Other people,they have their other duties,but my only duty is just to bring the ready souls back Home to the Father,from where they have come from. So I do not mind if others don't follow. I will not feel disturbed. I will not feel angryor disturbed or disillusioned even if people scold,disrespect or disbelieve my words. Because these people have not yet anything to do with me and my mission,so just they don't understand. In the future,in many lifetimes to come,hundreds of years later,thousands of years later,they will understand. It is,for example,when Buddha or Jesus were alive,their messages were not always all welcomed by everyone,of that present periods of time.
But look at how many followers they have now,how much reverence and respect paid to them over thousands of years. Just like when the children grow up,they understand something that they did not understand when they were younger. To go back to God,we say we have already many methods: we love our neighbors; we love our enemies; we do charity work; we go to the church on Sunday; we say our prayers every morning,every night,or we meditate; we call the name of Jesus,of the saints; we read the beads,recite,read the beads,etc.; or we fast,we do pilgrimages. So we say,『What is it that Ching Hai wants to tell us?
We know everything already.』No?Yes?You know everything already,no?Some say yes,some say no. "Yes,we know," and "No,we don't." Yes,we know,because we know there is God. There must be a God,or a great force,greater than our own mortal understanding could ever imagine. We know there is one. And 『yes,』because we try now and again,sometimes sincerely,sometimes mechanically,to reach that power,that top almighty force.
But 『no,』because most of our sincerity is lost in the busy schedule of working and in the vexations of daily pressures. So,despite our effort and time-consuming prayers and meditations and reciting names and scriptures,we do not reach God,or very,very,very seldom reach God. So sometimes our effort goes to waste. And we sometimes long to see and to know what is really God,what God really looks like,what Hes is like,and we long to know, 『How is it,such a loving God would send us so many miseries and troubles?』Yes?
Okay,so I also have no answer for you,but I have one way to show you how to find Hirm and then you might grab Hiers beard and ask Hirm yourself. Yes,you will ask Hirm,"Why?" You can stamp your feet like an angry child with the Father,『Why?Everyone told me that You are love,God is love,God is merciful and so forth,but why the Earth is so full of misery?』Would you like to do?You can ask Hirm directly,because if I use my own interpretation you may not believe it.
I have asked Hirm and Hes has answered me; Hes told me many secrets. Some of it I can share with you,some of it I have no words for it. Because some of them are understandable and can be grasped by our human understanding and can be expressed by our human language,but some of them are impossible.
We don't have human language for such conscious level,for such experience,for such inner realization. So the only thing is to invite you to explore them yourself. Because if I keep telling about the impossible levels of consciousness and realization,I'll spoil the real meaning,the powerful meaning,of it. Now,there are many kinds of methods to reach God. We have heard people Say or we have read books about them.
Now,all of them are useful to some extent,and then we use any of these kinds,we may reach many different levels of consciousness and be near to God in different degree. But why is that we say that the Quan Yin Method or the method of contacting God's Light and God's Word - the 『Word』in the Bible,the Sound - is supposed to be the best?
Because it offers us the immediate release from our sufferings,from our mental struggle. It releases us immediately of the pressure from the so-called burden of sins,of the original sins,and lets us feel immediate release,immediately in the presence of God,because this method is the most powerful.
You see,why is it that the Quan Yin Method offers us such a forceful,powerful,immediate enlightened result? Because this is our own power,the inborn nature of God,or we call the Buddha Nature. We awaken the inborn nature,our real power,our self power,not relying on any outside source. This is what the Buddha said,"Rely on the Self,and not anyone else." The Self means the Buddha Nature. The great Self not this mortal self. Yes,the real Self.
This is what we call in Christian terminology "the Kingdom of God within us," or the essence of God which is inborn within us, because in the Bible it is said God made man in Hiers own image. That means we are having the essence of God,we are equal with God,in the inner way of speaking. 
Why,if we are equal with God… Or if we are born,at least we are the children of God. If we dare not say we are equal to God,then we may say we are the children of God. Why is God so glorious and so aloof,so loving,so beautiful and so adored by everyone?And why are we grovelling in this world with all kinds of unavoidable pains and sorrows?
It is because we are too busy outside,grabbing something,doing something,thinking something,planning something,and we forget to rest,to surrender and let the inner God essence,the inner real soul,the inner real man,the real Self,work for us; forget to let it help for us,forget to use our own most powerful power source,the force inside,that is the Kingdom of God or the God essence or the image of God or the Buddha Nature,etc.  
Because this,God has placed within us. Hes did not forget to give us this life-saving power when Hes made us. It is just that we forgot that it exists. We only use the outer shell of the Self,we don't use the real Self. For example,the car is unmoving and stays on the roadside; the driver is sleeping or drunk inside.
Now what we have to do is waken the driver up or give him some waking medicine or some cold water to shake him out of his drowsiness and then he will drive the car away. But what we do is we push the car. The car is all closed up,the driver's sleeping,the engine's not started,and we push and push and push and then we lament that the car is so heavy,so impossible to handle,that the car is lousy,and that the carmaker is also Lousy and the brand of the car is lousy and we'd never buy that kind of car again.
Because we are tired after pushing so much. Now,if everyone in a normal sense,an adult person,sees anyone or the children doing these things,of course we'd think these children are unwise,not knowing the logic. He would come and say,"Hey,children," or "Hey,you people!Don't do that!Just stop. Be quiet,wake the driver up,and he does everything.』The same happens with the saints.
When the saints,or the people who practiced very diligently and have reached God realization,they see things very clearly and in a logical way,and then they will help the people to know the right way to do things; use the shortest time,use the least effort,and get the highest result. He just helps us to wake the drivers within us up and then we don't need to push the car. We could even sit in it and enjoy.
So all the miseries and troubles in the world arise because we do not wake up the real Self. And then we work hard,we think a lot,and we use so many ways to push the works in this world with our own limited power and limited physical strength,and also with our limited intelligence. Therefore,we know,even though we have graduated from the best universties in the world we are not completely wise,because wisdom and intelligence are two different things.

When the saints,or the people who practiced very diligently and have reached God realization,they see things very clearly and in a logical way,and then they will help the people to know the right way to do things; use the shortest time,use the least effort,and get the highest result. He just helps us to wake the drivers within us up and then we don't need to push the car. We could even sit in it and enjoy.
So all the miseries and troubles in the world arise because we do not wake up the real Self. And then we work hard,we think a lot,and we use so many ways to push the works in this world with our own limited power and limited physical strength,and also with our limited intelligence. Therefore,we know,even though we have graduated from the best universties in the world we are not completely wise,because wisdom and intelligence are two different things.

So,the same with intellectual wrestling. We may debate hours and days on God,but we may not know God. That is intellectual. We know how to speak,we know how to form a sentence in order to debate,but we do not know the essence of what we really talk about. The wisdom is that we know; we don't talk. We don't even need to talk about it,except when we have the mission to convey some part of it to benefit the human beings at large. But then,it is not done through language alone.
When we use language,we can only impart about twenty or thirty percent of the Truth that we ourselves realized within. But we can also use the eyes,we can also use the invisible love,we can also use our healing energies to touch the hearts of the listeners,to make them feel relaxed and have faith in God again. Heal some of their sorrow that's inflicted by the pressures of the world; heal some of their doubts about the existence of God; heal some of the doubt they have about their own Self,about the real power that exists within their own inner Kingdom.
Some of them could even get healed physically also,just by our look,by our speech,and by our energy of love. These are a small part of the benefits that we can get from God realizationnot only for ourselves but to benefit anyone that comes near to us. So then we will have not so much sorrow and we will know every secret of the universe: Why such and such thing happen,why so-and-so are poor,so-and-so are rich,so-and-so are happy,so-and-so are miserable. Then accordingly we will heal them.
We answer them in silence by the inner force of God. Because we and God become one,like Jesus said,『I and my Father are one.』And when you are one with Godthere is nothing you cannot dothere is nothing you do not understandthere is nothing you cannot accomplish. You know everything you are everywhere,but you don't know anything and you are not anywhere. But these things are to be understood innerly,not even to be spoken of. Because when I speak like that,you feel," What is that to know and not to know,to be and not to be?" But Jesus has said the same thing. He said,"I work," and then he said," No,not Ibut God works through me." And Saint Paul also said,"I live. No,not I,but Christ lives in me,』because these peoplethese saintsthey lose sense of egothe sense of individual I .They just became God Hirmself. 
When Jesus said,"I and my Father are one," it doesn't mean he is very arrogant. When he declared that 『I am the son of God,』he was not proud. He only stated the truth. Just like when you graduate from medical college,you become a doctor,a physician,and you say,"I am a physician." But yet we are surprised. Now and again we are surprised by the reactions of our own brothers and sisters in this world. If someone graduated and became a physician,and he says so,then no one blames him. Or if someone gets married to someone and says,"Now I am a husband," no one says anything about that.
Everyone would come to say,"Congratulations!" No?But when someone like Jesus or Buddha declares that they have become one with God,they have married themselves to God,that they and God are one,『I and my Father are one,』people throw stones at them. Aren't we surprised?We should know that there are many studies in this world. Some study medicine,some study engineering,some study law,some study architecture,agriculture,like this college offers. And after they graduate,for example,from this college,they become engineers,so they say,"Okay,I am an engineer. I can fix such and such machine. I can make such and such things." But there are some metaphysical studies which we also ought to know,just like how to know the invisible power of the Self,of God,how to travel from one planet to another without using any aircraft. This is also a kind of science.
And in the beginning of times,there have been always schools to instruct people in this science. It is just because these are metaphysical things,therefore there is no Ph.D.,no doctor degree,no certificate of graduation; therefore,it is hard for us to know who has graduated and who has not. But we can know by their own power of speech or the vibration of love and the forceful energies that they emit from their own personality. We can know also by checking their own Life style,by feeling their sincerity,and by praying to God to indicate to us,"Is that the real one that was sent by You?" If we are pure in our hearts and sincere enough in our requestGod will answerand we will feel certain who is the onethe real messenger from God. 
If the people who lived in the era of Jesus and Buddha had taken time and patience to do so,they would not have objected to the Buddha's or Christ's mission. But being ignorant and being accustomed to a violent and unvirtuous way of life,they have not taken the time and patience required to verify a God person,I mean,a God-realized person. In our modern times,we may even have less time to do so. So the best way is to pray to God,and to ask that person if they can give us any proof of God's existence,and immediately,not waiting many years of testing and devotion of discipleship. Because in the old times the masters,the so-called masters or the messengers from God,were very difficult to get,difficult to locate,and difficult to extract something from them.
So we heard often stories of many people who'd go to a master or a saint and served them many years before they even disclosed some inner secrets. But today,we have no time for that. We can't go to the mountain,the ashram,and climb the hills and cross the rivers to find the masters and then stay thereand get scolded and beatenand abused for many years and then get some enlightenment. Too expensive!Children,kids and wives - no one looks. In the old times,the children,the wives,if left by husbands,they may be able to survive themselves,by working in some rich house,or by begging on the street,by farming,doing some simple work,handwork,etc.
But in these modern times,if you left your wife and children behind,I am sure they would die. Because the house you have to rent; you can't just live anywhere like before. In the olden times,even if you didn't have a house,you could just camp a hut on a street or in the field,anywhere,nobody would bother you. But today,everywhere is owned by someone; you can't just walk around everywhere,and camp anywhere you like and live a primitive life. Today,not everyone can afford to have servants at home. So,it's difficult to find a job. In our times we are very civilized: we have so many things,we have so many material comforts,but then we have to work hard for them,work harder than in the ancient times in order to obtain these comforts. And the more we are comfortable,the more we have to work.
Sometimes because of our position,we couldn't have a Nissan,we must have a Mercedes-Benz; we couldn't just live in a rural area,we have to live in a very posh area. According to our prestige in the society,we must afford these luxuries. we have prestige,we have to pay for the expensive car - maybe on a monthly basis - and the house we rent in a very expensive area,also costs a lot. Because of these expenses we could never leave our position; we have to cling to that position in order to afford these luxuries.
We are afraid to lose our job; we are slaves to our position. And then if we don't have these luxuries,we could not have this position. So our money earned,mostly is paid,gone,in order to keep the position and the luxury. So we are 『double locked.』Like that,nowadays,we are in a difficult position to feel free of burdens and pressures. If we just live in a very…smaller house,and also beautiful looking,and have a cheaper car,maybe we wouldn't need to work so hard. In 10 or 20 years we can retire and then enjoy some leisure time and hobbies. But because we want to have,equally,representations of our job and our fame,we have to run along with it and work longer years in order to keep up the appearance.
We cannot run away from it because we are already in it. Just like on the back of the tiger,we have to keep holding on to his neck and run with him. Sometimes we know it is terrible and we want to stop,but we could not,and that is how our civilization has bound us also,very tightly,with the comfort it offers to us. Now,『All this we know already. Why she had to tell us?』

But I want to offer a solution to this,therefore,I talk about this. Along with this game,we must have another exit - means the way out. Now,we don't have to give up the position,we don't have to give up the luxury; but we can give up the pressures that get a hold onto our neck and make us uneasy,uncomfortable. That iswe find the release in the presence of God.

We are in the presence of God already. It's just that we do not recognize it,so we feel the burden of being separate,of being alone,with all this pressure in the world. My intention is that we can get a glimpse or some glimpses of this presence of God,and reassure ourselves of Hiers help and love and advice.
Thereforeyou are offered this method to be in direct contact with God againand every day and in every minute of your life you'll never be out of the presence of God again. Or you will never forget again the most powerful sustaining force in the universewhich also sustains you every minute of your lifeafter that realization,after the enlightenment,after the direct contact with God power. Then because of this overpowering loveoverwhelming lovewe will not have any more of the pressure that we presently feel. We still enjoy our positionwe still enjoy our luxurybut without burdenand then we really know God is truly loveGod truly gives only comfort. 
If at this moment Hes gives us some sorrow,it is to remind us of the ephemeral nature,to remind us that we have to get back into the safety of the fortress of the Kingdom of God. Anytime we forget God again,Hes will remind us. Hes reminds us in a gentle way first and then after,if we do not listen to this gentle advice,then Hes may push a little harder until Hes pushes very hard. So if we are not pushed so hard by God,then please don't wait until Hes pushes so hard; and if Hes already has pushed us so hard,then please quickly go back into the Kingdom of God and enjoy all the comfort Hes offers inside. If you already know how to do it,then I congratulate you. If you do not know,then please,I may offer my help.
Everything is free of charge,free of any condition. You don't need to change your work,your position,your faith,your religion,your wife,your kids. Okay,now I reserve time for your questions,please don't hesitate to ask anything. I must thank you for your loving attention. I have enjoyed every minute of our reunion.

*The first question: When going back to the common life after this conference,what's your counsel?What's the first thing one should do?

Oh... It's that you write your name and say that you want to get initiated,to get enlightenment,on the information desk outside. That's the first thing you have to do,and the second,read the requirements for that,and the third,you will get enlightenment,so simple.

*How is it possible to see you privately?Are you staying here to teach for a short or a long time,or you're leaving soon?

I leave on the 11th to Brazil and Argentina because I am on a world tour,but you may see me if there is really something urgent,otherwise you might ask me sometime later,after this. After the lecture you may ask me again in private. If it's something really urgent you need to tell me in private,then you're welcome.

*How can one stop suffering?

By getting happiness. The great source of happiness is the comfort from Godwhich you get after enlightenment and repeating enlightening every daygetting happiness dosesand less sufferingjust like a doctor gives you medicine and you get less and less pain every day,more and more strength.

*What is,exactly,initiation?

The initiation is that… it is an invisible process. It is not to be even described by words. However,I will talk for many hours,but then when you get transmission,we don't talk then. I will talk about how you sithow you get concentrationhow you get the blessing of God and how to behold it every dayhow to avoid pitfallshow to strengthen your faithhow to get bettercloser to God each dayhow to practice that in everyday lifehow to bring God's blessing into everyday lifeand this I will talk aboutbut the method is completely silent. I will transmit it in utter silence and then you will get enlightenment; not that you get nothing. You get enlightenmentbut in silence. And I transmit it also in silenceso there is nothing much to talk about that except you will get  immediate enlightenmentyou will get into contact with God and you will see some experiencessomething to stimulate your faith and your devotion every day.

If you do not see some glimpses of God and hear some of Hiers wondrous sounds,and you may not be able to know Hirm and you will not be sure whether God really exists. So you should have some glimpses of Him and then every day you get blessing from Hirm. You know it for sure,that God really exists,that God really loves you,that God really blesses you.

The method is not to be talked about. I will talk about the concentration,how you sit,how you get blessing,and how you meditate every day. But the method is in silence and you will get enlightenment also in silence,but you will get enlightenment. It is a very short cut to God.  Saves time.

*The next question is: What is love?

What is love?It is this: when you feel very close to someonevery friendly to someone and very one with that someonethat is love. When you feel that despite all your shortcomings and your failures and your ego,someone still protects you,guides you,loves you,and helps you,blesses you,that is love. A love of a faithful friend,a love of a wife or husband,children to parents,parents to children,that is a small part of the cosmic love of God. But God's love is many thousands,millions and limitless more times than this,of our mortal love. I cannot convey Hiers love,but I can lead you into Hiers love to experience yourself and to bathe in it,to enjoy it,and to get spoiled by it. And then you will realize that there is nothing in this world we can compare with that. Even the most,the happiest moment in this life cannot compare to the ecstasy when you are deep in the presence of God's love.

*How can you free yourself from wishes if they are too strong to keep control of them?

This is a very good question. We do not suppress our desires. We hardly can do it; only God can. When we are in God's presence or we contact with God after initiationwe feel less and less desire for anything in this world. We enjoybut we do not desire. It will fill our inner beings to the full. We don't feel we need anythingbut then we will have everything.
I feel happy every moment. I feel fulfilled,satisfied,every moment of my life. It is because Hes fills my inner being with all that I need. You may think because I live in a very big and beautiful temple that I am happy. No!I live in a tent,in a forest. My disciples also all live in tents. You may think that I get a lot of offerings of money,so I am happy. No. I don't take offerings. You may think people come and bow to me full-length prostrate on the ground,so I feel very proud and happy.
No. I don't let anyone prostrate to me. I tell them,『Prostrate to your own God inside. Buddha is within you,God is within you. Develop it yourself and worship yourself because you are so great.』Knowing ourselves to be great and being proud are two different things. When we know how great we arewe become very humble. To be proud in any form in this worldit is a kind of inferior feeling. 
It is just another way of inferiority complex. Because you don't know how great you are,you think you are only that great. You think you are a doctor,so you are proud. You think you are professor,so you're proud. No,you are God. If you are proud to be a professor,that means you look down upon yourself. You underestimate your position in God's universe. So I say it is another kind of inferiority complex,unconscious.

*Once you have seen and felt enlightenment,is it for sure that you have finished your way towards God?

Once you are enlightened,you are not yet finished. You only begin; begin to walk your way Home. Every day we must walk. Enlightenment means now you know this is the way Homenow every day we continue to walk without being astray or feeling lost. So every day we must strengthen this connection with God,and this I'll also tell you how to do. The initiation is only the beginning,and after that the Master has to look after the process of the coming interest,the seekers,until he or she fully develops and then the work of the Master ceases. It is like when you enroll in college,the professor has to teach you until you get a Ph.D. Then you may become also a professor; the same level with him.

*Are you going to show us the way today?

Yes,if we have time,if you are interested. If not,we arrange for another time because I do not know how long we may stay in this college,you see?Sometimes time limit. You cannot wait?No?You feel so eager?Yes,I understand this feeling. I know this,I know this. It is more than when we hunger,more desperate than when we are thirsty. I will try to accommodate your wish. We can only stay here until ten o'clock. Now,if some of you want,we could follow to my place and do it there,but then it will be until after midnight,maybe until two,three o'clock in the morning. If that is all right with you,then it is all right with me. If not,we arrange it in a more spacious time,in one day's time,tomorrow daytime or something like that.

*I would like to have a spiritual life. I live alone with my children. I would like to communicate with you.


*When Jesus said that the only way is through him,what did he mean?

『No one comes to the Father except through me.』

*What did he mean,and what is your position in respect to this statement?

I fully agree with him. What he means is that when he was there,he is the way,he is the light of the world. In fact,he also said so: "As long as I am in the world,I am the light of the world." But he said,"As long as I am in this world." What he means is that when a living master is alive,you should follow the Light from the master,and to go Home.  If the master is gone,follow another one who succeeds him to come down. Therefore,after Jesus had gone back to the Kingdom of God,he handed the key to Peter. No?The key of Peter is here. I have it now.

*How can we follow your teachings from our country here,Costa Rica?

There is no difference. What I teach is no different from Jesus. You already follow some part of it - like Ten Commandments. Then I only add the illumination,the connection with Jesus,with God. Then you may directly communicate with Jesus or with God,then ask Them yourself. You may see Jesus through our meditation,through our transmission. You may see even at the time of initiation,the first minutes of your sitting,if your faith is strong enough.
Some of my disciples have already seen; they only are initiated for a few days. Okay?But also you must know the Ten Commandments. One commandment is that "Thou shall not kill." Now,most of us think we shall not kill human beings only,but God doesn't mean that. God means we shall not kill any living beings,including our young brothers and sisters,like the animals.  So I may request you to understand the deeper meaning of not killing - means to lead a very loving life and not to touch anything,like the Bible says: "Don't eat anything by the eating of which makes your brother stumble and fall." Remember?
And 『don't be among the meat-eaters and the wine-drinkers.』So that's the real meaning of non-killing. Don't kill even animals,and don't eat them. Because if we eat,others have to kill,so it's the indirect killing also. That's the only thing I want to call your attention to,the deep understanding of the Bible's Ten Commandments. Otherwise,nothing else that I teach that is new. I only awaken your inner Self,I don't teach anything new. Okay?You may say the Bible doesn't tell us to eat vegetarian. Right?
I want to remind you of many passages or phrases in the Bible which say we should not eat meat and drink wine,like,『Meat for the belly,the belly for the meat,and God would destroy them both,』- the meat and the belly. 『Don't be among meat-eaters and wine-drinkers." So what does that mean?So,also in the Bible it is said that God was angry once. Somebody required Hirm to give them meat and God used power,magical transformation,to pour down meat like rain to them.
But after that Hes had slain all of them. No?Yes. Also in the Bible,another passage,it said so: "Do not kill the bullocks,the sheep,to make offering to me,"- means to God. "Wash yourself of the innocent blood so that I might forgive your sin. Repent your sin,otherwise I will not listen to your prayers because your hands are full of innocent blood." If God forbids us to kill animals in order to make offering to Hirm,how would Hes permit us to kill to offer to ourselves?Are we greater than God?Thank you.

*Should man create or keep some type of inner energy to reach God?

No,no. If you believe in this school,you may follow them,yes,but our method is not to create anything. It's only to awaken the inner man,awaken the inner power; it's naturally… it's already there.  Because everything man-made is a man-made thing,everything already existing and natural is God-made.

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