From One Soul to Another   

*Ladies and gentlemen, please give Supreme Master Ching Hai a warm welcome to Armenia. Now, we'll have a flower offering to the Supreme Master Ching Hai. Good morning everyone, we understand many of you could have been somewhere else today, so we would like to thank you for choosing to be here to hear the Supreme Master Ching Hai speak.
We know many of you have many questions about the Supreme Master and this special day. The Supreme Master Ching Hai is a teacher who was given a great gift when she was in the Himalayas of India. The Supreme Master offers her assistance wherever it is needed. At times of disasters, the assistance comes in the form of material goods such as medication and food. However, she also offers to share with us the gift she received in the Himalayas. She has come to Armenia not only to offer a material assistance, but also to offer us all this gift: the gift of eternal happiness and rediscovering our great Self.
Many of us struggle in our daily lives to satisfy our material needs. We suffer much of this time because we've forgotten who we really are and why we are here. We've forgotten because we are so busy with our lives and the many pressures upon us. We spend most of our time working so that we can survive in this world. But we do not realize we also need to save time each day to remember God and pray to Hirm.
The Bible states, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and everything else shall be freely added unto you." We must first search for God and then our lives will become smoother and more peaceful. As practitioners of this method, we do not retreat from society, but instead we become more creative, effective, and are able to contribute more to help the world. Because we become more peaceful and loving ourselves, the world also becomes more peaceful and full of love. We are now happy and honored to introduce to you the Supreme Master Ching Hai. Please open your minds and your hearts to take advantage of this great opportunity.

Good morning! Good morning! I have learned many sentences of the Armenian language, but when I see you I am so overwhelmed, I forgot them all. I just remember “harraf,” that's it. I am overwhelmed by the generosity of your love, your hospitality, the beauty of your traditional costumes, and all these magnificent palaces that I have seen around the public square. I have not seen anything like that up to now in the world.
I was so, so overwhelmed that even when I was sitting to have some food, I faced the window so I can see all the beautiful buildings outside. It's so magical, that people match so different colors to make it so majestic. A palace like this, it must have been tremendous talent of the nation, tremendous spiritual energy from inside to create that. Armenia must have been a really great, great culture. I am happy that the ancient civilization of Armenia still stands today for the world to enjoy and to worship. And thank you for sharing with us these magnificent treasures and sharing it with the world. We thank you. Yes. If we have beautiful things, we should share with others. Similarly, the spiritual blessing that God has bestowed upon my humble self, Hes has ordered me also to share with whomever would like to know.
When I began to wonder about God and the universe, I was very, very, very young, and I did not know to whom I should ask these very big questions, such as: What God looks like? How can I see Hirm? Can I touch Hirm? Can I hug Hirm? Because I am very small, I like to hug. Many years had passed since my first question to myself, and I had not found the true answer. So, I followed my grandma to go to the Buddha temple and pray to the Buddha, and I followed my father to the church - my father was Christian - to pray to God. I prayed to everyone that I know. I tried to read the Buddhist Bibles and the Christian scriptures, but I could not understand much.
And I'd sleep with the Bible; every night, I'd hug the Bible and slept. And I always prayed to God, saying, "Please, can You show me Yourself? Can You show me Yourself, the God that's the highest God, the God above all these human barriers, the God above all religious differences, the God above all hatred and racism? Please, can You show me? I would like to know You more than anything else." Somehow, I can feel that God is there, but I cannot see, and I would like to see.
So I tried many ways in order to be able to contact Hirm, but I failed. Until one day, Hes has kind of led me into this spiritual way that Hes told me would be quick for me so that I can know God. And since then, I am more acquainted with our Father every day. And Hes has ordered me also to go out into the world, and wherever I am requested, in order to give this message that Hes loves you very much, and if you want to see Hirm I have to show you the way. It has been a very challenging job.

But God has said that "I'll give you all the power necessary. You just continue to serve Me, everything I will provide. " This way has worked for me and has worked for many thousands, hundreds of thousands, of other people who have sought God.  So I am sure it works for everyone. And God has appeared to all of us alike. Sometimes Jesus also comes to us, sometimes Buddha comes, sometimes other saints of the past also will grace our lives and instruct us about our daily problem, also our spiritual progress. Hes has blessed us in many, many ways, materially and spiritually, so that we can share what we have with whomever in need.
In our lives, we suffer so much because we have lost contact with the Supreme Power within ourselves which is the Master of all beings, this God inside us. Because if we lose this contact with God, no matter how much possession we have in this world, we'll still never be completely happy.%%% In the Bible, it is mentioned that, "Know you not that you are the temple of God, and the Holy Spirit dwells within yourself?"
That means... Thank you. That means we are not a human being; we just have a human body, but inside us is God. So how come we have to undergo so much unhappiness, so much lack of material comfort as well as spiritual knowledge? How come? And sometimes we pray a lot, a lot, and very, very sincerely, but we feel that God does not answer. How come? It is because we forgot where God is.
I have been shown how to contact God directly, and I have been ordered by God also to show it to you so that you can communicate with Hirm directly every day: you can see Hirm, you can hear Hirm, you can love Hirm, and you can feel loved by Hirm. My language is very simple because even if I speak for 100 years in the most magnificent language, I still cannot describe the feeling of being loved by God, of knowing God, of being with Hirm every day. It's very, very… It's very difficult. The only way anyone could know this feeling is that they will have to know it themselves, they have to experience this; and that doesn't take us long, and it doesn't cost us anything, now or ever. To know God is like… is like breathing, is like drinking water. If we know where Hes is we can find Hirm just like that.
Because God is within us it should not be difficult to find, because we are the children of God. We are the part of God,so it should not be difficult to recognize that part of God which is ourselves. But if we are busy and if we forget where God is, of course it can be very difficult. Because we look elsewhere; we look somewhere else instead of in the right place. We have been very, very busy in this physical existence, and we, of course, have forgotten how to find Hirm.
But once we know how, once we know where, it's instantly, it's immediately. Sometimes, I have forgotten my sunglasses: I put them on top of my head and then I forgot; I kept looking everywhere. It happened to you? Yes? Yes, yes, yes. So, if somebody sees you and says, "Here, it's on your head!" and then you take it, it's easy. Yes, God is so easy to find because God is inside us. The Bible told us so. If you have already remembered and you're in contact with Hirm, it's good for you. If you have forgotten, I know, I can show you.
And God has reminded us to live in the law of love, the Ten Commandments. Because if we are God or God's children, we should live the way of love, the way of God. The Ten Commandments are not God's commandments because Hes is not strict to us. Hes is very, very loving. Hes loves us, doesn't matter how sinful we are. But the Ten Commandments are just qualities - the quality of a child of God, the quality of a walking God on this planet - so if we want to proclaim the glory of God we must also be fit, be up to the standard of the Ten Commandments.
So, of course, we'll be loving to each other, we share things with each other, and we do not kill each other etc., etc. These are the qualities of a living God. Not because if we do not keep the commandments that God doesn't love us. It's just that if we are not up to this standard, that means we have not glorified God, we have not remembered how to be God's children. Apart from that, of course we know God inside, and outside we represent God in this way, in this quality.
Then, of course, we can be proud to say that "I am a child of God." We are really the children of God. To know God is the birthright of everyone. It is our sole possession, our most important thing to do in this life. It is said in the Bible that, “What is the good of the man who's gained the whole world but lost his own soul?” - that means lost contact with God.
God is always there because God is the Supreme Master within ourselves, within each of us, and Hes knows everything, Hes hears all the prayers, and Hes grants all wishes. But we must know how to listen to Hirm, we must have the direct contact with Hirm so we know what Hes wants us to do. In order to contact this Holy Spirit within us or God within us, we have to forsake the flesh for the spirit, and I will show you how to do that while you are still living, when busying with the business with your daily lives. “Forsake the flesh for the spirit,” as it says in the Bible, doesn't means that you leave everything and you don't do anything or you don't eat or you don't work. It's just that you forsake it in a way that we will just go in the Kingdom of God with our own spirit while the body is still here.
Because of that, many of the saints have also forsaken everything in order to find God, to more intensified. But we ordinary people, we do not need to do that. We can also contact God every day; leave the flesh for a while and come back daily. Every one of us can do that; just like finding the glasses on your head. And because it's so easy, many of us could not imagine it's like that, so we keep looking in the hard way and we miss Hirm. I had been doing that many, many years before I knew where to look for God.
There is a funny story about… It's just a joke. A man, he lost his key, and then he went outside on the street and kept looking for the key under the street lamp, and then his friend passed by and asked him, "What are you doing there?" He said, "I am looking for my key!" So his friend asked him, "Where did you lose it?" He said, "I lost it in the house." He said, "Then, why didn't you find it in the house? Why do you go outside here and look?" He said, "Because here is brighter." Similar to some of us, we do things because we think we should do it that way, but the only way to do things is the right way. Similarly, to find God, we must have the right way. There is no way, no method at all, because God is always there. So, even when I talk a lot, a lot, and you think this is the way to God - no!
When I show you the way to God, I don't speak, I don't do anything,because your soul is God, your soul will know what my soul tells you in silence. While I am talking, it's just an introduction. Yes. The real thing - no need language, no need action. That's why we do not find the way or the method, anything, to contact God. The method is not written in any scriptures of any religions because it's not in human language that it will be transmitted.
I feel that, doesn't matter how much I talk about God, it is not God Hirmself, and doesn't matter how long you listen about God, you still do not know God directly. So I would like very much just to show you, and quietly and quickly, if you would like to, and then you can do that every day yourself at home. And, should you still have any unclear questions, you can ask me and I'm willing to answer. Thank you very much for your attentive, loving, listening quality.

*The question is about the treatment of a disease: Do you know a way of treating tumors?
And you've spent a lot of time in the Himalayas, so you know there are many herbs which can treat very dangerous diseases. So, do you connect in any way the herbal treatment with meditation, with your method of meditation, and is your method of meditation any good for the treatment of tumors?

Yes, it's good for everything. Many people, after the awakening of the God-Self within themselves, have found their disease or cancer disappear. But I would not like to recommend that we come to meditation for disease. We should come to God and the thirst to know God, and everything else God will arrange.

Please tell us: What is your religion, Buddhism or Christianity?

I have only one religion, that's our Father's religion. Religions, the name of religions, are man-made. God is only one. You see, after Christ died, people formed a religion after his name, called Christianity; after Buddha died, people formed a religion after his name, called Buddhism. Actually, Christ and Buddha have come to proclaim only one God. Thank you.


*Why has the selection dropped upon you particularly, this gift? I mean, why was this gift given particularly to you?

I also ask Hirm, and Hiers will be done. I have no influence. But you can do the same if you want to, and one day Hes will tell you to do it. Every one of us can do exactly the same. Just God has the way of arranging things we do not understand; but we are both no difference. The gift I have, you have. Hes wants to give to all of us. That's why Hes told me to come and remind you of your gift. Hes did not give it to me all alone.
I'm here to show you your gift.If you mean how am I able to bring this message to you instead of you yourself, the answer is that, because I know it already and you did not know it yet. So, I can show you what I know, and later when you know, you can also show other people. It's like we will get to know God more and more each day to reacquaint ourselves with Hirm, and one day Hes just probably tell you, “Now you go and tell everyone else. You are able to share the knowledge.” At that time, there is no “you,” no “I,” but only God that works through your being.

*Is it possible to seek all your life, to look for something all your life, but not find the answer?

It's possible, if we look in the wrong way.  If we are in contact with God, every question will be answered inside. We have no need for a teacher outside after we practice. The guide or the spiritual friend or teacher is just for the beginning. And later, when we know God, more deeply in contact with Hirm, we don't need anyone to tell us anything. We have all the answers inside.

*Is it possible to reach enlightenment or to see God without conforming to the conditions defined in your method?

It is possible, but we will know only a part of God. If we want to know a higher level of God quality, we have to match that higher quality too. It's like "like attracts like." The most high God is all loving and cannot be represented by such a gross quality as killing, or murdering, or eating another being's flesh, etc., etc. You have to choose what suits you, but because you ask me, I must tell you the truth. Please, forgive me. This path is for the ones who are ready to become one with God again, and if you are not ready yet, then take your time. Thank you.

*I respect you highly, but I'd like to ask you: How do you comment about different religions, different directions in faith, because as you told us, God is one?

If you study, if you truly study, all the scriptures of different religions you will find there is only one. It's just that in different cultures and different backgrounds, sometimes the master who has come to the planet has to use different terms and, therefore, God has been called different names.
But all the religious scriptures point to one God, that we have to find that God.Hes doesn't mind if we call Hirm any different names as long as we love Hirm and want to know Hirm. Even in our human language we have different terms for “mother” in every country. How do you call “mother” in Armenian?


You see, in English they call it "mother." Yes. It's the same, same thing. It points to the same thing - mother.

*Have you seen God, and if so, what does Hes look like?

Hes looks whatever the way you want Hirm to look like. You see, God has two attributes: form and formless. And even in the attribute of form, Hes has two forms. If Hes want to materialize in this world, Hes becomes like this. All of these are God materializations. That's why the Bible says, "God dwells within you." It's really funny how you don't know you are God. And there is another form, invisible form, that God manifests also when you meditate within, to communicate with you.

That is a little higher level. In the highest level, God is formless: God is only bliss, light, happiness, indescribable ecstasy. Indescribable. And when you see the invisible form inside of God, you already feel so ecstatic, you already lose yourself in Hirm; you don't know what to do already. And if we come to the highest level, then we become one with God, like Jesus said, "I and my Father are one." And then, later you even have no more “I” and no more “Father,” but only Father, only God and then everything you'll say, "Not I do, but God does it. My Father does it.” To know God is very instantly; to get to the higher level or the highest level takes some more time. Because just like in the Bible, it says, "In my Father's house, there are many mansions.” That means many different attributes of God we must know, one by one.

*You feel a flow of energy from God, how it flows inside you?

Yes. My God! I wish I could describe to you in the human language about God. Why don't you just know it yourself? It's easier. Even I can keep telling you that this juice or this water is very good and very tasty, and I drink it and if I keep telling you a hundred years, you still cannot quench your own thirst. And the description is not exactly the quality of the water. So, I invite you to come and know God yourselves.

*When will justice of God come?

I only know when grace of God comes. I don't know the God of anger. I only come to tell you that God is gracious, God is loving, God is all-forgiving, and if you want to know this God, I can show you. And the things you ask are about retribution - these are within this physical world. Whatever we do will create an effect, and that is automatic. That is not God's will, it's not God's doing. It's just a result of some action. So, whatever we do we should consider the outcome beforehand, and do not blame God for the unpleasant result if the action is not good enough. Yes, the outcome of any action is very simple. Yes. If you grow the flower, then the rose will bloom and not something else. But God is above all that. God is all love, forgiving. God is always with us, wants to protect us, to give us all the happiness that we want. Just that we have to contact Hirm to receive it.

*Is it true that God will come to us in the year 2001?

Hes comes in two seconds if you allow me to show Hirm.

*Do you see God in your dreams?

No, not in a dream, in any time. After the reconnection with God, you can see Hirm any time, no need in a dream. Even while you are awake, yes. It is when you are awake that you realize you can see Hirm; if you are sleeping you don't know.

*It was a pleasure for me to listen to your lecture, and I am very appreciative of it.

Thank you.

*Please tell me: Is it possible to treat 'Ehinacocus' - it's a disease - without operating?

Some people, if they have an incurable disease, they turn to God and pray very deeply in their heart, and sometimes God bestows grace upon them. So please, do pray sincerely.

*You say your philosophy does not contradict any religion, so how come Christianity allows eating meat, eggs and not only allow, but it is important?

I have told you that… Many things in the Bible, I have mentioned already. It's up to you to choose. Suppose, suppose even our Lord Jesus Christ had eaten meat and all that, suppose the Lord did eat meat, he is already an enlightened master; we are not yet. So, if you reach the level of Jesus Christ, then you can ask him whether you should eat meat or not. The instruction I received is “No.” Jesus told me it was a misunderstanding. And it's the background of Jesus, if you study, he belongs to the Essene lineage, and these people, they have been eating vegetarian for thousands of years, where he came from, yes. Essene - that is the lineage that Jesus was born in.

In the Bible, God said that “I made all the fruits in the field and all the vegetables which are pleasing to the eyes and good to the taste. These shall be your food.” Hes did not include animals in it.
Of course, the Bible has recorded so many stories and some of them are not necessarily from the saints. Jesus has told us that we should not eat anything that makes our brother stumble and fall. It means we should not hurt other beings by eating the food from them. Jesus also mentioned that we should not be among wine drinkers and meat eaters. The Bible has been translated for many thousands of years and I'm afraid that during the translation, they might have missed out some of the real essence.
To my knowledge, that God has deemed gracious to bestow upon me, God is lovingand God does not want suffering of any kind. Even the suffering inflicted upon animals, Hes also do not wish that. That's why Hes said that, "Do not kill any she-goat or he-bullock to make offering” to Hirm. Because Hes does not like when our hands are full of innocent blood. In the Bible, yes, it is in the Bible. But, of course, you have to choose what is suitable for your life, and God loves you all the same. May God bless you whichever ways you choose to walk your lives, and if God is willing, we may see each other again. God bless Armenia.

How are you? Hallo. Thank you so much for coming.

*You said that each nation is specific in its kind. But, is the way to love and Heaven the same for all the nations? This is the first question. And the second question: This way which you show to people to God and to perfection, maybe this way is for individuals and not for the whole population, not for the whole nation.

No, no. Of course, it would be nice if every country walked the way of Jesus, the way of love, and followed his example. But, of course, we have to take into consideration that each individual has God inside them, and they will decide themselves when and how they will like to follow. We cannot impose even virtue upon everyone. Like flowers, we can only present, and people will like what they like. We just share what we know, yes, but each one has their own choice and freedom. Yes, thank you.

*Since the dissemination of Christianity, each nation accepted Christianity according to its traditions and its culture. Now, about your teachings, about your philosophy, aren't you afraid that it will be accepted by each nation individually, according to its culture and traditions?

That is from the physical standpoint, yes, and traditional standpoint, yes. But inside each of us, there is the Kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit, which dwells within us, and that Holy Spirit will know what is the only Truth and what is the only way to God. But she is very wise, she knows the problem, yes.

*And the continuation of the question: So you know about baptism by water and baptism by soul, so what is your opinion about these two types of baptism? And you know that during their prayers, people sometimes pray in different languages. While praying, they are praying in another language; they don't know this language. Even in Chinese or in Arabic, but the person doesn't know this language…

They suddenly speak this language.


So you want to ask me why?

*What is your opinion? Is it from God or is it from… I don't know…

Yes, okay, I will answer you. The first question is “baptized by water or by Holy Spirit.” Saint John the Baptist mentioned that, "No doubt, I baptize by water, but the one who comes after me, who is greater, he will baptize by the Holy Fire or Holy Spirit."
So, that's clear to you. Yes. And number two: people, sometimes they concentrate very hard, they go into a different level of consciousness, and they might enter their past existence and they might collect their past store of knowledge that they had been Chinese, or they had learned Chinese in another existence,
and that's why they can speak it again. But only for that time. There is another phenomenon, is that sometimes the astral being, the deceased, the disembodied spirit, will possess that person while he is unaware and then use his body to speak the language of his own. It's very rarely directly from God. Thank you.

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