Your Destiny is in Your Own Hands   

All right. No, I just stand up so that you can see me, not that you have to applaud. All right, brothers.

*When I was young…

You still are!

*Yes, yes, inside. I'm coming around. (Yes.) When I was young, I noticed sometimes… I'd be riding, or on a bicycle or walking, and I would hear somebody talk, but they weren't talking, they were thinking. Because when I turned my head, I knew they were there, and I recognized… like it's telepathy, see? (I see.) And then there's a lot of problems in California with people having that problem. They said they're hearing voices and (Yes.) nobody believes them.

Yes, yes, yes.

*And then, when they put them in there and say, "Are you hearing voices?” and to me, I think that's what the problem is, their center or their mind is picking up telepathy and they don't know how or what it's doing for them. They're frightened, and it's out of control. In other words, their perception to tune in to what someone's thinking (Right.) isn't correct, but the center opens up and they go, "Well, who's talking to me?"

Yes. What kind of thinking normally do you pick up? Negative, positive, or neutral or just anything?



*Can a person have the ability to read somebody else's thinking, hear their thinking…? (Can!) Okay, okay. Well, yes, I know, but when they hear their thinking, but not know the light and powers through the third eye, and have this perception, like “I can hear that person think,” “I can hear this,” “I believe in God because God comes through every and everybody,” and have no knowledge of the realms beyond (Sure.) and then be entrapped in that.
(Yes, yes.) I didn't know this all my life. But there's still something wrong with these people; they eat a steak, they don't meditate, they can pick up on me. They wonder why I'm so frantic at times, and my frantic is they're bothering me. You know? If you don't work on the road within, you're going to be sorry when you're floating out there (Sure, sure, sure.) in the low realm, right?

Sure, sure.

*The question was originally about telepathy and the lack of understanding, people being satisfied with what they believe...

These things exist.

All right, brother?

*That's what I wanted to know.

But they are not the highest level of consciousness.

* They're just at the mind level. It's like one computer, you know, communicates to, like internet style, yes. And, actually, we have “internet” inside and some people can make use of that, some people cannot. And that's all there is to it. And if we communicate with each other at the mind level, it's possible.
People can train themselves and do telepathy or hypnotism, and things like that, and these have nothing, or sometimes not have much, to do with the Light and the Sound, which uplift you to the Most High. Yes? So, actually, sometimes we have this kind of ability, yes. When our mind is clear, you know, and not focused on a particular anything, then sometimes we pick up the wavelengths from other people's thinking, just like a radio. So, nothing big deal. Just forget it.

*Don't let it trouble me?

Yes, yes, don't pay attention. And if you meditate or if you know the meditation of any kind, just then switch your mind, switch your concentration, to the Holy Names or the mantra, whatever you are at that moment, and forget about this gossiping. It does you no good.

*I'm embarrassed; I have a simple question, (It's all right. Don't worry.) but I'm going to ask it anyway. I know I am new and I'm anxious, and I'm so excited about it, but I am having more trouble doing the Quan Yin than I am focusing on the Light. The Sound, it's more difficult for me to get into... meditating on the Sound.

Why? Why?

*I don't know why. It just is more difficult. I just can't seem to do it as easily.

Then you try to do it as long as you can, step by step,  and then next day, you increase one minute or two, and then next day one more, until you reach your desired time.

*Thank you very much.

You're very welcome.

*Thank you.

Sometimes it's difficult in the beginning, and the mind keeps always interfering and telling you to do other things. Just try your best, okay? Yes. So serious, my God! Have some laughs, okay? You want me to tell you a joke? No, no, no. All right. You have to be happy yourself. Don't always rely on me, yes. I've always spoon-fed you and it's no good, right? Brother, you have to do yourself.

*Being around disturbed people, that I don't understand - why they don't seek for a better life?

Just concentrate on your own level of consciousness, yes? See what you want, and that's important.

*Yes, okay.

And you will influence people, if you yourself are pure. (*Yes, yes.) All right?

*I have a lot of people that are in the neighborhood that still remember anything I have ever done, and the way they want to change is they try to throw this talk about Jesus at me. And…

Somebody's got to help, otherwise…

*Like when Jesus said, "In the house of the Father, there are many mansions," but he didn't say anybody was in there. And then Moses left before Jesus, so he must be up there somewhere, you know. Okay, so I…

You go find him.

*I need to build my altar. You can tell my altar is a little altered. See, I've got to take care; I've got to take care and use my mind, so if I work, I start finding the questions and problems within that I didn't solve, like (Good.) what am I going to do. So, I got get a job again, so I'm working on that. Thank you.

*I have just been initiated last week. I have trouble identifying which is the true Light and the light from my imagination. Because when I close my eyes, sometimes I don't meditate, and I still see Lights.

Yes? Is that your problem?

*Yes. Well, my problem is can you tell me...

You don't want the Light or what?

*No, I do, but I want to know which is the light from my imagination and which is...

Do you think the lights are from imagination? Can I sit here and just imagine there are lights in this room?

*No, when I close my eyes...

The same thing. Even when you close your eyes, it's even worse. You could not see the light, if there is not the light there, okay? Light is light. There's no imagined light.  Thank you very much.

Okay, brother, it's very good that, even if we don't try to concentrate, we see the Light. It's supposed to be like that. All right? It's just that sometimes people don't get that, so I have to tell them to sit down and meditate. But normally when you see the Light, you should not analyze anymore. Okay? Just enjoy it.
It will make you feel better and wiser and more happy. Nothing wrong. Light, all right. Some people complain they don't have Light, some people complain they have too much Light. What shall we do? No more questions? Good. My God! What a good audience! Then we think, “Then we'll just go home and sleep?” Okay? All right? Ten o'clock already? Not possible. Is it? Is it ten o'clock? I thought you would have wanted to ask me many questions since you haven't seen me for a long time, but you have been enlightened, so it's good. Satisfied?

*I have a question. My question is: What would you suggest if someone has been hurt...

Somebody's been hurt, yes? (*Right.) Emotionally?



*What is, quite seriously, a good way to recover? Do you have any words about that?

It depends. It depends on what kind of emotional suffering that person has gone through. Could you be more particular?

*Well, being abandoned.

Abandoned by a lover?

*Yes, and a friend.

Girlfriend or wife?

*Friend. Friend.

Friend or girlfriend?


Girlfriend - it's different than a friend! Yes, because it hurts more. Okay. Time. Time will heal everything. Go out and see better friends, okay? Talk to them about your problem. And go dancing, yes? Go where it comforts you. But I tell you what, even if you go to Heaven, it will not comfort you. Just time. This is the most suffering thing that a human has to go through, when a loved and trusted one just left sometimes with no reason, sometimes with apparently superficial reasons.
Sometimes that may be a logical reason, but whatever reason, we suffer. So only time can heal this, provided we want to be healed. Sometimes, at the hour of suffering, seems like no medicine, nothing, can comfort our soul; but it will, I assure you. None of the ordinary human beings would be able to escape this kind of experience. Because in life we have to have many experiences in order to grow, in order to mature, to master our own destiny, our emotion, our intellect, our wisdom, and our thinking, even. Yes? So, this is one of the painful experiences that a human has to go through in order to master the most difficult emotion. And no one is spared of this.  
So, you are not alone. And just take it as some experience, yes? Suppose that person dies, you lose her anyhow, or suppose you die, you lose her anyhow, or suppose you have somebody else better, and you'll leave her anyhow. So one way or another, somebody loses, somebody gains - or nothing lost, nothing gained. She left you for somebody else? No? No. Just left you?
Maybe she'll come back, you never know. I know all of this experience, it's awful; still we have to go through. It's terrible. It's terrible. More than sickness, more than starvation and more than toothache! Heartache's terrible. I wish I could help you. I wish I could erase immediately this painful memory in your heart, but you are the only one that can do that. And I don't want to take this blessing away from you, because as soon as you heal yourself, you'll become stronger.
Next time you don't get hurt so easily. You will get it again next time, don't worry about that! It's not the last. It might be the first, but it might not be the last. And, you know, each time you grow stronger and stronger, and later, you know this is just nothing, yes? You will have more detachment for this ephemeral pleasure that the body and the mind likes to cling to, which is called love - which is not really love, just a part of true, great, everlasting love.
Of course, this is very nice, if we can include this small portion of universal love into our life. Then our life would become more beautiful, yes, more, kind of, meaningful. We will be more flamboyant, we'll be more happy, and things like that. But nevertheless, there are many other things that we can comfort our soul with and we can be occupied with, yes?
Like, try to do something helpful to other people at the moment, and try to see through their suffering. But nevertheless, you have to learn your own way. No one can help. Even if I have thousands of experiences, I cannot prevent you from falling in love, and getting hurt when you're falling out of love. This is a cause and consequence. All right? We have to be responsible for whatever action and reaction we take in this life.  
If we fall in love, we have to expect the best and the worst, because both will happen, right? Sometimes you have the best, and sometimes you have the worst. Or first you have the best, and later you have the worst. So you have to know beforehand, before you fall in love with somebody, you have to be clear that are you going to take this opportunity, to take this risk, or not? If you are afraid of pain, then don't fall in love. That's my advice.

And if you think love is exciting, you know, worth it to try, then take the risk. No one can guarantee anything, especially the love business, yes. Not even the Master or the Buddha can write you a guarantee certificate that says you would live happily ever after. I doubt it. All the stories about the prince and princess, they just wrote the beginning; they did not write the end. So all of us children are getting, you know, cheated.
And we always think, you know, Cinderella, and all this kind of stuff... Wait until they got together, or they got a few children! You watch and see. So, actually, sometimes during the loving relationship, we break up. Maybe that's lucky, you know? At least you have good memories. You have illusion of what it could be, what it might have been, what it would have been “if she didn't leave me” or “if I didn't leave her.”
But if you have the opportunity to live together for a long life, you know, and then no more romantic air. What - ax bill, telephone bill, electric bill... Yes, yes, and then the children's fees and all kinds of things. And you know what? Actually, I don't know what is really good, yes? To stay together for all the time, or just to break up in between in order to have a painful but romantic memory and illusion. Anyhow, any choice has a price, so you take whatever it is.
If you want to keep your relationship, it has a great price. You have to attend to your partner all the time. You have to sacrifice some of your personality, your time, your freedom, your privacy - many other things - in order to keep a relationship going on. Besides, even if you do that, you might not be able to keep it. Some people don't like that.
Some people don't like a clinging partner, some people don't like a too considerate a partner, some people don't like too good a partner, some people like bad boys or bad girls - it's just a little bit spicy, naughty; they like it. And if you're too conservative, too good, too sweet, too considerate, too “surrender” to every wish and desire of the partner, sometimes you will lose her or him. So you never know what ticks; you never know what snaps, you know?
Just take a risk, if you want. But don't ask me how I can heal you and how I can prevent this. No medicine, all right? Take it or leave it, both are fun. Okay? But in America, life is a little bit more lonely. Many people stay in America, they feel more lonely. Maybe the land is too big, population too small, and now that people don't produce that many children anymore, we seem to get more lonely, so we'd like to have a partner to share interest or lonely time; things like that. But along with this pleasure comes a great responsibility and sacrifice.
So you are the only one who can decide whether it's worth to try. But no one can guarantee. So next time if you fall in love again, you must know before - all right? - that it might happen, the same thing again, or it might happen worse. For example like, okay, you're successful to get married, yes? She didn't leave you, you did not leave her, and then you are married. But then later, life became dull, you know? It's no more like the beginning.
You must know everything before you start a loving relationship. But sometimes, we know all this, but we could not help to prevent it. Then, it's okay, just enjoy while it lasts. That's what I say. And when it goes - good-bye! Yes? It's painful but let it be. Pain is also a kind of experience. Why do we reject it? Just see how it develops, yes?
We know it's painful, all right, we get on with our life, while the pain is still there, just like we get on with our life, while the love is still there. Everything, we just take it as it is, and don't dramatize it, don't make it worse. And don't dwell on it. There are many other things, exciting things to do. In some of the previous lives, I fell in love many times, yes, and it hurts.
Because… It hurts! But then, every time like that I just carried on with my work, yes? “Okay, all right, all right, today I'm very hurt. I have a lot of pain because a lover has left me, but so what? I have a lot of things to do. Like in the morning I must get up, do what? And at noontime I must do what? Afternoon I must see somebody, what? And evening

I must do what?” You know what I mean? As you carry yourself into the daily routine, and devote yourself to the duty of the day, you find that every wound, every pain, heals quickly. You still know it's there, but you don't let it overwhelm you because you stay calm. You just do your work and everything takes care of itself. The pain heals quicker than you think; quicker that way.

And besides, because you're not careful, so you didn't see that the relationship normally wouldn't have lasted anyhow. If you look back, you'll see the personality traits, you know, the clash, the conflicts, the difference of interests. You must look back and check up, and you'll know that you have been blind all this time. It shouldn't have been started, anyhow. For example, like that. I think you have spoken enough, now I am on romance and love! Okay, anything else?

*Thank you, Master. I am a medical student, and I would like to ask a question about euthanasia - that's mercy killing.

What's that for? You get me into trouble? This is your job, and all the doctors decide.

*Because I am a medical student and probably in the future I will face that choice.

Why? Do they have the law like that in America? Is the law here that you can have mercy killing?

*I don't know, because I'm from Formosa (Taiwan).

Why am I responsible for all the countries'… the different law?

*There are many kinds of mercy killing. I am talking about the one that's so-called passive mercy killing. For example, when a person is severely ill or injured, and he is, for example, on ventilator support, and there are no signs showing that he is still alive, except that he is still breathing on ventilator support and his heart is still beating...

Sometimes people wake up after six months or six years. You know that. So it's hard for me to tell you which one to kill and which one to spare. Very difficult, of course. So the families must decide, the doctors must decide, and the patient as well, if he has any consciousness. If I were to tell you this vegetable-like state is not worth preserving, then how about those people who wake up after long coma? Yes? See? So what can I tell you?
And suppose I were to tell you that these are to be prolonged? But actually, some people are prolonged all there…many… 25 years or something, but they have not woken up from the coma. So here I am again, you know. It's very difficult to judge. It is for the immediate family members of the patient, as well as the doctors. They must know which case, all right. Besides, God will take care.

*Thank you, Master.

You are welcome. Yes, so many problems in this world.

*Hi, Master. My question is very short: What is God? Because I don't have a clear conception of what God is. I have been studying metaphysics, you know, and I've been trained as a student, and studying material laws, like 20 years from primary school to college, and I know that in this material world there are certain physical laws; everything is governed by the physical laws. So, is God just a higher level universal law that governs the spiritual, you know, different spiritual levels, or is God something else? Can you give some inspiration about what God is?

I thought the question would be short. (*Right, but…) So you mean, why doesn't God come to save the world? Is that right?

*No, I mean... I just don't have a clear conception what God is. Is God a person or just a universal law? Or is God an...

God is not to be described in this way. I don't think I can write many books to describe about God. Actually, when you're asking me right now, I have no idea of what God is. Somebody has any idea? No.

*A loving master who doesn't eat meat?

He said a master who is loving and doesn't eat meat, something like that. Oh my God! Actually, when we know God that is when we don't know what God is. Before that we think we know - God this and that, God is love, God is justice, God is powerful, God is everything... mercy...God is blessing. But after, maybe we know God, then we begin not to know Hirm. I mean, we cannot describe anymore. We just be it, you know? So it's very difficult. Why don't you just try our method and then... everybody claims to know God afterwards, so, try.

*Thank you.

You're welcome. You see, just like a fish in the water. A fish came to his mother and asked, "Mother, what is sea? What is the ocean? What is the water?" So the mother said, "You are swimming in it. You're living your life in it. You're born from water and you will die in water, and you have your existence in water.
Water is surrounding you. You are from water. You're one with the water." That's what it is with God, I think. Yes? If that can be clear enough, I am not sure, even. At the moment, I have difficulty in explaining to people what God is and what the Tao is, what practice is, and all this. I have more trouble than I used to.
At the moment, I think all the fellow practitioners can explain better than I do. Is that not so? I think so. I think you explain better than me, so it's funny. You think I go everywhere and preaching to people all the time? Or, for example, if I go to the president of Dominica, or the Prime Minister, I would preach to them, "Please, eat vegetarian”

No, I didn't even give them books or anything. But the disciples, they thought about that. They brought some books. I said, "Good that you have some," because I never thought about it. You know what I give them? Sometimes like man-stuff, you know, a tie, cuff links; things like that. Or for women, I give a ring, you know, tax-free from the airport, things like that. Yes, or the duty-free gift, you know. I would buy this and give it to them, and that's all there is.
Or if the country needs some contribution for the children or for the old people or sick people, then I would offer some donation. That's all. But you know what? Three people ate vegetarian. Only three days - I met three - and three had started vegetarian from nowhere. I didn't even say anything. They just saw me eat vegetarian and that's it. They said, "Okay, from today we'll begin vegetarian, too." And, said and done. Really, like that.

What I mean is, I don't preach anymore. I cannot preach anymore. I just feel not natural anymore. I don't know why, I just give people anything, except the preaching. And sometimes when the followers, attendants, giving them books and all that, you know, sample booklet, "I Have Come to Take You Home," and something like that, I feel kind of embarrassed! You know, I don't know why. I just became so shy, you know.
Perhaps, I still can go out and give lectures when it's really necessary, but I just cannot imagine I would do that. Not like I was so enthusiastic before, you know; I felt more natural to talk. Now I feel more natural not to talk. But sometimes, because you demand and your love is so much, you like to hear me talk something, so I'm also trying to please you. Otherwise, it's very difficult for me just to stand here and do nothing, and difficult for you to accept that. Never mind, if you have questions, then it is good for me so that I can answer you.

*Dear Master, I have waited for you for four years already. Since the time I was in the Malaysian refugee camp, I have known you by chance, because in that time I've admired you very much. You have done a lot of good things for people on this Earth, especially for the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees. Truly to say, I have a master inside my mind for seven years until now. He appears every time, when I stay at…when I live in the day time, even when I sleep. He comes to me every time. And he calls me to come to seek you for many important things, but I cannot tell you here because it'd be very serious, from my master inside. So can I write a letter to you next Saturday or Sunday?

Of course.

*Because for me, I have tried to come to seek you many times. I come from Canada. I have tried to come to Formosa (Taiwan) to seek you, four times, in Formosa (Taiwan), but I couldn't see you there.


*Until now. Because at that time, I was not your disciple.

But everyone, regardless disciple or not, can see me. Just I don't know why you cannot? If I am there, anyone can come see me.


Sunday is open.

*So today I am very happy, because I became your disciple. So I try my best to write many important things from my master inside my mind.

Okay. You write, you write.

*Can I send it to you next Saturday or Sunday?

Sure, you can.

* Because it's very important; I cannot tell here.

Okay, please write it down and give it to me on Sunday, if I am there, okay?

*Thank you very much, Master.

You are welcome.

*Master,I don't know if this question is appropriate or not. I have a question about physical pain. (Yes.) Okay,I have a lot of stiffness in my knees and I also have a hip that's... I can almost not walk on it,and I just wanted to ask you,if you can suggest some modality,or is there some way... What should I do? Should I use acupressure,acupuncture therapy? I don't know if this is an appropriate question for you,but I have to ask it,because it's really getting in the way of my life and I would like to get rid of it.

Did you try acupuncture and all that?

*No,I haven't tried acupuncture.

Did you try exercising? What did the doctor tell you?

*Well,I do exercise - I swim and I walk,I work out,but it's just getting worse and worse and I don't know what to do. I'm just kind of asking out of desperation,because I don't know what to do. And I thought well,possibly you can answer my question,possibly you can't,and that's okay. I just…

I don't have to always answer in words.

*I understand.


*Thank you.

Probably your sickness will be gone soon,when the time's come. Try to meditate more,if you can,all right? And keep your knees warm,your hips warm. Don't expose to draft and breeze,you know,through the door and things like that, be careful where you sit, and rub some sesame oil on the painful part three times a day. That probably will help you. Okay? And meditate,pray. All right?
Recite the Holy Names and rub it on. Don't rub too hard,just sort of massage,so that the oil will sink inside. And try to a change a little bit diet for a while,like you eat some of the whole-wheat,whole-meal,yes,rice or wheat,whole-meal; whole-meal wheat,yes, because they have some vitamin B and things like that. It's good for you. Or take some extra vitamin B,okay? Or take some yeast,yes. That will help you also,and take some calcium. But you have to ask the doctor the dose,yes? Too much calcium is also no good. Try. All right,brother?
Take some more vitamins,okay? But with all that,I think it will be gone soon,as well; that with meditation. We have to take bothphysical help and spiritual helpyesand pray to the Master power,okay?

*Welcome to California, Master. Would you please talk about courage?



*I don't know. I just want to hear you talk about courage.

But for what particular reason that you need this?

*I'd like to hear what you have to say about courage because I have fears.

Of what?

*Depends on the day.


*No. No ghosts.

What kind of fear do you have?

*Having a mission on the planet.

Mission on the planet. So why are you fearful?


*I don't know exactly what it is.

If you don't know,then how do you know you have a mission?


*That's what I want to know.

Okay,then when it comes,you know. Before it comes,no need fearing,all right? It might never come,okay? Let's deal with it when it comes. Don't hear people say that you have a mission,then you have a mission. Everybody has a mission. Do you think we come here just for fun? I don't think so.

*Master,I'm honored to be here.

Me too.

*And I want to take this opportunity to address everybody that's here. I am a new disciple of yours. You've turned my life around 360 degrees. I need…

God bless us.

*I need to inform the people here that you are a Supreme Master. I'm a little embarrassed with some of the questions,I know you're very tired.

No,it's all right.


I am not really tired.


*Well,the world has waited thousands of years for you and I feel like I've got… I've won the lottery in the cosmic sky!

I think they like you.

*And I want everybody here not to miss this opportunity. Please,don't miss this opportunity. There are no accidents. You've been led here and this is a very,very special night for you. Please,please. Thank you.

Thank you. If it benefits you,it is yourself who helps yourself. That is good. I am an instrument,and I am very happy to hear that the instrument works.

*Yes,Master,I hope this is not a ridiculous question,but...

It's all right,don't worry.

*When I meditate,I get… I can't eat tofu,and I miss a lot of the good foods that you have. I can't eat tofu,and I can't eat wheat,right?

You cannot eat tofu?

*I'm allergic. So when I meditate,I get really,really cold,really,really cold.


*And I don't know what to... I've been trying to mix the grains and the beans,but I don't know what to do,to get... I'm afraid I'm not getting the proper protein because I get really,really cold.

Okay understand.

*So what would you suggest?

True,true. If you don't get enough nutrition,you get cold... in the night,too,or don't have enough energy. What else can you eat? You know vegetarian ham and all that can you eat?

*I can't have a lot of spices,I can't have the wheat, I can't have the tofu. You know,I pray to you a lot. Because I am a new initiate,I'd say as I go on and meditate more and more,maybe,you know,my body would be able to take it.

Can somebody be allergic to tofu? Yes? Oh God! Then we are in both in trouble. Even if tofu you cannot eat. What kind of bad karma (retribution) can that be? It's impossible! How do I solve the problems of this world? Even tofu he cannot eat. How about the,you know,not directly tofu,but the processed protein,like into ham,you know,vegetarian ham,sausage? You see,try.

*There's a lot of food that I'm seeing now,because I'm an initiate,I have never seen,you know… (Yes.)

*Everything looks good,you know,I've been deprived a lot…

Yes. Tofu is not the only thing we can eat,so just leave out that and eat other stuff. And maybe eat a little bit of tofu at a time,see how it reacts,and if you can,then continue. Okay? Sometimes you are only allergic for a certain period of time,and maybe after you meditate for a while,your allergy has been minimized. So you have to always to test the water. Okay,honey?

*Thank you,Master. I love you.

Yes,I wish you luck. Wish you can eat a lot of tofu later. Because it's very sad,it's very sad to hear that a person has tried his best already,and turned to vegetarian,and still has obstacles. You know,it's very sad. I have sympathy for you and I will pray for you. I wish you luck. Okay?

*Good evening,Master. I feel very honored to be with you tonight.

I am honored,too.

*I wanted to speak because I had many allergies myself,and I have worked with people who have,and what he can... There are many other grains,rice being excellent; also quinoa and other grains that he can mix with the smaller lentils. They are a higher,warmer energy.

I see.

*And if he includes things like ginger and cayenne... Ginger especially,but cayenne may be too heavy,but the ginger will warm the blood. There are many other grains that he can...

Good! Now you can work with her,both of you. Open an allergy clinic. That's it.

*God bless you,Master.

Yes. Yes,it's true. Tofu is not the only protein that we should depend on. There are all kinds of beans and nuts; they have a lot of protein. But tofu is nice. It's a pity you cannot eat it. You will,you will. Try. Continue. All right. Sometimes you don't eat tofu alone,you know,you poach in sesame oil or something…

*There are many high-energy foods. As she mentioned,nuts,seeds are very high,and sesame,things like that. And if you make sure that you get a balance of any kind of grain,plus a nut,seed,lentil or legume,every day...

Seaweeds and all that. Seaweeds.

*And have it every day,and add things like ginger (

Now we go down to food!) will warm the blood. There are things that will warm the blood,like ginger will help to keep you warm.

Yes,see that? You have an expert there. And look at her,how allergic she has been. Okay,so,Mother,you will teach him how to eat and how to behave and what to do,okay? Anyone elsewith allergy can come and study with her and see what you can do. Sometimes the combination of food breaks away or neutralizes the allergy.
But you must know with what you are allergic to. Yes? All right. Yes,yes,yes,what don't we have here,in this world? Even tofu makes trouble,and it's impossible to imagine that even harmless tomatoes or tofu can give us trouble. Oh God! I think we'd better quit this world,and that's a very right decision!

*Master,I'm a beginner,and I consider myself somewhat old now,at 60 years old,and I've lived,I think,a good life. I like to help people,but I want myself to be more enlightened,but I am having some difficulty moving to a higher level. And I don't seem to have very strong motivation. I've listened to the tapes and I read the magazine,and I've come here and I don't know that I am... I think I am expecting something from... You are the first teacher that I have,should I try to reach a higher level of awareness and a higher level of…

Did you see anything? Hear anything?

*I see a lot and I hear a lot,but…

But you want more?

*I want more,and I want it,I guess,quicker. I guess.

I don't blame you,but the thing is,we can only digest a certain amount of things at a time. All right,brother? I know your age is pressing you,but don't let that bother. People begin at 70. There was a Sikh master,he came to his guru at the age of 70,and everybody looked down upon him,because he was very humble and old,and he worked very dedicatedly,like a servant to his master,and as a servant in the house as well,so not many people looked up on him.
But when his master died,the spiritual mantle fell upon this person,old person,and not to the younger ones. Not to the daughters and sons,and all that expected people. So you see,you're not very old. It's all right. Take it easy!
You see a lot and hear a lot,and you still complain. What shall I do? Yes. Just take it easy,we have give and take still,and when you are ready,you'll be gone - I mean,God will call you. Or if Hes wants you to serve mankind,Hes will bestow the opportunity upon you. Just do your best every daymeditate.  All right,brother? Okay.
You look very young still. Your teeth are still intact and your hair is still there. You know,I saw… When I went to Dominica… But there were two: Dominican Republic and Dominica. So,they get confused. All the mail is going,you know,back and forth, in these two countries all the time. I told them to change the name,simple,but they said,“It's not that simple.” Because they talked about that for 10 years already,but they didn't change.
So I said,"Well,it's very important,if you get all the mails mixed up,yes? - or the secrets,” you know,national secret. “It goes back and forth to different country. It's no good! Better change it.” But then again,who am I to tell them what to do? I just suggest.
So the ex-president said well,he will kind of try to suggest strongly again,that Dominican Republic is something else. And Dominica is another one - it's a little bit near Saint Martin - and it is more undiscovered. It's very beautiful. It's not yet spoiled,and the trees are big like that,and so high,and the rare birds,and over 300 rivers,yes. And the shape looks like Formosa (Taiwan). It's funny,you know,like Formosa (Taiwan).
And the people there are very nice. When I went there,the president was pretty old,but he didn't think he was. He is 74,but he doesn't look a day older than 73! He thinks he is very young,and he's very enthusiastic and very energetic.
He came to the airport to meet us,casually,even though it was an ex-president. But just last time,he stepped out,just because his age. He's been there for ten years... President for 10 years - means continued many terms. And the president now is also,you know,a little bit older than you. So what do you want?
Do you want me to list all the senior citizens in the world to encourage you? Yes,and this president,the ex-president of Dominica,he was so pure,like a saint. He's like a father,you know. He came to the airport to greet me; he didn't even know me. He just heard people say that I am such and such and such,then he came to the airport,like that. And then this morning,at five o'clock,he came to the airport to send me off,again! Five o'clock in the morning!
You don't even wake up to think of me yet,he woke up and he came and saw us off at the airport. He didn't have to do that,but he did it. He said because he loved me so much. He respects and he just wants to show it,yes. And woe to you if you tell him he is old - he will defend!
He says he's very young. And his skin is very smooth,and his eyes are still very sparkling,and he speaks with such a clarity and wisdom,and such warmth - human love in his heart. It's fantastic. You wouldn't think he's an old man. Yes. So,don't make yourself old,otherwise I'd feel old,too. I am just about 20 years younger than you. Okay,anyone else?

*Master Ching Hai,I'm very grateful for your teaching,and I am very excited to see you here,today...tonight. I just have a question about love. I'm asking you to teach me: How do we give our love to people around us? Especially,when we have our own judgment,when we think some people are not good. I know it's not right to make judgments to think somebody else is not good as they are supposed to be,so I am just asking you to teach me how to give our love to people around us?

Somebody know better? Do you know how? Yes,say it. Easy to say. She said you forgive yourself,and then it's easy to forgive someone else. That's the advice. Take it or leave it. It's difficult,it's difficult. Just try your best,brother. Okay? Try your best,all right? But allow yourself also some room to grow and to be natural. Yes?
You cannot always force yourself to love someone that you cannot love,and sometimes they are unreasonable,let's face it. And sometimes,the bad karma (retribution) from the previous life comes back often,and sometimes the maya tries to test our endurance and our patience and our sympathy and all that. It's difficult to live in this world.
So just try your best,and allow yourself some room to grow,all right? Don't just demand too much of yourself. We are human yet. Okay? It's very difficult to deal with people. Even though we like to be loving and kind,it's difficult when the personality clashed. And when we're in a hurry,when we must rush to do things,and other people just try just not to help or try to slow down and just try not to,like,not to understand,pretend not to understand what we want,or things like that. It's very difficult. Don't worry about that. Sooner or later,we will all be gone,love or not love.

Very difficult,very difficult. But when we live with other people,if we want their company,we must just be patient. There's no other choice. Otherwise,just quit,live alone. That is weakness; that's weakness. Anyone who lives alone is weak,yes?
They cannot deal with a lot of people,so they live alone. It's a weakness,it's not a saintly quality. So,don't be proud if you are monk or something,or live a secluded life; it is nothing really big deal. If you can live in the worlddeal with all the peopleand becameor remaina saint at the same timethat is better. Okay?  
But it's difficult. I think you can do it. All of you are saints here,because you live with people every day,you deal with them,you love them,and you work and you serve family sometimes; you can deal with it.

*Master, how long will you stay with us here?

I don't know yet. Sometimes I'd like to stay long,you know.

*A long time.

I don't know yet.

*We want you so muchto stay.

I'd like too,but there are many things… I don't want to tell you right now. There are a lot of things that are waiting for me,so I am not sure. I would have loved to stay here. (*Okay.)

But there are many worldly situations,you know,affect my schedule and my work. Sometimes the karma (retribution) of sentient beings changes,you know,from one minute to the next. Really like that. One minute it's okay; next minute,it's chaos,and then I have to work accordingly,too. Yes?
So,there are situations that I cannot tell you at the moment. I will tell you when I have time,and when I have the opportunity,okay? At the moment,I cannot promise how long. So if you see me today,you know today,and if you see me next day,you know next day. That will be best.

*Thank you.

All right? (Thank you.)

How can somebody stay here and work in another place at the same time? - I mean,physically. Then it would be good. There are many urgent,pressing matters. Sometimes always run around,you know,around me and demanding my attention. Sometimes I cannot even tell you,because it's concerning political situations,you know,other countries,and things like that. I cannot always tell you in advance. Sometimes when it's finished,I can tell you.
Yes. Sometimes, if I tell you I go to see the President of Dominica, sometimes I might not be able to see him,even. Sometimes they change,the karma (retribution),you know,it's so fast. That's why I'd better keep quiet,and don't say anything until I have done. Yes,so,now I will tell you,okay, in a few days. What day is today?


Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday. Oh my God! There's a long way to Tipperary! Four days! In four days,many things happened. But nevertheless,if you go to San Jose… All these can go to the San Jose Center?


I don't think so... Can? Can do? If it's not raining,can. I hate to promise you,but I don't really know Sunday if I'm here or not. I'm supposed to be here. I was going to be here,but it looks like the situation will press me in some other corner of the world. You try your luck,okay?


I wish that I would be here on Sunday because I want to rest here for a while. I've been running for the last many weeks,and every day,you know,pressing schedule. Even now,when I tell you,“Oh,I go to see the President of Dominica or to see the Prime Minister...” just stop,very easy. But it was not easy while I was doing it. You know what I mean?
I just don't know why things do happen,make it not the way it is that I could not sleep sometimes in the night. And besides,I have to take care of other things,you know,not only the initiates in America,but in Formosa (Taiwan),in China,etc.,etc. I'm always on the phone. And sometimes I cannot sleep because of the phone,see? - waiting or talking. And so,something like when I'm in Dominica,the phone doesn't always work the way you want it.
There are only two outside lines,are always occupied. For example,like that,you know. And even money doesn't work there! Yes,something like that. But Dominica is already very good. It's English phone system.
Sometimes I go to somewhere else,it's very difficult. And when I try to talk to Thailand or Cambodia,my God! It's like you talk to the moon! Yes,talk to the astronaut on the moon. The line is always waning and waving and you can hardly make a conversation,and you have to make it again and again,and that wastes a lot of time.
And sometimes,I am in “time-pressing,” you know? That is terrible. So,I just don't know how to explain to you. I really wish I would be here on Sunday,but at the moment,I'm not sure. I'll probably be sure in a few days. Okay?

*Anything we can do to help you? Anything at all?

Well,I don't know. Just pray,just meditate.

*We'll pray,we'll meditate.

And hope that the world will become better. And I have to take care what is the most urgent at that moment,even though sometimes I have to sacrifice the longing of other people. I don't know how to explain my work for you. Sometimes I really go through many nights without sleeping,just because of all these situations going on.
And then other people make demand on me as well,you see,like a new acquaintance,a new country. Then sometimes they invite me to see their leaders,and say,"Please,come and bless our country," things like that. Or sometimes they come see what I can do there,for example,or for the future,or just because God says so. I'm always busy,believe it or not. I can hardly believe that there is such a person who's so small and who is so busy!
And if you ask me what I'm busy at,it's difficult to tell you. I forget also. Whatever I have finished,I forget. I don't write memo,and I can't remember what it was that kept me so busy. It's just...anything. Okay,anyhow,forget it. As long as I live,I work. I see you. I see you,perhaps. I cannot promise Sunday,but please do come. Besides,if you come,if I'm not there,you meditate for world peace. It will not do you any harm.
But if you think I might not be there,and you might waste your time,then it's up to you,okay? If I am here,I will be,Sunday,for sure. It's just I'm worried that I might have to rush somewhere. But I will wait for the karma (retribution) to,you know,to change. Sometimethey change because of their ideasinside, if their thoughts changethe situation changes. That's why anything predicting in the future hardly ever comes, you knowaccuratebecause it changes with the people's thought pattern.  
So don't blame those clairvoyant people,that they're talking nonsense,or they predict something that does not come true. Sometimes it's like that. It's supposed to be like that,%%%but then the people change because of their strong will. %%% They change because they have become more moral. They change because they have repented their sins and vow to improve. Then the situation changes immediately.
There's no need for God or anybody to explain the situation. It's really like that. That's why if you ask me tomorrow what will happen,I will not tell you because I don't know. Only the stupid one that would tell you tomorrow what happens; maybe for one individual,but only if that individual stays in that pattern of living standard,you know. If he changeseven one thought of improvementchanges his destiny. So the destiny is in our hands.  
Make sure that you control your destiny,and bring it into a desired state of life,or a living standard. You do control your destiny. Of course,we are influenced by karma (retribution),but that's why we have to struggle,have to decide what to do. We have to keep always our mind positive and use the meditation power to make this positive thinking become true. If you don't meditate, if you don't have the power of the creativealmighty force insidedoesn't matter how positively you thinkit doesn't come true. Just don't listen to people who say"Think positively and then everything will be positive.”

Nonsense! Can it happen? If I think I have money,I will? Positively,I will have money? Think! Try,try. It doesn't have to work! Just think positively that you will have money,and tell me how much! Is that right? Yesnot thinking alone. Powerthe backup power must be strong. Where does the power come from? From the Most Highand you get that through your meditationyour recharging. So don't just sit there and think - must meditate,too. See?
Just like we think about money,it doesn't help. We must have a bank account,and the bank account must be full of money; at least it covers the check. So,anyhow,yes,you know everything already. If you come Sunday, if I'm here,I'll come see you. I hope I will be here,and I'd like to be here,because I'm tired. I also want to rest for a few days here. I don't want to rush somewhere else at the moment. But maybe I have to,okay?

If I know it in advance, I will tell you,all right? If I don't know,just come Sunday and maybe you'll see me. If not,you pray,all right? I'm honest with you. I don't try to cheat you into coming to group meditation,even though group meditation is good for you,but because you asked me whether I'll be there or not. I honestly don't know at the moment. I plan to be here for a long time - at least a few weeks,and have a rest - but you know the situation of the world. Maybe I have to rush.
So,you know that. If you don't see me again,forgive me, understand me,and we'll see each other again some other time. If you do,then nothing to say. Okay? If I am here Sunday,we barbecue and we play together,and we sing and we do something.

All right. I can only say that I love you,I'm proud of you,and because of you,I continue to work. If you have not improved,and you did not give me feedback that it helps you,I would have quit. I would not continue.

So,actually,I thank you. So,good night!


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