The International Conference on Human Rights   

Welcome to the conference on caring for human rights and Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees. The conference is about to begin. The International Human Rights Conference begins. All the guests, please rise.

Three Principles of The People) Our aim shall be: To found a free land, World peace be our stand. Lead on, friends, Vanguards you are. Hold fast your aim, By sun and star. Be earnest and brave, Your country to save, One heart, one soul, One mind, one goal.

*Please be seated. Address by the chairpersons. Let us welcome Mrs. Barbara Finch, Director of the International Federation of Human Rights, Secretary of State Affairs in Iowa, and the organizer of the conference, to give a speech. The International Federation of Human Rights is established by the governors and secretaries of seven US states. Its current honorary president is Terry Brandstad, Governor of the state of Iowa. Please welcome Mrs. Barbara Finch. Thank you. Mrs. Finch arrived in Formosa (Taiwan) on May 21. She is very willing to promote peace in Formosa (Taiwan) and the whole world. Let's also welcome Mr. Chen Hung-Kwang, General Secretary of the World Cultural Communication Association.

*On Monday, the Master spoke to you and used a quote from the Bible, where God told his people, God said, “I was a stranger and you did not invite me in; I needed clothes, and you did not clothe me; I was sick and in prison, and you did not look after me." And they also will answer, "Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison and did not help you?" And He replied, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.” There are many problems which can easily be resolved if we can communicate with a loving heart, and in so doing, we are all aware of the fact that world peace and harmony are yet to be reached among the citizens of the world, due to reasons such as political structure, economic competence, and religious prejudice and cultural difference.

*As we know, the disharmony among humanity today is attributable to many factors: political standpoints, economic competition, religious prejudices, and cultural differences. In addition, our own self interest and viewpoints have caused wars in some parts of the world. Hatred from wars has led to escalating tension in the world, causing more and more tragedies. The number of refugees has been increasing since World War II.

*Unfortunately, the number of broken families due to the ongoing battles in this world has increased a great deal, especially after the Second World War, in which the number of refugees has reached up to 30 million people.

* Hatred from war has brought tension in the world, causing tragedies. Since World War II, the number of refugees has reached over 30 million. They are victims of devastating battles, and continuously strive for the basic human ideals of democracy and freedom.

*Being victims of wars, they have pursued a life of freedom and human dignity.

*As we are all from the same origin, we should not forget that if we experience this world with love, and use love as our principle, then it will be much easier to solve all the problems in the world, and there will be no more wars or disasters.

*While the rest of the world praises their bravery for just cause, little has been done to help these homeless wanderers. Some of the democratic nations have abandoned them, forcing them to sacrifice their bodies and souls under the inhumane and cruel living conditions of camps. Their circumstances remind me of how the Jews were treated by the Nazis during World War II.

*Our goal is to have no more wars, violence or repression. The purpose of today's conference is to make known our International Human Rights Proclamation, the purpose of which is to solve the world's refugee problems. We want no refugees in this world.

*Thank you for inviting me and allowing me to speak to you on this issue.

*We are both honored to host this conference today. We have two great leaders here in Formosa (Taiwan). One is our President, Mr. Lee Teng-Hui, who has worked hard to gain UN membership for our country. Another is our world spiritual leader, Supreme Master Ching Hai. President Lee has paid great attention to this International Conference on Human Rights. Since our schedule is in conflict with his parliamentary meetings and other important matters which require his attention, he will probably receive us and the delegates from both international organizations at another appropriate time. He offers his commendation to our highly respected and beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai. We are honored to have this opportunity to report to you on these developments. Thank you very much.

*Let us now introduce our distinguished guests.

*Thank you very much. We'd now like to introduce some of our honored guests.

* From Canada, we have Mr. Stephen James Godden, editor and columnist of SCENE, CKSL-1410 AM radio.

*From Canada, we have Mr. Stephen James Godden, editor of CKSL-1410 AM radio and columnist of SCENE. CKSL-1410 Radio mainly covers news and sports in the London area of Canada.

*From France, M. Vincent Dupont, reporter for Figaro News.

*From France, M. Vincent Dupont, reporter for Figaro News, which is noted for its support of humanitarian work.

*From France again, Mr. Jean-Claude Carton, General Secretary of the Now & Here radio station.

*Mr. Jean-Claude Carton, General Secretary of the Now & Here radio station in France. The station specializes in religious and spiritual programs, with the focus on promoting mutual help and love among humans.

*From France again, Mr. Lê Trung Cang, former Chairman of the Committee for Protecting the Boat People.

*From France, Mr. Lê Trung Cang, former chairman of the Committee for Protecting the Boat People. This committee has approached the UNHCR concerning the policy on Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees.

*From Korea, Mr. Song Chung Mu, President and publisher of Inside the World magazine.

*Mr. Son Chung Mu, President and publisher of the Inside the World magazine in Korea. This magazine focuses on political issues and a variety of news coverage.

*From Indonesia, Ms. Rindang Herawati, military reporter of the Java Post newspaper.

*From Indonesia, Ms. Rindang Herawati, military reporter of the Java Post, the largest newspaper in East Java.

*From Indonesia, Mr. Suprihadi, foreign reporter and editor of the Harian Surya. And we also have Mr. Basuki Vermart of Surabaya, Indonesia; Benny Chris, cameraman of REPISETB, Jakarta, Indonesia.

* Mr. Suprihadi, foreign reporter and editor of the Indonesian Harian Surya News, which has quickly achieved a wide circulation in East Indonesia.

*From Indonesia again, Mr. Moxa Nadeak, reporter for the Suara Pembaruan.

*Mr. Moxa Nadeak, reporter of the Indonesian Suara Pembaruan News, the second largest local language newspaper in Jakarta.

*Again, from Indonesia, Mr. FA Prasetyo, reporter and director of PT Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia (RCTI).

*From Indonesia, Mr. FA Prasetyo, reporter and broadcasting director of RCTI Television, and cameraman, Mr. Groda. RCTI is the only private television station in Indonesia and is highly influential in the country.

*From the Philippines, Mr. Joe Lad Santos, Editor-in-Chief of the Filipino Reporter Magazine.

*Mr. Joe Lad Santos, Chief editor of the Filipino Reporter Magazine, which is known for its fair coverage and support and sympathy for victims both at home and abroad.

*Again, from the Philippines, Dr. and Mrs. Rene G. Santos of the Asian Pacific Youth Freedom League, Philippine Center.

*From the Philippines, Dr. Rene G. Santos, Chairman of the Asian Pacific Youth Freedom League (Philippine Chapter) and his wife, Mrs. Amy Santos. This organization has offered immense help to victims of the Mt. Pinatubo volcanic eruptions and has shown great support and sympathy to Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees abroad.

*From California, USA, Mr. Hồ Kỳ, President of the Hải Ninh Community Association.

*Mr. Hồ Kỳ, President of the Hải Ninh Community Association in California, USA. Over the past three years, this association has saved countless numbers of Aulacese (Vietnamese)

refugees from Hong Kong through various means.

*From the USA, New York, Paz Huneeus of the United Nations.

*Ms. Paz Huneeus of the United Nations in New York.

*From Oregon, Dr. Richard Schneider, University of Global Education and Peace International Radio.

*Dr. Richard Schneider, Director of the Radio for Peace International and Dean of the University of Global Education in Oregon, USA. He is accompanied by photographer Mr. Raymond Dukes. Peace International Radio reaches audiences in over 60 countries globally. Its purpose is to promote peace and social justice, protect the environment and ecology, and foster cultural exchanges.

*From Arizona, the Reverend Jim Proper, Vice President of the Lutheran Social Ministry, and Mr. John Navin, also of the Lutheran Social Ministry.

*Mr. Jim Proper and Mr. John Navin, Vice President and staff of the Arizona Lutheran Social Ministry.

*From Arizona, Ms. Mary Hoppin, Circulation Director of the Current Media newspaper.

*Ms. Mary Hoppin, Circulation Director of the “Current” monthly newspaper in Arizona.

*From Houston, Texas, Mr. Vũ Thu, Intake Technician of the Refugee Program at the Houston Community College System.

*Mr. Vũ Trọng Thu, Intake Technician for the refugee program of the Houston Community College System, Texas. He is working to help refugees find jobs and receive an education.

*From Sydney, Australia, Ms. Candace Sutton, reporter for the Sun Herald newspaper.

*Ms. Candace Sutton, reporter of the Sun Herald newspaper in Sydney, Australia.

*From Australia, again, we have Mr. David Giang, publisher for the Morning Sun (Chiều Dương) news.

*Mr. David Giang, publisher of the Morning Sun newspaper in Australia.

*From the International Red Cross, the United States, we have Mr. King-Bo, Cheong King-Bo.

*Mr. Cheong King-Bo of the International Red Cross, USA.

*From Hawaii, representing the United Chinese Press, Mr. Leow Chi-Quon.

*Mr. Leow Chi-Quon of the United Chinese Press in Hawaii.

*Also from the US, representing the Vietnam-Chinese newspaper, Mr. Kwang Shao-Zhen.

*Mr. Kwang Shao-Zhen, reporter of the Vietnam-Chinese newspaper in the US.

*From the US, representing the Read-over Newspaper, Mr.Chen Shu-Chuan.

*Mr. Chen Shu-Chuan, reporter of the Chung Hsing Newspaper in the US.

*From California, Editor-in-Chief of the Ngày Mai magazine in California, Mr. Vũ Khôi.

*Mr. Vũ Khôi, Editor-in-Chief of the Ngày Mai magazine in California.

*From the Philippines, Editor of the Foreign News of the Manila Bulletin, noted journalist, Mr. Alfredo Gabot.

*Mr. Alfredo Gabot, journalist and Foreign News Editor of the Manila Bulletin in the Philippines. [

*From the Ananda Marga Group of spiritual practitioners, we're happy to have Bigi Nana.

*Ms. Xiao Ming-Hua, co-chairperson of the US National Republican Party, Asian Chapter.

*From the World League for Freedom & Democracy, Mr. T. T. Liu.

*Mr. Lin Cheng-Chieh, Legislator; Mr. Chang Fu-Hsing, Chairman of the National Congress Chairpersons' Assembly. These two gentlemen have extended great support to the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees. Let's give them a round of applause. Mr. Lin Kuo-Hsien, Deputy General-Secretary of the Judicial Yuan; Mr. Lin Jui-Ching, Yunlin County Legislator; Mr. Lin Shou-Shan, Kaohsiung County Legislator;

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chen, Director of the State of Florida, USA, Office in Taipei; Mr. Jung Tzu-Hao, Chairman of Life Line International in Formosa (Taiwan); Mr. Chen Jun-Hwa, Hualien County Councilor; Mr. Liu Pei-Xun, Director of the Ta Min News; Mr. Wang Lin-Jiu, commissioner of Data Management of the Directorate General of Customs; Mr. Carlos James, Deputy Commissioner of the St. Vincent Internal Revenue Department; Mr. Alpheus T. Mdluli, Deputy Commissioner of the Swaziland Inland Revenue Department; Mr. Hong Wen-Ching, Director of the National Elderly Association; Mr. Satoshi Saeki, special reporter of the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper of Japan. There are many more representatives from different walks of life and friends from major local TV stations, newspapers, magazines, and radio stations, who are present. We apologize for not being able to introduce every one of our honored guests. Please allow us to extend to each one of you our heartfelt respect and best wishes. Thank you very much for your interest in this conference.

* We forget to use love to deal with things, which cause us troubles and burdens. Now, we must utilize our wisdom and compassion to solve the serious issue of the refugees. It is the responsibility of all the people in the world to provide relief for the refugees. If we ignore this responsibility, we might cause further complications and hence start even worse problems for ourselves. We have to face this problem and think about what God's will is. They are our siblings. Let's treat each individual as a citizen of the world, where there are no distressed brothers and sisters. Let's build a common trusted civilization and move forward into the new era of the universe.

* We have forgotten what justice is, and that we all come from one family, the House of God. And we have forgotten about our brothers and sisters. There are many problems which can be easily resolved if we would communicate with a loving heart. We might not even have any wars, disasters, conflicts, or unnecessary problems, but the most important issue here is how to utilize our wisdom and compassion to solve the severe issue of refugees.

* That's why we proposed this Human Rights Declaration. Today, under the witness of the international media, we gather people from around the world to express our support for them. We explained how we got contact with them and our personal background. We all know that even young people are caring about the suffering of the people in the world.

* As long as there are refugees, it is a responsibility of the world to provide relief. Our ignoring of this responsibility might just cause further complications and hence trigger an even worse problem upon us. We have to regard this from God's point of view that they are our siblings. Let's all be the citizens of the universe where everyone lives in harmony. Therefore, the purpose of this conference is to reclaim the world human rights proclamation under the witness of God and mass media all over the world. We pray to God that He will have mercy on us - no more wars and no more refugees.

Ms. Hsieh Chi-Da, Legislator; Mr. Lin Hsi-Hou, National Assembly Deputy; Mr. Su Fang-Chang, National Assembly Deputy; Mr. Lin Hung-Chih, National Assembly Deputy; Mr. Hua Chia-Chih, Kao Pin Legislator; Mr. Lee Cheng-Ran, Section Chief of the International Organizations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mr. Oung Yien-Xiang, Director of Market Events, RPTI International Ltd; Mr. Kao Chen-Yi, Advisor of the Ministry of Economic Affairs; Ms. Lin Mei-Zhen, Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs;

Mr. Yu Yu-Chao, Director of Bureau of International Culture & Education Relations, Ministry of Education; Mr. Ko Si-Hsien, Taipei City Department of Transportation; Mr. Hu Mu-Lan, Section Chief of Social Affairs of the Formosan Provincial Government; Mr. Yang Guo-Fu, Mayor of MaGong City; Ms. Wu Si-Huei, Director of the China Women Democratic Party; Mr.Chen Fa-Huei, Vice Commissioner of the Central Office of the China Women Democratic Party; Mr. Yuei Jin, Secretary of the Civil Aeronautics Administration; Mr. Tang He-Lin, Former Confidential Secretary of the President's Office; Mr. Lin Gou-Hsiou, Mr. Hwang Lo-Bin and Mr. Wu Chuan-Sheng of World Cultural Communication Association; Mr. Ding Wei-Tzi, General Secretary of Sino-Arab Cultural and Economic Association; Mr. Chao Tze-Chi, Senior Consultant of the President's Office and Director of the World League for Freedom and Democracy; Mr. Liou Chi-Tong, Consultant of the World League for Freedom and Democracy; Mr. Tsao Kang-Fu, Representative from Secretary Office of the Asian Pacific League for Freedom and Democracy;

Subsidies for vegetable organic farming.

*Now, let's welcome Mr. Sun Chung Mu, president and publisher of Inside the World magazine in Korea. Mr. Sun Chung Mu was winner of the 1993 International Human Rights Award. Only three people have received this award so far. One is President Mandela of South Africa, the second is multi Nobel Prize nominee, Mr. Kim Dae-Jung, and the third is Mr. Sun Chung Mu, who will now give us a speech.

Let us now welcome Mr. Sun Chung Mu.

*I wholeheartedly welcome Chairwoman Barbara, from the International Federation of Human Rights, Supreme Master Ching Hai, and journalists from all over the world, as well as students who are studying Supreme Master Ching Hai's philosophy, and their family members. I am very honored to be invited to this occasion. I think you invited me on this occasion because I am the recipient of the International Human Rights Award and journalist from South Korea, and I was also a journalist who covered the Vietnam War. Today, I think that both Formosa (Taiwan) and Âu Lạc (Vietnam) are very blessed countries. Following the Vietnam War, there were a large number of helpless Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees around the world. When I think of the fact that we have a saintly woman such as Supreme Master Ching Hai, who guides them and leads them to righteous ways of living, and the fact that this lady is working with her world headquarters in Formosa (Taiwan), I feel these two countries are very blessed countries. We thought we would have world peace when the old Soviet Union was demolished and the Cold War ended, but we still have many wars around the world and many people die, and we have tens of thousands of helpless people such as the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees. I think it reflects the fact that we humans are still not awakened by God's words, the Creator's words, and the Truth that we have inside us. Please, give a very big applause to Madam Supreme Master Ching Hai, who has toured around the world and has spread the Truth and God's good intention, and has awakened the Truth.

During the Vietnam War, I worked as a war correspondent and I witnessed the horrible scenes of war. As a participant of the war, I sincerely apologize to you that the South Korean government and citizens have not taken a lot of responsibility in helping the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees. However, the more than 200 representatives and leaders who came here from South Korea have a mission now. When you go back to South Korea, please inform our government and our citizens to actively participate in activities that help the unfortunate Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees scattered around in Asian countries. In addition, the more than 5,000 family members who came here, especially Supreme Master Ching Hai's family members, when you go back to your country, when you go back to the country that you live, you have to start a campaign directed to your governments, parliaments, and religious circles and journalist circles to spread the noble cause of Supreme Master Ching Hai, and to give your loving hand to help the numerous Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees who are suffering in Asian countries. The purpose of the campaign is to spread Supreme Master Ching Hai's noble cause to the people who are not awakened to the Truth and to deliver with sincerity what you learned from her to them. Please, write what you think and send letters to governments, politicians, and conglomerates. Ladies and gentlemen, when you go back to your countries, please complain vigorously to England's government, Hong Kong's government,

Formosan (Taiwan) government, Aulacese (Vietnamese) government and the Chinese government - who will take over Hong Kong in the near future - and write letters, pleading letters, to them. I urge all of you to participate in this (human rights) return effort by sharing our values as human beings and our inborn dignity with all of them, so that they can keep their values and truth that God has given to us forever, so that their life may become better and they may fulfill their potential in this lifetime in a comfortable environment. Thank you.

*Being an international human rights activist as well, Mr. Sun has spoken with great respect for and expressed affirmation in Supreme Master Ching Hai. Let us now present the awards. Mrs. Barbara Finch, Director of the International Federation for Human Rights, and Mr. Chen Hung-Kwang, General-Secretary of the World Cultural Communication Association, will now present to Supreme Master Ching Hai the World Humanitarian Leadership Award and the certificate of the Honorable Advisor-in-Chief of the International Federation for Human Rights, in recognition of Master's humanitarian contributions. We respectfully invite Supreme Master Ching Hai to the stage to receive this honor. This is the plaque of the World Humanitarian Leadership Award.

*And I have a certificate for the Master from the International Federation of Human Rights: “We extend an invitation to the Supreme Master Ching Hai who has rendered assistance as well as demonstrated such deep and wide concern for international Human Rights and worldwide refugees. Our federation is in great need of your divine wisdom and experienced guidance. We therefore wish to hereby invite your grace to be our honorable adviser in chief. President Barbara J. Finch and Hung-Kwang Chen.”

* This is the certificate of the Honorable Advisor-in-Chief of the International Federation for Human Rights.

* The International Federation for Human Rights and the World Cultural Communication Association from the United States are presenting the World Humanitarian Leadership Award to our great Supreme Master Ching Hai. This carries a profound significance because it is the first time in 12 years for both organizations to present this award to an outstanding humanitarian leader. This award was initiated by the state of Iowa with the concurrence of the states of Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kansas, and Hawaii, as well as the city of Honolulu. The governors of these seven states and the mayor of Honolulu had arranged to fly in for this grand occasion but were eventually unable to make the trip.

Therefore, Mrs. Finch, Iowa Secretary of State, and I, General-Secretary of the World Cultural Communication Association, are here to present the award on their behalf. This time they are honoring two of the most compassionate leaders in the world. One is Supreme Master Ching Hai. Her tremendous contributions in offering aid to Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees, the flood victims of six US states in the Midwest, the fire victims of LA, the homeless in California, the lepers in Hawaii, and the flood victims in France, and many more, have proved her worthy of recognition as an unprecedented world peace leader and world spiritual leader. We will also present the World Distinguished Leadership Award to the President of Formosa (Taiwan), Mr. Lee Teng-hui. Supreme Master Ching Hai has the qualifications for the World Human Rights Leadership Award. Here, as I stand in front of this great humanitarian leader, in this moment of magnificence, we realize how great her actions in rescuing the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees are. This is such a moving evening! The love of Supreme Master Ching Hai, the world leader and the recipient of the World Human Rights Leadership Award, encompasses the whole world.

*Dr. Richard Schneider of the International Peace Radio Station, also President of the Global Education University, will now present the World Citizen Humanitarian Award to Supreme Master Ching Hai. Supreme Master Ching Hai has spread the message of

universal love and peace throughout the world. For a long time, she has devoted tremendous manpower and material assistance to disaster victims in countries such as Thailand, Âu Lạc (Vietnam), China, the Philippines, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Formosa (Taiwan), etc. During her ten-year stay in Formosa (Taiwan), not only did she have her disciples visit the destitute, she herself also visited prisons, giving spiritual comfort to those incarcerated. Her Formosan (Taiwanese) disciples have also participated in a wide range of social activities and organized a series of activities called “Compassionate Heaven, Loving World” to help homeless people, clean up the environment, and fund the purchase of garbage trucks. When heavy floods struck the American Midwest and wild fires broke out in Los Angeles last year, Supreme Master Ching Hai requested volunteers from her worldwide meditation centers to offer emergency relief to the victims. She also donated US$1 million to lepers, veterans, and cancer and AIDS research programs in the US. Now let us invite Mr. Richard Schneider to present the World Citizen Humanitarian Award to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

*God in His mercy and compassion from time to time sends an enlightened person to the Earth to personify compassion, and tonight we honor such a person. The two million listeners of Radio for Peace International and the University of Global Education is proud and pleased and honored to recognize the enormity of the humanitarian effort, the personification of thoughts and feelings and spirit in action in real work, unselfishly, around the world. And for this tremendous effort and this tremendous demonstration of compassion and caring for all of humanity, regardless of their state or condition, we are proud to present our highest award, the World Citizen Humanitarian Award to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

*Chairman of the Asian Pacific Youth Freedom League in the Philippines, Dr. Rene Santos, and his wife, Mrs. Amy Santos, will now present the Humanitarian Paragon Medal to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

* Good evening. Supreme Master Ching Hai, distinguished guests from abroad, friends: “On behalf of the Filipino people and on behalf of the Asian Pacific Youth for Freedom League and the Rotary Club of Biak-na-Bato Silangan, Rotary International district 3780 Quezon City, Philippines, humbly presents this plaque of recognition to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her humanitarian concern and effort to help the countless refugees of the world - those in Palawan and Bataan centers in the Philippines; also for her immeasurable contributions to the victims of Mt. Pinatubo volcano eruptions. Approved by the board this 23rd day of May 1994, and this to be presented during the International Human Rights Conference in Taipei, Formosa (Taiwan), on May 25th, 1994. Signed, Ameurfina Amy G. Santos, President 1993-1994, Rosario Biologlovski, Secretary, and Yours sincerely, Reynaldo Rene G. Santos, Charter President.” And this is our motto for the year 1993-94. "Believe in what you do, do what you believe in."

*Director of the International Federation of Human Rights, Mrs. Barbara Finch, will present a painting to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Honored guests and Supreme Master Ching Hai, I just want to say, “Iowa loves you.” And on behalf of Iowans, we present you with this painting. Thank you.

*On behalf of the government of Iowa state, Mrs. Barbara presents this painting to Supreme Master Ching Hai. We now cordially invite Supreme Master Ching Hai to deliver a speech.

Thank you, Barbara. Thank you, Mr. Chen, and thank you all the honored guests who have come from very faraway places like America, Canada, France, Korea, Africa, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, etc., also even Switzerland.

Thank you, Barbara. Thank you, Mr. Chen Hung-Kwang. Thank you, honorable guests, for coming from faraway places such as France, England, America, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Thank you, Formosan (Taiwanese) dignitaries. Thank you for your generosity and magnanimous love. I think this world is wonderful because of you. Yes. I feel undeserving to receive an award, because %%%personal glory can never replace the world's suffering. %%% If I could die today for those suffering sentient beings, I would do so immediately. All we can do is to live on for them, and together we'll think of ways to help them. We have been meditating and praying this week for world peace and for disaster-stricken people in countries such as Rwanda and Bosnia, and for the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees as well. We have helped refugees around the world with material and physical assistance. The problem of the refugees in other countries could be solved quickly because they are new refugees. But the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugee issue has remained unsolved for nearly 20 years. The international community is concerned about it. Even the United Nations has been unable to find a solution for it. That's why I have approached world political leaders with feasible proposals to solve the refugee issue. We are prepared to donate all our money to any country willing to accept the refugees. We are ready to make monthly donations of hundreds of thousands of US dollars to help them until they can support themselves. We are not begging for compassion from the nations around the world; we believe that every nation is compassionate. Every nation must have suffered, or will one day suffer the turmoil of war or other disasters. Most nations have, more or less, gone through the refugee situation. Decades ago, war and other catastrophes sent tens of thousands of Chinese people fleeing to Âu Lạc (Vietnam), which was peaceful at that time. Âu Lạc (Vietnam) opened its door and offered a vast piece of land near its capital of Saigon to the Chinese refugees. The refugees developed that land into a flourishing Chinatown. Some of the Hong Kong people are descendants of these refugees. When the Chinese fled to Âu Lạc (Vietnam), we offered them land and citizenship. They could either become Aulacese (Vietnamese) citizens or retain their national status as overseas Chinese. They had absolute freedom to establish a business, work, go to school, and build a home. They have developed a business hub known as the "Big Market" today, because Chinese people are good businesspeople. When they first arrived, they began doing business and grew prosperous. We Aulacese (Vietnamese) welcomed the Chinese very much, because the Chinese had superb skills, and they opened the best and cleanest hotels, and they had the best service. We welcomed and respected the Chinese people. We called them "third elder brother" or "third elder sister" instead of overseas Chinese. We regarded them as our own brothers. We did not call them "big brother" because that refers to our own native brothers. We call them “third elder brother” to demonstrate our hospitality and magnanimity. I hope that this can serve as an example for all nations. %%%When refugees come to our country, we should treat them as our brothers and sisters, %%% because we ourselves might become victims of disasters someday as well. Up to now, no country can be exempt from the suffering of war or of becoming refugees. That's why we should help one another. It would be strange if we refused to do so.

Many countries have refused to accept refugees on grounds that offering asylum to one group might lead to an influx of more refugees and things would get out of control. My answer is that when we accepted all the Chinese people who fled to Âu Lạc (Vietnam), it did not trigger an exodus of immigrants from mainland China. Did it?

No. No one would leave their motherland unless they had a good reason to do so. People who are living in security would not leave their homeland. Even if they did move to another country, it would depend on their blessings and on God's arrangements for them. Âu Lạc's (Vietnam) offering of refuge to hundreds of thousands or millions of Chinese people did not lead to an exodus of all the people from mainland China or Formosa (Taiwan) to do business there. There are only a few ten thousand Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees today. Formosa (Taiwan) could easily accommodate them. We do not seek financial or other forms of assistance from the government, nor would we cause them concern.

We would be most happy to share the honor of caring for these victims who are just like us. Why has the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugee issue become so pressing? Because under the threat of forced repatriation, the refugees are in utter despair, and some of them have committed suicide. Nearly 100 refugees have committed suicide in just two or three days. We don't know what the situation will be like if this continues. Wealth makes us forget the times of suffering and the possibility that we might ourselves become refugees one day. Very soon we will enter the 21st century, yet such things continue to happen.

Do you think this is how humanity should act? I am not only concerned about the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees. I'm worried about the world's level of consciousness I cannot imagine what the world would be like if such backward things and barbaric continue. Will it become hell? Will we kill each other, rob each other, or act like animals? An animals would fight with any other animal intruding into its territory. Should we, human beings, act in a similar manner? Before we were born, Hong Kong has already existed. Before we were born, Formosa (Taiwan) has already existed. Formosa (Taiwan) belongs to God. Hong Kong belongs to God. All countries are created by God.

Please do not forget that we are only borrowing this Earth to stay for a while.  But many people have forgotten that. We are blinded by temporary gains; we have forgotten our human nature and our conscience. If we continue to attack and kill one another and forget to share our wealth and fortunes with others, this world would turn for the worse. We human beings cannot behave like animals or treat each other the way ghosts treat their prisoners in hell; otherwise we could easily turn this beautiful world into hell because people usually emulate each other.

One of the UN regulations states: "No one shall be imprisoned for no reason." These people are treated not as refugees but as prisoners. Each one of them is assigned a small corner, like chickens locked up in cages. Are you aware of that? Under these circumstances, we can say that the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees have been extremely patient and docile. For six years, or perhaps ten, they have been sharing a small bed with three or four people, with tier after tier of beds above them, until the top tier reaches the ceiling, which is made of iron sheets.

There are no trees in the camp, and there is a shortage of water and toilets. Children grow up behind barbed wires, knowing nothing about the outside world. This is already a violation of basic human rights. Yet on top of that, tear gas grenades were fired; helicopters and boats were ordered to spray poisonous gas down upon them, into the faces of the children. Some children have not yet regained their eyesight. Two months have passed, and many people are still suffering from their injuries and cannot see clearly.

Some may not even recover from the mental trauma. When they fled from Âu Lạc (Vietnam), they did not imagine that such violence could occur in a so-called “democratic country.” It has struck terror into them. Some have become deranged and were sent to mental institutions. For what? What crimes have they committed? Is this just because they want freedom as we do? Actually, Hong Kong is rich enough to purchase the whole of Âu Lạc (Vietnam).

However, they have chosen to deport them. And even using tear gas and poison to harm the refugees who were pleading not to be deported. As a result, the refugees would rather die than lead such lives. Should this situation continue, there will be no hope for this world. It doesn't matter if a few thousand refugees die because the physical body is ephemeral. It doesn't matter if you have it today and lose it tomorrow. But what about our conscience? What about the vicious energy of the world? Can our children survive in such an atmosphere? If such vicious energy prevails, our children will become even worse because they'll imitate the adults. If we care not what we do to the refugees - their deaths might not matter, a few thousand lives might not count - but what about the conscience of this world?

Where is the spirit of freedom and democracy, the religious spirit that Catholic and Buddhist countries should have? How can people worship at temples, reciting sutras, bowing to the Buddha's statues, saying "love thy neighbor" and yet not do anything for your neighbors - and you feed them tear gas canisters instead?

Merely believing in a religion is not enough. We should put into practice the essence of that religion and the teachings  we have learned from Jesus and the Buddha. Then we can be considered as a religious follower. Otherwise, even if you have built many temples and big churches, it's all useless if you are indifferent to the person standing at your doorstep, toiling and begging for a bowl of rice or safe shelter. Do you think God would have mercy on us? When we ask for God's help, would Hes help us? Would Buddha listen to our prayers?

I am somewhat comforted today to see that there are still so many good people in Formosa (Taiwan) and that there are still many compassionate people in the world. I had felt so depressed, but today, seeing so many of you, including the dignitaries from Formosa (Taiwan), and those of you who have come from different parts of the world to extend your support to the weak and homeless refugees, I have found hope again.

I hope... I hope that our world will change for the better in the coming 21st century, that people will love and protect each other. No matter how many refugees we have, the problem will be solved if every family opens its door to just one refugee. After a period of time, the refugees will adapt to the new environment and be able to stand on their own feet and make their own living. They will not be a lifelong burden.

Besides, God sometimes tests us by sending suffering people to our doorstep to see whether we follow Hiers teachings, whether we truly have love for others.  Therefore, do not let this opportunity slip by. The Aulacese (Vietnamese) people are very independent and they have high self-esteem. They do not like to lead a nomadic life away from their homeland, begging for food and love from other people. In their four to five thousand years of history, none of the Aulacese (Vietnamese) had ever fled their own country to become a refugee.

There were no refugees even at times of impoverishment or during the frequent wars. China ruled Âu Lạc (Vietnam) for a millennium, yet no one fled. France ruled it for a hundred years, and no one left then either. Some wars lasted for decades, and floods and other natural disasters struck the country, yet no one tried to escape. Why then are they fleeing their country now? Why are millions of the Aulacese (Vietnamese) - men and women, old and young, rich and poor, politicians and civilians - fleeing their own country after five thousand years of history? Please think about it. It is because God wants us to know that love is a precious treasure, that freedom is the right ideal. If we turn our backs on these refugees, we will be betraying our own ideal. We will be the ones who are really pitiful, not the refugees. It is our ideal, our soul, our noble way of thinking that is important, not our physical life.  Thank you very much.

* Next, we will play a film featuring Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees. This is one of the main theme of today's conference. We need to learn more about the situation of the refugees so that we know how to help them.

Ladies and gentlemen, this document is very, very precious, very rare! Maybe you'll take a little time to study. If you remember, this is during the Chinese and Japanese war. People were killed alive; buried alive and killed with knives. This could happen to us, anytime, if war continues. So many people died just because of the ambitions of a few. You see this is new: can you see a woman suffering from a machete wound? Half of her head is chopped like that. And children, many children, also suffering from the war. So young, and people tried to kill her by chopping her head. This is advertisement from the UN, United Nations. Nowin Rwanda, many children are also being killed.

The woman we just saw was chopped by a machete; her head was chopped almost in half. She was dying. This picture is in the advertisement that the United Nations ran to raise donations for the children of the war refugees. These are the things that happened in wars. If we are not careful, if we don't love one another, there will be more wars, and it will happen to us, our friends and relatives.  War is never about one country: all countries suffer from it.

When I was working in the Red Cross for the refugees, some of them came to Germany, a very cold country in winter, with only one short pants, nothing more on their bodies. We had to bring blankets to wrap them up right away, otherwise they would freeze to death. Even children had nothing on their body, and not eating, drinking, for many days.

When I was working for the Red Cross, I received some of them. When some of them, including the children, came to Germany in the cold winter, they had only one pair of short pants. We had to give them blankets right way. Otherwise, they might have died.

*When I got out of the car, the first things I saw were fences that were about 5 meters high, all barbed wires. When the communists occupied Âu Lạc (Vietnam), all the concentration camps in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) used this kind of barbed wire, and that was my first impression.

*It looks, at first glance, like a concentration camp and that impression does not go away. The camp is divided into eight different sections, each section housing 2,000 people in the area, in an area the size of a football field. Each section has 20 huts; in each hut are 100 people - bunkbeds in each section - and you have people on each side of you, and above you and below you, so that everybody just has no privacy, and are cooped up like chickens.

*The conditions at Whitehead and all the other centers can be characterized by extreme overcrowding, sterility, and inhumane and degrading.

*The current situation facing the young children in the refugee camps is of grave concern; they have no freedom yet. Each day we should give the children a few hours outside the confines of the barbed wire so that they can get some benefi from nature, the weather, and to acquaint themselves with the external natural environment and acquire different ways of life while at the same time help with their mental development. This is so precious, yet currently unachievable. That is what we hope for.

*I would say the conditions in which the Aulacese (Vietnamese) asylum seekers are housed are much worse than the conditions in which convicted prisoners are housed I think if you went to a maximum security prison, you would find they are treated much much better than the average Aulacese (Vietnamese) boat persons who are placed in conditions which fall far below those which are prescribed, which are internationally accepted standards for the treatment of prisoners.

*The results of living in those conditions are traumatization and increase in psychological problems. Deterioration is coupled with an extreme sense of fear - fear over the screening process, fear of repatriation to Âu Lạc (Vietnam); a very heightened level of stress. It's probably impossible to quantify the damags that is happening to people by living for years in those conditions.

*Why do we have to bear this here? Within reason, we can bear it. When they have imprisoned us here, then we think of them as soldiers. It was crowded in the room.)

*On May 4, in the early hours of the morning, somewhere between 2 and 3 o'clock, 1200-plus police in tactical riot gear came in to Whitehead, truck after truck after truck, driving down there, the main strip, and surrounding the whole center.

*At five o'clock sharp, tactical unit officers poured into the center…

*They had everything. Above I saw cars equipped with big guns, armored cars aiming at the camp. We felt there would be arrests and repression taking place. I don't want to mention about the room. Inside, there were many people and policemen. Perhaps they forced the people to repatriate. And then the policemen began to stream into the camps.

Why were they everywhere? So, the people went and looked for a megaphone so that I could call all the people to go to sit in the soccer field, the place that's the most airy in the camp. As all of us are innocent, living very orderly and peacefully in the camp and didn't have any security issues, here was no reason for the police to “care for us” with grenades and tear gas, and even using bludgeons later on.

*Of course, the first reaction of the Aulacese (Vietnamese) was, “This was a forced repatriation. They're coming to get us.” It was, as far as the asylum seekers was concerned, in no way routine, and extremely frightening.

* We sat for a very long time and pardon it was very difficult to go to the bathroom, and there was no way to do that. And I was the one who urged the others not to do that, and I think what I did was very correct. Of course I also expressed my anger towards such action, but I urged everyone to restrain themselves, to be in control of their actions at that moment and everyone listened to me and everyone sat quietly on the ground. But when the policemen came in we were just carrying out a simple action: all of us called out, protesting their wrong actions. We did not commit any violence. Never once did we do anything was against the law.

* I have acted for two Aulacese (Vietnamese) who were challenging the legality of it. In May of last year, they participated in a peaceful protest at Whitehead Center, which was directed against mandatory repatriation and against the government screening procedures, against the unfairness of those procedures. The most disturbing aspect of it was that they were not subjected to any process of criminal trial; there were no charges put to them, they were simply taken from Whitehead Center and put into Stanley prison, and they were kept in Stanley until they were moved to another center, called Chi Ma Wan.

No one could help us at that moment. We were not allowed to see anyone then, so how could justice possibly bring light into the prison? Because of that, I have cried so many times in prison because I have empathy for my countrymen. Until today, it's still the same. In court they still say that I am a liar. Not only was justice not carried out, they even slandered us, smearing our dignity. It wasn't because I suddenly insisted on returning to Camp 6; it was because of protecting my honor and dignity.

* This is, to all intents and purposes, a gulag. I mean, it's a human rights' nightmare and they would wish as little of this to get out as possible, and therefore they do take steps to disempower the individuals. And the overall effect of removing from a community those people who are able to articulate their pain is, in fact, to reduce those people, to disempower them, to destroy their will, really, to see their way through to the protection that many of them deserve.

* The government have collaborated to deny the right of asylum seekers to seek asylum, for if the only thing they can expect when they flee persecution is to be persecuted again in the country in which they seek freedom, then there is no meaning to the concept of refugee law.

We hope that the government delay or don't force them to commit suicide. And, isn't freedom and democracy and humanity that we all strive to achieve? We are negotiating with other countries, of treating each other like brothers and sisters, especially women and children.

Sing hallelujah to the Lord. Sing hallelujah to the Lord. Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah. Sing hallelujah to the Lord.

* Refugees, please treasure your lives. Refugees, please treasure your lives. Refugees, treasure your life! Refugees, treasure your life! We love you, refugees. We love you, refugees.

Refugees, please treasure your life.

Refugees, be brave! Refugees, be brave!

We love you! We love you! We love you! We protest the terrorizing action of the government!

* Protest! Protest! Protest!

* Mistreating the boat people is an evil deed.

*Evil deed! Evil deed! Evil deed!

* We'd rather die than go back.

*Rather die! Rather die! Rather die!

*Liberty forever!

*Forever! Forever! Forever!

*Committed to strive until the end!

* Committed! Committed! Committed!

* Committed to hunger strike for freedom!

*Committed! Committed! Committed! And we also believe that God created our body and therefore we should not harm it. We have no right to destroy it. We risked our lives on the high seas, pitting our lives against the storm devils in order to find freedom. But, beyond our expectations, upon our arrival we were imprisoned behind four walls. My “house” is so hot, like fire. The fan is not working. And, dear God, the poor newborn babies… Who can bear it?

* …staged a rally today. The group says it fears a spate of suicides among the remaining Aulacese (Vietnamese) boat people because of the forced repatriation policy. Derek Johnson reports.

* They've come from more than 20 nations. Devotees of an international spiritual group, claiming the government's treatment of Vietnamese boat people is nothing less than criminal. Their rally outside the central government offices this afternoon heralds almost a week of tranquil protest including a trip to the Whitehead Center. The International Supreme Master Ching Hai Association looks to this woman, who says the pilgrimage of peace was sparked by fears some Aulacese (Vietnamese) inmates planned to kill themselves rather than be sent home.

We will go to the camp tomorrow and also sit and pray for them, to comfort their souls, so that they might not commit suicide as the information we have received. We hope it is not true, the information, but we can't afford to wait until it becomes true.

* The Association describes the forced eviction at Whitehead earlier this month as a wound on the human conscience. These protesters prefer prayer and meditation to more vocal demonstration. They may not be saying much but they hope the government will hear their plea to release the remaining Aulacese (Vietnamese) from its camps. But the group claims to be offering more than its prayers, saying it has millions of dollars to give countries, which will accept the remaining boat people.

* Hundreds of members of the Ching Hai meditation association sat outside the Whitehead Center this morning. They say they're trying to persuade inmates not to take their own lives to protest the mandatory repatriation policy. Thousands of Aulacese (Vietnamese) demonstrated inside the Whitehead and High Island camps today and more than five hundred are staging a hunger strike.

* This film is to let you know a little about the plight of the refugees. We have prepared copies of this film for you. If you want to know more, you can take it home and take the time to watch it.

…I fell from the roof, I was burned and then was beaten by the police…

…I was a hunger striker who just got emergency care at the hospital. My health is not yet recovered, when I was taken to prison and treated badly. I'm very angry and hurt being under this kind of cruel treatment…

…The protesters just sat down on the field; the police then lined up using water spraying rifles to spray hot pepper water into the face of everyone sitting on the field…

…After a while, the tear gas dispersed, I woke up and saw my baby frothing at the mouth…

Freedom or death!

Boat people plan “mass suicide”

We are ready to sacrifice 25,999 persons.

Vietnamese refugees committed suicide to protest against forced repatriation.

The Supreme Master Ching hai with her disciples from around the world support the Aulacese (Vietnamese) Refugees' signature activities.

At the same time, in United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Chile, England, Germany, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Holland, Finland, Australia, R.S.Africa, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, etc., are enthusiastic supporting the signature activities.

Free world Accept Vietnamese refugees One signature saves many lives

Vietnamese boat people continue to mutilate themselves

A fatality of 80 have joined the self-mutilation act

This was the oppressive situation that existed four years ago. Now, after so many years, they are still doing these things - frightening and abusing the refugees. That's why we need to urgently save them. This is to let you know a little bit. The video is long and we worry that you cannot stay that long. Let's continue with our program.

The Aulacese (Vietnamese) people are very independent and they have high self-esteem. They do not like to lead a nomadic life away from their homeland, begging for food and love from other people. In their four to five thousand years of history, none of the Aulacese (Vietnamese) had ever fled their own country to become a refugee. There were no refugees even at times of impoverishment or during the frequent wars. China ruled Âu Lạc (Vietnam) for a millennium, yet no one fled. France ruled it for a hundred years, and no one left then either.

Some wars lasted for decades, and floods and other natural disasters struck the country, yet no one tried to escape. Why then are they fleeing their country now? Why are millions of the Aulacese (Vietnamese) - men and women, old and young, rich and poor, politicians and civilians - fleeing their own country after five thousand years of history? Please think about it. It is because God wants us to know that love is a precious treasure, that freedom is the right ideal. If we turn our backs on these refugees, we will be betraying our own ideal. We will be the ones who are really pitiful, not the refugees. It is our ideal, our soul, our noble way of thinking that is important, not our physical life.

This was the oppressive situation that existed four years ago. Now, after so many years, they are still doing these things - frightening and abusing the refugees. That's why we need to urgently save them. This is to let you know a little bit. The video is long and we worry that you cannot stay that long. Let's continue with our program. .

*The petition with one million signatures will be presented by the representatives of Formosa (Taiwan) and other countries, calling for help for the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees. Now, we invite the people's representatives, the legislators and the National Assembly members to the stage to accept the petition with 1 million signatures. Thank you.

*The petition is signed by over 1.3 million people and 1 million of them are from Formosa (Taiwan). We signed this petition because we hope the free countries, especially the government of Formosa (Taiwan), will accept the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees. We hope our government will pay attention to the will of these 1 million people and consider accepting the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees living in Hong Kong. They are in a life-and-death situation. We hope these elected representatives of Formosa (Taiwan) can act on behalf of these 1 million people, to tell our government to consider this proposal. One million is a big number. These are just some of them, and there are many more outside the hall, as you can see.

*To solve the issue of the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees, we have a few proposals. Let's invite Supreme Master Ching Hai to announce these proposals.

We have written a proposal in regards to the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees. Each one of you was given an envelope containing two letters: one is about why we should help one another, and the other is about how we can help the refugees. You can read them at home. Here, I'll just mention a few things briefly. We think there are three ways to help the refugees. Number one, if the host countries, such as Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Malaysia choose not to send the refugees back to die, they can open some factories in the camp, or next to the camp, or anywhere designated by the government, which will provide job opportunities. They can train these refugees to work so that they can become self-reliant and also contribute to the host countries, as well as to the world. This way, they won't become a burden to the government. We can continue helping them until they are willing to return to Âu Lạc (Vietnam).

Number two, if the host countries, do not accept our first proposal - meaning they are determined to send the refugees back and they don't allow them to stay - then we can talk to the United Nations. There are 74 countries who want to send away the refugees. These 74 countries can lease us a piece of land, or sell it to us, so that we can move the refugees to the land and give them a place to live. We can also provide them with vocational training assistance, opening some small or big factories so that they can work. These countries can grant them citizenship, or not; it depends on their generosity. But no matter what, we are willing to help these refugees by providing economic assistance and manpower.

Regarding these matters, we also want to remind the United Nations, by the way, of their own covenant. On December 16, 1966, the United Nations adopted the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in which there are three articles, article numbers 9, 10 and 12, among others, regarding human rights and world refugees. I will just cite these three articles for your reference. Article 9 says, “Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detainment.

No one shall be deprived of his liberty except on such grounds and in accordance with such procedure as are established by law.” Refugees are not criminals. They go to other countries because they suffer from political repression in their own country. Article 10 states, “All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person.”

Article 12: “Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own.” You see, the United Nations wrote down these articles, so they should keep their word. We should not beg them. All these are included in the Covenant. If you want to read it, you can ask the United Nations for a copy. It contains many things that they can't do. Number three, in the case that the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees are willing to go back, we hope that the Aulacese (Vietnamese) government will let us send some lawyers through the United Nations, at our expense, to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) to check whether or not they are being deprived of human rights.

These proposals are supported by the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, our dignitaries and good friends here, esteemed government officials in Formosa and prominent religious and charitable organizations. Thank you very much!

*If you approve the proposals presented by Supreme Master Ching Hai, please give a warm round of applause.

Thank you.

*Thank you for your warm support. If all of you approve the proposals, you can also sign the petition and give it back to us. We will present the petition signed by the representatives from over 30 countries to President Clinton of the United States and the United Nations through proper channels. Finally, we have an important Human Rights Declaration; you all have a copy of it. Please read it carefully. If you support this Declaration, please sign the name of your group, your country, and your own name and give it back to us.

We will present this Declaration together with the signed proposal letter to President Clinton of the United States and ask him to push the countries hosting the refugees to consider these proposals. We thank all the honored guests and representatives of all countries today. Our International Human Rights Conference concludes here. We hope we will soon be able to share better news with you. When you return to your country, please share with the world the ideas and proposals presented by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Thank you, representatives from all over the world. We thank the Iowa Secretary of State from the United States, Mrs. Barbara Finch, and her husband, and Chen Hung-Kwang, the General-Secretary of World Cultural Communication Association. We especially thank Supreme Master Ching Hai. We thank them all. We also thank the many elected representatives of Formosa (Taiwan), the Legislators and National Assembly Members, as well as the media and dignitaries from different countries. Thank you, everyone. Let's give a warm applause to thank them.

It's getting late and I appreciate your sincerity to stay so long.

It's so late, but you still stay. We admire you very much. I didn't know that I'd be put here as the key person. I thought that we'd just sit together, have some tea and chat, but they are so used to putting me on the stage.

You see, I think whatever you wanted to know, it was already made clear to you that we have to help our world, we have to preserve the loving and holy atmosphere for ourselves, as well as for our next generations to come. 

The Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees are just one of the symbols of the degrading state of our Earth planet, so we just have to fix it; and the cost is not much. The cost to uphold freedom, to uphold righteousness, to uphold human rights, and humanitarian spirit is not much. So if anything that wasn't clear during the conference before, you could please ask me. If I can, I will answer you; otherwise you can ask Barbara. Yes. I thought this was for Barbara and Mr. Chen, and then when I come here, they tell me I have to sit here. It's a surprise. Yes, please.

*The Australian government has been keeping Cambodian refugees detained in camps ( Right.) in Australia ( That I know.) since 1989. ( I do know, I know.) There are now 40 left who have refused to be repatriated back to Cambodia, because they fear what might happen to them back then, ( Right.) and they now face forced repatriation. What would you recommend the Australian government be made to do with these 40 people to… What would be the most humanitarian thing the Australian government could do?

Only 40 people? ( *Yes.) Well, why don't you just take them somewhere, give them a house or a job? It's easier than to argue back and forth and to use a lot of time and energy just, you know, make noise. I guess the Cambodian situation now is more stable; it's pretty stable. But sometimes I read the newspapers, and things could be frightening at times.

Or perhaps they prefer the more sun-shining and free Australia. I don't blame them. When I went to your country, I also liked to settle there - big land, fresh air, green, and friendly people. Who doesn't want to stay there? So, if there are only 40 people, just keep them. It's a “rare species” in Australia - 40 Cambodians. Yes. Make your country a father of many nations. Okay?

Remember, Australians were also once refugees - they came there as refugees - so why not treat them as people of the same boat. Very simple. Forty persons - if you don't want them, give them to me. Give them to me. If you allow me take care of them, I'll do it right away. Tell your government. No problem. Okay? By the way, thank you for coming so far. Until now, do you have any procedures for the Aulacese (Vietnamese) people in Hong Kong to come to Formosa (Taiwan)? The Formosan (Taiwanese) government has any difficulties?

We have written to your government, to the President, several times, but we did not have an answer.

*Only write letters?

Yes. What else can I do? Shall I come into the President's palace and say I want to see him?


I have no connection. I am a private citizen.  I am just a citizen. I don't have power, relations, or lobbyists. I have no connection with many governments, because I'm only a spiritual practitioner, and only recently, because of the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees that I run from one country to another to knock at the door of the compassionate governments. And Formosa (Taiwan), I hope they will open.

*I think maybe next week, maybe we can arrange it, our legislators in our congress, and make a public hearing for the government to settle this.

Thank you so much. We'll be very grateful to you. May God bless you. God bless you. Yes. Because, you see, many countries are afraid. I understand. I understand their fear. But why don't they ask themselves, if they do something right, why should they fear? And if they do something wrong, doesn't matter how much they fear, it is still wrong. You know what I mean? We have to do something right even if we have to go against the whole world.

That's why we are doing this for the refugees, even though we're against the whole world, 74 countries at least. We do not fear because we know it is the right thing to do. Understand? Because if we do the right thing, we should not fear anyone, even the whole universe. If we do a wrong thing, even we look at the children, we should be ashamed. Yes. That's what I think.

*May I ask one question? ( Please.) Suppose like this problem of the refugees, people in Hong Kong already has a good result, how do you think about another camp's refugees in Malaysia, in Thailand and in Singapore or in Indonesia? What are their reactions about… There are many refugees camps over there. How do you resolve the next step? Thank you.

I am already doing it. It just doesn't appear to you because many things I do are not open to the public, except, like today, we cannot do it underground because we have to present it to the government of Formosa (Taiwan). And we have support from different legislators as well as the congress people, and also many governmental personnel. Therefore, we have to do it openly. Yes? Normally when I do things for the refugees, not many people know. Even my own so-called disciples do not know until there is some kind of, you know, adequate result, or something that forces me to open it.

Because anything that has not come into a little success, I would not like to announce it, and if I succeed, then everyone else will know; I don't have to announce it then. At the moment, I am still doing for the refugees, from the Philippines to Thailand, to Malaysia, but there is not a concrete result, therefore, I could not report to you. But I hope in the future, anything that's so-called success, you will be informed. Is that all right? Yes, I cannot tell things when it's not yet clear, all right? ( *Thank you.) I'm doing it. All right? ( *Yes, thank you.)

*I think there is a right way if the United Nation, under the regulations of human rights, ( Right.) they are in the position to settle this problem. ( Right.) Not only in Hong Kong, some other places as well. ( Right.) Because, every nation, they are the membership of the United Nations; they have to accept any decision by the United Nations. And the United Nations, they are in the position to settle this problem. ( Right.)

We just have to carry out some way ( Yes.) to apply or to negotiate with the United Nations, ( Right.) with the right people. Because of we have to remind them, “That's your responsibility.”

It's their duty. And we have also written to the United Nation since several years. The whole world is infested by negative tendencies. That's why we have war, that's why we have refugees, that's why we have brothers killing each other, that's why we have governments suppressing their own citizens by all kinds of violence, you see? Because the world is infected with many devil forces. People who are supposed to be the protectors of mankind turn against us, so we have to do something.

We have to take the initiative. We have to also be active in our duty. When such a body of so-called justice failed in their mission, we also have to help them to stand up, and if they cannot do it, then we do it ourselves, because, after all, to rely on ourselves is the safest way, the best and the quickest.  That's why we have to undertake this project even though we are very busy, or else I'm busy enough - taking refugees' problem into our hands, makes me a lot of extra work, and a lot of sleepless nights.

*Madam Ching Hai, you must be aware that this problem in the Philippines has been going on for quite a time, and I'm also involved in this, because we went together to the different refugee camps in the Philippines, like Palawan and Bataan, but considering that the handling or administration of the refugees lies in the hands of the United Nations personnel. And the Philippines only plays a minor role, which is the host country. Now I feel that, as we have been discussing this last night with a good friend from France, I was telling him that whatever problems that may arise in the camp - or let's say rejection or denial, repatriation - all this belongs to the United Nations.

Sometimes the Philippine government has nothing to do or no hand at all. So, as a private citizen like me, if I intend to offer land for the refugees, how do we go about it, since there was a total rejection on the government level of… Because the government would not like to be involved, especially when it comes to government to government's talk. So, as a gesture of humanitarian concern for the refugees, can you suggest to us how we can go about it, find a way how we can circumvent the policy of the United Nations? Assuming that let's say I have the land, which I intend to. The best option that you have presented is to, at least, rent or lease land or provide land for the refugees. (Right.)

*Considering that I have acceded to that request, is it possible for me to develop that land and offer that to the refugees? And who will take care of that? Because, for me, I'm not in a position unless Congress or the President of the Philippines would approve it. Now, the second option is granting of citizenship, which is I think very hard also; it has to pass through Congress. But my main concern, like you also, we can provide the land that you would like to give, for these displaced people, but the only problem, the only setback is, will the government or would the United Nations allow their stay, ( Yes, that's right.) prolonged stay?

That's right. You know the problem very well; you know the answer. Three years ago, we worked together. I wanted to rent your land, now you ask me, and we have signed contract and everything, and your land has been rented to me, ready for the refugees to move in, but the government does not want it to happen. Suppose I and you now do it underground, and we build everything for the refugees. We build manufactories - we build everything - and then the government comes and says, "Look, they are not citizens of the Philippines.

Time to go home.” And they throw them all out, confiscate all the manufactories, saying that we are the illegal investors in your country. Then I'll be in more trouble. The problem, we had been working together three years ago. Remember, I rented your land, a piece of land. Well, I cannot ask you for a favor, so I have to say I'll buy it so that you don't burden your country. I want to help the refugees by my own money, and just help me to do it. But, you know, three years pass, nothing from your government.

I have written two more letters to Congress, to a senator and another to a chairman the advisor of President, reminding them, “Please, answer me.” Nothing so far. Do you think I can go there and just make a factory for the Aulacese (Vietnamese) without your government's blessing?

*How about we do it in a business way, like a corporation? We put up the corporation, then run it like a business ( Fine. It's good.) under the name, also Filipino, because ( It's good.) in the Philippines for that, we get our own land.

Yes, but the Aulacese (Vietnamese) have no Philippine residential permit and now they are locked inside the camp. They're not even allowed to go out like before anymore. I wasn't allowed to come in to see them. I was allowed next to the gate - about that much. Five minutes only. Now you think what I can do in your land?

*I think the problem is not in the Philippine government side, but it's more of the policy of the United Nations. It's a pressure or a policy forced on the Philippine government.

Well, you know. You know very well. The world is infested. The world is not right. Everything you say, it seems like a joke to me, but nevertheless, because of the suffering of my people, I have to go on. I have to talk with people. I have to do the impossible thing. I have to do until the end, until nothing else I can do. I try hard. I try my best until my last breath in this planet, to help make people understand that to save others is to save ourselves.  To help the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees is to uphold freedom. Understand?

I don't know what kind of policy most of the countries run. They run counter to their own ideology. They run counter to their own vows of liberty at the expense of the Aulacese (Vietnamese) lives and spirits, and on the expense of freedom and dignity of the whole world.

Any more questions? Sometimes I feel it's hopeless, but still I have to go on.

*Yes. they have the responsibility to do this thing. ( Yes.) Of course, privately we can arrange with some other people, by person to person. But the right way is United Nations; they have the right and in the position to settle this problem. ( Of course. Of course. You're right.)

* (That's very important.)

You're right, you're right.

Yes, please.

*Excuse me. Can we arrange with the countries where they have the refugees there and join together, submit the proposal to the United Nations? ( : Yes.) Ask the United Nations to arrange with all the member countries. “How many people you can accept? You can accept 7, 10, 20, and what kind of people you can accept?” Because United Nations, they are in the position to do that, and also they have the power to do that. ( Yes.) Because according to the regulations of the human rights, they should do it. (I know.)

Definitely they have to do it. ( I know.) In that case… I suppose that's a right way because the United Nations, they arrange with ( Right.) all their member countries. It is very easy, much better than we can privately do.

Right. We asked the United Nations, “Please bless us with your support. Find a country for us and then we finance everything.” No answer.

*No, what I mean is, join a set of countries to send them an official proposal.

Fine, you go and talk to all these government heads because I don't have that many connections. Yes. Many human rights organizations have already requested the United Nations a similar suggestion as you have proposed.

*They send an official proposal to the United Nations?

I do, I do. I sent many times.

* But not privately join a set of countries, join together?

Well, if I know them, I will. These people who come from different countries today are mostly not governmental personnel. They came from their goodwill, from their own ideal, that they try to help, you see? To try to talk to 74 countries of the United Nations is a great task, and you will find that many doors are closed.

But in case United Nations, they don't take this job, it's all the members…

We can only try. I know. We can only try and try and try. And now there are many countries who don't belong to the United Nations. They have no obligation to United Nations, they have no obligation to the CPA program, so we hope that these countries just help the refugees. And I hope they do it with the heroic spirit - to do things that other people cannot do. But still it is a hope, you know? I think Formosa (Taiwan) accepting the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees is the most convenient and appropriate because the Formosan (Taiwanese) people need a lot of workers also. And also, as you have heard that, from Legislator Ling, many Formosan (Taiwanese) emigrate to other countries. So if we accept refugees inside, it's a kind of balance.

There's no problem about that. Our land is not that small. There are so many places the people don't live there; so many islands also. We can give the Aulacese (Vietnamese) people the land that the Formosan (Taiwanese) do not want, something, and then they can develop that land into a useful place. They don't have to stay in Taipei and camp next to the presidential palace. They can go anywhere in Formosa (Taiwan).

*Thank you, Master. I don't know if this is a question, but I also feel very frustrated especially because I work at the United Nations and I see that instead of really helping world peace, which it was meant to, ( Yes.) people are caught up in the bureaucracy of paperwork, ( Right.) and internal rivalries and especially the High Commissioner is set up… Her purpose in just repatriating the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees and they're set up in that and they are not really open to any suggestion ( Right.) coming from you or from any… And so…

Even self-funded, even self-funded. Yes.

*Right. So what is on our part to do? I mean, is it so bad for the Aulacese (Vietnamese) to return to Âu Lạc (Vietnam)? There is no chance in there? Because I see that they're set up and they will not… (   Turn around. Yes. Yes.)

*turn around and listen to your offers that are… You are not asking… You are not even asking for money. I mean, ( Right.) you are taking care of the whole situation. ( Yes.)

How is it that we can come about and surpass the bureaucracy of the United Nations? It's sort of stuck and enables us… So it's really not a question, but it's like, I just want to share my frustration, and I am deeply moved by the conference and the movie and all that, and you brought me to tears also, and so I just wanted you to know how I feel.

I understand that as a good human being you must feel very frustrated working in there, but you stay there. Better that there are some good person like you in the UN. Just stay there. Maybe your voice adds one more voice to the minimum voice, and maybe it works. Maybe some ears will listen one day.

* What I wanted to see is maybe if you have like an NGO organization - there's the world culture or something - that if they could come to the NGOs or… because at least my department, the Department of Humanitarian Affairs, twice a week invites NGOs to propose, and I would like to see if that could happen, you know.

Fine, fine. If you think it works, I consider to go there again. ( *Okay.) You see, your view is shared by many of the good United Nations personnel. Last month, within one week, some, like 10 UN personnel in Hong Kong resigned, because they do not agree with the policy of the UN in Hong Kong. Also they cannot stand by and watch the suffering of the refugees whom they are supposed to protect and whom they are paid by the whole world to protect. They're not working there for free.

They're paid to do their job, and they don't do it. So nearly 10 of them resigned within one week, after the bloody raid of the 7th of April, 1994. So you are not the only one that feels frustrated about your boss' policy. Nevertheless, you don't need to resign. You stay there and do what you can to awaken the conscience of the supposed-to-be very good organization. It's meant to be good, it's originated to be good.

As any organization, if it's going too long, people forget about their humanity, forget about their noble purpose. They just remember bureaucracy, they just remember power, and that is what's bad about any organization. That's why the United States have the president only four years.

After an organization is formed, and a lot of finance flows into it, and the people, who have only power and no wisdom, try to decide the fate of other human beings, things are about to go wrong. Therefore, the only solution for the United Nations is to practice meditation, to vow to help mankind, to eat vegetarian, to be a good person, etc., etc. Maybe then they will be wise and they can serve the world the way they would like to serve, the way they're meant to serve, okay? But as I'm saying it, I don't know if it will come true. It's very difficult to tell the highly positioned people.

*Yes. Master Ching Hai, as you know, we have you on our Radio for Peace International and have done some live interviews with you, (  Yes.) and we are working on a plan now to do something at least once a week which you will hear about. We're going to try to design a plan to have the program once a week, but not trying to create more work for you. My point, however, is in relationship to what this lady saying is, one of the things I don't think has been done enough of, if the story is getting out and repeating it over and over, I think, quite frankly, that some of these people can be embarrassed into action, if necessary, and that may be what we have to do.

We present them the facts over and over to the point where they cannot any longer deny it, and I think this is one tack that we may have to take. But to do this, we need the cooperation of every person in this room and the press to make sure the whole world hears and understands the problem, and what individual people can do about it. What do you think of this kind of thinking?

Yes. It's one of the important points. We could try that, of course, the mass media is very, very important, very important. They have helped to create kings and they have helped to drag down many lousy government heads. So I think they could help to remind those organizations and governments like United Nations to remember their foremost duty, what they are paid for, what they are expected to do. You can broadcast my tape without me having to run every day to Costa Rica, you know.

*We'd love for you to come to Costa Rica more often, but… ( I will come, one day.) The point is that, with mass communication, it's we either use it for our good or it's used against us. And I think that's a challenge to all of us. One of the things that occurs to me, with United Nations radio for example, since we, at Radio for Peace International, have the United Nations' news, we in fact can put programs on the United Nations' news ( Oh, really?) about this very subject from within, and the United Nations radio in New York will hear United Nations' news about this very subject. I think there may be little back doors that we have to search for, ( Doesn't matter what door.) and we need to be clever ( Yes.) and intuitive, I think.

As long as there's a door, open it, yes. Fine, thank you very much. It's very, very practical. Thank you. So we have so many radio chiefs, managers, you know, radio chief programmers here in this room, so I hope they will listen to your wise advice and do it - all right? - including your own. And any material you need from us, we can record it for you, from my own residence, and then send it to you, because I could not be anywhere at the same time - or my disciples say I could, but, I don't know about that. Yes, please, yes.


* Supreme Master, you have the three propositions, which are so generous, which are so humanitarian and, in a way, very vast because they encompass all the problems of the remaining 60,000 refugees. But, Master, you know better than anyone that when you ask for the departure or the establishment of those 60,000 refugees, when they easily have the status of refugees, but up until now, according to the CPA, the Comprehensive Plan of Action, signed by 72 nations, only those who have already received the status of refugee could…

I know, I know. I know well.

* Secondly, you see well how the UNHCR, with its 72 national signatories, already has legitimacy. Since its authority could not be damaged, if by chance, it denies, it refuses, what it has done to this day, then it would be hard, very hard on the prestige of the UNHCR and, at the same time, of the United Nations. It is in this context and with this thought, I believe that I would like to present to you a small solution that is the first step and that will, that is to say, support your propositions, and maybe soon it could complete your propositions.

*Master, when I had Mr. Flater on the phone, we can say that your action, your protest, in Hong Kong, that is to say, affected them a lot. He was very, very shaken by your protest.


*Except, before this assembly of 72 nations, he could not back away. That is the problem, Madame. It is in this context now that we should try to do something in Bangkok. That is to say, that the technical meeting in Bangkok should recognize that the selection is unfair and arbitrary. That's the first step. The second step, if injustice is recognized in the selection, well then, we have to re-examine the cases.

That's the second case, the second step. The third step, the last step, we would like to ask them either to re-examine all the cases of the remaining 60,000; but in this case, I think it's a little too difficult for them and it's a little unfeasible, Master, because they only have six months ahead of them.

But if it is asked for 300 people, it's unfair for the others, for the remaining Aulacese (Vietnamese).

*Yes, Supreme Master, you know...

We must ask for a lot and maybe they will give a little, that's it.

*Well, we had asked that, according to your advice, we asked just like you, Master, February 14th. Now they've granted us to come into the camps and choose a few victims. So they are going to reexamine in a way, that is, on behalf of the UNHCR only, with its discretionary power. And as long as there is the agreement on the recognition of injustice, we should re-examine the unfair cases.

That's good. You write all that you have told me and later I will reconsider what we will do.

*Here, Supreme Master, I already wrote this letter ( Good, good, good.) and I sent it to all the 28 members of the Directors Committee. And tonight, I ask you again, Master...

That's good, that's good, thank you.

*… to involve our mass media.

Thank you. I thank you.

Sorry, I cannot translate all this. He was telling me what approach to take in order to help the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees more actively, with the United Nations. We have to influence the United Nations extra, because on the second of June, they will have a meeting again in Bangkok, and he believes that more violence will be used against the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees who are not voluntarily repatriating to Âu Lạc (Vietnam). So I said to him I do not believe this will happen after we have voiced international opinion over the violence.

But he said… Because I heard that the 2nd June meeting in Bangkok was only to reconsider whether the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees could be allowed to stay in Formosa (Taiwan) or not, therefore, we did not plan to protest; we planned to support, and I planned to go to Thailand to talk to the government if I can. I'm supposed to go and now I heard that their government has some little problem, so it's cancelled. It's always something, it's always something. I'm supposed to have an appointment with the Prime Minister of Thailand this week.

And then now I cannot because they have some problem, political problem. It's unsafe or something, so it's cancelled, you see? But nevertheless, I thought they'd reconsider the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees' problem. Well, at least I think they will consider the children. He said the children, the minors, children who have parents abroad already, or the separated couples; things like that. So I had said it's better than nothing; they've already improved in their humanitarian standard, and maybe they can improve further.

*My question is, suppose we have a country in the world, they welcome the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees to come over to develop their country, and you have the financial ability to do that, and if the United Nations, they do not allow them go over there, ( Right.)

so what do we have to do? And do you think that all of us who have come here today, we can do something for that problem? And I want, I really want, to bring up this subject today because we come from different countries, different from the organization, and I think that is the main problem, because the place to go and the financial ability, I think you can do it. But another problem we have to face to is, in United Nations, they do not allow them go to over there. ( Yes.)  So what do we have to do?

Hong Kong already has written to me in a letter saying that my program, trying to take the refugees out of Hong Kong, you know, the so-called “non-refugee immigrants”- they labeled them “economic,” but as you know already, 5,000 years nobody ran away from the country because of poverty. So now, I have written to the government. Many times they refused. For example, one time Bahamas wanted to accept the refugees - there is a letter from the Prime Minister of Bahamas - and then Hong Kong asked, at that time they, of course the bureaucracy takes a long time, and until Hong Kong considered it, that Prime Minister is out. So Hong Kong told us we have to go to the Bahamas, talk to the new Prime Minister and get a new letter.

Well, you know how difficult it is for us to have an interview with any prime minister at all as a private citizen and a small group, but nevertheless we did; we ran back again to the Bahamas, tried to find connection and so and so and so and so, and then found the Prime Minister. But then the Prime Minister at that time was pressured.

So, of course, the negotiation failed. That is one thing. And last month, I have written to Hong Kong government. I said, “Now I found a country…” I did not name it, “that wants to accept the refugees, so can you tell us how to proceed in order to take the refugees out of Hong Kong?” They wrote to me, they said, “This is out of the question. You cannot do it; it's against the CPA.” That means I cannot do it, whether there is a country or not, Hong Kong will not let people go.

So in these last few weeks I am thinking hard: what is the next step to do? Now that you ask me… I haven't found an answer yet, except raising international attention, asking for their signature to support the Aulacese (Vietnamese) refugees, so that if a country accepts them, Hong Kong will let them go. That's the only thing I can do at the moment. Next step, I do not know yet. Besides, we can only do our best, you know what I mean?

I can only do my best according to my ability, my time, and my physical fitness. And whatever happens, well, this is up to our world people. They have to decide how to live with each other. They have to decide how to face their own conscience; the rest is not up to me, all right?


* You know, when we were in Paris, demonstrating, we have found out that the people, common people, are very responsive, ( Yes.) and they understand the situation; ( Right.) they feel touched. ( Yes.)

And we were very surprised, as a matter of fact, because when we talked to the media, many big medias, politicians, people in the ministries and so on, and including NGO, including people who are supposed to take care of this problem. We found out that these people are helpless. I mean, it's not possible to go ahead.


*So I think that maybe one positive thing also is that, in Europe, due to the war in Yugoslavia, and the way the United Nations, of dealing with this problem, and also in Rwanda also, it was a kind of wave of discontentment regarding the United Nations, and it becomes clear that they are not able to face their responsibilities. So maybe if we succeed in doing more demonstrations, more people in the streets on a regular basis, maybe we can change things a little bit.

But for that, we need coordination and we need a strong instruction from you, to coordinate, to get in touch with NGOs systematically; not only NGOs, but also associations, common associations, who are willing to support this cause. ( Yes.) What do you think?

Yes, yes, yes, we will get in touch and work with each other continuously, not only tonight, and whatever information we have, we will fax to you. And we always need your support, for sure. Thanks very much for coming such a long way, being not even my friends or my disciples or anything in the near. Thank you, the French people. All right. If you're all satisfied with our program and our answers, then you are free. You are liberated. ( *Thank you.) And please stay in touch, and support us in your spirit, until these unfortunate people find a home. Just pray for us, even, will do. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you everyone. Thank you, Honorable Congressman and National Assembly Member. I'm very grateful that you can stay until now. Today I'll pray to God in my meditation to help you two. Thank you! Thank you!

*I have no questions to ask you.

* We both come from Paris.

Paris is...

(It's freedom.)

*…the city of human rights and freedom.

(It's true.)

*First, I would like to thank you because during the few days that we stayed with you, you've taught us that God is not in Heaven, but on Earth.

(It's true.)

* God is us, is...


*…you, it is each one of us. Each of us has a divine particle inside. I have no questions to ask you, Master. Here is what I propose: in 5 hours, live from Taipei, we will do a radio show on “Ici et Maintenant !” [ and if you'd like to come with us to talk to France, we will offer you 800,000 listeners.

But, of course.

*Thank you.

But, of course. I also thank you; I thank you for your presence here and I thank you for your help all this time. You're very kind,  like all the French people.

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