To be One with God is to Do without Doing   

I congratulate you for having a new “old” Prime Minister. Your country is the envy of many other nations. That was my impression

when I first landed at the airport and that we have drove around to my temporary residence. It's so clean,fresh and big and vast,people don't have the pressure of living so close together without space. So clean,and people are so friendly.
Even the police in the airport were so friendly,so expert in knowing who is who. I mean,they only take care of the law and check out on the so-called not very law-abiding people,but when they saw us they knew nothing would happen,no problem,so we just passed through without any check,checking in the luggage. This very rarely happens for such a group like us with many people and a lot of equipment and wires and all things,microphones and earphones.
Yes,it is a very,very warm and welcome feeling at the airport. And because I have traveled a lot around the world and this rarely happens. So,I'd also like to thank you; maybe some of the policemen are sitting here today.
If not,please,please be reminded of the goodness of your country and your people again. If all the countries in the world become just like Australia,then it would be that we don't have to worry much. And also,I'm happy that your country is very liberal concerning different faiths of different religions.
When I first came,the first day,many people came to visit me. They're native born,or they are immigrants into your nation but speak perfect English. So they have informed me of different faiths in your country,and different groups of meditational practice and different beliefs or different so-called religious sects in your country.
That shows that the people in Australia are very spiritual and very open-minded to all kinds of good influences,you see? And they also asked me what kind of religion I represent or try to advocate.
Well,I was asked already. I was asked at the airport even,by the police; he was interested to know. So I told them that I have no intention to advocate any particular religion in your country.
Because from what I have gathered from information even before coming here,I know your country has enough religions already. Is that not right? Yes,by the smiles on your faces I know it is true.
So then they asked me,"Then what have you come for?" I said: "First,to get to know your country,because I have heard so much about Australia. It's a very interesting and charming land.
Many people know about it and I have heard about it since I was a child,but I had not had the opportunity to come. So first,to get to know the country and the people,also second,to share with them what we know and also to learn from them what we don't know." So in these days I have been also busy learning,but have not had the opportunity of sharing.
So,today is the day that I may have a chance to share with you what you might already know,or what some of you may not yet know. You see,in this age of very progressive communication system,most of the people in the West - for example America,Australia - know about many systems of meditation or religious devotion.
So,religions we have plenty,and we have enough,and all religions have encouraged people to be good,to do good and to remember God or the Buddha. Therefore,I do not have to remind you about this again.
The reason of my disciples to invite me to come to this beautiful country is that they thought because they are living in such a peaceful country,and they owe so much to the Australian people for this happiness and freedom which they sometimes don't have in their land,so they wanted me to represent them to share with you the happiness that they gain through our meditational practice,which is called the Quan Yin. “Quan Yin” is a Chinese term.
I started in Formosa (Taiwan). I'd got to start somewhere. Therefore,most of the terms sometimes seem very Buddhist,also a little bit Chinese. But in the Western countries we don't need to discriminate over this terminology. You see“Quan Yin” is the Chinese term for observation of the vibrationobservation of the "Word" inside us,the Word which was mentioned in the Bible: "In the beginning was the Word,the Word was God,the Word was with God,and the Word was God."

Soby observing silently with our wisdom insidewe will come into contact with God. That's the reason for all our happinessand all our desires will come to an end. We do not leave our desiresour desires will leave us.
Some people call this "the Supreme Power inside." When Jesus came to Earth,he declared that: "I do,but not I,it's my Father in me who does it,and whoever prays to the Father through my name would get whatever he wishes for."
You see,why did the people at that time pray through Jesus? Why through his name and not directly? It is because at that time the people had not discovered their own Christ within.
But later on,when he imparted the Supreme wisdom to his disciples,he again told them that: "Whatever I do,you can do also,and you can do better." Why better than the master? It's just because it's the nature of every master to be very humble and also to encourage people to stand on their own feet,to know their greatness,to recognize God who dwells within themselves,that he has mentioned this way.
Also,why better? It is because he knew that in the generations to come,the freedom of religion,of spreading religious faith,will be greater than at the time of his birth,of his life,and he knew that his disciples,going through their own experiences and speaking in his name,would be having more freedom to express the greatness of a living master,as well as the Kingdom of God which they themselves experienced. Because it doesn't matter how great a master is,like Jesus,he would not venture to glorify himself; also he is too humble to do that.
But most of the disciples can speak better of him,and more freely express the greatness of the master. But the reason why the master does not glorify himself also is because,when a master is one with Godthe master has no more self to proclaimand there is no feeling as the doer with a masterif he is a true master. So if we believe in Jesus or any of the saviors who have graced our Earththen we must know that we are greatwe are the sons and daughters of Godwe areourselvesthe Supreme Master.
But because we do not discover this power within ourselves,we have doubts,we have anxieties,we have desires which are hardly ever completely fulfilled as long as we have not come in contact with God power.
So the reason for my disciples to invite me to come here is to share with you the knowledge of how to get in touch with this Supreme God who is within you,of whom you have heard much about,and all the Bibles,all the scriptures in different religions have mentioned.
I have not come to alter your belief,your religions,to make you become a Buddhist or a Christian,or to make you become Muslim or whatever. Because whatever faith you have believed in,that is correct.
If you have not the opportunity to get in touch with that Supreme Power on which your faith is based upon,then we will help you to recognize that. It's very easy,just like you receive the flowers from the beloved friends,because it's always there. "It is very difficult to know God," some people say to me. But to me,it's very,very easy,it's like a child's game.
And I'm always surprised whenever I'm in contact with some people who have not tuned in with the Supreme Power. I'm always surprised again and again. Why they don't know it?
Why they have forsaken their greatness and go around in life in some kind of negative feeling or suffering,not knowing how great they are? After the initiation,many of my disciples claim that I am the Buddha or the Master or whatever,or God's daughter. Okay,that I accept.
But so are you,so are all of you,from the child to the old man. None of you are different than I am. Everything I have,you have; everything I have gained,you can gain,and that can be proven very shortly after you have accepted your greatness through the symbolic process of so-called "initiation."
All of my disciples have testified to this fact. Just like we say "by your fruits shall you be known." If we say something that is only hearsay or by only theology,by speaking or by reasoning or by debating,then it's only half of the truth.
We have to have proof of what we say and what we hear. That's why Jesus said to the people,“Seeing,you see,but you do not perceive; hearing,you hear,but you do not understand." The reason why we see without perceiving is that we see only with our physical eyes only a part of the creation of God. What we do not see is the Creatorand we do not completely perceive what is the meaning behind all these beautiful creations and what is truly the meaning of God is loveor God is almightyGod is omnipresent.

Of course,some of you would have perceived that,because nowadays the communication is excellent and everything is made known to the public at large. So many of the systems have been introduced to you,to your country,and to other people in different countries,so perhaps you have known some of the teachings similar to ours,or the method that can show you the Kingdom of God.
When I mention the “method” it isn't a method at all. Because when we transmit the Light and the Soundwe don't speakboth of us. Because the Kingdom of God doesn't need human language to be revealed.
Just like in the Bible,it is stated that "not by praying loud on the street or in a corner,and making a lot of noise that you know God,but you pray in the secret corner,and there your Father knows you. And what you do in secret,the Father will reveal to you openly."
What is it that we do in secret? That when we meditatewe come into the secret corner of our wisdomof ourselvesand then the more we come into that chamberthe more it manifests outside as intelligenceas wisdomas loving kindnessas the more effectiveness of the way we work and serve in this world.

Now,all of my disciples,most of them,have experienced a lot of miracles in their life. See,many of us love miracles. Wherever I go,people keep asking me,"Do you know this and that man or woman who makes miracles?” and all that,
and this and others; I always heard about it. “And do you know about this healer? He is the greatest healer; he puts his hand on you and you're healed,” and all this. I said,"That would be great,and then all the world doesn't need hospitals anymore."
And we all love miracles; that is the weakness within us. Yes,it's all right. So I told some of these people sometimes,"All these healing powers,all these miracles are yours." If you want themyou will have themand no need to worship any miracle workers or any healers even. What they do is greatbut you can do the sameyou can do the same.
Jesus has promised and so it's for us now to verify if what Jesus said is true or not. I have verified,and  many of my disciples - thousands,ten thousand,hundred thousand of them - have verified around the world. So,if you yourself want to verify it,it is nothing very difficult and it can be done very shortly.
Most of our disciples,our fellow practitioners… I normally call them “fellow practitioners,” I don't call them “disciple." Just because I just talked to you and I forgot. I call them "fellow practitioners," "brother" or "sister." That's what we call each other.
But they call me "Master." So I'm only one and they are too many,I can't win,so sometimes I forgot,I called myself "Master" also. But this is not in a proud sense. It's just a very natural,spontaneous reaction. You might call yourself "master" also,after you have mastered the art of life and death through the practice of the heavenly Light and the heavenly Sound,which is the Word and the Light of God in the Bible.
We know so many things in life already,we know so much already,and many of us have a great position in the society and possess great knowledge about science,biology and every other thing. But there is much more to learn and we should not stop at the worldly level of discovery but we should go on further into the higher dimension of the Kingdom of God and then choose where we go after we leave this physical world. Just like many of the immigrants to your country,they have chosen your land because it's peaceful,it's more secure and more loving than probably their country,some of their original countries.
Similarly,our world is beautiful,beautiful,but there are more exquisitely beautiful,absolutely fantastic worlds beyond our world,and these we can choose. Because in the Kingdom of God there are many mansions,and  should we practice after the initiationshould we practice this methodwe know immediately some part of this Kingdom.
Most of our disciples know this. That's why they would like to invite me here and there all the time to share with other people the same happiness. They thought they couldn't do it alone. They can do it,but they thought I probably can speak about it better.
But that sometimes is their mistake. But if people request me too many times repeatedly,I cannot say no,so I have to come. Otherwise,each of them,each of youafter knowing Godafter knowing the Kingdom of Godyou have also the power to share it with other people. To do it or not do it depends on your confidence. After you practice for a longer timeyou have greater confidence and you have greater knowledgeand then you know what you are speaking of.

Before I knew the Kingdom of God,I always thought,“If I do good things and bow to the Buddha or go to church that would be enough,” but afterwards,there was something missing within me. Something,I cannot tell why,just pushed me that I have to know further,that I have to know more.
Before,I went to church,I never asked for anything much. I always prayed to God that “if You truly exist,please reveal to me,please somehow let me know Your greatness.” And I prayed to the Buddha in the same way.
At that time,God didn't reveal to me. God did not care about me and the Buddha also ignored it. After much suffering and crying and praying for the Truth,I have got it. But through the transmissionthrough the practicing of the Quan Yin Methodobserving the Wordthe vibrationwhich is our own Self.  
Our world is getting better and better,because there has never been in history such an open disclosure of such a precious method. Not that the master did not desire to share it with the people in the world,it was just due to persecution and difficultly in communication in the old time.
Now we have television,we have telephone,we have newspapers,we have radios and therefore the people in the world at large now practice this precious method,which in the ancient time could only be acquired through secret,through hardship,through years of searching.
I'm not the only one who spreads this method - there are several more - and therefore,our world now is full of people who are enlightened,who know the Kingdom of God and who live a saintly way of life. That's why I guess our world is getting better and better. Even all the conflicts between the nations are being slowly minimized.
Even many of the political struggles which had bothered the whole world have become lessened in a very short time. If we practice the heavenly wisdom,we will see that there is a reason for it. That is because so many people are Enlightened  and there are so many new discoveries which are better for people's health,for the people's spiritual welfare and for economical growth.
Everything has a better promise. If more of the people turn to Heaven,truly get in touch with the source of all-healing Power,of all magical fantasies,then the world becomes Heaven. At that time we probably don't need to aspire to go to another planet or to go to Heaven even,because our Father will be here among us,because all of us will become one with the Father.
It seems a very fantastic dream,but it may come true. We have no need to fear for the end of the world because we will turn this into Heaven. God will not destroy our world if it becomes a fitbetterand more glorious space for peoplefor Hiers children to live in.
You only pull down a house when the house is rotten,and build a new one. Otherwise,if the house is repaired and intact,you would not pull it down. Many people ask me about the end of the world,say do I believe in it? Am I afraid of it? What do I do about it? I say,"Yes,I believe in it."
I say,"God has power to createand should our world become unfit for Hiers children to staythen Hes would destroy it.  But no,I'm not afraid of it because I have the Kingdom of God in my pocket. I can take it anywhere I want in this life or the life after. I will never lose my Paradise.
Therefore,it doesn't matter if the world ends or doesn't end; it doesn't concern me." But what do I do about it? I do nothing. Of course,if you come to me and ask,then I will remind you that you don't need to fear it.
Because if we die,the world ends anyhow,right? So the world might end anytime,sometimes even in an accident. Sowhat we worry about is not the end of the world but the end of ourselves.If we are not prepared for a longer journey to Heaven,we might have to worry. Otherwise,there is nothing that we should do but to leave it to the will of God.

*If you have already a Christian mantradoes one have to change it?

No,you don't have to if that works for you. If you truly can get in touch with God through that mantra,that you can see the Light of God,that you can hear the Word of God,then you don't need to change. If you do not experience this God power manifested through Light and the Wordthen you should changeif you desire to. If you do not desire,of course,you don't.

*What does "the fear of the Lord" mean?

To fear the Lord means to respect Hiers laws,Hiers commandments. It doesn't mean you have to be scared of Hirm or be afraid of Hirm. “Fear of the Lord” means to respect God,which is the Creator of all things,and so we try to be righteous and virtuous in order to please Hirm,which is our True Self. Because when we fear the Lord,it means we respect the Lord,it means we know the wisdom. Then we can never do wrong things. Not that the Lord is so fearsome that we have to stand far apart from Hirm.

*Why do you have to meditate 2.5 hours a day and become vegetarian to be enlightened?

No,you don't have to be vegetarian,and you don't have to meditate 2.5 hours a day to become enlightened,but to keep the enlightenment.  You can be enlightened without,but you can't keep it if you are not fit to go on with it.
There is some great power within ourselves which,when tapped,can bring confusion,can bring shattering experiences to our body and mind,should we not have prepared our purity for it,to keep it or to endure it.
*With respect,Master  may I ask why you wear make-up and jewelry?

May I ask you why not?Why do you attach so much to the material appearanceWhether you are attached to a beautiful appearance or a beggarappearanceit's all attachment. Throw them allbothout.
I can wear this today and I can wear jeans tomorrow. It makes no difference to me. Then why should it make a difference to you?It's me who wears it. Don't worry about me,worry about yourself.

Get enlightenmentthat's the best,and then wear what you want. But I understand what he means. I understand what you mean. You mean a practitioner should be very modest,or dress like a monk or something like that,right?
I have done that for ten years. And I got enlightenment,but not through the monk's robe. And now I try to wear different clothes to see whether my enlightenment becomes less or not. It doesn't. You have to experience something,otherwise how do you tell people?
I do everything through experience,and then I tell other people what I know. So should some other people who wear make-up and jewelry and have glorious appearance,then she cannot get enlightenment or what?It's nonsense!
God never says so in the Bible. Does Hes?No. Actually,I don't wear beautiful enough,I tell you the truth. Because what I know,we are more beautiful than this; we are more glorious in Heaven. We have degraded ourselves already into this stage,so this is just a reminder of some glorious state in Heaven.
I can wear it or I cannot wear it,it doesn't matter at all. Don't you agree?Yes?Okay. You see,what we wear also has some effect. For example,before,I was wearing monk's clothes and I forsook my husband; I wasn't enlightened.
I don't regret leaving him because then I have more time to dedicate for people,that is true. Instead of having a lot of kids and having to burden my husband to look after the kids while I'm going on tour for many months or I never go home,for example. Then I just let him free and I'm free to dedicate to people and to serve God. I don't regret leaving him,but I was very sad leaving him at that time.
I felt sorry for him because he loved me very much; also I loved him very much. We had a very beautiful marriage. Okay,so I left him,and then I thought,in search of truth,I'd have to be dressing like a monk and all that in order to serve people. But then it had some kind of side effect: many people left their homes and followed me,left their children and their husbands. It's just that I should not break up their family through my dress. You understand what I mean?
Yes. I understand,but they did not understand. By setting this example,many family people follow. I'm supposed to bring them happiness,not sorrow; therefore,I changed my dress.

*Do you believe in reincarnation

Yes,yes,I do,but then I don't. Because reincarnation is only our habitual thinking that binds us. Our true Self is never bornnever dies and never reincarnates.

*How can you explain or justify the existence of people suffering various illnesses through no fault of their own

Well,if you believe in the reincarnation theory,it explains it. That is what the Bible said: "As you sow,so shall you reap." Sometimes we have done some mistakes in our previous life,or even in this life,and then we get the illnesses. Sometimes we suffer the collective so-called karma (retribution) - meaning the collective effect of the whole society.
For example,if you don't smoke,but you always have to go around the world,or on the buseswhich are full of smoke from other people,then you would also have some kind of collective effect. It's called karma (retribution) in the Sanskrit term.
It means you suffer what the society,what your environment,inflicts upon you. Therefore,we have to clear it up by having a purer life,and encourage other people to do the same. We should not need to wait for the neighbor to do it: we do it first. We start the clean dietvegetarian dietwhich has been scientifically proven to be even good for our health; apart from compassion,enlightenment and all that great deal,it's good for your health. Most of my disciples,after initiation,they quit smoking immediately.
They just quit it on their own. I said," Quit it slowly,if you cannot bear it.』I do not bear cigarettes,but they quit it. Most of them quit immediately. Most of them quit it immediately after reading my book only.

There is such a power which is awakened inside that helps them to go through all obstacles in life. That is the Supreme Power. It's not me who helps them,it's the Father who helps. It's their own Father who helps when they awaken to themselves and want to claim their greatness again. That's why I say awaken your own powerbe your masterbe the master. I'm telling you,I'm trying to show you the way to be a master,not to be my disciple.

Therefore,after initiation,all the miracles come to you,all the things,the good that happens to you,it is your own Supreme Master at work. So I never claim credit for this. Even though the disciples praise me,that I do this and that for them through manifestation body,but I say,"I know nothing about it." It is because your own Master power is at work after the initiation. So,be the master,be a Christ,be a Buddha.

*If we have followed another mastercan we follow Master Ching Hai

It depends. If you think you need it,then you follow. If your master has already imparted to you the Light and Sound,and you have experienced the Kingdom of God within,and you are satisfied with it,then don't need to follow. You only follow me when you don't know it. If you already know and you have a good master,please don't. But you are welcome,I don't reject you.

*If we become one with Goddoes it mean that we lose our individuality

Yes,but no.  In the worldly level you're still Mrs./Mr. so-and-so,and if you happen to be the Prime Minister,you keep your post. God will not take it away from you. And you still have your wife and kids and all the possessions that you need,or all the jobs you have to do,and  you still have your characterbut then you are one with God. It means you do without doing. You don't claim credit for anythingbecause you know it's not you who does itbecause you don't have any more ego to glorify yourself. That's the only thing. Our individual Self,it doesn't mean the ego. What we lose is the egonot the individuality.

*If I realize my own enlightenmentcan I help those close to my heart who have a negative attitude towards life

Yes,yes,definitely,definitely. We have helped many and our fellow practitioners have also helped many,so can you. Because it's not by words of mouth that we convince peopleit is by our own greatnessthe great wisdom withinwhich awakens that transmits this atmosphere to their wisdom inside and they perceive it,and that is how we help other people in the more effective way,apart from just talking and consoling them.

*Is God personal or just a universal power

Both,both. If you want God to be personalGod will appear personal becauseGod can do everything. God is your own Self. The universal power is also your own Self.

*Is there a devillike Satan

What do you think?In Australia,maybe no,but in other countries,yes. When you see a lot of disgraceful things that happen through some individuals,some very destructive power at work,these are so-called Satan. But the sooner we practice the heavenly Light and Sound the better,then the so-called Satan will become also an angel.

We initiate him,and make him vegetarian. But I need your love and force together. I alone cannot turn this world into Heaven. I can only turn myself into Heaven. But you yourselves have to also turn each of you into heavenly atmosphere before we can abolish Satan. We have to work together.

*Many ancient mastersfor exampleLao Tzu and Quan Yindescribed the ultimate goal as a void where there is no attachmentno methodno soundnothing. Somay I ask why you place much emphasize on exterior things like hearing sound and seeing light

Does he say no sound,really?No.

I have some books here. "Lao Tzu." Look. Let's see what he said: he talks a lot about heavenly music,about the Tao. 『The Tao you don't need to use the ears,but you can hear it; you don't need to use the eyes,but you can see.』
These are the invisible Light and invisible Sound. He didn't say no sound; he didn't say anything about no sound. He said,"You don't need to use the ears but you can hear it; you don't need to use the eyes but you can see it.』
So Quan Yin Bodhisattva became Quan Yin because she practiced the Quan Yin Method - means observing the Sound - and it's full of this evidence in Buddhist scriptures. Like when you practice the Quan Yin,you can hear the Sound of sea waves,the Sound of Brahma,the Sound of thunder.
Even in the Bible,it mentioned it,that God speaks in the voice of thunder,like thunder,like the sound of many waters,etc. These things we can hear insidenot just like ordinary sound; it's that you hear without the ears. But the more you hearthe more you know what God wants and then you can do the will of God,instead of blindly doing things and clumsily following our own instincts and making a chaos of this world.
So Quan Yin Bodhisattva was one who practiced on the Sound. That's why her name is "Quan Yin." It is stated very clearly in the Lotus Sutra like that,how she was called that,because she practiced the Quan Yin Method.

*Does everyone get enlightened eventually

Yes,eventually,maybe a couple of eons or so,thousands of billions of years,if you haven't met a master who is experienced and who'll show you the quickest way.

*How did you become a MasterDid you train with a teacher


*Can you describe God

No. No,but I know Hirm intimately,just like I know you. Just like I see you,I can see Hirm just like I see you.

*Before we descended to this world of matterwe were pure as Godbut why were we asked or forced to descend to this world to experience these everyday difficulties

So that we learnlearn to be God. We are born from God,but then we are not God. Just like you are born from your parents,but you are not yet grown up so your parents send you to school with difficult examinations and all kinds of classes,homework,and makes you feel headache and sometimes you cannot sleep enough,and you cannot play,because of the schoolwork.
But they have to send you there,okay?Same way with God. All these are experiences for us to grow,otherwise we become just like spoiled angels,doing nothing,knowing nothing,having no inheritance of God's power.

*Thank you for this experience. You spoke of no longer being the doer. Masterplease expand upon this.

It's very difficult to explain to you. But these come through experiences. It has two levels of understanding. First,through meditational experiences and later through just grace,just living in the presence of God.
And you don't even know that you have healed people a thousand miles apart. You don't even know that you bring goodness to those near you,but you do,all the same,and people know it. So,to do without doing…
The first stage,before I met you,I had the experience of being one with the whole universe,but this I cannot describe to you. You just know it in the meditational samadhi. You can call it "samadhi." Samadhi - you are just be in the state of non-desire,or you can call it "Nirvana" or Kingdom of God - whatever you want. You will be one with God. You just know it. In that state you can only exclaim: "I and my Father are one. I and all the beings in the universe are one." - but you have no way to explain or to describe it. I regret to disappoint you,but I invite you to come to me and let me show you how to experience it yourself,because I cannot describe it in the human language,what I know.

*Can Quan Yin Method be used for healing the body

No,but yes. If you are supposed to be healed,then you get healed. Most of our people get healed,even from cancer,after initiation. Just now I was in Singapore. One of the girls just sat there crying and thanked me for helping her,but I don't know anything about it. She said after initiation,the doctor discovered she had stomach cancer or something and he definitely wanted to operate on her,and then she was even administered the anesthetic injection,but she was fully awake,she didn't go into a coma.
And then the doctor just searched her stomach and said,『Hey?It's gone!』So,no more operation needed; she was pushed out again,just like that. Yes,many of these situations have happened,therefore I told you all the healing powers are within you.
If you practice well,you're sincere,if you seek the Kingdom of God,all the things shall be added unto you. But sometimes the time is not proper,therefore,probably you experience some illness.
But the God power will take away already half or two-thirds of it,in most cases. But I do not boast about this because I don't want people to come to me or to come to God with the motivation,just because they want to take care of their body alone. If we come to God with the sincerity,then God will give us a lot of things.
But if we come to demand just one thing or another,probably we will be disappointed. That is because we should surrender our ego,we should let God run the universe and not dictate to God what to do.
Therefore,I don't advocate healing power or miracles in our path. If we have it,we don't use it even. We just let God grace whomever Hes wants and whenever Hes wants in whatever situation is fit. I don't use healing power myself,even though my disciples claim that I have a lot of healing power.

*Why is the Quan Yin Method suitable for 16 to 65 years old and not for people over 65or indeed to those under 16

No,under 12. We have initiated children from six,if they have their parents or protectors who are meditating with them,in case they don't know what to do. Children are very young,they might do something that is not proper. Or just to help them,or protect them by the way,keep them in line with the precepts,with vegetarian,cook for them,etc. Children,how can they cook?That's it. And above 65 if you have been vegetarian for a long time,it's fine. If above 75 or 65 or 70,we worry that you might not be able to adapt to the long sitting procedure.

So might as well start it anew,yes?You have not a long way to go. Come back again and start it,all right?But we put you on the waiting list inside so we won't forget you next time when you come back. Don't worry,as long as you're sincere,you can be taken up without having initiation. Now,for example,we will offer the people,non-vegetarian people,a so-called "expedient method," "convenient method," so that it would be convenient to eat vegetarian whenever you're convenient.

*What is your attitude to abortioncontraceptionsterilizationand the abortion pill

These are the affairs of you human people. I come to teach you the Kingdom of God and should you follow it,then you know the answer yourself,according to circumstances.

*Why is it that even when living the way God has told us - loving our neighbornot killingnot desiring material things - there is still an emptiness in my heart

Yes,because you have not come in contact with the God within you. You only do Hiers commandments but you have not known the Commander-in-Chief. Get to know Hirm and then you feel fulfilled.

*Plants do have life also. What is the reason to become vegetarian and why

Well,we have to eat something,no?Jesus ate something,Buddha ate something. It's all right to take vegetables,because in the Bible,even in the Old Testament,it is said so. God said: "I made all the beautiful fruit which is pleasing to your eyespleasing to your tasteall the herbs in the fieldthese are your food." NoHes didn't forbid us to eat vegetarian dietso why notYou don't study the Bible well,that's the trouble with you.

*Why is it detrimental to our spiritual progress to practice any meditations that involve breath control

Because breathing is ephemeral. Everything we use concerning ephemeral phenomena,it will end in ephemeral. So what we practice is using our own Kingdom of Godour own wisdomwhich is eternal.  Therefore,we can get eternal lasting happiness.

*What is mind

Mind is the one that makes you drink coffee when you don't want to drink it,makes you have two wives when you know you should have only one,and causes a lot of trouble when you know you should have peace - very stubborn,obstinate. Mind is only the computer; only computer,and registers all things that happen around it and then puts out again the same information,whether the circumstances have changed or not.
Therefore,sometimes we make mistakes and we have very harsh judgment in some cases because the mind has registered the same information but to different circumstances. Therefore,we have not learned to be flexible,therefore,we stumble and we suffer.
That's why we have to learn to get in touch with the real source of wisdom and then handle every situation accordinglywithout condemnationonly with love and with understanding.

*How can the majority of people find the 2.5 hours daily to meditateCan this time be reduced to be effective

You don't have to sit straight 2.5 hours. You can get up early one hour in the morning,half an hour at lunch break,and another hour in the evening. Less television,less rock-and-roll,etc.,maybe,or less talk on the phone- save the phone bill even- and then we will have a lot more time.
Actually,we have more time than we suppose we do. We just waste it because we don't have anything else to do. But now we have a purpose,we have another work to do,we will concentrate and we will have time for that. And even when you sit on the bus,you can meditate. I'll show you how,later,at the time of initiation. When you sit on the airplane,you can meditate.
When you sit on the beach to enjoy the breeze of fresh air,you can meditate. When you sit in the park,you can meditate. But not when you drive the car,please. Very easy to get 2.5 hours. In fact,you can have more,more,more time.

*Do you believe in marriage

I do,I do. Why not?If I don't believe in marriage,where do I come from?

*If one is enlightenedis he or she still subject to the law of causation

No,but he respects the law of causation. But he probably,she probably,suffers also,because of the disciples,sharing with them the burdens. Just like you yourself go around empty handed,but if your friend,neighbor,carries too much stuff which he needs - probably he was ill,he takes a lot of medicine or probably he needs food,more special food,and he takes a lot of stuff with him - you cannot just bear to see your best friend burdened with all this stuff,so you share half of their luggage,yes?
Therefore,you're burdened also even though you don't need this medical stuff,you don't need extra food but you are burdened with thesebecause of love for the friend. Therefore,the enlightened person,may undergo some apparent effect from the bad karma (retribution),but actually he or she is free from it. Subsidies for vegetable organic farming and vegan production.

Now,if we want peace,we want benevolence,we want love,blessing from Heaven,we have to start showing that,by action. We have to show love to each other. We have to be benevolent to each other. We have to be

*About almighty powercan it change the movement of the sun or planetsOr should we understand the almighty power as spiritual meaningBecause I cannot believe the miracles written in the Bible.

You should. We can experience these miracles right now,then you will believe. Anythingthe almighty power can dobut as God sees fitnot as our dictation.But all the miracles in the Bible are true. These are child's play. There is nothing big deal that you could not believe. There is much more than that. These are just a very fragmentary record of what a master can do.
Even these nowadays,I have seen with my eyes some of the Hindu monks that walk across the water - and not walk half way across the swift flowing current - and they want to teach me how to do it,but I refused. I said I'd use a boat,it's cheap,very cheap. And some people still,nowadays,if you read the book from Alexandra David-Néel,you have seen she recorded many miracles in Tibet - people can fly around in the air right now.
And they have to chain themselves with a lot of metal blocks so that they sometimes can land,otherwise they fly all the time in the air. There are many such things; it's very simple and to turn water into milk and all that,it is there. You can buy them in India,these miracle tricks. If you want,you go to India and search for some sadhus (ascetics) and learn with them. No need to doubt the Bible,because Jesus wasn't very proud of these miracles anyhow.
For example,when his mother tried to demonstrate his supernatural power by telling people to prepare the jars of water and put them outside and tell him to go and turn it into wine,he said,"Mother,why?Why do you make me do these things?" Remember?Is that not so?"Why do you force me to do this?"
He wasn't very pleased about it. And then when somebody was sick and then touched his garment and became healed,he said,"Oh!Your faith has healed you." And sometimes when some miracles happened,he said,“It's not me,it's my Father who does it."
So these things should not be an obstacle to you to put faith into Christianity or Jesus,and to his greatness. He is greater than these miracles. These are just by-products and he was forced to do it in some circumstances. For example,he healed some people because at that time the medical treatment was very expensive and rare,people were poor and needy. If he were born here now probably he wouldn't do it to attract you. But the imparting of knowledge is importantnot the miracles.

* How were souls created and can they be destroyed

No,the soul cannot be destroyed because it is not material. Anything that's born and has a material shape will be destroyedbut not the soul. Something like space cannot be destroyed.

* Why did God create this world

So that we can know each other today,at least.

* I agree with what you say. In my opinionit's not that God created human beings but that human beings created God. Do you agree

Yes and no. Depends on what you mean by “God.” Because God is our own wisdomand that has no need for any creative power. It exists alone.It existed before all things. That is Godand from that power we came and to that power we return.

* Is it true the teacher cannot teach until the pupil is ready

Right,it's true,it's true,it's true.

* What is it that you have that I don't have

No,nothing. I told you already what I have,you have. It's just that probably I know what I have and you don't know yet what you have. But you'll know if you will let me show you how and where.

* Could you please give a briefing on meditationHow do you go about it

Meditation itself is an empty word if we don't have sincerity and perseverance. If we truly want to know our true Selfthat is the true meditation. Whether you sit,you stand,you lie down,you go about with your business,you are always centered in this sinceritywanting to know Godwanting to know your real Selfthat is meditation.
And so we just show you how to collect your scattered attention and focus on the wisdom center within our so-called apparent body within the brain. It is human language. Actually,there is no center,but I have to start somewhere and to tell you to focus and later on you even don't know that you have a body. When you are in samadhiyou'll experience blissLight and all the wisdom; and all the questions will be answered to you and all the desires will drop off.
You still continue to serve the society in a greater capacity and love,but you desire for no fruits. You just carry on your business without attachment. And the meditational practice is very easy,but you need an experienced friend to teach you. That's all. If you already know it or if you know an experienced teacher,then no need. If you don't,I may help you. But we have to explain it in detail,Because if you do it wrong or if your motive is not pureyou might have side effects. That's why it is better to have a commitment to a teacher and learn the whole course in time. That's all.

* I have been through the experience of enlightenment but now need to know how best to maintain my oneness with God's Light.

If you do it through a teacher,then ask him. If you don't have a teacher,then come to our initiation so that I may help you further to maintain that.

* I would like to be initiatedbut I live far away from here; but if I have been vegetarian for three monthshow are you going to give me initiation according to the videotape I have seen

I will send someone,if I'm not there personally. Because the initiation doesn't need language and doesn't need my personal appearance at the place. We do it regardless of space and time. Anytime you are ready,we're ready for you. We'll find the means to do it.

* MasterI have some questions that no other monks have explained to me satisfactorily. Where do human beings come from

Even the Buddha did not answer this.

* Where are we going to go after deathSomeone says that we are going to Paradise and some other says that we will go to hell

You go to Paradise if you are virtuous and you go to hell if you registered there.

* In the five preceptsthere is something that prohibits us to put make-up on our face. (No.) If we do sodo we violate it

No,no,no. It didn't say so. Five precepts only: not harming other sentient beings,not killing,not stealing,not committing adultery,not drinking alcohol,all these things - I mean the drugs and all that - and the other is not gambling and not telling lies. These only,five. The Buddha didn't say “don't put on make-up.”Don't make it more complicated than it already is.

* Dear Masterwhat is the essence of the Quan Yin Method that you are teachingWhat is the important pointWhat is the benefit for our lifeour current lifeAnd what is the good for us when we leave this life

The essence is that you will get in touch with your Buddha Nature or your Kingdom of God,and it will benefit you right now as well as the life after. Because you have wisdom and you handle every situation in life in a more proper way. And then after you leave this world,you will go to your proper place in Heaven or in Nirvana (the highest Heaven) and continue to serve the whole universe in your capacity there.

*Dear Masterthere are many people who say that the husband should not eat a vegetarian diet because if a male person eats a vegetarian diethe cannot fulfill his duty as a husbandso the family will not have happiness. opinion

You answer me,is that true?Did you fulfill your duty?


Yes,he did. All my disciples are householders. Some of them are husbands and wives,and they continue to have children. I have no ban on anything,just I advise them to be moderate in all things. That's all.

* Dear Masteris it true that when human beings commit many sinsthey have be to downgraded into animals in the next life

The Buddha said so. Buddha said yes.

* Why is it that the more material things that we getthe more obstructions we have in the spiritual progress

It's not that the material things obstruct our spiritual progress,it's our attitude towards them that obstructs us. Because,if you remember in the time of Buddha,there are many kings and many rich people who followed him,and they attained enlightenment all the same.
In fact,one of them called Wei Mo,he was a householder,he was very rich and he was more or less equal to Buddha,because he was so highly enlightened and powerful. It is because he has a lot of possessions but he is not attached to it. So take care of your attitude,not put away your possessions. Put away your attachmentnot possession.

* Can the wisdom eye open by itself through the diligent spiritual practiceor do we have to rely on the Master's blessing

Rely on both. It's the bestit's the most insured.

* Can you tell me the progress of the soul from the beginning to the end

If I have time and if you have time; if we stay here forever then I will tell you.

* “Dear Masterif my husband has a concubine and I divorce himdo I commit some sort of sins against my childrenBecause I feel scared not to live with him.”

She feels disgusted to live with him. That's why I have told you “no sexual misconduct,” “no adultery,” to protect your family and the happiness of your children. So I think you should not divorce him yet,but talk to him first and see where probably you go wrong. Maybe you neglect him,you don't love him enough,maybe you don't take care of the children clean enough,maybe you don't dress yourself beautifully so put on some makeup,put on some nice jewelry,buy some new clothes and be a good wife - see if it works first. You don't just forsake a marriage so at random and quickly.
You have maybe gone wrong somewhere or maybe something is missing in the family. So,please,rescue your marriage first. When it absolutely cannot be mended,then maybe you consider divorce. Otherwise,of course,you don't sin against the children,but they would suffer with a separated family and a split up loving atmosphere. If you want to sacrifice and you consider the children that much,then you consider talking to your husband. Be loving to him and be beautiful. See what the opponent has that you don't have and learn to be better.

* Dear Masterthese are questions from a young girl: Why do I have to eat vegetarian dietIf I eat vegetarian fooddoes Buddha help me to become smartermore intelligentIf I eat vegetarian food can I see the manifestation of Buddha

You eat vegetarian because you learn to love all the beings in this worldand whether you see the Buddha or not depends on your sincerity and practice. And,of course,you will have less sickness and be more intelligent. That is Scientifically proven.

* Dear MasterI have a family and I have two children. I do want to eat vegetarian diet because I understand the good of eating vegetarian food as you have taught in your book. But if I eat vegetarian food and sometimes I'd waste the food with meat because there are some leftovers from my two children. So if I do sois it a sin(No,it isn't.)

* How can I be a permanent vegetarianBecause I want to be vegetarian very muchbut I still want to eat meat.

Then pray that God will help you. We don't force anyone to be vegetarian if you are not ready,if you don't want to. We only help you if you want to,okay?

She said that when she meditates,not in our Method,she just meditates,and she just empties her mind and recites the Buddha's name,but she does not get the samadhi - meaning the trance,the peaceful-like state. She asks me whether if she meditates like that,is it effective or not?Well,I say it has some effect,but very minimal. If you have samadhi,it would be the best,and then you can get in touch with the real Buddha Nature.

* About not killingif a tiger wants to come and eat methen what

Where do you go to see the tiger anyhow?Is it so easy just to meet a tiger on the street?Your imagination is fantastic.

* In the kitchenthere are many ants. How do we fix this

Be hygienic. Clean your kitchen all the time so the ants will not come.

* Quan Yin is male or female


* Buddha or Bodhisattva (saint)

I don't think she cares so much about her rank. But in the scripture it says that Quan Yin was an ancient Buddha.

* Can we change our destiny

Yes,somehow,if we practice the Quan Yin Method.

* After initiationif I eat meat or drink alcoholwill that affect Masterwill that trouble Master

Yes,yes,because we are one. But it affects you more,it troubles you more. I can go free with all this,but you might not. The person you should be concerned with is yourself.

*I'm a followerI believe in Quan Yin Bodhisattva. If I study Quan Yin Methodwill there be any problemany conflict

No. It would be better.

* After initiation can we read Buddhist books

Sure. You can,only that you understand better than before.

* After initiation is it a certainty that we will be liberated

Yes,if you follow the practice.

* MasterI'm from Mainland China. There are many spiritual practitioners there who are very anxious that Master go to Mainland China to spread the Dharma (true teaching). Can Master help us

I go wherever God wants me to go. I cannot make that decision. I would like to,but if God's willing then it will happen.

*One of the Chinese said Melbourne is very beautiful and they hope that Master can come back again.

I said,“Yes,Melbourne is beautiful,and I'd surely love to go. But as again,depends on God's will and the affinity between us; that's God's will. So,thank you.” I thank them for their love and supportive spirit. And I also thank you,the Australia residents and natives for giving me such a warm,open and loving welcome. I wish you all the best in everything you do.

* I'm a follower of Quan Yin Bodhisattva. If I study Quan Yin Methodwill there be any conflict

No. It would be better.

* One of the Chinese said Melbourne is very beautiful and they hope that Master can come back and give a lecture again.

Thank you for your love and your open-minded,supportive spirit. I am very touched. If God wills,I will come back again.

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