To Live a Balanced Life in this World and Heaven   

Good afternoon I am very happy to meet you today, the supposed-to-be one of the most intelligent races of people in Asia or in the world. Some people told me that they have a test and that Japanese IQs are very high. Is that true? No?

If what I speak today you understand immediately, then that means your IQ is very high, because what I speak is not concerning mundane business or economical affair or political business, but it's concerning the matter of the world beyond our intellect.

If we want to be successful in this world, it doesn't matter in which aspect, we need IQ, and also we need training, and also we need ambition. Now,if we want to understand something about the world beyond this world, we need all these things plus something more. And that something more we already have within ourselves: that is our wisdom.

If we do not try to remember our wisdom, try to develop it, try to recognize it, then our life is a little bit empty,feeling kind of not fulfilled, not completely balanced. Now,if we look around in this world we see everything is created in a kind of balanced manner; therefore, there is day and there is night, there are women, there are men,etc.

Also,when we work very hard every day, we need,sometimes, to go out in the nature and relax and do something different than what we do every day. When we want to find happiness in our life, we should live a balanced life.  Many of us live a life of too much materialism and we have forgotten the real spirit, the real Self,inside us.

That's why we have tried very hard and our world has not been very progressed. Maybe we have progressed in some aspect and then we regressed in some aspect. That is because we have forgotten the more important part in our life: that is our spirit, our wisdom.  In the whole universe, everything must be in balance if it is to survive, if it is to prosper in the highest sense, in the highest level. In our world we are much more preoccupied with the material aspect.

That's why we could not understand Heaven. In Heaven,people are too much preoccupied with the spiritual aspect, therefore they could not understand man. So in order to live our life in this world and understand Heaven at the same time, we should try to balance our life so that the spiritual part of our Self will be blossoming, and also the worldly part of us will be more developed.

Therefore,while living in this world we still can understand and contact with Heaven because in Heaven there are higher teachings for us that we can make use of in order to help mankind to develop in a more civilized manner, in all aspects. You see,our brain is just like a computer, a first class computer, and according to what information we give to the brain, it will come out.

So now,what we pick up in this world are not always the best information and not always the highest quality of information, therefore we have to go to a higher dimension in order to pick up better information,better quality of information, to give it to our brain, and then in turn the brain will give it out to the society or to our daily life activity.

The other day I was interviewed by a newspaper journalist - and I am often interviewed by journalists of different newspapers and different countries - so I asked them,I said, "You always ask me questions,now I want to ask you one question." I said,"Why do the journalist people have often the very negative outlook on life?

Or when they go to question someone, it seems like they have a kind of negative feeling or a tendency towards some negative questions, and also why most of the time the news are more negative than positive.』

So I was answered that because they find nothing good to report,nothing good in the society, only negative things, so they have to report what it is. But I do not agree that there is nothing good in the society or there are much more negative than positive; I do not think it is so bad. But most probably we are more attracted to something that is very 『upheaval』 or very tragic, very drastic, so the newspapers would like to report these things to us.

This is all right,but then in the long term, it will affect our attitude and our spirit and our outlook of life, and then everywhere sometimes we go, we see similar people, similar type of situation, and immediately we expect something negative. And this is how our brain picks up information in this world,mostly, largely due to television, due to newspapers, books,etc. I have heard that sometimes because the young people see some criminal scenes reported on television and some time later they imitate and then it breeds more crimes.

Sometimes I was in America and I went through the bookshops to look for some spiritual books to see what people print and what people read today, and I was very disappointed to look the whole day and very little valuable spiritual guidance, but low level books are plenty. Sometimes the whole, very thick,book only reported some very bad, very,very terrible action of some kind of group, of some kind of cult,or something like that, and even described in detail the terrible things they do.

Now,probably there is only one person who did these things or a group of a few people, but when it's printed into books,millions of people will know about all these negative things, and if our brain is always overloaded by this kind of bad information,then these information will, in turn,feed out to the societies or to our environment. That's how we see our society become kind of, in some part of the world, very degraded in morality and in spirit. Because the brain-computer continues to pick up information, regardless good or bad, and there's much more bad information than good,therefore, our spirit is very tired, very degraded, very discouraged, very frustrated, very weak.

That's why sometimes if somebody,some person, is truly good,truly pure, comes to us and wants to help us, we sometimes have doubt and suspicion and thinking,『How could it be,so good a thing? I've never heard of it! We didn't have this before.』

And then,so,a very few truly good persons finally also give up because they couldn't convince us that they are truly good, and that we also don't give them time, don't give them a chance to prove their goodness. Most of the journalists would be more interested in the way I look or the way I wear my clothes more than what I offer in spirit.

I don't say all of them, I'd say the majority. And also they had the feeling, not only the journalists, and many people, many other people, and they had the feeling as if to wear makeup or to wear nice clothes, it's something not good, something not good for the people with wisdom, yes, or with enlightenment. I do not blame them for their attitude,

I just feel sorry for our society that breeds such kind of thinking. I just feel sorry that our people have lost the sense of dignity, sense of beauty, sense of appreciation of something…beauty, truth…and graceful, and worse still, even feel proud of it!

In the old times, our traditional dress was beautiful; women were truly women, men were truly men, very beautiful, very dignified. Nowadays,we do not see much of these signs of beauty on the street because if some woman appears to be beautiful, then she attracts many criticism. When I first came here today,

I saw only one or two people wearing kimonos on the street, and I always look at these things and I like it so much. And a Japanese woman who wears a kimono is much more beautiful than wearing other clothes. I saw two women walking together,one wearing different clothes and another one wearing a kimono.Even though both of them looked beautiful,but the one with the kimono was extremely,extremely and distinguishedly beautiful.

But in this society today maybe we do not have so much time to be beautiful, and everybody just learns with each other and we're all rushing around and forget to keep ourselves in the way we used to be or the way we want to be, and then finally everyone accepts that it's okay to be not beautiful, it's okay to wear just casual clothes, or any kind of clothes.

Even I myself dare not wear beautiful clothes today because I am afraid to shock you. Even though I thought today is a very important occasion and I should show my respect to you with my beautiful dress or traditional costume.

And also I feel that as a guest of a nation, I should dress more properly to remind you even of the life in Heaven,yes, the life we used to have before we came to this world. But I saw so many outside wearing just ordinary clothes, very conservative,so I dared not wear anything beautiful for you. So this is the same,what happened in our society.

This is only one example to prove how we are intimidated every day with our actions, our thinking,and our habits; the same. Therefore,if we only learn from information of this world, we will not learn of the highest quality.

We have heard that we have Heaven, we have many different dimensions of higher intelligence, higher civilization, so why don't we go and have a look? Actually,Heaven is within ourselves; allthe most intelligent source, are within ourselves. If only we take time to turn inward daily sometimes,then we will find this highest quality, and then our life will become truly happy.

Actually,Heaven is within ourselves; all,the most intelligent source,are within ourselves. If only we take time to turn inward daily sometimes,then we will find this highest quality,and then our life will become truly happy,because we can solve many problems in a better way,and we don't have to work so hard but we achieve the higher result or the best result,because we make use of our wisdom which is already within ourselves.
Why dosometimeswe find ourselves wanting this thing or wanting that thingIt is because deep within the recess of ourselves we have all these already planned to us. But why sometimes we are not successful with our wishBecause we don't reach deep enough in this treasure to find what we want and what is our right to have.
Therefore,even though our subconscious told us that we should have this richness,we should have this success,we should have this and that and other things more glorious,but our brain has no power to achieve it for us.
Because as you see,our brain is dictating everything in our daily activities,and now if the brain only picks up these surrounding information as I have told you,how can it achieve something above these things,above this information,above these abilities that it has picked up every day?
The Japanese people have been more successful than other people in Asia or in the world,because at one time the Japanese have learned some higher information,some better way to preserve,to improve,their country's economic and security.
Because Japan was put into a position in which all the people in the nation must unite together and listen to that wise advice of a few persons at that time. Now that proves whatever the brain is taught,it will give out the effect. Now,suppose we have not had these few wise persons in your government at that time,and that your nation had not been forced into this circumstance,Japan probably would not have been the way it is today.
Even though we have intelligence,the brain needs to be taught. So the way of true happiness and success can be found only when we turn inside and go to a higher level of consciousnesspick up better information and use it in our daily life  
Because as you see,doesn't matter how intelligent a race of people,doesn't matter how powerful a nation,every now and then we fail,we come down economically,politically,and every other aspect.
Every of the best plans to rescue a nation or the world will work out only for a certain period of time,a certain number of years,and then it fails because the situation changes,because whatever plans we make are according to what we have picked up from the situation and from the environment,and we work accordingly.
Therefore,even though we are still very diligent or our technical equipment are still the best quality,our economy sinks sometimes. Because we use only limited information and then we can only have limited result. Therefore,the best politicians,the best economists,the best scientists are not always the best answer to the world.
So,in this period of world economical struggle,we should truly look into the resource of our salvation where lies the answer "what to do now?" We can not blame ourselves for not working hard enough,we can not blame ourselves for our flawless equipment,we can not blame ourselves for our economical talent. But where do we fail then?
And it's not the first time that one nation or another fails,but it is many times,repeatedly,and it has not happened to one country but it happens to many countries,to any country,despite the best effort,the best people,and the best brain of the nation.
So I suggest the answer ismaybewe are not very balanced in our life.  We are always forced to look into the immediate solution and forget the long term effect. Now,every one of us knows that our brain has not been used completely - even our capability,our brain,has been used only some percent.
So why don't we try to use the rest?We use only about 10%of the brain. Now what can we do with another 90%?So,we have a solution,we have a way to use the rest of the brain power,and that we can measure very fast - after a few weeks,after a few months - that we have truly progressed,that we are truly in touch with the rest of our brain power.
And that's the method that we would like to offer you,and free of charge,free of every obligation. That is,you have the obligation to improve yourself,that's the only obligation.
We have proved this to ourselves,that it is successful. Millions of people around the world have proved it to themselves,so it's definitely successful. Now I would like to offer this to you,the intelligent Japanese,so that together we can help the world to become a better place for our later generations. I have presented to you very scientifically and logically,without all this mysterious myth of meditation,Himalayas,Buddha,or whatever it is,because the Japanese are very scientific and very intelligent.
So if what I have spoken appeals to you,then you may try. If not,you lose nothing; only you remain as you are yesterday,working very hard,gaining very little,and do not understand why the world has become like it is; do not understand why we can not solve many problems; do not understand why,despite all this economical stability or success in scientific research,our life is not happy,is not truly happy as we wanted it to be.
So if we try this,we try the method of contacting our main power,our real power,then our life changes because we realize who we truly are and what ability still remains unused within ourselves.

There is no end to our abilitiesno end to our happinessif we turn within and look for our treasure.  I am offering this to you as one of the brothers or sisters who has discovered,or rediscovered,something nice,something good and wants to share it with the family members,because you share with me also what you discover or what you invent.
So I have also a Toyota car,secondhand. When I first came to Japan,I wanted a car because we didn't know a place and where we lived in the mountain was very difficult to go out shopping,so I went to buy a car. And if I buy a firsthand car,I'd have to wait three months.
So I told the owner,"What?In three months I'd have to go out of the country already!What do I need the car then?" So I had to walk around and ask him,『How about this car?』and all that,and he said,"This is secondhand,you can have immediately!" But Toyota is a good car,Japanese car.
Anyhow,any Japanese car is good. So,even though it's secondhand,I didn't have to repair it up till now. It's over one year already,and I don't even have time to come to Japan to take care and it just rests there and people drive it now and again.
So these are the good inventions,good works that the Japanese people offer to the world,to other brothers and sisters in different countries. It's just an example; there are many more. When I was in high school,I had a Honda. The first Hondas that you produced,I had. My family had three Hondas,the first ones,from Japan.
That was back in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) when I was young. Now,so,in a similar manner I offer you what I have rediscovered and that's all. There is nothing to question. All the things that the scientific people offer to the world,or the Japanese people to the world,cost some money because it needs money to produce,but my discovery doesn't need any money to produce.
Also,you already have it within you. I just point it out to you so we don't need to charge you anything. Of course there is some finance needed for my airplane tickets and for equipment and for this hall,for example,for the staff members,but these I can cover myself,so there is no need to charge again. So,thank you for your attention.

*There is a question(Yesplease) Master. Will there be any difference between the supernatural capability between men and women

Is there any scientifically proved difference,ability,between man and woman?Is there ever?

*The question saysWill there be any difference...

I know,I know. But I ask them whether it's scientifically proven that man and woman are different in brain power?Yes?Any proof?No. Okay,if no,then no difference. The reason why most women are not out in the society is because they are busy to look after the children and the family.
They sacrifice for the family. But today,it's different already: we have woman presidents,woman ministers - all famous and very capable,as much as men. But maybe women are physically weaker than men,so to do things,maybe men,in some physical aspect,they are better,yes?
For me,I also feel physically,sometimes,at a disadvantage. When I travel a lot I feel very tired and I would prefer to stay at home. But because for the benefit of the world,for my brothers and sisters,I have to go and travel even though I don't like travelling.

*When anybody has attained the enlightenmentwould he or she know that immediately


*Although the person may not be able to see it physically

To see?Oh,yes,yes. Many people,thousands,millions of people in the world attained enlightenment and you can attain it right now,after this session. This is not something physical.
You don't have to use the eyes but you will see,you don't have to use the ears but you will hear,and then this super hearing and seeing continue after initiation. After you learn how to use it,you know how to use it.
Because this is not learning with the brainbut learning with the super intelligence with our own wisdomwith our real Self. Enlightenmentdenotes light.We will see Light with the opening of our wisdom.  
When our wisdom eye opens,we can see many things,we can see Heaven. Just like we use these physical eyes to see every physical thing in this physical world. And we can hear the teaching directly from the higher dimension. It's not language,it's the pure teaching without language. 
It sounds like beautiful music,and that's why we have music in this world because we imitate the real music from Heaven,and you will know it immediately. As soon as we sit down togetheryou will know it. That's why we call it "immediate enlightenment."
Some people have that after some time of deep thinking or deep meditation,but with this method,we have it immediately and it lasts forever. Of course everyone's level of enlightenment is different somewhat,but everyone will get enlightenment at the time of so-called initiation. 
And we will become wiser and wiser every day if we are training every day. The training doesn't take a lot of work,just sittinglike meditation- very relaxingresting- and you will receive the wisdom through this way.  Actually,not receiving,just rediscovering because everything is already within ourselves. But we are too busy,we forget it.

*What development anticipate do you expect or would happen with Japan in the future and also for the world and how should we cope with this situation

Now the future of Japan lies in the Japanese hands. I can only offer you the way so that you know what is the next movement,what's the best movement. I cannot tell you what's the best movement.

I only offer you a way so that you know what's the best. Just like a doctor will teach you how to use certain medicine on certain sickness and later you have to do it yourselves. He cannot always stand around and determine to you to which patient you give what medicine,but you learn the skill and you decide.

With the enlightenment you will be able to know what is the next movementwhat's the best actionand how to change when the situation of the worldchanges. Because we have this intelligence within us,the 90% of the brain,not the brain,the brain power.

That's different. What gives power to the brain is different from the brain. Just like a computer and a computer programmer,yes. Now the majority of the people or many people in the world do not try to use this brain power,the power behind the brain.

That's why our world is not a very highly developed planet. There are more very civilized planets in this universe because they use more of the brain power than we do in this world,so they can produce UFOs,for example,and we cannot. I have watched one Japanese film in which they provided documents about UFO; and UFOis not the highest development,highest invention,in the universe anyway,just like airplanes in our planet,just faster.

We use airplanes for intercontinental travel and they use UFOfor interplanetary journey,that's the difference. But these are just material developments of some more civilized people.

We,ourselves,don't need any instrument,don't need any vehicle to travel; we can travel in the whole universe in just many seconds without any UFO,airplane - nothing.

We have read in many fairy tales or religious stories that there are people who go to different Buddha's lands or Heavens,etc.,and come back. These are not fairy tales. These are true things and people still do this nowadays.  Our disciples do that every day,some of them. Some of the highly developed disciples go back and forth,Heaven and hell,anywhere they want,in just a matter of seconds or minutes.

*Where did I come from and where am I to go

That you have to find out. I'll show you the way to find out.

*Anybody who is physically handicapped is entitled to this method of teaching and to explore his own inner capabilitiesAnd when you say enlightenment,』what do you perceive to know

It depends on the handicap degree of that person. Yes?So this we have to check individually. But in most of the cases,no problem,because we don't use the physique to practice or to learn; we use our real power.

We have many handicapped students. I just say in most cases because in some extreme case- I do not know of yet - it may happen. Just to make sure what I say is the truth and is workable. Yes.

*Masterwhat do you think of the theory which says that human beings lived in the previous lives

These are true theories,as far as we are attached with our habits,our attachment,our thinking and our ambitions. But if we do not feel concerned with all these material thingsthen we truly never dienever bornnever come backnever go anywhere.

*Would it be possible for me to have some contact with so-called Heaven as you described even without having receiving from you this initiation

If it is possible,it would have already happened.
To some other people,it might happen due to many conditions,but it's not always lasting and it's sometimes dangerous.

*This question comes in Englishso I read it.


*And also there is saying in Japaneseso let me read the Japanese firstthen English. If you can go anywhere in the universe within secondswhy did you use airplane or buy and use cars

Because you cannot see me otherwise. You cannot see my real Self. You have to see my physical body only and my physical body needs physical transportation,understand?

I have two parts,you have two parts: one is physical,one is spiritual. I use the spirit to go to the spirit worldI use the physical body to go into the physical dimension. Otherwise,I don't need to be born,even. Yes?

My spiritual part goes anywhere without hindrance,without needing airplane,without needing passport,but my physical body needs all these things. While I am sitting here,my spiritual body goes to different places in different countries and different planets to help different people,different situations,and that you cannot see with your physical eyes,therefore I have to present to you my physical presence. After your wisdom eyes open,you will see me sometimes in your house in your country without airplane ticket,okay?Some people see me before initiation even,but that's very rare,not many people.

*What do you think of this kinetics methodKineticstelepathic kinetics used in China.

You mean chi gong?

*Yeschi gong. It's one of man's many abilities.

It's one of man's many multiple super abilities. The method I teach you includes this ability. That's why many chi gong masters came to take initiation with me because they thought I was a Master of chi gong.

But actually,I didn't learn chi gong particularly; just that we have so many abilities within uswhen we are enlightenedit's opened and everything comes out.

*Animals' purpose of life here is to be eaten by human beings. If human beings stop eating themthey would all be dead and turn useless. Don't you think so

No. We are stronger than animals,more intelligent,so animals are helpless against us anyhow. But the question is whether we should use our strength and intelligence to abuse those weaker than us when we have other choices to survive. 

Besides we raise more cattle and pigs and chicken,therefore they exist more than they used to. And according to scientific research,the money,the time,the lands used for raising animals are weakening our planet economically and financially,even health wise. It is said that even many wastelands,many deserts are a result of animal raising in the past,because wherever cows are raised,that land is forever unable to grow crops.

And we need big land to be able to feed the cattle or other animals,and all the waste of the animals pollute our water in lakes and rivers,because of the fertilizer that goes also into the fieldso that they produce grass and other stuff for animals also. And all the antibiotics and medicine that goes into the animal system,and all the water to wash them,and all the hygienic measures,all these cost a lot of money and manpower.

In the long run,it's a loss of business for the world. It's no good for us. It's not my right to tell you what to eat,but according to research,eating animals is no good for us whatsoever,economically,financially,politically and everything else… health. I am not yet telling you about the moral obligations,and the guilty feeling that goes with animal diet,I just tell you the scientific aspect.

Inherentlywe all have a great love within usgreat love for all things that movethereforeif we eat animal fleshsubconsciously we feel very guilty. Thereforeit breeds sickness and all kinds of uncomfortable feelingsunhappinessin our life. That's why we suggest that if you want to find the true happy lifethe true freecarefreelifeyou should refrain from eating living beings.

*This question is twofold. One is: You have stated in many publicationsappearing here or therethat you are a Himalayan Masterand what do you mean by thisThe second question is: In the present social mechanismit would almost be impossible for us to live a vegetarian life...

Okay,then you don't be vegetarian. It's up to you,your choice,to live the way you like to live. My disciples call me 『Himalayan Master』because I was in the Himalayas. That's very simple. For me,I can be 『anywhere Master.』If I live in Tokyo long enough,they call me 『Tokyo Master.』Just a name,no big deal.

*By attaining enlightenment one will continue inside his or her body new emergenceconsistent new emergence of cellsnew cellsand these old cells will be purified. Thereforewould this process help heal illness

This helps in many aspects. But we do not concern so much with the physical body because many illnesses will be cured by medicine anyhow. We should come for enlightenment because we want to rise higher into the spiritual dimension  and not to still hang around and attach to the physical aspect.

Many people get healed with this process. But if you come for the healing of your physical body,I suggest you don't come,because your level is not high enough yet. Maybe you wait a couple of thousand years,then you are ready.

*That's all.

That's it?Good. Thank you.

  To be One with God is to Do without Doing 
 Tune in and Make Use of the God Within 

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