The Immediate Enlightenment Bird    Part 1
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Victoria:(Q3) Our next questioner became a vegan a few years ago, when he realized that it was a more compassionate and noble way of living. Mr. Alex Arndt, songwriter, musician, and lead singer of the band Sonic Paradigm now promotes the vegan diet through his songs.

Mr. Alex Arndt (m): Hallo, everyone. Hi, Supreme Master Ching Hai. Hallo.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Hi, Alex.

Mr. Alex Arndt (m): Hallo. I just wanted to say thank you for being my fan, I am also a big fan of yours, and I am so happy to ask you this question. My question is: As a musician, it seems to me that one of the most powerful things is art, in our world, and it connects us as human souls. Why do you think this is? Does the beauty of art remind us of another more noble way of life? Thank you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes, sure. Sure, Alex, sure. It's so nice to see you, a smart, handsome, compassionate musician. Voice of the voiceless, torchbearer for many people. I'm one of your fans as well. I wish you all the best as you continue to write and sing from your heart. Your songs are very touching and ringing with heartfelt truth and feeling, like 『There are No Slaughterhouses in the Spiritual World.』 So why would we want any on Earth, right? That's it. Your songs are powerful, very powerful, and art is powerful. You know that.

Art can speak to us deep inside without any explanation and language. It just goes straight to our heart. It can elevate a person's mood, dissolving the barriers of prejudice or preconceived notions, and going beyond the need for human language, for a perfect expression. And you know, Alex, artists like you are considered half-saints already. You are a vegan artist, so perhaps you are more than 50 percent. Congratulations. Aren't they nice? I could talk forever in this kind of atmosphere.

The artists are able to emulate the heavenly melodies and the beauties from above and try to express them on Earth as much as they can through their physical instrument and vocal. Because in Heaven, everything is so glorious and beyond imagination - full of divine Light and celestial sounds of music. That is what we call the higher vibrations of the universe, which we can hear anytime.

Like now, I'm speaking to you, I don't have any instrument and nobody is playing any harp around here, but I can hear the heavenly music at the same time. The inside melody, this music, is the real music, is the real inspiration behind all the greatest compositions on this planet. I know it because I myself experienced it. In ancient times, the spiritual practitioners who are connected to Heaven, at times tried to replicate the mesmerizing, wonderful music of the celestial abode by creating instruments. So, many of the instruments we have - like the harp, the piano, the violin, the flute, the Scottish bagpipes, etc. - they all correlate with the sounds of real Heavenly realms, except the real ones are much more incredibly uplifting, for this matter.

I know it because I can compare, because I hear the inner music and I can hear your outside music or other artist's music, so I can compare. Though the paints and the gold and precious gems can never be as brilliant as the ones in God's Kingdom, they also still help to remind people of their glorious, divine nature, or awaken to something beyond the ordinary world.

So, all artists help to awaken the noble qualities within humans. So, you are right to say that the beauty of art does remind us of our real Home. It's not just the aesthetic pleasure, but it resonates with our origin. The beauties we adore so much, are us. The nobility, love, and compassion, are us. Therefore, we are grateful to the artists, such as yourself, who have enriched our lives through their beautiful contributions. Let's continue working together until we create our own spiritual world paradise, Alex. Thank you. Heaven bless you.

Mr. Alex Arndt (m): Thank you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Continue with your music.

MC(f): And we thank you, Supreme Master Ching Hai, for your words are actually artistic to our souls. They're music. It's heavenly and we are moved with the compassion and passion of what your wisdom is all about. So thank you once again.

MC(m): Our next questioner is also a musician. He goes by the pen name DiViNCi and is renowned for his dynamic form of hip hop. He is most notable for doing many things simultaneously, and can even play music with his feet and face.

DiVinci (m): Thank you. I'm here with my group, Solillaquists of Sound, and we've dedicated our lives as both people and musicians to inspire everyone to recognize the power that they have as individuals. And it feels really great to be among so many other people that have dedicated their lives to the same thing, so thanks to everyone here, as well as Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Wow.

DiVinci (m): Can you comment on the children that are being born these days? Children like Akiane, they seem to be born with great gifts and maturity, and wisdom that's well beyond their years. What is their role in this time?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes, I'd be glad to inform you. You just remember, there was one little beautiful girl, Akiane Kramarik. She is one of the, what we call, Indigo children or Crystal children. They're born from a different dimension, from a higher dimension, but unlike us they have the ability to retain their divinity, or at least some part of it, so that they can bring to this world some different gifts for us. We are all born from different dimensions, Mr. DiViNCi.

We are all divine. We are all born from a higher level of consciousness, from what I know. It's just that we have been degraded, we have come to this world and we have been confused, and the negative force of this realm has been deluding us and making us into what we have not willed to be. We should have been much better than what we are. That's why we are never satisfied with ourselves, no matter how much money we have, no matter how successful - big house, big car - something inside us always makes us feel… something's missing. Something… we don't know what. That is our divine origin trying to wake us up.

Indigo Children are the children who have exceptional talent for their age. They know more, way beyond their years. And people who have studied or spent time with these special, gifted children have told us about them. These are the youth who are born from higher dimensions and can retain some part of their intelligence, their wisdom and their talent, their quality of the higher dimension. Many children, don't have to be Indigo children, from the time of their birth until about three, four years of age, many of the children still can remember Heaven.

Sometimes they talk with each other about Heaven. Sometimes they told their parents about Heaven, but the parents would not listen, would not understand, because the parents have already forgotten. After 3-4 years of age we have forgotten our origin. So the Indigo children are the ones who still continue to remember after 4 or 5 years of age. Lucky for them. Perhaps it's Heaven's will to let these children come and remember their divine quality so that we have hope, so to remind us that we could attain like that. We could be like them, or perhaps we were like them. Yes, we are like them, Mr. DiViNCi.

Through my meditation, through my search of Heaven and Earth, I know we are all divine, Mr. DiViNCi. If only I can show it to you. If only I can let you know what I know. If only I can remove all the obstructive substances that many of us have been misled about and put into this temple, the divine temple, and blurred our consciousness. That's the reason we have forgotten our Godly origin. That's the reason why we forgot that we are truly the children of God. We've all heard that we're children of God but we don't know it. We don't really know it because we obstructed ourselves, because the negative force in this world is too heavy: they kind of surround us, they kind of oppress us so that we could not struggle to fight against it. And then we succumb to this negative force and degrade ourselves more and more every day.

That's why many Masters came to this planet since times immemorial to try to lift us up, to try to remind us. But the thing is, it's not that easy because we have been sleeping too long. Now, we're talking about the children, that they have retained some part of their divinity.

They've come because they've found that the atmosphere, perhaps, on our planet has become more suitable, more refined and brighter for them. Our planet has been changing recently for the better, you see, as more and more people are doing virtuous deeds, practice deep meditation, spiritual disciplines, and adopting the compassionate, vegan lifestyle. Nowadays, because the communication is so advanced, so the vegan lifestyle or spiritual lifestyle spreads very easily, unlike the time of Jesus.

So, nowadays, we don't have those harassments from misunderstanding like the time of Jesus or the time of Prophet Muhammad. Also, our human evolution has benefited from the spiritual Masters who have been gracing our Earth throughout history to bless us. So, the atmosphere of our world today has become more purified, despite the setbacks that we have also, at the same time, due to the uncompassionate way that we have been misled into living. Nevertheless, the part that can be purified, it has been purified, so our planet atmosphere has been receptive, uplifted to these higher dimensional levels.

So, some higher dimensional beings can come here - perhaps more in the future. These so-called Indigo or Crystal children have come to join us; as we continue to purify our world, we'll have more and more of them. They serve as innocent inspiration and reminder towards our own innate higher qualities, as we see their good energy, creativity, intelligence, wisdom and love put into practice.

For some of us who may not know much about these young people, I'll explain a little more. These children, they are born with many talents, including both the artistic and technological, way beyond their tender age. Their faith in the divine gives them a simple but clear sense of life's purpose. And, not only do they share their creative talents freely with the world, but they also have a lot of inborn virtues. Their nature is of unwavering honesty that can never be compromised by this world. They're lucky. They dislike suffering and injustice. They have more or less telepathic talent. They have intuitive feeling - very strong - so they are very sensitive to other people's feelings and animals' feelings.

Oftentimes they could communicate with animals since a young age already. Because their purity naturally repels substances such as chemicals, pollution, and unwholesome foods, these children are also vegetarian or vegan by their own choice, since very, very young, as their nobler selves would only allow them to be so. So, their presence is a blessing; it's a gift for the continued development of our world, and at the same time, they are an encouraging signal that our planet is on an elevating path.

We can only wish that more and more of them may come, and better yet, that more and more of their wonderful qualities will emerge in every one of us. Even as ordinary adults, we can cultivate spiritual consciousness still, or creativity, intelligence, and other abilities similar to what we see in these Indigo children. We all have the capacity and potential to be higher beings. We have just been suppressed by incorrect choices in life. We have been poisoning ourselves by misinformation. But, all these wonderful qualities, divinity, can be awakened any time.

I know that because I have my own experience. I wasn't born enlightened. You see? I searched for enlightenment, and I reached it at around 30 years of age - similar age to the Buddha. Buddha wasn't born enlightened, despite all the myths about him. You see, we still have a chance. In our group, many people older than you practice spiritual meditation and they regain their divinity, just the same like the Indigos or more even. So, we have choices. We have a chance. We can do anything we want because we are the children of God. Just believe it. It's truly like that.

Now, back to Earth. We can always regain all this divinity. Truly, I promise you with all honesty and honor, that we can have it. Every one of you sitting there, whatever age you are, if you don't even have any experience about Heaven, you don't even have any talent before, you don't even know what to meditate on - any one of you can attain this divinity again, reclaim it again, provided we have the right counteraction. And the first step is to switch to a more compassionate lifestyle, because that is what we are: we are compassion. A compassionate, vegan diet is the basic way of a higher being, a mark of a true human being.

A true human being would never kill. A true being would never harm another, even if his own life is threatened. A real gentleman steps wisely, understanding that all beings are connected, and that by taking a life, compromises his own human spirit and bringing the bad retribution of killing upon him. So, it is not solely the responsibility of these children to improve the world's consciousness level - we must all work together to bring Heaven closer to Earth. We can all do it; it's so simple. In my group, even children 5-6 years old can meditate and can hear the inside melody, can talk to God. If we want to bring Heaven to Earth, if that is our wish, so shall it be. Thank you and bless you for being a vegetarian, Mr. DiViNCi.

Mr DiVinci (m): Thank you.

MC(m): Many thanks, Supreme Master Ching Hai, for the scope of your vision and for reminding us that we are all God's children.

MC(f): Our next questioner, Mr. David Canther, is a former pastor and founder of ACTS World Relief. This organization provides hot meals, emotional care, emergency supplies, and medical assistance to those suffering from disasters. ACTS' mobile kitchens and medical units also provide inner city relief.

Mr. David Canther (m): Master, my heart was touched as you were sharing about Hurricane Katrina, and as you know we were there cooking with our kitchens hundreds of thousands of meals when the McDonalds were all closed. And so, we took the quantum leap of faith by offering to hundreds of thousands of people vegan meals.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Bless you.

Mr. David Canther (m): It was actually quite a shock when we put up signs on the top of the large tents that we brought in and we could offer different types of food that we listed what they were. The line that was always the longest was for vegetarian and vegan meals.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Oh! Oh, Incredible, incredible.

Mr. David Canther (m): The Red Cross was so interested in that, that it was a risk and they contacted me later and said,『Actually, you're the first organization that we would like to, in the future, offer to help pay for some of those meals because we can see how the community wants a broader amount of the choice of the kind of food they can eat.』

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Oh, Wonderful. Good news. Good news. Even in such a desperate situation.

Mr. David Canther (m): There are three questions which I have. What is the role of animals' divine presence on Earth? Do their roles and relationships with human beings deeply connect us further? And lastly, are they helping us to reach the Golden Era?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay, Mr. David Canther. First of all, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart because you're vegetarian and you offer vegetarian meals to people, and that you give me the good news that the longest lines are the vegetarian food choice. I'm so happy, that means we have a chance to save the planet because more and more people want to be vegetarian. A very good sign, Mr. Canther. You see, even in such a desperate situation where people have nothing anymore and they just need food to survive, they still adhere to the vegetarian diet. Oh, God be praised.

Now, I answer your question. You deserve it. Only three questions? I would answer you 300.

Nice to hear good news. Nice to see good people. Mr. Canther, the role of all wondrous animals and their presence on Earth is to bring divine love onto this planet. The animals are so close to God, we humans can hardly imagine. We hear about plenty of examples, like the dogs that rescue disaster victims who otherwise would not have been found without their extraordinary abilities. They can guide the blind, they even sense when a person is about to have a seizure and dial the emergency telephone number. And then there are other animals we don't see as often, yet with a Heavenly role that is just as vital.

Like the whales and the seals that populate the vast oceans, covering 70% of our Earth, who bless us tremendously by their powerful and love-filled presence. You know, in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), people build some small temples along the coast, many of them, to worship the whales because they want to show gratitude to the whales. Many of the boat people have been rescued by whales from the stormy sea or from a capsized boat; the whales rescue them in number. Since time immemorial, the Aulacese (Vietnamese) people have always built temples in gratitude to the whales. And these are the true stories.

Not only do they bless us invisibly, they also rescue people at sea. And this is very, very common in Âu Lạc (Vietnam). You go there, you see many whale temples. You still can talk to the people who still stay alive due to the whale's rescue. I mean, the story is alive, it's not like a fairy tale or a legend. It is a living story still - even recently. But sadly, they are still seen by some humans as seal fur or whale meat. But these two animals are some of the many animals who literally radiate love to balance our planet.

As we are being deluded more and more into the killing of the animals and destroying the environment, the atmosphere of our planet is also being depleted of love and happiness. Therefore, these animals, they were born here in order to balance it, to help us to fill in the void of love that we lost through our inconsiderate actions. But sadly, we kill them. We kill our benefactors, just because we are blind. We are blind spiritually, telepathically and psychically that we don't see who are friends and who are not.

Sadly, the friends, we can see - like the whales, the seals - but we don't recognize. But the enemies we don't see but we listen to. That is the force of evil, the force of the negative in this world. We don't see the force, we don't see that power, we don't see it manifested, personified, but we listen to it daily. So, we do many wrong things that we regret. Or, at the time of death, we regret because at that time we can see whatever wrong things we do, just like watching cinemas, and we feel very sorry that we have done such things due to not knowing, due to being misled.

So, these animals, they are really our friends, they are our benefactors; but many of us kill them. If we can contact some of the best animal communicators, they will tell you that whales are the greatest love. They house the greatest love of the Divine for our planet; seals also. In one of the conferences last time, I have told the audience about the different quality of love of different animals, and whales and seals are one of the few 『number ones』 in loving power.

Now, that's not me who says that. It is through meditation and I have been informed like that. So, if we kill these beings, we're really killing ourselves. We take out the balance that is greatly needed at this time, especially at this time, in our dire situation. Now, if we let them live, then they will be able to bring back to Earth the powerful, unconditional love, like that of the mother for her child; and they do their noble mission knowingly. They knowingly do it.

(f): Global climate change has always been an issue that I have been worried about but I have never had very much information about it and so it was great to be able to come here today. I always knew that the meat industry had an impact on our climate but I didn't realize, for example, that 18% of greenhouses gases are a result of the meat that we eat. And so I'm really going to take that home with me. I am also going to consider how much dairy I eat. And I also wish that other people could get this information because I think if they had more, if they knew more about what was told today they would change their diet as well.

(m): Be veg! Go green! Save the planet! Conference rocks!

Mr. Ball (m): I know the sub-focus and much of… or, I guess the subtext was on climate change, but the larger theme was the Golden Era. And frankly, I think that was the most important. The fact that Supreme Master Ching Hai has held a conference in the capital, declaring that this is what we're up to, I think is a first and I give her all the credit in the world for doing that. Thank you. And thank you that you're working for her TV station to do that. You truly are creating leadership in the world through that. So I thank the conference for bringing attention to these really vital issues. Thank you so much to you, to the whole TV stationto Master Ching Hai for holding this groundbreaking conference in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Latham (f): It was the first time I heard her (Supreme Master Ching Hai) speak. I felt she is very insightful and just really did a great job of showing the compassion behind what we're trying to do. And while we laid out the science, she highlighted the compassionate piece of why we should really be interested in that, and then tied it into science and health and the impact on the environment. So I thought she did an excellent job with that.
The role of all wondrous animals and their presence on Earth is to bring divine love onto this planet. The animals are so close to God, we humans can hardly imagine. We hear about plenty of examples, like the dogs that rescue disaster victims who otherwise would not have been found without their extraordinary abilities.

You know, in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), people build some small temples along the coast, many of them, to worship the whales because they want to show gratitude to the whales. Many of the boat people have been rescued by whales from the stormy sea or from a capsized boat; the whales rescue them in number. Since time immemorial, the Aulacese (Vietnamese) people have always built temples in gratitude to the whales.

And these are the true stories. Not only do they bless us invisibly, they also rescue people at sea. And this is very, very common in Âu Lạc (Vietnam). You go there, you see many whale temples. You still can talk to the people who still stay alive due to the whale's rescue. I mean, the story is alive, it's not like a fairy tale or a legend. It is a living story still - even recently But sadly, they are still seen by some humans as seal fur or whale meat. But these two animals are some of the many animals who literally radiate love to balance our planet.

As we are being deluded more and more into the killing of the animals and destroying the environment, the atmosphere of our planet is also being depleted of love and happiness. Therefore, these animals, they were born here in order to balance it, to help us to fill in the void of love that we lost through our inconsiderate actions. But sadly, we kill them. We kill our benefactors, just because we are blind. We are blind spiritually, telepathically and psychically that we don't see who are friends and who are not. Sadly, the friends, we can see- like the whales, the seals- but we don't recognize.

But the enemies we don't see but we listen to. That is the force of evil, the force of the negative in this world. We don't see the force, we don't see that power, we don't see it manifested, personified, but we listen to it daily. So, we do many wrong things that we regret. Or, at the time of death, we regret because at that time we can see whatever wrong things we do, just like watching cinemas, and we feel very sorry that we have done such things due to not knowing, due to being misled.

So, these animals, they are really our friends, they are our benefactors; but many of us kill them. If we can contact some of the best animal communicators, they will tell you that whales are the greatest love. They house the greatest love of the Divine for our planet; seals also. In one of the conferences last time, I have told the audience about the different quality of love of different animals, and whales and seals are one of the few『number ones』 in loving power.

Now, that's not me who says that. It is through meditation and I have been informedlike that. So, if we kill these beings, we're really killing ourselves. We take out the balance that is greatly needed at this time, especially at this time, in our dire situation. Now, if we let them live, then they will be able to bring back to Earth the powerful, unconditional love, like that of the mother for her child; and they do their noble mission knowingly. They knowingly do it.

Second question: Do the roles and relationships of animals with human beings deeply connect us further? Yes, of course, sir, of course, because the animals are very pure. They are already connected with the higher source of the Divine, so we can learn so much from them. The animal does not have to be large. It could be an ant,which is noted scientifically for his intelligence, or a rabbit. A rabbit is also a powerhouse of love; almost next to the whales, for example. Or even a chicken- you may be surprised.

There was a Finnish painter who told us that when he was feeling down because his day didn't go well, the chickens in his backyard came and sat in front of him, and just by looking at them he got a sudden energy boost and felt better. Yes,try it yourself. Rescue some chickens from the battery farm, and then try looking at them. Thank you.

Now,some people also report remarkable experiences with marine mammals, like the dolphins, saying that just contacting them once in a while lifted them out of their depression, or nervous breakdown even. And some researchers have even noted a shift in people's brain waves for the better, more positive, following dolphin encounters. So, this has been proven, with lasting changes that include more creativity and even a strengthened immune system. Imagine that? Just contact them once in a while. So, how is it that animals are helping us to reach the Golden Era?

It is through their unconditional benevolent love and merciful nature, Mr. Canther - I'm sure you know this, or at least you feel it - and their absolute forgiveness, no matter what humanity has done to them. You see, for example the whales, in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), the big whales that rescue the fishermen in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), they do know that these are fishermen. They do know that they kill fish for a living, but they still rescue them at sea when the fishermen are in danger. You see? Absolutely unconditional, non-judgmental. This is the love that we humans also house in our heart,but we have suppressed it, because the substances that we took into our body don't help us to develop more of our divinity, but on the contrary, destroy it, or at least suppress it, damage it. So now, we have to reclaim it again.

Speaking of the quality, the unconditional love, I must say something about honoring this love from the animals. For all the generosity of spirit and blessings that they bring into our lives, how do we have the heart to kill them, and eat them, to enjoy their suffering? You must know this, Mr. Canther, since you are already vegetarian. I appreciate that. God bless you. Thank you, thank you. For anyone who is not yet a vegetarian, or who has not understood why, please inform yourself of the unimaginable, utterly cruel and utmost inhumane treatment involved in meat and dairy production, or fishing even, as well as lab experiments or the animal fur industry.

If we really connect with the animals, or if we really don't shut down our innate feeling, we will also feel their suffering, which is caused almost exclusively by humans. So please, I ask you, go and find out what really happens to the animals in those slaughterhouses - I will call it 『massmurder house.』 If you do, it's likely that they will no longer end up on your plate. The unimaginable horrendous treatment of the babies - baby cows even, baby seals, baby chicks - will make you shudder with horror.

Even the egg industry has blood on its hands. If you would like more information, there is a show on Supreme Master Television called 『Stop Animal Cruelty』 a program on Supreme Master TV at, as well as other information concerning humans, animals and saving our planet, etc. We don't like to think of ourselves as cruel, much less brutal, especially for something like a hamburger or a piece of bacon, but these are the facts. Animals are utterly, cruelly mistreated day in and day out to feed the very industry that supplies all the meat consumed by humans.

In news just a few days ago, an undercover video sponsored by the Humane Society of the United States recorded the treatment of baby calves, some barely a few days old. As these animals were being led to their murder, many of them were so weakened by the bad treatment and the condition they lived in that they could not walk- or they were too young to walk- they were kicked, beaten repeatedly while laying down, and they were doused with water to increase the pain of the electrical shock, and even skinned alive. Can you imagine that we do these things?

It may surprise you to know that this was a certified organic facility - it's not just an ordinary animal farm. So, now we know that even the animal products you think are somehow more healthy or eco-friendly, this is not the case at all.

Please don't eat meat, it's too cruel. In another discovery, undercover recording, baby male chicks were being sent by the thousands down a conveyor belt to a giant meat grinder - alive! Can you imagine? Little chicks like this, so beautiful, so cute? And they do this. We, humans, do this to them. In this factory alone, over 150,000 of the tiny baby chicks are ground up… are ground up, alive, every day for dog meat or whatever meat. All because the male chicks cannot lay eggs, so don't make profit for the industry. So they grind them alive.

Can you imagine? If anyone does not believe in hell, please go and see these places;
then you will know hell exists right here on our planet. These factories also supply the so-called free-range eggs. Some people think that eggs do not require the loss of life, but they do, very much so.

And then there are the horrifying conditions of the pigs, which are extremely clean animals, by the way, scientifically proven. But these intelligent, sensitive beings are locked in crates so small they can't even turn around all their miserable lives. But the worst is their actual death process. You see… oh God, I have to tell you, but it's heart-wrenching. First, the pigs are stunned, often unsuccessfully, leaving them still conscious when they are hung by the feet and cut open with a knife. In fact, they are still alive when they are next put into a vat of boiling water, with videos that have shown them still twisting in pain. Imagine if it's us. Imagine if it's our loved one. Imagine if it is human.

All this for a piece of meat, dead flesh that often causes even more diseases to humans, not like it even helps us in any way. Is it really worth it? Tell me, please, is it worth it? (No!) It's not. It's not, you're right. How can we degrade ourselves into such an inhumane, heartless state of being, by supporting these cruel, heart-wrenching practices? I ask myself,『How can we justify causing that much suffering to another being, when the alternative is so easy, affordable and at hand and healthy?』 I hope it is clear that the best, and really the only way, is to be vegan.

This lifts the immense burden of suffering and murdering of the innocents from our heart. It can enhance our connection with animals also. The human caregivers at a New Zealand animal sanctuary say that the naturally vegetarian donkeys - the donkeys, they're vegetarian, yes - and there, they make friends with vegetarian human visitors faster than with the meat eaters because they feel safer without the smell of meat. So, the animals they do know.

My dogs for example, my dogs, I have even a Rottweiler - a Rottweiler, you know Rottweiler reputation, right? Whenever I took him to our group meditation places - you can see it on video also, I'm not making up a story to glorify my dog. His name is Goody. When I adopted him I said,『Goody, your race is a Rottweiler and I heard that you don't have good reputation as a race of dogs, so I name you『Goody』 and you're going to be a very good dog so that you can redeem the reputation of the Rottweiler race. It's okay?』 So I named him『Goody』 and he's very good ever since. Whenever I bring him to our group meditation… you know our group is all vegetarian, all vegan, and meditation and all that; supposed to be good, and no killing, no drinking, no gambling, no adultery, no stealing, no lying... you know that.

So, whenever he goes into this group of people, no matter thousands or hundreds, he runs around them, licking them all over and asking them to hold his hand or hug him, or jump on them, whatever. He does that to numerous people - whoever- man, woman, children, and old and young alike, because he feels good, safe there, I reckon. Now, you don't have to be an animal communicator to see this, that he feels good within our group.

Now, when I took him out sometimes to the restaurant, which is a non-vegetarian restaurant... it is difficult to find always in my travels a vegetarian restaurant, but I go in there to eat vegetarian, and I sometimes encourage my people to go into a non-vegetarian restaurant to eat vegetarian food to remind them to keep cooking more and more vegetarian for more people, because vegetarian restaurants, they already know. So, I go often to a non-vegetarian restaurant if I have to go out. Then, sometimes I bring my dog, whatever dog I bring. Okay, now, we talk about Rottweiler, we talk about that race.

He's been so good with hundreds of thousands of my Association members whenever he's among them. But I brought him out just to a non-vegetarian restaurant, and the owner of the restaurant, because he knew me, he came and talked to me. He just came, just like two meters near me only, he (Goody) jumped right in the middle, between me and the owner of the restaurant - the owner is still alive; if you want I can ask him. He jumped right in the middle and sat up straight and looked at him and growled at him already - growling only. I said, 『No,no don't do that.』 So the Rottweiler was quiet. Then the man thought he could approach me a little further. He just took one more step and he stood up, the Rottweiler stood up, and said,『Grrr,no more!』 He protects me that much.

But among hundreds or thousands of my people, he never does anything to them. He goes and licks them all over and, pawing them and hugging them. My God, you have to see it to believe. Well, all my people are still alive. You can ask them. The animals do know, I know that from my dogs. All the dogs are the same.

Now, one of the other dogs, called Hermit, he's an Australian Shepherd. He's also very protective. Now, when he goes among our group, all the vegetarians, he also lets them… he's normally very shy; he only knows family members, but when he goes out he's very shy. But when he goes to our group, if I tell him,『Hermit,never mind, go, let people touch you because they love you』 and then he goes. He goes around and lets people touch him, and then he comes back and sits next to me. Yes, fine.

But, if I go outside and take this dog with me, even to a bank, he's not growling like that; he's shy. But the bank people see him so beautiful -blue eyes and a very beautiful dog- so they want to touch and he doesn't want them to touch. He hides behind me immediately. Whenever that person approaches,he just runs behind my back and hides. He doesn't want to be aggressive because I told him not to, but he doesn't want to be touched by the meat eater. I'm sorry if I offend anyone. But in my group he lets everybody touch him. These are true stories. And now, we must know that animals really understand who is who. So, if we know all this, we cannot support further the meat industry because that's mass murder.

In our society, we only kill someone when he has done something wrong. And nowadays, many countries have already abolished the death penalty. And even a death-sentenced prisoner, they have their own cell and they have clean food, clean water. They are not treated the way we treat our animal friends. This is really not humane at all. Please, stop all this. Please tell everybody else to stop all this. Thank you so much, thank you.

MC(f): Thank you, Supreme Master Ching Hai, for reminding us how noble our animal friends are and how they contribute to the loving balance of this world.

MC(m): Our next question comes from Marysol Verela, a freelance journalist with The Examiner newspaper in Orlando, Florida. A vegetarian herself, she is an advocate of the vegetarian lifestyle and has written many articles to encourage people to embrace it.

Ms. Verela (f): Yes, good evening, Supreme Master. I'm very happy to be here and to have been invited to this event, and to have the opportunity to go back home and inform everyone who didn't have the same opportunity as me about all the benefits that come from living in this healthy lifestyle.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you.

Ms. Verela (f): With that in mind, I have a question for you. I recently noticed that there is more and more positive and constructive media happening around the world.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: That's right.

Ms. Verela (f): And there are websites that provide only the good news, and television stations as well. So, with that in mind, can you please share with us your thoughts on the role of the media in transforming society? Thank you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Of course they are powerful, Ms. Verela. The media has a very important role in our society, everybody knows that. The printed words are very powerful. People are too busy with their daily activities, so they look to the media for informing and reporting relevant events, important matters, and all necessary information for their lives.

So, the media is a useful tool to awaken one another at this crucial time, a time when our planet and the lives on it are in danger. That's why I'm so glad to see many television and radio channels starting to broadcast about the urgent situation of our planet,and even the solution of the vegan diet, which is the switch, you know, that we have to make, very small change: piece of meat out, vegetarian protein in. That's it - just a small change, everyone can afford.

And it's cheaper, healthier. And Supreme Master Television is there as well to contribute and to inform the people in this endeavor. Just recently, Lord Stern in the UK made a statement that the vegetarian diet is better than a meat diet for halting climate change, and the world media came to discuss the topic more actively, almost on every station. And then, the Australian and American television channels interviewed former US Vice President and Nobel Prize Laureate Mr. Al Gore. You know right? Our hero,you know him. (Yes.) Everybody knows him by now.

They asked him, the journalists, the reporters, asked Mr. Al Gore to talk about the vegetarian solution as a means to halt global warming, which he recognized as important in curbing global warming, he recognizes that. He said that he cut back on the animal diet very sharply, and he said that the vegetarian diet definitely is a solution to curb global warming. So, the media helps a lot to point people in the direction of the solution. In fact, the most urgent role of the media right now is to become vegan themselves- compassionate, noble, and doing good deeds and to inform people of this urgent action. They should be an example,the media.

Now, we also see that the public is responding with enthusiasm to spiritual topics like meditation, yoga, alternative living, vegetarianism. They want to know more about science and spirituality. We are, as a race, the whole humanity, becoming more spiritually-minded and reaching beyond just the limited, ephemeral, physical realm for something greater, nobler, and higher. I'm so glad we are in this trend. And the media is a huge, huge help in reminding people to go in this upward direction. But, still,our evolution has been a bit too slow, don't you think? It's too slow.

So, I also look for hope in the good media people such as yourself, Ms. Beautiful. And if I may humbly urge you to encourage people through your work to become vegan, to save human lives, animal lives, and the environment. Because the vegan diet, though simple, is the giant stepping stone that would bring us higher in our evolution. Besides, time is running out for our planet. We must act fast to save lives. So, the media has a very great, heroic, noble role to save the world at this moment in our history. And while saving lives, the media also can save the loving, noble quality in human hearts as well. Do you see how great and noble the role of the media is? Thank you,Ms. Verela, for being a vegetarian yourself. God bless you and your company.

MC(m): Thank you, Master Ching Hai, for the scope of your vision and for your pioneering role in the creation of Supreme Master Television.

MC(f): (Q7) Our next questioner is the owner of Paradise Found, LLC, a company that delivers vegan produce to an ever expanding market in Ohio. Mr. Randall T. Ball has a question he would like to ask Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Welcome, Mr. Ball.

Mr Ball (m): Hallo, Supreme Master. Thank you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Hallo.

Mr. Ball (m): I'm honored to come. A lot of people don't know this, Cincinnati is known as “Porkopolis.” We got our start as the pig capital of the Midwest. So, my question is really a very important question , I think, one that I've been asking myself for years, and that relates to the political leadership of this country. And to be able to ask you this in Washington, D.C., seems really powerful. So, I wanted to preface by saying, I'm almost half a century old. When I was growing up, America was known as the land of the free and the leader of the free world, and a beacon of light to the world. And now, we've become the leading consumer.

So, my question is, the American people have demonstrated their compassion and their power, since the beginning, in overcoming many forces of evil. So, right now, how do we, as citizens of America, the ones that are literally consuming the planet, encourage and support greater nobility in ourselves, in our fellow American citizens, and in our government leaders? Thank you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Mr. Ball, good question, sir. Thank you for trusting me with such a great responsibility. I admire the American people very much, sir, you know that, for their faith and open-minded, courageous spirit. And right now, the government leaders need our faith and encouragement more, because we really need their leadership to bring about wide-scale change. We must help provide the government with information about the true cost of the animal diet.

Sometimes the government are busy, putting priority elsewhere, you know, sir? Not that they don't like the change, but maybe they are not completely informed. So, we have to inform them: write to them, talk to them, do whatever it takes to inform them of the true cost of the animal diet. Not just costing life, it costs billions of US dollars every year - just for the meat-related sicknesses, not to talk about how it kills our planet.

You can gather and print it, all this information, and send to your political leaders. If you want, you can go to We have all the information up to date that we have gathered - reliable and ready material collected there for you. I myself have also written and sent letters and information to the secular and religious leaders of the world, hoping they have time to read. I don't send a lot of books, just short, condensed information. If you want you can enquire, the condensed one that I sent to the leaders of the world.

And if they want to know more, or if you want to know more, or your people want to know more, can always log on to That's it. Or, just log on to and ask for any subject you want. They are all free of charge and ready anytime. And should the leaders take some positive steps, then we should write to thank them also and encourage them, not always criticize and don't thank them when they do the right thing. We should have positive encouragement, you see? We have to encourage them when they do some right things and so they go further in that direction, or even better, improve.

As for the way that the meat industry is destroying the environment, our health, and the health and future of our children, and the planet eventually, the numbers, the sheer numbers, should be more than enough to shock any of us into action. Allow me to report to you a few shocking facts from the United States, your country, alone - United States alone.

1. Waste of land. Now, in the US, an area more than nine times the size of California - nine times California's size! - is used either for growing farm animal feed or grazing livestock. It's all about animals, nothing about us. That's about 1 billion acres, or 80% of all agricultural land in the US, and about half of all US land being used for meat production. By contrast, less than 3 million acres is used to grow all the vegetables in the country. Imagine that!

2. Waste of water. Half the water in the US is wasted on the production of meat. Just for comparison, 100,000 liters of water are needed to produce one kilogram of beef, while less than 1% of this amount, or 900 liters only, is required to harvest a kilogram of wheat.

3. Waste of food. 90% of all soy, 80% of all corn, and 70% of all grain grown in the United States are fed to fatten livestock, while this could feed at least 800 million hungry people, sir. We have hungry people; we have children dying every few seconds because we use too much land, too much water, too much food for livestock instead of on humans.

4. Pollution. Livestock produces 130 times as much waste as the human population in the US. Can you imagine that? A single pig farm with say, 500,000 pigs, generates more waste yearly than the 1.5 million residents of Manhattan in New York City. In Virginia State, even the poultry farms are producing 1.5 times polluting nitrogen, more than all the people living in the same area. We are killing us, ourselves. All this waste is unregulated and untreated.

There's no law to regulate these and treat these things. So, the US Environmental Protection Agency estimates that agriculture, which is mostly for meat production, contributes to nearly three-quarters of the country's water pollution problems - three-quarters of your country's pollution came from livestock. Now, in 1995 one time, one 8-acre pig manure lagoon burst in North Carolina…For people who don't know what a manure lagoon is, allow me to explain.

It is where they have dug a big lake, and then all the manure and the waste - the urine and all that of the pigs - will go in there. And it looks like a lagoon, so they call it “manure lagoon.” One time, an 8-acre large, such pig-manure lagoon burst in North Carolina, spilling 25 million gallons of this poisonous waste, twice the volume of the notorious Exxon-Valdez oil spill. We complain about oil spills, but this is even worse. Hundreds of millions of fish in the state's New River were killed instantly due to the nitrates in the waste, with further harmful effects once the contamination reached the ocean.

This is just one of many incidents, sir. Not only that, we have the enormous dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico, the size of New Jersey, which suffocates all marine life there. And this is overwhelmingly due to the nitrogen runoff from the Midwest, from the animal wastes and the fertilizers for the animal feed crops. This waste is toxic. It contains antibiotics, hormones and pesticides, and 10 to 100 times the concentration of deadly pathogens like E. coli and salmonella compared to human waste.

5. Health and economic costs. Meat causes hundreds of billions - hundreds of billions! - of US dollars in medical costs alone, and economic burdens on families and governments. Not to mention the pain and suffering of the families, of course, unimaginably great and lifelong. And all the while, we are suffering illness, losing lives, grieving over lost loved ones, family members; losing happiness; losing money due to the animal diet. We are the ones who are paying the industry to continue producing this problem, producing meat, fish and the like, with our hard earned tax money that's used to subsidize them. Ironic?

The US government could, of course, redirect the billions of dollars now spent on livestock subsidies to help farmers switch to organic vegetable and fruit agriculture. That will be a great help to your country and the health of the Americans. The government could use these powerful tools to spread campaigns about veg alternatives, bans on meat, and laws to help people switch to organic, vegan farming and consumption. A global switch to a veg diet could even save the world governments a lot of money, as much as 80% of all the climate mitigation costs of US$40 trillion by the year 2050.

That is, we save US$32 trillion in climate mitigation costs, and having a healthy vegan population is a good deal, good business deal in all positive aspects. There is a very good reason for the American government to abolish meat, fish, eggs and dairy - all the animal products altogether. We must stop animal production now and at all cost if we want to keep this planet. I repeat: We must stop animal products right now and at all cost if we want to keep this planet.

I have always looked to the American people and their great government leaders as one of the best living examples of democracy and freedom, integrity, of our world. However, I must tell you truthfully that the meat industry is unbefitting to the greatness of your country and of the great American citizen. Don't you agree, sir? Thank you. Great people deserve great things. Great people lead great lifestyles.

So we have to do away with the un-great things and we have to begin the great things, for the great people, great country like America. I pray, sir, that the ones who are aware and want to save the children will do something about it, and fast, to stop this horrendous criminal system that is killing us and destroying our planet, and that we must not allow any longer. Thank you and God bless your faith in the Divine, in your leaders, and yourselves. God bless America!

MC(f): Thank you, Supreme Master Ching Hai, for sharing your illuminating wisdom with us.

MC(m): (Q8) Next, we have Mr. Tom Vennum, a clinical bodyworker and a vegan.

Tom (m): Yes. It's so nice to see you, Supreme Master Ching Hai. This is quite an honor. I'm quite intrigued by the idea of this “Humanity's Leap to the Golden Era” and the idea of a Golden Era being here on planet Earth. I have a question about it. It seems as time has gone on, we've evolved to a system where we've had to work to provide for our basic survival needs. (Supreme Master Ching Hai: Right.) How will this system change as we grow into the new era? Will it be more service-based, where neighbors simply provide for one another out of the kindness of their hearts? Thank you.

That would be great. That would be great, sir. Yes, that'd be great. That would be our dream world. It might happen still. Yes. It's nice to meet you, sir. You are correct. There are systems like that that exist without money, based on what I have seen in more highly developed societies in the universe, such as on other planets.

You see, our planet is not ready yet for this system. It's not the system, this or that. It's the people, the concept of life, the concept of the society has to change first, the people's concept. Once they make a switch to change into a more sociable, more neighborly, more global family-like, then that kind of exchanging system will automatically Come to realization. I have seen in other planets: only the people who are more evolved, or the concept has evolved in that direction, more like a community, global community direction, more spiritually, then they would use that exchange system with no money that you mentioned.

These planets, they are inhabited by beings similar to us, but they're more beautiful. I'm sorry. Maybe because they are more relaxed. And they are vegetarian -relaxed, happy, and light conscience. So many of these civilizations are much more advanced than we are, even spiritually, even technologically, mainly because they have developed morally and spiritually to a higher level than ours.

As a result, they do everything in a more effective and peaceful way. In our world, we have to earn a living because of the need for physical survival, so we even feel bored at work in many cases. Many people, they work but they don't love their job, they are not interested, because they feel forced to do the job just to earn the money. Often because of that we are forced into some job that we don't even like or not interested or not even capable to do.

So, often our precious talents and gifts, natural gifts, time and freedom, are all lost in the office or in the factory, or at best, put on hold for many, many decades until we're retired. And then we're tired to even realize our dream anymore. Or, we are too sick from the whole life long of service and being poisoned by being mislead into eating meat, cigarettes, or whatever. So when we retire, we're really tired, so all our talents, ability, energy, are lost - just for maybe a few dollars an hour.

And we are the children of God. And we have talent. Many people who have talent, ability, bury their life into some other mundane, laborious job until they die, unfulfilled. You know that. Yes. It's a pity. However, in these more developed places in the universe, everyone is secure and has enough, just like your dream world that you have mentioned. They work, but are able to choose which talents and abilities to share and contribute to the society.

Because they do that so they do their best, because they do what they love to; they have choices, see? Instead of working for money, they produce for the honor and pleasure of contributing. They bring the fruits of their labor, or their talents, like their harvests or their services, to a place where they can exchange them with one another for the goods they need.

This could be a goal that our world could look forward to. These people in those societies, they can enjoy a lot of time for their leisure, and developing their hobbies and their talents, etc., etc., and discover their dormant capabilities as well. So, therefore, in such a society, there are many wonderful inventions have been born. And many wonderful things happen because people are relaxed and do what they do best. No one ever worries about lacking physical necessities, so their lives are full of freedom and happiness. Doesn't that sound wonderful, sir? Sound wonderful to anybody?

At least we can dream on, dream on. Because American people say: “You've got to have a dream. If you don't have a dream, how would you have a dream come true?” Right? So, right now we dream that our planet first be saved by a vegan diet, and then we can dream of this dream world in which everyone exercises their talents and their love for their work and creativity, instead of working hard, back broken just for money. Now, wouldn't it be nice to have this kind of free and happy society? Well, if I might add, all such societies are also vegan, I told you.

Their concept of life is very clear - very clear, very selfless, unconditional, very intelligent. I have not seen a single civilization so advanced and happy, joyful, that is not a vegan society. According to precedent, non-violence is, in fact, vegan, a requirement for advancing to the next levels of civilization. In those societies they only take what they need, and their needs are so few.

Because once we change our concept, we live a freer life. Our souls are less burdened, our hearts are more open, our minds are so happy. We need very little in life to feel contented- because we're not burdened by the guilt of murdering innocent animals. We are not burdened by the obligation to earn a living, to pay tax, to pay electricity, to pay whatever - all the basic necessities - they should be free for everyone.

Now, in those societies, they don't have this burden, so they're free to develop, and they develop so much. And so they're happy. When you're happy you don't need much. You really don't need much, because you're spiritually also fed, emotionally also satisfied. And as you notice yourself, when we're happy emotionally, or physically or mentally, we hardly need anything. Remember when you fall in love, you hold hands all day; you don't even want to go to eat anything... lay in bed all day talking nonsense together, and you're not hungry. You're happy: you feel you don't need anything. You feel you just need that place, that little room, that's enough.

Now, the taking of another being's precious life, including the life of an animal, no matter how small, certainly never happens in an intelligent and civilized society, as I have seen it. Members of such a true civilization would never oppress, torture, or murder the weak, defenseless and innocent animals that have never done anything wrong to them; but, on the contrary, treat all life with utmost respect and protection, like they would their own life.

Furthermore, they don't take up their planet's resources needlessly to try to breed and raise animals for the pleasure of their fleeting enjoyment of the palate. They are frugal and sensible. Perhaps, we can someday join the ranks of the highly developed planets. Maybe we can even learn from them and exchange goods with them. There is much we could look forward to on our own planet and beyond.

But first we have to save it, by being vegan - that's the only solution right now. We don't have time for anything else. Thank you, Mr. Good-Heart for being with us, and for doing your part. God bless you.

MC(m): We are so grateful for your fascinating vision and elevating wisdom, Supreme Master Ching Hai.

MC(f): Next we have a question from Mr. Steve Ma, the founder, president and GEO of the organization Live Green, and he also is a devoted vegan. The letters "GEO" stand for "Green Executive Officer."

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Oh! Yes? GEO, not CEO? Wonderful.

Mr. Ma (m): Hallo, Supreme Master.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Hallo, GEO! Good invention! That's a new word.

Mr. Ma (m): One of the things that we do as an organization is encourage people to go to green businesses and support the business owners who are doing it right. So, first I'd like to invite you to come to DC and we will go out a nice vegan meal together

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Wow! Mr. Ma (m): at one of the restaurants.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: It'd be my honor. God willing. Thank you.

Mr. Ma (m): One of the things we really like to do is point out people who are doing it right, people who are succeeding in helping us live a more sustainable way. And thankfully, there are many recent examples of people, communities, coming together to live a more sustainable way. And for instance, right here in DC, Mrs. Michelle Obama has created an organic community garden, a vegetable garden. (Supreme Master Ching Hai: Right!) And school children

Mr. Ma (m): from nearby schools come by to help maintain that garden.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes, I've heard about that.

Mr. Ma (m): So, I want to know from you specific examples of things that we can do together as communities to really bring about a sustainable planet?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Right! Good question! Good question! Yes, bravo to America's First Lady Michelle Obama. She is my First Lady. Wonderful. That is a true First Lady. She has taken the lead by example. You know, in our old system of kings and queens in China and Âu Lạc (Vietnam), we call the queen, “Mother of the Nation.” So Mrs. Michelle Obama is worthy to be called that. She has taken the lead by example. She even said that her family feels more energetic and healthier from eating the organic vegetables, local-grown.

Imagine if every neighborhood in the United States had an organic veggie garden like that, for sharing fresh, healthy, vegetables with everyone. There are reports about organic vegetable farming that it is quite profitable, and the demand for organic vegan foods now is growing faster and faster around the world. So one thing we can do is to encourage more organic vegan farmers markets. Farmers markets are more and more popular in the United States now because it's fresh, it's quality, and it's local, so there is less transportation pollution.

But, interestingly, studies show that eating locally is not as good as eating vegan. For example, scientists at Carnegie Mellon University calculated that a vegan diet reduced over seven times the emissions compared to a 100% local meat diet. So, you see? Eat vegan is better than eat local even, “loco” meat. In Spanish, “loco” means crazy -we don't eat “loco” meat.

Now, in another study, Foodwatch in Germany found that switching from a meat diet to an organic meat diet saved only 8% of emissions, but switching to a non-organic vegan diet, even non-organic vegan diet, reduced 86% of emissions. So, we save the planet by being vegan. Even non-organic! So, actually, organic is good, local is wonderful, but the first step is at least being vegan, organic or not. Organic, of course, is the best, because when we plant all the tillable acres on our planet organically, then the CO2, the carbon dioxide, which exists already in our atmosphere will be absorbed 40%. And the other 60%, we take care by being vegan. Then we're happy. Our planet will definitely survive. Now, the vegan lifestyle is the greenest lifestyle. Right or not? Audience: Yes!

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you. Thank you, good children of God.

Because even organic meat is actually not eco-friendly at all; it requires even more land, and more energy than the non-organic meat in meat farming. Can you believe that? So, it doesn't even help to try to raise animals organically. The so-called “sustainable,” “free-range,” organic poultry, for example, needs 20% more energy and has a 20% higher, bigger impact on global warming than non-organic poultry farms. Think about that. So, we've been misled all the time. This is a terrible thing about this negative power in this world. It makes us believe things that are not good for us at all.

From now on, we have to try to do research and believe only what's good for us. And we have to research until we really find that this news, this information, is truly reliable and believable by example, by proof. Otherwise, just don't listen to anything anybody else says if they don't prove it. Similarly, organic eggs were found to have a 14% higher carbon footprint than non-organic eggs. So there we are. And even though you don't use fertilizers, the benefit could be cancelled out because of the increased land use.

Therefore, only the vegan lifestyle is truly sustainable. Now, once we become vegan and urge others to join through grassroots seminars, flyer distribution, letters, email, whatever, we could practice sustainability in other ways. As I have suggested before, we could plant organic vegetables and trees. Better still are those fruit trees and nut trees, and those vegetables or legumes like beans and stuff that need little water. That, we can do research to know which ones need less water, because right now we're short of water as well.

We're short of everything right now. So we should be frugal not to waste precious energy and water, use our own shopping bags even. We encourage sustainable energy development. And we can write or talk to the government and the media, and the farmers even, because we really do need all the help from the government, from the media, to accelerate the trend. Another good way to quicken our movement to a sustainable planet is to generate more positive energy: do good deeds and be loving and kind. Expand our loving quality. This is what will create a shield, invincible, to protect us and the planet.

Finally, we can pray that divine power manifests on Earth to awaken leaders, media, influential people, and all the world citizens to take the right steps to preserve our planet, and fast - fast before it's too late. Because at this point, we do need Heaven's intervention to save our planet. Not to pray to them to protect us; just to pray so that they awaken everybody to the solution of the vegan diet, because that is the solution that will save our planet. If we can do these things, starting with being veg, we would realize not just a sustainable planet, but a real paradise of peace in our lifetime. Thank you and Heaven bless you for being a vegetarian, a handsome vegetarian.

MC(f): Thank you, Supreme Master Ching Hai, for sharing your most wonderful and insightful answers to these thought-provoking questions.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you.

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