Be a Torchbearer for God   

*Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to experience the enlightening wisdom of the Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Thank you, thank you. You call me “Master,” but you are all “Master.” You just forget, just forget. When we are united, when we remember the unity of the universe, which includes ourselves, then we remember that we are one with God, one with the all-pervasive Intelligence.
And when we have forgotten this, then we have forgotten everything. And we try to remember that through different means, like prayers, scriptures, yogas, meditation. All these are good. All these are good for us. One day we will truly remember that we are all masters. There is no one in this room or anywhere else who is not a master because we cannot be separated from the Master, who is all-pervasive, and we are in that pervasiveness, and we are one with that, and that's the only thing we are made of.
There is nothing else that's made up our beings except God-essence, except the greatest things that we call Truth, Wisdom, God, Goddess, Buddha - name whatever you like to call this Greatest Being in the universe, which is even one with us, with every one of us. That's why at the time of death, the so-called ourselves, or the body, just lays flat on the ground, or anywhere, and doesn't move, because that essence of all movement, of all activities, has chosen to leave that physical instrument for that time, maybe seeking another instrument for further experiencing the limitless, the vastness, of this Great Being which we call God, which is one with us, actually.
Once we've found the unity again with this all-pervasive Intelligence, all-pervasive Love, we call this enlightenment, we call this God-realization or Self-realization, or attaining Buddhahood. Different countries name this intelligence, this wisdom, this greatest love, by different terminologies because they speak different languages. Otherwise, there is just one, the Oneness that encompasses all things, including ourselves. And we are never ever separated from this Oneness, even if we try. The only reason we feel separated from this Oneness is because we have chosen to forget the unity so that we can reexperience again this greatness and we can re-create ourselves again through forgetfulness, or remember again the bliss of Heaven, of unity with God, which is ourselves, our greatest Self.

For example, many people ask me all the time, "What happens when we die?" I always say, "I didn't die yet, so I don't know." But we could experience the feeling of death during our deepest prayers or contemplation. When we are in the deepest prayers, we will be oblivious to all the surroundings, including ourselves, and all the worries will depart from us. This is the time when the Indian yogis call "samadhi." During this samadhi time, we will experience oneness with God, almost like the time when we die.
That's why in the Bible it is mentioned that, “Learn to die so that you will begin to live.” And a saint also said, "I die daily," "Whoever forsakes the flesh for the spirit will find God," etc., etc. How do we forget or forsake the flesh? Every day we have so much problem of living, of survival. Every little thing that we see around us, everything we encounter during our lifetime, always tries to remind us that we are a physical being, we are just a mere mortal, a weak, feeble human being, helpless in front of destiny. So how can we forget this?
We can. We can if we practice. We can if we know how. It is very simple. Every one of us can do this. We have children from six years old, even younger than that - five - they already experience oneness with God. They experience the phenomenon, feeling, of forsaking the flesh and uniting with the spirit, or visiting Heaven while living. It's just like I am coming to Africa to visit your beautiful country, and then tomorrow or the next days I will go back to another country, or back to where my house is. It is as simple as that. We could visit Heaven and go back to Earth again - not by the body, but by our own essence of being. We call it the soul or the spirit, which is always one with God.
The body is just like a focus point so that the soul can pay all the attention there in order to gather some earthly experience that he wants to experience so that  he can temporarily - if the soul is a he or a she, we have to say something - if she or he wants to experience something in this material existence, then that soul or that part of that great being of God has to focus on some point, focus so much so that he can forget completely about his oneness with God.At that moment, we are born - we say we are born in the physical world and we have a body.
And so long as the soul or that part of God consciousness still concentrates on this focus point of the body or whatever body he chooses to focus on, we say that that's a “he,” that's a “she,” that's a “human being” or that's a what… Actually, that part of the soul, or we call individual soul, has never left the whole of God consciousness. So we have never been really born, or we have never died. But we could choose to forget completely about God, about the whole unity of ourselves, and just focus on this physical being. Then we would never experience Godhood, even though God is all over us, everywhere. But if we choose to be awakened, to remember, then we can.
We can forsake our attention for a while, don't focus on this physical being for a while; we focus back to the unity. Then we can find God. We realize that we have never left God, that we are one with God, and we are always never separated from God. So that is just the secret of the universe.It's nothing much more than ourselves; our own consciousness makes choices all the time. We choose to be a human being, then we focus on a human body so we have experience of human life - all the sorrow, the suffering, the happiness, the adventures of the flesh, the pleasures, the pain. The moment we feel we have enough of the physical experience, we want to experience something different, then we choose another choice.
We might choose to be a deva or we might even choose to experience to be a flower - that's also possible! And that's why it is born, the theory of reincarnation, of transmigration into different levels of existence. But, actually, we have never gone anywhere at all, neither go up nor go down. We're just forever flowing in the life force of the universe, forever being in Godhood, but forever experiencing different focus points for our own pleasure, for our own amusement. But while we are in the physical body, sometimes we have forgotten the wisdom of ourselves. Therefore, we have forgotten the choice that we have made before we came here. So the choice we have made might have led us to some pain or suffering.
Then, now we complain. We complain so much because we don't like the suffering - the body doesn't like the suffering, the mind doesn't like the pressure - but that was what the soul wants to experience. He wants to experience pressure so that he can appreciate again the freedom in God consciousness. He wants to choose suffering so that he can enjoy, thousand-fold, again when he enters Eternal Bliss once more. That's why we are here, so that we know God more, we know ourselves more. Just like we are the king of an ancient nation. Sometimes a king disguises himself as a commoner and goes among the people in order to understand what a true citizenship is like.
And then when he comes back, he appreciates his position better - his comfortable palace, all the servants that serve him, all the power that he has. When he has disguised himself as a commoner, he has to undergo all kinds of hardship, all kinds of ordinariness, just like every one of his subjects. He cannot reveal himself that he is a king. In fact, he must completely cover up his identity so that he can truly, truly merge with the people of his nation and experience what their daily life is like.
Similarly, we were once with God - consciously at that time - we have never been away from God, but now we are not consciously remembering that. So we've had enough of the suffering of this physical life, we've had enough of the mundane experience, so we get bored, we feel there's nothing really here anymore for us to enjoy. We would like to know where we come from, what else is there in this vast universe of God's creation that we should experience.
This is the time, when we ask this question, when we wonder like this, this is the time we will experience enlightenment. We are ready! We are ready for it. So we came all this time to be a human being, to be different human beings. Sometimes if we have focused on one focus point or one human existence, and we didn't feel we have enough, of physical enjoyment or physical adventure, then we focus on another existence of another human being again.
And then we continue further, until we get tired. So, actually, anyone who is ready can experience God's Light, God's unity and enlightenment. That is very simple like that. It's your choice only. You've chosen to forget, and now you have chosen to remember. So if you think you have chosen now to remember again then, of course, I am here to serve you. Because God has given me permission, ordered me, to do that. And maybe one day, after you have remembered everything about yourself, God will also say the same to you, "Go, my son! Go, my daughter! Do some service to my children,” or “to Myself."
Because we have never been separated from God, remember that. Even if you don't remember, just believe me. We have nowhere to go except inside God's consciousness. We have nowhere else except in God's house right now. Everywhere, Hes encompasses every being in this universe. All the flowers, the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, the galaxies, they're all inside God.
There is nothing that escapes Godhood. So even if we are not enlightened, we are all right, too. There is no hell, actually, to go to. For a conscious soul, there is no such thing as hell but just a temporary passing experience that he has to go through in the course of eternity because he has chosen to experience some so-called suffering in order to grow, in order to understand happiness again.
Every soul, every little part of God has chosen to walk a different path in order to experience different aspects of God, and the whole experience of all humankind or all beings makes up the wholeness of God. Therefore, Jesus said, "Love thy neighbor,"even "Love thy enemies." - because everyone is us. They have chosen to play that role only. There is no enemy, just us, just God's different focus points to make life more abundant, more variety, more different, more colorful, just like Hes made us even so different colors so that we can enjoy each other. Like I look like yellow corn flakes - corn. And you look like chocolate. Yes, and he looks like icing, Christmas icing.

Because God is colorful! Just like Hes made all different flowers different colors - even fruits. From the same soil, we obtain so many different fruits and different flowers. They are all different colors. The African people chose to always wear colorful clothes because inside I think they feel that they are very close to God. They are so happy.

So, there is not really anything mysterious or difficult about finding God or finding our true Selves, because we have never been anything else but God, God's essence, one with God, or God's children, God's offspring, a spark of God, a part of God. It's just like the fish in the sea - he's born in the sea, he lives in the sea, and when he dies, he becomes the sea again.

Things like that. So, we have never run anywhere. I just want to tell you the good news that I have found out: that we don't have hell to go to, we'll never be forever condemned in that eternal darkness or suffering. There is no such thing as eternal suffering, because there is only eternal love. The problem with us now is that we have to change our thinking. We have to change. We have too much guilt feeling, guilty, fear about everything. Feel guilty if we're successful. People make us feel guilty if we are rich, even. If God gives us some richness or successful business, people make us feel guilty. If you have a beautiful wife, people make you feel bad also, sometimes.

They come around and ask you, "How did you get to know this beautiful woman?" Or they will ask her, "What did you see in that guy? He's so ugly!" Things like that. It's none of their business. They make you feel bad. Yes, they make you feel guilty if you have a lot of money. They make you feel guilty if you are successful in political or business.

And the whole world is feeling guilty about so many things because we have been taught that way. This doctrine is never right. So Jesus has to come, Moses has to come to set us free - set us free  not just by his sacrifice, but by the teaching, telling you that God is all-loving. "Knock and it shall be opened. Ask and it shall be given unto you." But where do you knock?

We couldn't even knock anymore. We are too weak! We are burdened with guilt and fear, fear from this revengeful God. There is no such thing as a revengeful God. If Hes is revengeful, Hes is like us, like you and me - War God. "You do something good to me or else!" This is not God! Can you imagine such a God? Then we have no need to worship such a small-minded and narrow person. If Hes is really a person, if there is a God like that, we should not worry about worshipping Hirm because it's just like one of any of the power-abusing people.
Even in this planet. Think about it, you have children or you have wife and husband, sometimes your wife makes mistakes, your husband strays a little, you still forgive him, you still hug him, and, "Okay, I forgive you. Don't do it again." Or your kids sometimes give you so much trouble because they are stubborn, they don't listen to you, they cause you headache.
You still forgive them, you still love them, and give them the best love that the parents can afford, even money - everything - sacrifice. So how would a God, the greatest Father or Mother of all the universe, could be revengeful, could condemn you to hell just because you are human, you don't know any better, and you make mistakes sometimes? So this kind of fear has been inflicted upon us generation after generation.
That's why we find ourselves too weak now to even believe there is a God who would even answer our prayers. That's why when we pray, we don't pray with the whole heart, we don't have conviction that our prayers will be answered. But it's stated in the Bible: "Knock and it shall be opened, ask and it shall be given." It is like that. It is truly like that about God. No matter what you do,

Hes will always answer your prayers. We just have to listen. I am going to show you how to listen to Hirm. This, we have to change, our way of thinking. We have to believe from today that God is all-forgiving, all-loving. Even if you don't believe God is all-forgiving, all-loving, you believe Jesus has come here and he has sacrificed for you, and I am going to show you that what he said is truth.
I am going to show you that really there is a God - God Father, God Mother, or Buddha, whomever you believe, Allah, even - anyone that you call Hiers name by all your love, all your beauty, all your faith, that is the God who is always loving, never ever, ever criticize you, even for one fraction of a second. Anytime you turn to Hirm, no matter how badly you have done in your life, Hes will open the door, immediately. That's why we call this way “immediate enlightenment,” because it is immediate.
And every day you can re-practice again and again until you completely remember that there is only one thing in this life, is God, and Hes is everywhere, and then you'll be happy. You'll be happy from the day you see Hiers Light, the first day already, maybe today. If you trust me enough to offer this service to you, you can have it right away. No problem. You will see that whatever is stated in the Bible, it is 100 truth. Like Moses has seen God, Jesus has been one with God so that he becomes… Or he's always been the Son of God, but he is not the only Son of God. We are also the son of God.
God is not impotent. Hes didn't make only one son. Hes makes many. It's just Jesus has remembered. He has remembered the highest Self of his connection with God. He has remembered the whole thing, and we have not remembered. That's all. There were two sons of the king: one has been wandering all over the land and has forgotten that he is a prince; the other stays with the father and remembers that he is a prince. Both are…? Princes, yes. No difference. One day he remembers, he comes back. It's the same. Yes.
So we are the wandering sons and daughters of God, and the moment you want to go Home, it's right there. Everything is created by thought only.  For example, now we are in the physical body, so you do not understand much of the teaching of Jesus or Buddha. Because it is said that whatever you ask, your Father would give it to you. That means whatever you think of, whatever you wish for, will be fulfilled.
But we cannot believe that because we are so “prisoned” by this physical shackle we call the body. So in order to experience the boundless love, the boundlessness, the all-pervasive, unconditional, eternal love of God, we have to rise above the body. And I will show you how to do that. It's very simple. You can do that on the bus, on the airplane, in the park, anywhere. There is no condition. I will show you how in a minute. And I can show you deeper, a different level of forsaking the body.

If you want to go deeper, there are some things you'll have to know more, so it takes a couple of hours to explain to you. But the enlightenment is just seconds. The explanation takes longer. Why explanation? Because you have to do it alone at home and so you have to know everything. So take care of yourself and be your own master. Then you don't have to call me “Master” anymore; you call yourself “Master,” or don't even bother. We are friends, yes. Every one of us is equal. Equal. Truly like that.

Too many things from here. Slow down, please! Hes talks so fast. My mouth is not fast enough, because in the higher dimension, we don't even talk and we understood each other just like I am speaking to myself in my head.
The message comes through so fast, so sometimes I forgot; I couldn't catch up. The reason we do not know we are one with God and everything we wish for or remember will always be right in front of our nose is because we are shackled in this physical body. So to rise above the body, there is a way to do that.
So we can even contact Jesus, contact Buddha, contact Muhammad, whomever the past masters who have left the physical environment and entered another dimension. So, in order to see them, we enter their dimension, then we see them. It's very simple. I want to see African people the most, I come here. When I want to see English people, I go to England.
There are some English people who come to my place sometimes, or some South African brothers who come to my place sometimes, but they are rare, see? If I want to see the whole African people, I come here. That's it. If we want to see the whole Heaven or Godhood, or some celestial mansion, we have to rise up to their place, and we do that by thought - deep, deep, deep thought. I will show you how to garner your power of thought in order to get out of this “gate” here, and enter another dimension at will, anytime. You practice and you can do that anytime, anywhere.

So, why the saints say that we have to “learn to die so that you begin to live” is that, because, if you learn to do this deep contemplation on deep thought prayers, then we can enter the dimension of the celestial being. And it's just similar to the moment of death to many, even ordinary people. Don't have to say practitioner, yogis, or anything.
Ordinary people, when their conscience is clear, their life has been a perfect example of goodness, when they die, they found themselves very liberated; they found themselves all-pervasive, everywhere at the same time, and nowhere that they are not; and whenever they want something, that thing just comes right in front of them; whenever they think of somebody, that somebody will appear right in front of them.
In other words, they will project themselves immediately in front of the things that they desire or the person that they want to see. That's why when we learn to “die” - means we leave this physical body and die temporarily - we have this kind of experience too, and then we can know exactly that really, whatever we want, God grants it to us, God gives it to us. It's just in this physical body, we are so blind, deaf, and dumb to celestial blessing, to God's love, that we feel so helpless.
We are the most helpless when we are in this physical body. It is like you are locked in a box and the key has been thrown away into the river. It's like that - so helpless. That's why we have to learn to rise above this physical prison in order to truly experience the glory of love. Then we will be so happy every day that it doesn't matter where we are, doesn't matter how much we have or not have, we will be always contented, always happy. That's why Jesus did not move in the face of death. He said, "Father, how much you have glorified me." He accepted the crucifixion; he did not run away.
He could have; he could have, anytime. A man of that power and knowledge, he can do anything! But he did not want to. Why should he run away from something that he knows can only make him feel more glorified, more happy, more liberated? Why should he feel attached to this little prison when he knows the vastness of Heaven? Why should he be attached to relatives and friends of this physical dimension, when he knows that he could see the Father in Heaven, and he knows all of the brothers and sisters, all the relatives and friends, are all one with him in the end, anyhow? That is true liberation. There is no freedom compared to this freedom in God realization. That is the only true freedom that we should search for.

I am willing to serve you in any way I can if you think you are ready to make this choice again, you've had enough with this life, you want to have a different choice. But nevertheless, we do not forsake this world in order to go to Heaven, no. We still can have both. For example, I am still here. I just enjoy Heaven every day, but I enjoy also this life. You see, I enjoy your jewelry and your clothes very much.
Sometimes people who are spiritual, if they choose to be successful also in this life, they can also be successful. Different masters have chosen different ways to demonstrate the love of God. Some masters have chosen the way of complete renunciation - like Jesus, like Buddha - but some masters have chosen to make use of the gifts of God, or God has ordained them to do this.
It depends on God's will whether you should be very rich materially as well as spiritually in this life, or you just be rich materially and not spiritually, or just spiritually and not materially. Everyone has to walk a different path, but we're all walking Home, toward God's dimension. And this is what we are here for. In case you ask me what's the purpose of human being, that's what it is. And thank you very much for your attention. If you have any more questions, I will be pleased to answer. Then I can show you how to remember God.

I hope I made myself clear? Yes, you are so intelligent. My God! I am not surprised, I am not surprised. African people are very, very spiritual. They are very much more in contact with nature... very spiritual.

*Dear Master, what is the benefit of following a Master? Is it not perhaps a better prospect to be self-determined and to follow one's own path to enlightenment and to sort out one's own karma (retribution)?

Actually, in a way of speaking, you call me “Master,” but I told you already, I am going to remind you that you are the master. And that's all there is. And the karma (retribution) and all that will go away as soon as you realize that you are the master of the universe, that you are one with God. But before that, if you have not completely realized this, of course, I'll be your friend and help you until you understand everything.
And you can call me “Master” or you follow me. You don't have to follow me because I am not here in Africa forever. Just follow the instruction so that every day you can contemplate deeply inside and then find God, and then one day you will completely understand. You might even completely understand today, it depends on how intense of your choice to go back to God. So you don't have to follow anybody, not even any physical or celestial being. You follow yourself. I am just showing you how, showing you some instructions so that you… because it's not that you don't know - you have forgotten!
 Because we live in this world, we're so much busy with survival and everything tries to bury us under these worries and suffering and then make us so busy and perplexed that we have forgotten. So I have already gotten out of the mud; I can pull a rope and get you out and then bathe you again. Then you'll become just like me again - all clean, beautiful.


*Can the Convenient Method of meditation offer you as much as initiation?

Differently, a little differently. The Convenient Method is for convenience, yes. Some people, for example, they cannot be vegetarian completely or they have not decided whether they should go part-time or full-time. They just want to try a short period of time every day. So, of course, the benefit is not as great as when you go full-time. But the Convenient Method will offer your own liberation in this lifetime. Whereas, if you practice Quan Yin Method and get the full initiation, you could even help many other people, including your five, six, seven, nine generations, to be liberated. Yes, the more money you earn, the richer you become.

*How can you explain Adam and Eve?

Should I explain about them? Look at yourself and you know. Look at ourselves. Yes.

*After initiation, how do we communicate with you if you are not here?

I am always “here.” I am always “here.” You will see that. Sometimes you will see me in your house if you concentrate enough. Besides, you can write to me, can e-mail, write a letter. Nowadays, very convenient. But the best communication is inside, because we will be reconnected again with the whole universe, so whatever problem you have, the whole universe knows and, of course, I know, because I am also connected in the network.
So whenever you ask something, you have the answer right away. But in case you're still not sure in the beginning, you can always write to me. But the answer is always inside.  There is a connection, a 24-hour telephone service - no charge. Yes, that's a wonder of being enlightened. Because if a teacher has to be physically present every time with the disciples, then it is not convenient, it's not powerful enough.
Because it doesn't matter how powerful or how strong a teacher is, he or she cannot protect the disciple 24 hours by physical presence, but by the power of the universe to which the master, she or he, is connected already. I am not, myself, it's not the physical body now, that will be protecting you. It is the connection with the universal power through me that will protect you.
That's why everywhere you are, that power knows and protects you and answers your questions. You will know "Knock and it shall be opened. Ask and it shall be given." Your prayers will always be answered, your questions will always be replied by inner connection. And that's the wonder of being in this enlightening way of life. Otherwise, what's the use of having to even find the master through rivers and ocean again? And how long can you stay with her or him?

Even the master, after initiation, will continue to protect and guide you after the master has departed from this world. That is the meaning of being a master. Otherwise, you should not be a master. It's a lot of work.


*Will we master the art of clairvoyance with the third eye?

That's nothing! That's just a little child's play. You don't aim for that. This is not the goal for you. Of course, you will see things - you'll see everything - but you see the whole universe, not just a little thing here and there, not just your future and your past. You will master the whole life force, you will master the whole universe. That is the goal.

*I want to understand the Bibles.

Is that it? (Yes.) Well, then study it! Read it. Yes, yes, I know. It is difficult to understand because a lot of stories and terminologies in there are kind of mystical. Unless we have the same level of consciousness, we find it very difficult to understand. So just get enlightened. Stay around and I' show you how to enter into the true experience of the Bibles. Because the Bibles, many are recorded, of the experience, enlightened experience, of the past practitioners, spiritual practitioners.

It's like, for example Jesus, when he meditated 40 days in the desert, of course he communicated with God. And the devil also came to him and tempted him with the power of the Three Worlds. You understand what the Three Worlds is? It's very big! This world is already big enough. If somebody comes and offers you to be the king of this whole world, would you like it? Of course, you would already.

And he is offered to be the king of the Three Worlds, to be above this world, another two worlds. But that's as far as the devil can reign, so he can only offer Three Worlds. And he said, "Get out of my sight." That's what Jesus said, meaning, “get lost.”

This kind of experience... I am sorry, we couldn't even see the devil even if we wanted to, because we are not able to see with the spirit yet. So in order to understand what Jesus has experienced, even to say to the devil "get lost," we have to study what Jesus has taught us. Walk his way. Meditate like him. "Go in the closet" - means meditate, means pray in silence, pray properly. "Let your eye be single so that your whole body will be full of Light
." I will show you how to make your eye single, how to find that single eye here so that you can see Heaven, you can see the true life, which is cheated from us because of all this physical appearance.  We are cheated. We did not see the true life, but we can if we use the true eye. And that's why I came here. I will show you later.

*Master, is it important to be a vegetarian to be enlightened?

It is important, it is important. Because, first of all, we have to practice love in order to beget love. In order to be all-pervasive, loving, like our Father, we have to love all beings. And that is the meaning behind the vegetarian diet. It's not to be healthy, or not because Jesus said so or Buddha forbids - it's just we have to be love reincarnate. We have to be the walking God on this planet.
We have to live like God would live. So, in order to be near God... God doesn't punish us. It's just like begets like: if we want to be near to something, we have to go there, the same direction. So, God created all beings and let them die naturally. So should we. If we couldn't create, at least we do not destroy. The commandment in the Bible is: "Thou shall not kill." It didn't say: "You shall not kill humans only." It says, "Thou shall not kill." Anything killed is killed.

*What is your opinion on spiritual healers? Should or can it be done for a living, like charging clients? If it is, is it allowed?

Yes, spiritual healing is very good, very good for the patients. Not too good for the healer sometimes, because she or he has to take on the bad karma (retribution) of these patients, and sometimes it's very overwhelming. Because spiritual healing is just one of the levels of God consciousness. If we arrive there, we can heal people. Yes, these people are very spiritually strong in order to heal people.
Spiritual healers are very strong in their spirit, but in order to heal without healing, like Jesus did, we can go a little higher, much higher. Then we heal. You don't have to lay hands on people. Just like when somebody touched Jesus' garment, and she was just healed, and she thanked him. He said, "No, it's your faith that heals you." He never claimed because he knew it was the Father, and he said, "It's not me who does it, it's my Father." And that is the highest level of spiritual healing.
We could be in many different levels, so it depends on where you are. The greatest spiritual healers don't heal. They just get healed. If it is God's will for that person to be healed through you, he just gets healed. The master, or for example Jesus, he didn't do anything. That's why he never claimed credit. Yes, a true master is like that - very humble.


*How do you teach your children this way of life without being ridiculed in everyday life?

Yes, I told you, people will ridicule you even if you have a beautiful boyfriend or wife. So why are you scared? This life has been led in a wrong direction for a long time. That's why we are what we are now. So if we could not change the whole world, at least we change ourselves, we change our environment, change whomever we can influence. If our children want to go this way, it's our duty to lead them, no matter whoever says.
You have to walk the way of Jesus. People stoned him, cursed him, labeled him, crucified him - did he give up his way? No! So we are Christian, we are whomever, we walk the way of God. All right? And we have to be an example to other beings. We cannot follow them because they are erring already, they are mistaken. You must be the torchbearer. You must change. And somebody else might change, also. They might not accept at first, but they come home and think about it: "Oh, this way seems to be better."
 And then later they say, “It is definitely better. Okay, I follow." See? That's why we still follow Jesus now, 2,000 years later, because that's the only way to live our life. We follow, but we don't practice. We should practice more.

*Is God within us? Is it the subconscious mind? If not, what is it exactly?

Yes, God is within us. It's the consciousness. God's also without us. God is everywhere. God is yourself.

*I want to feel the power of God, but I don't know how. Can you help me? I want to be strong and faithful.

Yes. Only when you see God, then you can be strong and faithful. You cannot believe something you don't see, I am sorry. I'll show you how to see God, then you can believe Hirm, all right? God is Light. God is the love you will feel during the contact with Hirm, during your meditation, during the time that you reserve for Hirm. And then later, more and more every day, every minute, you will feel Hiers love. Even without meditation, even when you're walking or when you're driving, you will feel that you are one with that love. That's a wonderful feeling, and that's how we can believe. You see? That's how we can believe.

*How do you see that God is with you? And when do you feel that the Holy Spirit is with you?

I feel that all the time. How do I know?

*How do you see?

What I see, I cannot tell you, but I can show you so you can see the same. Because what I drink, you don't know. What I drink, you cannot taste. What I eat, you cannot feel full. But I can offer you the same meal, same juice. Then you can understand.

I wish God is a physical flower I can show you. But God's also in the flowers. God is in here. You can see this is the physical manifestation of God's beauty. This is the physical manifestation of God's being. Yours are the physical manifestations of God. So if you want to feel the physical aspect of God, then touch your neighbor, hug him, kiss her. That is God in the physical realm.
But if you want to see God in an abstract form, in Light, in splendor, in Heaven, then I have to show you in an abstract way, you understand? There are two ways: abstract and physical. Physical, you see already. Abstract, I'll show you. Later when we have time together and sit quietly, I'll show you. I will tell you what to do and where to see God. It's very quick. How do I know? If I love somebody, do I know? If I sit here in Africa, do I know? To know God, it is like that. Very, very clear. There's no mistake about it. I just can only show you by yourself, but I cannot show you in physical because this is a different aspect of life.

*Master, I ask you to show us what is the right way of praying.

Yes, I will do that. I will do that. I will offer you three kinds of service. Number one is the public service: after all the questions are finished, you sit here with me and experience God for a while, and you continue at home if you want - 10 minutes, 5 minutes, any time you want. The number two is the Convenient Method: you meditate like half an hour every day, all right? Number three is the full, conscious effort to realize God. That's initiation. So you choose.

That would take a couple of hours of explanation. But the enlightenment is fast, and you can experience every day the same, or higher and higher. I am here only for the one who is ready.


*How different is spirituality from your method? Is God with us or a part of us? How or what will our experience be during our initiation?

You will see God. You will see the aspect of God which is Light, which is different, like, melodies of the universe. The way Hes speaks to you is not in human language. Hes speaks in the melodious voice, like the sound of water. It's mentioned in the Bible that Hes speaks like thunder, like the sound of many waters. This you will experience, and more, more, because the Bible doesn't record everything.
You'll have too much experience, you can't write 1,000 books - never enough! So one Bible is not enough. But at least there's some reference - like Moses sees God as a big flame, Saint John enters the Third Heaven and hears the trumpet, things like that, etc., etc. You will experience. You will know it.

This is not something we can describe in language, really. You just know it when God's presence is near, or when you contact, when you remember again. Hes is always near. Just remember.

*The world is in a crisis today - wars, pollution, disease, etc. Have we collectively created this crisis just so we can experience greater glory?

Yes. But we could have done better now, since we know better. It was a mistake. Now we have to repair it. We can't just continue making mistakes forever, and say, "Okay, I am creating all this so that I can experience Heaven.” Yes.

There is a part of creating havoc, and there is a part of creating Heaven, so we have to balance it. We can't continue destroying our world forever by pollution, by cutting down forests, and by warring with each other. It's time to wake up. We've had enough suffering already.

*Master, what will happen when you leave this world? Will there be others to continue your lineage? Who will initiate the people? Who will be there to guide us?

God! You worry too far. At that time, you will know. God will decide. God will decide whether there is someone to continue, and Hes will let you know. If you are ready, everything will be known to you. If you are not ready, even if ten hundred masters come, it's no use. If you are ready, everything will be known to you. Don't worry, okay? Meanwhile, get initiation while I am still here. The master dies but the spirit doesn't die, so you'll continue to be guided until you've finished your journey. Whoever is initiated by one master will continue with that. It doesn't matter if the master passes away. And the new one will come if God decides so.

*In the Bible it is written: "Repent from your sins, then your prayers will be answered." My question is: How will God answer the prayer of a sinner?

Your question is a little bit less complete than it should be. This is the part when God talked to the people who killed a lot of animals for offering, so Hes said, "Who told you to kill all these she-sheep and he-bullocks to make offering to me? Your hands are full of blood! You should stop the killing of the innocents.
Otherwise, when you pray, I will not answer; when you request, I will turn my head away." So that is in that section. So, actually, in the Bible, it mentions also that we should not even kill to make offering, let alone to eat. Yes? Because God created them for our pleasure - not to kill. Anyhow, if we repent, of course, that means we... Repent doesn't mean we should feel guilty about what we did.
We did what we did - it's a part of the game. It was a part of our process of knowing God. So now we have created enough of the non-God actions, so now is the time to return to Godly action. So once we make this decision to stop the unGodly action and return to Godly action, at that time God gives us the answer right away, like today. Doesn't matter how many people committed sins or whatever you did, you don't have to tell me. At the time you sit down for initiation, God will come to you all the same.
So that means if you repent your sins, means you don't do it again, God will appear to you. Hes will today, if you sit down for a while later. In fact, some of you already experience Light here. Is that not so? True? Can you raise your hand if you have? Thank you. My God! Aren't you spiritual!
Thanks so much. It's the first time I'm in Africa. I told you, God is indiscriminating. Hes loves every one of us. As soon as you want Hirm, as soon as you sincerely yearn for Hirm, Hes is there - even if you don't meditate yet, even if I didn't even show you yet. See? God is all love, nothing else. Don't fear God - ever. Hes always loves us. As long as we want Hirm, Hes comes. Hes loves us, Hes blesses us, Hes graces us with all things in life, this and after.

*Should we kill insects - flies, cockroaches, fleas, etc.?

It's better to make your house clean. And do some prevention outside the house, so that there is a smell, they don't come near. So you don't have to actually kill them, all right? Because God doesn't punish, but your conscience feels bad. When you kill something, you feel, "My God, he's so little, so helpless, and I killed him just like that." Even though you don't feel it much, your conscience will awake at night sometimes and feel something biting you. And that's the ants or the cockroaches coming, reminding you, nibbling you, “You shouldn't have done that!”

*Can you explain what are dreams or dreaming?

There are three kinds of dreams. One is some, like, clairvoyant kind of warnings or prediction of the coming event for you. That is when you are in very deep, deep sleep and more aware of your future or the past. Another kind of dream is that whatever you wish in the daytime or you think of much in the daytime before you sleep, it will appear in your dream; just a leftover of the impression of the daytime. And the last kind of dream is just nonsensical whatever, no meaning. Just collect all kinds of garbage in your brain, and then when you sleep it's too full, it just like leaks out.

*In the Bible, we read that Abraham's sons slaughtered animals for their father. Was it a sin?

In the old time, people believed to make offering to God. Even now they still do that. They even slaughter animals to offer to the God within their body, every day. Abraham's son did something, that's his business. My business is not to slaughter any animal. Anyhow, people have different ways of life, different choices, to know God. They choose to do it quick; they choose to do it slow.

So that's why I say there are three kinds of offer here to you. For those of you who like to do it slow or leisurely, because you have eternity anyhow, so you can just have a taste of it, a few minutes. For those of you who are a little more serious, go for Convenient Method. For those of you who really get fed up with this life and really want to know God, nothing else, then go get initiation, full. You see? I am not here to criticize you and tell you, “You eat meat, you are sinful.” No, no. I am just reminding you of many choices that you want to make. So you decide now which choice you stay with or which choice you continue or next perfection you choose. Next choice, or stay with this choice.

*Jesus Christ fed 5,000 people with bread and fish. Fish is meat. Was that a sin? Jesus also helped fishermen get more fish. Was that a sin?

No. The sin is that we did not understand him. He did not eat fish; he did not feed fish, either. We also eat “fish” every day, but eat vegetarian “fish.” We also call it “fish.” We call it “hamburger,” sometimes we call “veggie hamburger.” Sometimes we are lazy, we call it “hamburger.” We have things like “chicken,” we have things like steamed “fish.”
All these are vegetarian. It tastes delicious! And if you are a non-vegetarian and the first time you taste them - it looks like a fish, it tastes like fish - you probably do not know. If we tell you that it's fish, you would believe it. If we tell you it's a hamburger, you would believe it. So, Jesus was a descendant of a clan that has been always vegetarian for thousands of years. If you want to do more research about the Lord's life, you'd better take more time.
And also, he went to study in India for 13 years. That's the missing gap in the Bible that you couldn't explain. And if he studied in India, and all the yogis there, the masters, ate vegetarian, how could he eat meat again? That's the two factors you have missed. Of course, the Bible cannot record everything for you; you have to do some research. Yes?
The church doesn't want you to be lazy, and put everything on the table. You have to be creative and long for... If you long to know the life of Jesus you have to research yourself, read more books and history and facts and more new findings and all that. Anyhow, the fishermen Jesus recruited, he did not tell them to fish again. He said, "Come, I will teach you how to fish men.” No? Yes, he said, "Put down the net, I'll teach you how to fish men.”
But since they were fishermen, Jesus used the term as a fisherman sometimes to talk to them. Just like, "Okay, today we catch a big fish" - means they have a good person to get initiated. We say the same thing sometimes, also.

Why do I understand all this? Because I have direct teaching. If you want to understand, you also need the direct teaching. I told you I will show you how to get direct teaching from Jesus. Then you can argue with him and he will tell you he doesn't eat fish. A poor master!

Everybody tells him he did that, he did this. He'd tell you different, but you couldn't hear. So, similarly, you remember how difficult it was for Jesus, how many people harassed him and persecuted him and his disciples? So they have to talk in code, said, "Today we have a big `fishing' time," or something like that... or, "Let's go out `fishing.'"
Because if he really needs fishing, he wouldn't tell his 12 disciples, saying: "Come! Forget it. I'll teach you how to fish men." Now you know. Thanks. The Lord did not eat anything that caused suffering to other beings. He would not. He was a very humble man. He was great in spirit, but very humble and self-denial outside. He did not need fish to keep him alive. There's so much things to eat in this planet to keep yourself alive.

*What is your opinion about the apostles? Where is Heaven? Is it part of this universe?
The apostles? They were Jesus' closest disciples, to spread his message when he was not there, give people initiation, explain how to meditate and all that. And Heaven is not a part of the universe. Heaven is our own creation, our own attitude. For example, when you are happy, you are in love, you feel you are in Heaven. No matter where you are, you have a little hut, you're happy. And when you are sad, when somebody threatens you, when you are under pressure, you live in a palace, you feel like hell. So if we are in contact with God, every day we feel like Heaven. That's why we say Heaven can be here and now. "Lo and behold! The Kingdom of God is at hand." It's not far.
*In our culture, we slaughter an animal as a sacrifice. Is this a sin?
It's your way of life - you choose to live that way if you want to. You are a God. You decide what you make of yourself. If you would like to represent yourself as a person who slaughters animals to make offering, then you do that. If one day you decide, "Okay, I don't want to make myself a slaughter-person," then you change, you don't slaughter anymore. You make yourself a representative of non-violence and non-killing. It's your choice.
It's no sin in the eyes of God, it's just your choice to make yourself what you want to show to yourself or want to show to the world or want to show to God.You can introduce yourself as, "Okay, I am an engineer," "I am a priest," "I am a teacher," "I am a yogi," "I am a vegetarian spiritual practitioner," or "I am an animal slaughterer." Yes, whatever you want to. It's up to you.
I am not here to condemn anybody; just to lay down before you different choices that you could make or want to make or maybe think about making. Anytime we can change our life by making different choices, andthat's for sure. No sin in the name of God - no sin! God always loves us. Whatever we do is for our own experience.
*Dear Master, should we devote our lives to serving the poor or sick, or would we be interfering with their choice or karma (retribution)?
No, no. No. We should devote our life anytime we can, and devote anything we can, to help our brothers and sisters, be it spiritual or material. Yes? We are one.  If he is hungry, you are hungry. If he is thirsty, it's like you are thirsty. It should be like that. It's not a must, it is a feeling inside. If, for example, if you see somebody hungry and thirsty and dying, and you feel very painful as if you yourself are in that situation, then you help him.
That is a measurement of your love, of your level of compassion. It's not a must. It's not a precept to follow; it is a feeling in your heart. If you know you feel you should help that person, that means you have love in your heart, and you should be happy. That's the only reward, that knowing that you have love. And you should do it. Thank you.
*I feel a lot of love, but trapped inside me. Can you help me spread it around the universe?
You spread it. It's your love. If you love, do something. If you love, just like if you love a boyfriend or girlfriend, tell her, tell him you love him, do something for him. Give her flowers, hug, kiss, make love, do whatever. So, the same, if you love all human beings, then do something about it. Do something you think that would let people know your love, or shower them with your love. Do it. You know what to do. You have God inside you. Do it honestly with your feeling. Everyone does it differently. I cannot tell you what to do.
*As you said, there is no hell after death. What happens then, to those who do not follow instructions and the scriptures of the Lord?
What happens? They have to learn again the lesson of love. Maybe they have to learn it in a hard way, and that we call hell. He has to go through also suffering in order to understand that the suffering is no good and that he not do it again. So, in a way, he'll be in a hospital, kind of way, so that he can heal the part that was sick.
Anyone who inflicts suffering upon someone else, he's sick somewhere in his spiritual being. So after he gets healed, he becomes whole again.
So there is no hell, no sin. There's just the way people chose to live their life that leads to different consequences. That's why in the Bible it tells you: "Whatever you sow, so shall you reap," "Judge not so that you will not be judged."
If we don't want to reap the bad consequence of the future, then we have to sow good seed right now, see? That's why the Bible gives you guidance like, okay: "Shall not kill, shall not commit lie, shall not steal," things like that. Make it a guidance through our lives so that we reap the better fruit for the future.
* If you have faith in God, why should we suffer and our prayers cannot be answered?
Because you have to rise up to God consciousness to know this, and then you will be content.Even when you come back to this physical life, after you have seen how much God loves us, through the spiritual knowledge, you come back to this life, you don't complain no more. You know everything, why this happened, why that happened - everything is for our best benefit. We will be always grateful every day. You have to know God first, yes.
* How important is ten percent of whatever you earn important to God?
It is important, because you love. It's your love. It's not the ten percent, it's the love that goes with it. It's the love to share whatever you have with other people who are less fortunate. That's important.
*When one rises above the physical body, how would it be possible to differentiate true situations from, for example, hallucination?
Yes, there is a way to differentiate. I will teach you at the time of initiation. But only people who want to go deeply into the spiritual dimensions should learn much about all these things. Just the convenient people and all that is not really... because you don't meditate too long, you don't go too deep. So it's not very risky.
Bigger business is more risk. So we have to show you the way to protect yourself. But if you just meditate for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, it's okay. There is nothing to bother you. You just relax, calm your mind, you do better business, sleep better, eat well. That's it. Know God now and again. There's no danger.
*Is it necessary to attend church every Sunday so as to be reminded, or one can still remember oneself by communicating with God by heart?
By heart. Yes, if you can. If you can communicate with God by heart, you can pray in the closet, the way it is stated in the Bible. The church came after Jesus. The church is an organization that gathers people who have faith in God and who want to pray together. It's similar to our group, every Sunday we gather together in one place. It could be called a church too, but we call it a meditation center - and we meditate the whole day that day just to remember God intensively, more than other days, because we're always busy every day.
So that's the meaning of really going to the church every day - to get more communication, deep communication, with our true Self, with God. And it is stronger when you meditate together.If you want to sleep and you see the neighbor is sitting straight, you feel ashamed, so you also sit straight. That's the purpose. And you help each other in collective energy. But if you already know God, everywhere you sit is the church. You should go to church every day inside, not just Sunday.
*I want to know where is the true secret of God, and being a vegetarian, can I smoke marijuana?
Yeah, yeah. Marijuana is vegetarian, right? I know what you try to say. Anyhow, where is the true secret of God? That, you have to find out. I will show you how to find out, but you have to find yourself. I can't explain God in the physical terms. The more I explain, the more I mislead you. Yes? I can show you God. That's all I can do. And marijuana, as far as I am concerned, is not really necessary for your vegetarian diet. So do not include it in there. Even though it's a vegetable, it's not a very conducive vegetable to your meditation, so please refrain from using it.
*He also wants to know if he can eat marijuana, then.
You are so hungry! Not only you want to smoke, you eat it. My God! So much vegetables, you don't have enough? I advise you to eat tofu. Yes. You can fry spinach. It's better for you. Anything, anything that makes our consciousness blurred and not clear, this is not a God way. God's way - no need physical aids, no need anything because God is God! You can't change Hirm, you can't make Hirm come nearer, you can't bring Hirm where you want just because of marijuana or anything else.
You can only know God. That's it - and pure, simple, know God. Just concentrate, forget the world, and concentrate on God's side, then you will see God. I just show you how, that's it. There's no need for anything. And the vegetarian we eat, it's just because we just have to eat a little of something to sustain this body. So do not go too deep even into too much of vegetarianism. Anything we eat to sustain the body, enough nutrition, to keep our spirit alive, that's good enough already. We are not here to eat. We're here to know God. All right?
*Question from the same person: Am I poor because of my thinking or my belief?
We are poor because of our belief. But it's too late now. Our planet has been led into believing that we have been sinful and we're being punished for our sin, and all that stuff, and so... We should live a rich life here, but before this era, we had a golden era. Have you heard about it, right? In the Golden Age, right? - long ago.
In that age, people know God, believe in God, because they see God, they feel God's love. And at that time, there was no teaching such as a revengeful God, jealous God, or there's no such teaching as hell, because everywhere was Heaven. But then, some bad people invented this kind of fear, so-called, to control the population. And slowly, slowly, this fear crept into our consciousness and we began slowly to believe that we are sinful, we are bad, we couldn't know God because we are forsaken, we are born in sin, we always sin, and everything we do is sin.
So our consciousness has become conditioned that way. That's why we also failed in our business, we became poorer, we became deprived of many comforts, including material ones. But it's a little too late now to change drastically. The whole consciousness of the planet has been engrained into this way of thinking. But it's not too late for you. If you are ready to change, change it today. Believe what I tell you, and experience the love of God within you every day. Then you will see how your life changes. You will know God is really love and whatever you ask for is already there.
* What is the difference between your way of meditation and talking or praying in tongues? Because it is said that talking in tongues is talking to God. How true is that?
Both are true. Different levels of understanding about God. In our way, we don't talk even. We don't even talk with the mouth or the tongue. We don't use anything of the physical instrument. We go direct to Heaven, enjoy the carefree life without this physical body. And God doesn't speak to us in the human language. Hes does also, sometimes. But we don't speak it out loud, or we don't need to do anything, we just communicate; and we understand in a Godly way, celestial way, which is a silent way.
*Dear Master, what are your hardships that you have experienced in your walks of life? Please share with me.
Well, I do not consider really anything a hardship, even though in those moments I do complain. Well, like all of us. I complain, I say, "Why? I don't like it!" But, of course, I know it is good for me. Any hardship would strengthen our spirit and determination to find God, to let us know that as long as we still cling to this physical, ephemeral existence, we always will encounter hardship. There is no hardship in Heaven.
So whenever we leave this body during meditation or deep contemplation and go to Heaven, we experience all bliss and beauty. And then when we come back even to this physical body, still some blessing's leftover so that our life becomes even smoother and better. So even hardship is just a blessing in disguise. No problem. I can write a book about hardship, but why? I'd rather write a book about the blessing that I enjoy.
*Dear Master, thank you for your wisdom. How would you choose a successor to continue your physical work here after you leave us?
I haven't decided yet. That is up to God to decide. When the time comes, the Lord will let me know. And I'll let you know... maybe. Or you have to find out yourself. Okay, if I have one, I will write it down -name, place, date of birth, then you can identify him. He probably has a nose in the middle, two ears…
You can find him, or her, whatever. But I haven't decided yet. I haven't found one yet. Sorry. You hurry up, and maybe God will tell you that, "Okay, you are the successor," and then you tell me.
*Who is the devil? Where does he come from? Where will he eventually end? Why does God not destroy this devil? Is the devil part of this oneness you are talking about?
Yes, he is part of the oneness. He works for God so that we know what's right, what's wrong, so that we know to resist temptation, so that we can improve ourselves and go nearer to God. All right? There is no such thing as devil, actually. Just trial, just test, just training.  We train ourselves. If we want to train ourselves in a hard way, we chose our way of life in a hard way before we're born, to train ourselves to experience the things that we want to experience in order to find God, in our way.
*Dear Master, tarot cards, auras, Reiki healing, is this bad, even if it's done for the benefit of others?
No, it's not bad. I told you, everything is different levels of understanding about God. The nurse is not bad, the doctor is not good; they are just working in different ways. Different jobs. But if you want to be a doctor, then you have to stop being a nurse and study more. That's what it is, all right? Become the healers without healing, like Jesus.
*How do I overcome all these problems I have and get my focus back and be forgiven for my wrongs? I would love to change my life and be a good man again.
Yes, then change it. First, whatever you don't like about yourself, change it. For example, you used to tell lies, now don't. Just tell the truth. You used to take things from people, you stop that and you give your things instead, or get initiation and get enlightened.
*Is there such a thing as bad luck or curses upon you? And when does it ever set you free?
Nobody can curse you, no bad luck can harm you, if you choose to walk the other way. Right? Just walk the other way. Walk the way of God, then all bad lucks will leave you. But sometimes, because of the bad karma (retribution) you have already created, so the consequence still lingers for a while. Just bear it. We don't live here long. Don't worry.
*Why can we not be initiated and be unrestricted? Why can we not eat meat and drink alcohol?
So you want to be a flesh-eating God and drunken God? You already are! If you eat meat now and drink wine, you're already a drunken God and meat-eating God already, every day. I thought you want to change to something different. If you don't want to change, then just stay where you are. You already are God.
But if you want to change to a higher level of yourself, then you have to leave a little of these lower kind of substitutes to find a more noble, higher intoxication in the love of God and more refreshment in the flesh of Jesus, in the spiritual flesh of Jesus.
*There are many religions, such as Christianity and traditional African religion. Which is the right religion for Africa? Also, by practicing other religions, does that anger our ancestors?
No. No. Every religion is good for Africa if you believe in it, all right? I am just showing you the way to truly contact the source of your religion. There is only one God, and people find different ways to go to Hirm. It's just sometimes they get lost in the maze, so I am here to show them where to go, the shortest way. I don't come here to change your religions. And your ancestors will never be angry with you because they will be liberated through your enlightenment, through your blessing.
*Thank you for coming to South Africa and bringing your love and peace to our people. I hope that your endearment is passed on to our people in South Africa.
I hope so, too. Thanks so much for your love. I think so. The South African people are so, so enlightened, so intelligent. I think we understand each other perfectly, yes.
* Everything is free. Please tell us who sponsors you.
I earn my money. I am a designer, don't you know? You see, we didn't bring all my creations here, but you could see some in the pictures. I design jewelry, design clothes. I don't wear my own today, I wear yours in respect of your country. In the Bible, it says that you must earn your own living by the sweat of your brow. So that's what I do.
Apart from sharing with you the blessing that God has permitted me to do, I have to also earn my upkeep for the physical needs. I need transportation, I need a car, I need airplane ticket, etc., so I earn the money just like you do, and I share whatever I have with other people. Apart from what I need, I have surplus. I share with the other brothers and sisters. Nobody supports me. I support people. God supports me, yes.
*When you gather together on Sundays, do you eat Holy Communion in remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ?
When I go to the church on Sunday? (Yes.) Yes, I do eat the Communion bread, but the one you could not see. Yes, the real “flesh” of Jesus. I don't cut his flesh and eat, but I be one with him. That's my Communion bread. I have that every day, not just Sunday.
*In Africa, it is said that we have a high rate of HIV (AIDS). Does God curse or punish our continent with this incurable disease? How can we be saved from this disease?
In every country, there are information centers about AIDS or about any disease that you happen to worry about, yes? Find out from information and take care of yourself physically. Otherwise, if you practice spiritually also and you keep the precepts and you have vegetarian diet, you lead a spiritual life, you never have to worry about this question.
*Is the Golden Age a sign of the second coming of Jesus? What is the Golden Age?
The Golden Age is the time, like once, or long ago, or many times ago, when we experience oneness with God, and everything that we wish for is fulfilled instantly. We can experience the Golden Age right now if we have this connection with God. Every day is a Golden Age to the Quan Yin  practitioners.
*Please explain to me properly, where do we black people come from, because we do not exist in the Bible. Is it true that we are cursed children?
No! Are you kidding? You see, you see? You see? This is the doctrine of fear, the doctrine of separation, the doctrine of condemnation and humiliation that people long ago tried to inflict upon the human race to divide us and to rule us. Because united we stand, divided we fall, and they know that.
Oh, my God! Why do you ever ask this question? It should never even come up! This is just a different color! It's just like flowers here. Look how many colors in here. Suppose we are all white or all yellow like me, wouldn't it be boring, our planet? Then I don't have South Africa to come to. I don't have a different color to look at. When I look at you, I think of chocolate. Yum, yum!
My favorite color, yes! Yes. And you know, all colors are beautiful. There is no difference! Just different flowers. I don't know why this question even comes up. But I know why, as I explained already. This is the trap, this is the tricks of the bad ones who try to get power over people.
Not only they try to divide us from God, make God a fearsome person or being, as a revengeful and a punishing God, but they even divide us people as a whole, as a human race. Try to tell the white people that black are bad, and try to tell the dark people that the light-skinned people are evil. Every generation, we've been brainwashed into thinking like this, and that's how we've become, like, confused, and then we try to think again, “Is it true what he said?
Maybe it's true what he said.” Tell me why the black people are cursed? Tell me why! One good reason why. Can you answer why? If you cannot answer, that means that doesn't exist, the curse. What's the difference between the dark color or the light color, the yellow or the red?
What is the difference in here? You know why you are black or you are dark, because you are too near the sun! Hide yourself inside the house! No, I told you already, God is a colorful one. Hes is artistic: Hes makes different fruit's color, Hes makes different flowers' color, so Hes makes different dogs' color., Hes makes different elephants' color, Hes makes different birds' color, Hes makes different humans' color. We should be happy! Hes is great. We are great.
Anyhow I like chocolate, so I don't care. Should never, ever think like this. Never this question should arise in your mind. You are great! You have a very, very long and deep, deep, deep spiritual tradition. What do you mean black people are not mentioned in the Bible? How about the Egyptian, Cleopatra? She was black! Moses, yes? The Egyptian people, where Moses was raised, they are also colored, they are dark colored.
Do you mean they are not mentioned in the Bible? Does it have to say dark or black in order for you to identify yourself? You are a human being. There's no black, no white, no yellow - nothing. We are God's children. That's it. Yes, no problem at all. I don't see why there's any problem. I don't see why! How can you see any problem with the colors of the flowers? I don't understand this. You know what?
Have you been to Holland, any of you? Okay, some of you, right. Do you know in Holland they cultivate black tulips, yes? And they are the most expensive and rare, because we don't have that many. See? When you don't have black, they have to create it, you see?
Suppose we don't have dark people here, we have to create it, genetically matching, in order to get a black one, and then it will be, "Oh my God, he is black! Oh, my God!" You know what I mean? It's like the tulips, the dark tulips. It is a very dark tulip. It's not born like that. They match the genetics. They create it by scientific means. And I have seen a patch of them - beautiful! Very dark and beautiful! And very rare.
The whole gardens are full of different colors. Just one little batch is black tulips, and they're called the King of the Night or Queen of the Night or something like that. Beautiful name. Suppose we don't have dark people here, or chocolate people here, then we will be missing something, you see? And then we will have to try hard in the laboratory in order to create a black baby. And then we will hold it up: "Oh, look at him! Isn't he beautiful?"
See what I mean? So God already knows that. Hes created for us, so we should be very grateful, happy and proud, yes? Proud to be colored! Yes, thank you. But this problem has been too long, so it doesn't matter how long I speak, it doesn't seem long enough to erase the long-standing misunderstanding of the colors of God's creation.
You know how much money all the people in other countries have to spend on the beach, how much suffering they have to lie in the scorching sun, in order to get the color you have? Come on, you're kidding!
So you are a millionaire. A walking, inborn millionaire. Only millionaires in America or elsewhere can have the kind of color you have, because they spend a lot of time and money in the sun. Do you know that? You know that! So next time don't ask me this question. Tell yourself that you are a millionaire - inborn, born millionaire. No need to roast yourself on the beach for hours on end. It's a big suffering to get the color of the people of Africa.
*Master, I want to know: When I saw your picture, something struck me - I had the feeling of coming here to meet you, in fact, to see you physically, and when you entered the hall, I did feel like crying. Is it because I was feeling you, or I was getting the fulfillment of knowing God?
Could be that. Could be that you feel the God within me that's manifesting the love for you. Not that Hes cannot manifest within you also - Hes could! If you have chosen the way of God, Hes will manifest also. See, I have chosen to walk Hiers way, so you can feel more obviously.
Because I am with Hirm and then other people are more with the world, more worried about the world. I am more about God. Therefore, you can feel more God's presence in such a person; for example, maybe me. So that's why you feel happy or you feel emotional.
Otherwise, we don't know each other, why should you cry when you see me? Why should you love me and want to shake my hand or hug me? Must be something. “As you sow, so shall you reap.” Be it the world or be with God. When we are with the world, we manifest more worldly atmosphere and people recognize that more. And when we are with God, we are more radiating God's atmosphere, and people feel that because the God in you feels that.
*Thank you, Master, for coming to South Africa. We welcome you with open hands.
Thank you.

  Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai by Radio for Peace International 
 To Disclose One's Inner Power 

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