Maya Could Also Become a Buddha   

All right, so you want to ask any questions?

*At one time, I felt very light, very... It was beautiful, the feeling I had, and it was becoming too strong - I was going, my body was moving, really - and I couldn't control it. So, I don't know… I was scared a little bit. I asked the [Quan Yin] messenger, and he said, “Don't worry, it will pass away,” and it passed. It stopped, and now I miss it. I miss it. It doesn't really... it's not the same, and I'm just worried.

I see. What to do?

When you have a good experience, or whatever experience, just stay cool, stay cool. Otherwise, you complain, and then God says, “She doesn't want it! All right, all right,” and take it back. You don't have to have it, okay? Don't have to ask the [Quan Yin] messenger about the things that are not harmful to you. As long as you feel light and happy, it should be a good experience. Keep it. Zip it up. No good to get excited over things that do not matter at all because God is inside you.
Hes hears everything that you want, so you'd better keep it. Or, next time, if it's too much, then you just pray, okay? If it's pleasant, better don't talk. Sometimes it's also like this. If you share a good experience with other people, sometimes they don't like it. Not because they don't like you to have it, they just feel heavy, “How come she has it, and I don't have it?”
And the negative energy that she generated - the depressed feeling, the envious vibration that she sent at that time or later on - will also make obstacles for our meditation. That's why the Master advises you not to talk about it, okay? - not that any Master is so “dictative” or so unreasonable. “Why the good things can't we share?”
The good things cannot always be shared. Would you share your husband with somebody else? That's a good thing to you. No. Also, good things also depend on people's opinion. And something that's good to you, it might not be good to someone else, so that's why we should not talk about our experience, unless it's very unpleasant and disturbing. Then, of course, we seek the Master's or the teacher's guidance. If it is good, keep it. Keep it, otherwise you'll have a lot, a lot of obstacles. The more people you tell, the more troubles you invite in.
Same with spiritual practice. It's the rule. Once it's registered in the brain or something, it will send out a signal, “That's no good. That's no good for me. I don't like that she has it better than I do.” Similar with all the kinds of material possessions, if you have a car and the neighbors don't have, they also feel envious of you, and sometimes the agitated atmosphere, also you can feel it. All right? That's the reason why we don't have the same spiritual experience once we've disclosed our best. All right. You are welcome.
But you will have it again, okay? Rest assured. Meditate more often and pray to the inner Master. From today, you will have it, okay? Not every day, but you will have it the way that you did and more, okay? - more. That is not the best experience anyhow, so don't worry about it.

*I have to say thanks very much that I can see you, Master. When I was reading your books two years ago, I didn't know how I could contact to find more about your books. I just feel that's my whole life I'm waiting for. Before meeting you in my life, everybody thinks my life is so good, but I felt depressed. I felt my family had a lot of problems. “How can I take care of my husband and daughter?” When reading your books, I felt everything, the problems were gone naturally. After I read your books and teaching, I just felt like crying. I wanted to see you. So today, I can see you. I feel very, very happy.

(What did you do?)

*Two years ago, I went to the Edinburgh exhibition and got your book, the small book. I didn't know where I could buy more books, so I waited for the second year. I went to the exhibition again, so I bought all your books. So I understand more and more. My life, questions, problems - all you talked about. So I said, “That is life. So I understand life more.” So that's the story. I said, “That's what Master tells me, teaching me how to take care of children. I must have patience, she is only three years old.” So you teach me a lot of things anyway. Thanks very much. It's more peaceful, everything, now.

Thanks God. (I am more happy.)

I'm also happy for the sake of that kid.

*Wonderful… some books…

*You helped through my meditation - so wonderful! When your magazine came, my daughter said, “Mom, you are always in the magazine.” So she asked me who the person was, because my husband and my daughter said that I look like Master. (You are more pretty.) My husband said that “yes, you look like sisters.” So afterward he meditates, too. Everything… my husband, so I feel… my family, everything, is much happier than before.

Good, good.

*Because he has a disability, I didn't have the patience, so how can I take care?
So, after reading your seven, eight books, it's like everything… I learned a lot, a lot. Thank you very much for teaching me how to solve problems in life and the love with my children and my husband, my family.

I am glad to hear that my books helped you and your family.

*Now my dream becomes true.

Even though as a spiritual practice, if we do not introspect ourselves, we could still be very selfish. That's why we must remember the precepts and the noble idea of a greater love, of a greater job, a greater sacrifice. Otherwise, everything disturbs us; we would want to destroy immediately just to free ourselves. But that's not real freedom. Maybe momentarily we are free, but later we are not, okay? So whatever the situation we are in now, we better just bear it, okay?
If we cannot… after our best, we cannot avoid it, then bear it. Don't try to destroy things or people just to be free, because we will not be free - our conscience will bother us the whole life. So my advice for some of you who have not been initiated, or initiated people, before if you have done such thing, like, against your conscience or something like that, okay, now forgive yourself. And now we know, we don't do it again.
Whatever we made a mistake in the past, we don't make it again - and that's very important. Mistakes are not bad, as long as you don't do it again. As long as you recognize it and finish with it. Because the saints say, “To err is human” - to make mistake is human - and to repent is saintly. It's not that we are not allowed to make mistakes or are not allowed to think bad thoughts sometimes; it's not controllable.
But at least we are human: we have a brain, we have wisdom, we should know which one is good for us and we choose always the best one. Because by our choice, we can make ourselves more noble, more loving, or less noble, less loving, and make a miserable, useless life out of our existence. So we always have to think before we make a choice. And that's the purpose of keeping the precepts and the vegetarian diet and all that, because it's reminding us of the more noble choice that we should make. Otherwise, we can do anything we want in our life, even the police catch us or not catch us, it's not the question.

This is just to show you that even such a sweet and beautiful lady like that can be forced by pressure and by circumstance into a very negative being. So that's why we have to always take care that we don't have the situation and the pressure to trouble us.

We have to always know where to go and what to do. Even though under pressure, we still have to know something because we have wisdom. That's why we have to practice meditation. Not that after meditation, you would never think bad or do bad things again - you still think because of the habit, but at least you have the wisdom to control, to know which choice is best, is the noblest and the most human, the most saintly for us to make. All right?
Karma (retribution), situation, pressure are terrible on humans' soul. We struggle to survive in this kind of pressurized society and atmosphere. We always have to keep ourselves together, otherwise we can break down any time and forget our noble purpose. Sometimes people have to do something, and you look… it's so hard and so trying for them but, actually, it's good for them. It trains their spirit, trains their mind, trains their body, and they grow up by that. So, actually, we should not be too fanatic about everything in life. Otherwise, I tell you, vegetables also have feelings and then what shall we do? After initiation, we all starve and die, and don't breathe, either, you know?
Because in the air, we have beings, invisible viruses and bacteria; you kill them all when you breathe them in. The ground that you trample on with your feet, every step kills something. And when you wash your hand, you disinfect things - kill a lot of beings, even though invisible to the eyes. So what shall we both do? We go to the Himalayas, freeze ourselves, say good bye. Okay, we have to live under circumstances, not to be too hard on yourselves.


*It just used to calm my mind before starting.


You can, you can. Yes, do some exercise, and breathing normally, like breathing a few deep breaths. It's all right. But don't concentrate on that breath, all right, honey? Because it is material still; it is not permanent.


* I just want to say thank you for putting a smile on my face. It made me very happy.


*I was very miserable before, but now I can smile.

Why? But you are happy now?

*I want to cry now.

Yes. Cry, honey, cry.

*Thank you for everything you've done for me, Master.

You should thank yourself for bringing yourself this kind of gift of life, thanking yourself for being so wise to choose this kind of noble practice, thanking yourself for letting me help you.

*Thank God for putting you on this Earth and helping us all.

Yes. We do that sometimes. We do go here and do something. (I love you.) Thank you. I accept that. Yes, yes. It's nice to hear some feedback, (Thank you so much.) it's very welcome. Thank you. It's very nice and encouraging for me always to hear some feedback, even though sometimes I do not allow it for the reason that we don't have time, for all the people with more urgent information or urgent questions. For people who are already happy, I normally just cut them short. I say, “Okay, okay. That's enough. What's the question?”
Not because I don't like you to talk. It's just sometimes I think if people are already happy, let them. Then it's okay. I don't have to worry about them. Just people who are in trouble, then I should know. That's all. Okay? But it's really nice every time to hear some feedback.

Hearing from you like this, it's very encouraging for me. So, it's very nice always to hear some feedback from you. Also nice for the initiates; they also have the same, and also they have encouragement, or if the one who doesn't have it yet, okay, have more faith. “Yes, it helps her. It must help me, too,” some new ones. So I thank you so much.

*We, the new initiates, to us, you are our mother. What can we do to give back, for you to have something to feed on and get positive energy and healing and all these things that we get from you?

Thank you so much. Okay, just your nice thoughts are already healing. You can send me nice thoughts like that. It's fine. When people think nicely about you or worry about you or pray for you, that is the healing power, okay? So that's why we always have to be nice to each other, so they'll send you positive energy. Well, anybody can do that.

*Thank you, Master, for being here. We've been waiting a long time to see you. You know, video, and start watching the video, waiting for you.

*I like your realistic view. When you have other Masters, there's a romantic kind of view painted on life. They don't feel pain or everything is graceful, everything is blissful, but you talk about your pain, you relate to others, and I… I really thank you for that,

(I'm just honest.)

*because you bring the truth home and I'm really grateful for that.

I swear to God I'll always be truthful. That's what it is. You don't romanticize about Mastership.
I tell you, it's the hardest job in the universe; but it's okay, you don't even understand it. I tell you, you understand me but you don't realize it anyhow, so it's all right. I have pain, I have pleasure, I have everything that you have except that I know them for what they are.
I value them or use them for specific purposes, instead of letting them control me or drag me down. That's all. That's the purpose for all of us when we practice the wisdom, so that we can choose what is better for us and for the people around us. Not that I become Master and all my passion annulled, finished - no. That is like talking about a Buddha statue.

*Thank you, Master. (Yes.) My wife was initiated three years and nine months ago. When I talked to her by international call yesterday, I said, “I will be initiated today,” she cried immediately.

Why is that? So happy?

*She has waited for so much time, so long, three years and nine months.

*You have been very bargaining: next year, next year, next year. Good for her, good for you. But you take your time to consider, make sure that the path you follow is correct and that you will keep it later.

*Actually, that's what I told my wife. My son also was initiated last year in Formosa (Taiwan). So my whole family… actually, we are already a whole family now.


*Actually, I have a question. Because, normally, especially during winter, there are quite a few homeless people on the street. So, we would like to show our sharing with them. So sometimes we give them money or sometimes we give them some other… But sometimes, apparently they just need money to go to the pub to have a couple of drinks. At that time, if I think that he is, normally his intention is bad, I would not give him money.
If I have something instead, like a bag of bread or cookies or sweets, then just I pass to them. (Yes, fine.) But the problem is, there are so many homeless people on the street, I would not prepare a lot of bags like Santa Claus. So what you recommend we should do?


You give what you want. Be spontaneous. I always prepare some money in my pocket. Whenever I see a homeless, I just give him a bunch; I don't care what he does with it. But it's up to you. Of course, you have to give to whomever you feel good about it. So when I give, I don't think. I always respect the people that give me the chance to do this honor, to honor myself and to honor him. I would not think negative about the person who gives me such an honor of loving kindness. So give, don't think - don't think of the result. (Thank you, Master.) Okay, pray to God for him and then give him as you'd give to God, and God does whatever God wants with God's money, okay? Yes, you can. No problem.

*What would be the karmic (retributive) implications of spending one's free thoughts on sending loving kindness out to all people? Is there any responsibility that would go with that, or would you recommend that?

When we meditate, we already have a very noble purpose in mind. That's why we meditate: we want God. And that is the most loving kindness we could send out to anybody, to the world.

They benefit automatically, but in some cases, for our own good, we feel “okay, I send today loving kindness to this person specially - special gift, more personal.” It's fine too. People always benefit from a very loving and friendly vibration anyhow, but meditation is already good in itself. When you always think of God in your mind and contact with God, the benefit just comes out automatically. God knows what to take care.
At that time we don't need to send, but of course, when someone is sick or ill or needs our help or needs our prayer, we direct to that and that's very quick and beneficial. At least to ourselves, we'd think, “I am kind.” At least you've done your duty and your conscience feels good. Okay? So whatever we give, it benefits us immediately.

*Thank you, Master.


*I am very glad to be initiated, but I have a question. What do you think about the modern science? I do some research on computer science. I found nowadays many people do their work, do research in academia. It's a game, just games, as I think work is to… it's not necessary, just for some games. If I write a paper to attend the international conference, I found that to do this game, it is nice. Just for me it's not useful.

Why? Then why do they make the conference?

*Yes. Many professors or some research scientists in this world are doing these kinds of things. I have met many… some very famous professors, scientists in UK.

Well, they are doing their job.

*So what do you think about the science for this world?

It's not about the science that we should think about, it's about the individuals who operate in science. Sciences are vast, and we, of course, should pursue and research a lot of things for the benefit of mankind, but if some people choose not to do it, or just do a little short while for the sake of having a Ph. D., well, that's their choice. People can choose to be more noble, more dedicated, or choose to be just ignorant and selfish. What can we do about it? But that's not science; that's individual quality, okay?

*Yes, but the problem is all these works, all the people... For example, for the education for the young people nowadays, many students are studying, spending more time on studying some science. Maybe these things are not useful, comparing with the spiritual life. This world is not good, we should go to high level. (Yes, that's right.)

Okay. I understand. I understand. We spiritual people still need food, still need medicine, still need clothing, still need everything. So that's the job of science, okay? And of course you cannot expect that all the science students become excellent, or become great scientists like Einstein or other great scientists. But, well, at least they know how to clean their hands, disinfect their laboratory, and don't make the bacteria jump out of the tube into your throat, for example like that.
It's already helpful. Just like in the literature class, not all students will become a literature professor later. They will do something else, and they can make use of whatever they learn from the school. We just have to go the middle way. Everything is all right. Science is good. Spirituality is also a science, and then if we have material science, also, it helps people. Many people don't practice spiritually, so they have to rely more on material science.
We can't just cut off everything, okay? They are doing fine. They are doing fine. Even though out of 1,000, maybe only one distinguished and excellent scientist, but that's the way it is with the world. That's the way it is with diamonds and gold: it's not stone, it's not dust, it's not the leaves in the forest.

*Hallo, Master. Could you talk about the difference of ego and self-confidence?

“Self-confidence” is that you know what you are and what you have. “Ego” is that you don't know anything and insist that you do it your way. For example like that, okay? “Self-confidence” is just you stating the fact, like “I can do this. I have learned it. I have done it before, I can do it again.” That's no problem. That's self-confidence.
You're just stating the fact, the ability that you have. “Ego” is just... okay, you argue with everybody, you say no to every question, to every request, even if you know or not know it's right, you just say, “No! That's not possible. No way.” Things like that. Just because you argue for the sake of arguing, instead of you argue from fact or from knowledge for the benefit of others, or just for the fairness of the argument - and that is self-confidence.
You talk about what you know, you guarantee what you can. The ego is just very troublesome… troublemaker. It just denies everything, even the good things, and damages everything, even when he doesn't know how beneficial that thing is - just insists on being right all the time, or most of the time, despite any fact, any benefit of the knowledge. You just think you are the best when you are really not; you just think you know everything; you proclaim that you know everything when you don't. For example like that, okay? That's ego.

*Hallo, Master. Thank you for coming to England. (Hallo.) Before I was initiated, I used to do breathing exercises and they used to help me to concentrate. (Hatha Yoga?) No, Pranayama, (Pranayama, yes.) with visualization and observation. (Yes.) They used to help me a lot; and… since initiation I've been told that they are detrimental to this spiritual practice, and I'd like you to explain why it would be? Because I felt that would really help me.

You can do a few deep breathing exercises, that should be enough. Because everything that takes your concentration somewhere else except the wisdom eye is harmful to you; it's detrimental to your spiritual practice. You are trying hard now to get back the concentration to where it belongs, at the seed of the soul, and if it wanders to the nostril or to the throat or to even down lower-level of chakras, then it's a waste of time for you.
You just now try hard for half an hour, sweating like mad to concentrate on the wisdom eye, and half a minute later you concentrate again at the nostril and tomorrow you bring it back again, then you're confusing yourself. Very difficult to bring our attention to the wisdom eye already. 

*The Christian and Buddhist monks and the Buddhist nuns have the head shaved and the Christian nuns have the hair hidden.

Hidden, hidden, okay. Cut their hair short, too, or they hide it.

*Yes, they hide it. Yes. So I...

You want to know why?

*Yes. Yes.


It's a tradition. All right?In India, when you want to renounce the world - even just one day or two days, that's allowed - and then just to symbolize your renunciation, the teacher, or the one who is responsible for that ceremony, will shave your hair. But afterwards, you grow it back again, or even after you became a monk permanently, you still can continue to grow your hair after just that one time shave.
But some monks never shave their hair; they don't care. Indian monks truly understand more. They don't care if your hair's long or your hair's short. They know the spirit of monkhood, okay?Maybe that's why the Christians do not have to shave the head. Why should you?Christians follow Jesus. You see?Christians and Jesus have long hair, you see?
That's why they keep it that way. And the Buddha has no hair. No, he shaved the head, you see?- and all his monks shaved their heads. So they follow Buddhism in that period of time when people shaved their head to symbolize renunciation, so they just follow the teacher; but it's just a tradition, okay?Sometimes people do not understand the deep, the true tradition, so they force people to shave the hair all the time.
Or sometimes people shave it and feel cool, so they shave it all the time. Actually in India, one time only, to symbolize renunciation, and you can do it as often as you want. Every time you want to renounce the world for a few days or a few weeks, or a few months or a few years, whatever. It's not compulsory that you have to follow the monkhood the whole of your life - never!
And it's not compulsory that you have to leave your hair shaved the whole of your life - never!You can do it if you want; but in India, things are very flexible, open-minded, and broad -everybody's happy. Most of the monks are happy. They don't bother about hair. Some monks, they leave their hair so long that when they walk, it trails around them, you know, behind them like a train.
And they put, sometimes, cow's waste to mud their hair together so the flies, the fleas don't breed in their hair, and they never wash their hair, and that's their kind of renunciation; and some of the Sikhs, the renunciates before, they have to leave their hair long, even the men, and have a bunch on top of their hair. That's their renunciation - and the Sikhs have to grow a beard as well.
Not women, okay?Don't worry. Growing beards, that's their renunciation, for example. It's just to symbolize their school of thought, and people look at them and know, 『This one belongs to Buddhism.』It was the idea in the old time, but when the Buddha has died already, you have to find another school, the living school, of Buddhism to study. Whether you want to shave your hair or not makes no difference, as you already know. It's proven to you after initiation.

*Hallo, Master.

You're from France?

*No, England.

England!(Yes.) Last time I saw you in France - same beard, same hair, same mustache. Okay, go on.


*I don't know if this is the appropriate place to ask this question. (Why not?) I heard the story of one disciple of Buddha who came before. He had a chance to ask his Master to stay in the world forever, (Yes.) but he missed the opportunity…

Ananda and Shakyamuni Buddha.

*Yes. I was wondering why I have this thought. So I am thinking...

I could explain to you why it didn't happen. Is that what you want to know, right?Okay. I'll explain to you, okay?(Okay.) That is a work of God, too, even though it is hindered by maya, but it's supposed to be like that. Can you imagine?If the Buddha stayed here forever, then you would not practice. You take everything for granted as long as it is everlasting, easy approach, you know?
Easy get, easy forget. So the Buddha has to go. He has to die, one day or another, one way or another. That is very good for mankind. Don't do the opposite. The Buddha will come in another form, and whoever is very longing for the inner Truth will find that Buddha at that time, okay?Don't worry about mankind: they go on forever.
They will be there when the next Master comes. And, the reason why Ananda, the disciple that was the closest to the Buddha did not hear the question of the Buddha and therefore did not invite him… After the third time the Buddha asked, 『You want…?』He hinted. He said, 『Well, the Buddha can stay in the world forever. You know that?』
But Ananda did not request, and after the third time, he [the Buddha] could not ask anymore. After the third time, if the Buddha requested you something and you did not reply, or you did not comply, then the Buddha cannot ask further - not allowed to ask you any further, not allowed to persuade you to do any further. So everything within the three-times limit.
So, Ananda was the closest disciple of the Buddha, but he was the last one to become enlightened. Why?Just like a marriage. You take your partner for granted. When you see them every day, you don't see the greatness in them. Even though he might be the president of United States or the biggest scientist of the world, you still think of them just as a mere father, mother, husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever.
Same with Ananda; because he was so close to the Buddha, he did not see, he did not pay attention to what the Buddha said. Sometimes he was not attentive. So the great moment came
when the Buddha hinted that he could stay in the world forever, Ananda missed it, and that opportunity never came back again.
So, the Buddha had to go. But that's good. Don't blame Ananda, and don't feel sorry for the Buddha. That's good for the Buddha. First, he didn't suffer long. It's good for mankind, because mankind will have longing. They also know that the Buddha comes and the Buddha has to go one day or another. They have to search, they have to treasure the presence of the Buddha when the Buddha is still alive.
So that's very good for mankind. Don't blame the maya, either. Don't ask any Master to stay too long. It's not necessary, all right?(Thank you.) You are welcome. Master is inside you. If a Master goes, another one will come always. Okay?Don't worry. The world is never without a Master. At least one or two sometimes. Not too many.

* Yes. I don't know if it might be exactly the words, but in the small book of aphorisms coming from Master it's written somewhere that sometimes maya could be also Buddha. Does it mean also that if not a Buddha, will be a Buddha?I don't understand this sentence very well.

Okay. Okay.

*I have some meaning, but I am not sure.

Okay. Tell your meaning. Tell your understanding first.

*My understanding is that even the devil could also become one day good and become also Buddha, because everybody could become a Buddha, even the bad ones, and that's the reason why Buddha is Buddha. But I don't know if it is the meaning exactly.

Well, it's correct in a part of it, in a sense, but the meaning is like this: the maya is also the Buddha. It's like this, because originally everything came from one place -the nothingness, the beginning of all things. So where can the maya have come from if not coming from Godhood, coming from Buddhahood or from the Kingdom of God, okay?
In the beginning, we all were Masters, or part of the Master plan, part of the whole of the creation, like a piece of the whole apple pie, all right?But then each of us carries something individually, different. Like, okay, this one has tomato on it, the next one has mushroom, and the next piece of pizza, that has some olive on it. That's it, okay?And some part is smaller, some part is bigger. Smaller for children to eat, bigger for adults to eat, for example like that.
So, in the beginning, we were all Masters anyhow, or at least we were part of the Masterhood, but then if we want to have fun in the world, then we have to divide ourselves. Each one takes up a different role. So one takes up a role as a Buddha, the other one takes up a role as the opposite of the Buddha.
Just like in a theater play: in the beginning, all the actors, actresses, belong to the same company, but the one who is cut out to be the main actress, she must be so and so beautiful and have so and so figure; and the other one is designed to be a maid and she has to wear such and such dress and behave such and such way and have such and such kind of proportion, the body, things like that.
So we are all the same, but when we descend into a lower level of existence such as this world, then we have to relinquish our right as a Master in order to play another role. So if you play that role too long, it could be possible that you forget everything that you have done in Heaven, or forget what you are, your greatness. That's why I tell you the Master is within you.

Now, if you want to reclaim your Masterhood again, then begin, search inside. For so long you've searched outside in order to fulfill your role, your purpose, whatever, and you forget, okay?So now is the time to look back inside for your own greatness. So maya is actually playing the role of maya for the purpose of balancing the creation, for the purpose of making it `spicy.' If there is no opposite, how would you recognize the other part?
If you have never ever seen a woman in your life, you would not recognize yourself as a man. Therefore, there must be a maya, there must be a Buddha, things like that. That's why all the Masters tell you that you are equal, you are all children of God, or you are all the Buddha, you have all Buddha Nature inside - and that's the only truth there is. Okay?
But that doesn't mean that when you look at somebody doing evil things and you say, 『That is good.』No!Evil is evil, good is good - because for that purpose, they are evil or they are good, and God makes them like that so we know good. If there's no evil, we don't recognize good. Just like when there is no sorrow, we don't know what happiness really means.
So there must be the opposite, what we call 『yin and yang,』so that we can recognize ourselves. Okay?Each one helps the others to recognize their greatness. So no problem about that. You got it?

*Not exactly.

Not exactly? Well, you are the professor. You are so used to complicated explanation and books, so it's difficult for me. Maya is the Buddha, because there is no maya in the beginning. There is only Buddha who masks as the maya in order to play the bad guy, because without trial, without a bad guy, how can you prove you are good?
How can you realize you are good?All the heroes are born from situations; all the medicine and all that genius that came from sickness. If there is no sickness, there's no great doctor, no great medicine, no great discovery. If there's no need for light and industry, then we'd have no discovery of electricity. There is just a purpose of badness in order so that everyone can recognize what goodness is and keep on to it.
But the bad one has done that, has masked himself as a bad one for that purpose so that you be great, so that you know, 『This is bad. I should not do this. I have to keep on with the good one.』Because you compare, you say, 『This is really bad. This is good.』Because if you don't have a bad one to compare, you don't know. You lose your direction and the purpose, so there must be a maya; but they are the Buddhas who mask behind the maya. Got it or not?(Yes.) Oh, good!Bless you. Bless you.
It is abstract and very difficult to understand, that I know, but I am very proud of you that as a professor of your age, and the great university in Belgium, and you have practiced humility enough to ask me this question and to even admit it when you did not understand. I really appreciate that, okay?

*Thank you, Master, for sharing time with us. I've been practicing just Convenient Method several months. I have not been initiated.

* If I see any Light or Sound…

If you see any Light or hear any Sound, right?

*Yes. How can I recognize or judge whether it is true or false?

Okay, when you close your eyes, and you close with a band, like eyesight blinder, it's all dark, right?It's all dark at that time then. When you go to the airplane, they have them, very light - not that you band yourself with a bandage - and then you close it, it's all dark, and suddenly the light flashes. Or there is a point of light moving, and you concentrate on that. Then at least, then you know.

*How about Sounds then?

Sound, you don't have it yet, honey. You are not into the Sound yet. The Sound comes later with the initiation.

*So it has to be the Light first?

Because you are just a beginner, so you have not committed yourself by your vegetarian diet or by your own decision, therefore, we just give you a taste, okay?

*Can I have some questions?

Sure, sure. Please.

*Does our attitude towards death always have to be serious?

What kind of attitude we should have towards death?

*Does it have to be serious, or can you laugh about it?

Well, it depends on how you want to go. You can go laughing...

*But no, it is a question for any death. For doctors, for each kind of situation, for all death, for everything.

I know what you mean, like, you mean the doctors when they see death every day, right?How should they feel, right?

*Not only doctors, all death as well. Should we be this serious about this or not?

*Why is our attitude serious towards death?

Not everybody is. I am not.

* What will be important for myself, if not…

Important for you?Life, not death. Live while you are alive, and the death, when it comes, you can't do anything about it, whether you are serious or not serious - no use. Enjoy your life, while it lasts. That's what I can tell you. There's no death actually, just the change of the body. For as long as you don't come back to this physical body, you feel great: you're in Heaven, you are in the freedom, you're in bliss - you never lack anything at all.
Instead of, like, living in this world in this physical body, you have to clothe it, feed it, take care of it, and give it medicine, vaccinate it, make it up, and make it 『down,』everything, and still, it's not so good. But in the body, after death it's very light, very shining, very léger (light).

You can go anywhere you like in an instant and without… - yes!like that!- without needing a helicopter or booking a train ticket and all that, go through customs and searching all over.

*Okay. That means we should laugh about it.

Ha ha. Yes. But I am afraid at that time you have no more muscles to laugh. Everybody dies almost the same - very tight-lipped - but you can arrange your smile beforehand. Like, you say to the cremator, 『Please stick two toothpicks at both corners of my mouth for me.』They can do everything nowadays, the make-up artists for the death. Don't they?Can't they?Yes. Just pay a little extra money for the two toothpicks.

*It's the first time that I am here.

Me too. I've never been here before.

*I'd like to ask you about an experience I had a couple of years ago. Actually, I went through a very difficult time of my life and I came out of this time, and after a couple of months I talked to my cousin about it - and she was very much into meditation at that time as well - and she gave me a massage and then she said she's going to give me some energy with her hands on my head.
And when she was in front of my forehead, I kind of switched off and saw myself sitting on a train, like going inside of a mountain and going down in circles, and it was getting faster and faster, and faster. I felt I went through the whole time of my life again, the bad time. (The bad time?)

No, I went through a big crisis. (Only the bad time?)

When she moved in front of you, you re-experienced all the pain?(Yes, kind of.) This is a kind of hypnotism. (Yes.) People use that in therapy.

*All right. It went on. So I woke up that way and I just wanted to get out of this feeling, (That's good.) and my cousin said, like, 『Sit down and pray for this white light,』and I really had this very strong feeling here in front of me and I had this purple opal ring, and this white light came and it was just like... basically it was a feeling of 『everything exists at the same time,』like good and bad.

So you want to go back to that kind of painful past experience again?(No.) That's what you call experience?

*No. I just... The good experience I think about is this white light actually.

The white light will come when you let go of the past black light, okay?Let go of the attachment for the past experience, and let go of the expectation. For when you expect, your mind's occupied with thinking like, 『okay, I want to have that again』-keeps thinking and arguing
and intellectualizing all the time and you can't concentrate.
In our meditation, you should just relax and wait. The Light is there all the time anyhow. Just make sure you are awake when it comes, that's all. The white Light is the third level anyhow - it's not a big deal - but you had reached the third level at that time; you came back down again.

*People tend to travel in their sleeping time and find that they return very, very fast, causing them concern, which perhaps stops other people from repeating the experiences as well. Can you perhaps elaborate on this for us?

Why do you fear about that?

*No, it's the coming back. Sometimes you come down too fast, you are falling too fast.

You're still here.

*Yes. (So?) So, there's no problem there?

I don't see any. Do you?

*No. None.

All right.

*Thank you.

You are welcome. Everyone, individually, must experience different kinds of heavenly encounter and take what yours is. Be brave: you're going into the unknown, you are going into the beyond. You go beyond this world, beyond the touch and seeing and smell and that kind of world. So be prepared. Go faster if you can. No problem. You all worry about everything that's really non-existent. Don't worry about the body. Even if the body has to go, let it be.

*Dear Master, when I'm in meditation, I got a lot of power in my body. I feel... sometimes I don't know what should I do?I feel like running, running.

Yes, so powerful. You feel energized, right?

*I feel so strong, healthy.

I know. I know.

*My question is: While reading Master's book, I feel your book is like a history book - some very, very old history person writing the book - so knowledgeable and with wisdom, and logical. So when I saw you today, you look like a young girl, (Thank you.) so lovely. I feel I want to kiss you, like that.

*Just feel passion; you are so lovely.

*Everybody respects you. I think it's the same as my feeling probably for everybody in here. So, do you have passion?If people love you, what should you do?You are pretty, you are young, you are a Master, you are famous in the world.

*If people like... For example, people love you, have you got passion ?You don't... I don't know how I can explain, because you are a human being, too, and human beings…

Yes. Do I have passion?(Yes.) Yes, I do. (Thank you.)

You are welcome. Talk so long and just ask that question?
You think I am wood or made of concrete or what?I told you, I get all the things that you get. I did not lose anything, I just gained more wisdom.

*Do you feel all the pressure?(Yes, I do.) Because millions of people love you...(Yes, I do.)
When I read your magazine, you said everybody....

I understand now. Understand. You mean you expect that I am very old, all wrinkled - I do have some, but not that much yet - and a beard and all that?I am getting old also, you know?Just that my face probably doesn't look that old sometimes.

*You are so lovely. You're a professional artist, so lovely. That's why I find that all the… why people love you. You have a lot of color on your...

No, it depends on what kind. Yes, yes. I understand, I tell you straight. If the love is kind of general love and respect, with no condition imposed, no expectation on me, then it's very, very beautiful, it's very harmonious and very blissful for me. It's a blessing - but if there is a kind of selfish love imposed upon me, then I feel pressure, very much.

*Everyone loves you, wants to see you or wants to be around you, listen to you, so you have no time for yourself. Do you?

I sneak out for TV and movie sometimes.

*That's why we worry about you, a lot, a lot. (Don't worry.)

Thank you so much. Don't worry. I'm supposed to bring you happiness, not worry, okay?I can take care of myself. I am strong. I am down sometimes, but that's just the way of life. You can't just have `always up.' It's okay. When I am in pain I scream, and when I am happy, I laugh - just take it as it comes. No problem. God will never let me be out of breath for too long. Hes will give me an oxygen mask. When I nearly die, Hes says, 『Okay, here. Get it. Five minutes.』

*So, I feel Master's like an angel.

Angel?Angel-like Master. I feel that. I am both. Actually, when we practice we become younger, energetic and uplifted. When people are uplifted and positive, they look younger, more lovely; everybody likes an uplifted person. Nobody likes a miserable and uptight personality, that's all, okay?
And most of the time, when I am with you I am very happy because I am honored by doing the job that's assigned to me, and when I see your lovely face, your loving glance, and your satisfied smile of seeing me, then I cannot be miserable, I cannot think of any sadness anymore. So, most of the time when you see me talking to you, you always see me very happy and smiling, and that makes me look younger and more lovely, like every of you. All right?Just natural. Thank you for the compliment anyhow. 


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