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Three Fundamental Issues in Life   

How are you? (Fine.)

Let me tell you. I also need to practice being a Master, or I will forget. Really! I have not seen you for two or three weeks, and I forgot who I was. I felt so strange, and I wondered why you came to see me. And then I began to have a vague idea that “I am the Master, that's why you have come to see me.

However, this idea was so vague, like it's a dream. Did you come to see me in a dream? Or am I seeing you in my dream? We are both in a dream. It is odd! I forgot who I was long ago, but you still remember. Strange! Today I feel very touched. You are so sincere and loyal, but I am not loyal to myself. I forsook this position long ago, but you still come here crying, so I have no choice. Okay.

Now we have another story about a king. Do you want to hear the king's story? (Yes!) The king's story is better. We can hope that we come back as a king in our next life.

Recently in Mainland China, I heard that some girls who were born poor committed suicide in order to be quickly reborn as wealthy, noble people in the city. The story was published in the newspapers. I felt upset when I learned about it. If these girls were taught correctly, they would have known that one's birthplace cannot be changed just by a simple thought.

One cannot be liberated from the current suffering this way. If we want to be very rich, we should do a lot of charity work right now. “As you sow, so shall you reap.” If we want to open our wisdom, we should sign up for initiation, keep the precepts and a vegan diet, meditate every day, and seek to know our True Nature and seek wisdom within.

I could also give you wisdom, but after a short while you would forget it all because we have been ignorant life after life. In just a short while, our habits would come back and cause trouble for us, making us confused. For that short period of time, we have the wisdom, which is stored in our memory, blessing us. However, it is not enough. We need to practice every day.

Otherwise, why did Shakyamuni Buddha bother to teach people to follow the precepts? His monastic practitioners even had to observe 250 precepts. Understand? They already saw the Buddha in person, so why should they still bother to observe the precepts and keep the vegetarian diet? Why did they have to meditate every day?

Take Ananda for example: he was acclaimed as the most knowledgeable or the most eloquent disciple. He spent every day with Shakyamuni Buddha for 25 years, but he was still not very enlightened. After the Buddha passed away, no one pampered him anymore and he got scolded by his monastic brothers.

Only then did he feel ashamed. So he locked himself in a cave and meditated the whole night with sincerity and concentration and then he became enlightened the next day. You see, you cannot have wisdom instantly. We originally have this wisdom, but it is buried under a lot of garbage. We become attached to the garbage and we forget our original jewel.

Therefore, wisdom may not appear even if we seek it. We have to be very sincere and humble. It is very difficult to find a Buddha, which means our Buddha Nature. It is difficult, but not impossible. We have to figure out a way and then practice it every day. We meditate every day to find our Original Self within until we can completely remember what it is.

Then we will never forget it again and we will never once more fall into that ignorant state. Okay. Now let us see how other people seek their wisdom. How did a king in ancient times seek his wisdom?

We all know how to find our wisdom, so we don't have to ask this question anymore. Now let us see how other people found it. Let's see what the kings or people in high positions needed to do when they wanted to find their wisdom.


Long, long ago, there was a king. He is not around anymore, so there's no need to look for him. Most of the kings are not around anymore. However, most people still seek fame and fortune, even though we already know that all the legendary kings, heroes, and men of valor are gone. We can't even find their graves, let alone their bones or some trace of their DNA.

But most of us still chase after the illusion of fame and fortune and then forget our great Original Self, our most magnificent throne. Among such people was a king from ancient times. He was the king; he was very happy and he had everything he ever wanted. He had many attendants and he lacked nothing. However, one day, perhaps the royal cook served him lousy food or perhaps he had an argument with his concubines, so he was in a very bad mood.

When you are feeling low, you tend to seek your Original Self within. Isn't that right? Normally, when we are feeling great, we don't pray to God. Right? We even forget about Hiers name. Only when we are in great difficulty and when we feel really bad do we get on our knees and pray, “Oh, please! I really need Your help. If You really exist, please prove it to me!” Things like that.

Then Hes might help us, so we would feel, “Hey! God seems to exist after all! That Being or that Buddha seems to exist.” So on that day, the king was feeling upset. Perhaps things in his court got difficult; perhaps there were many disasters or there were many rebellions, or there was a lot of trouble in his palace because he had too many concubines… You have only one or two wives and already you can't bear it. Right?

No, one is still okay, but two is unbearable, let alone having two or three thousand wives. Some kings even had twenty or thirty thousand. Right? Of course there were bound to be problems.

When we read history, we wonder how the kings survived. They must have been really capable. With one or two wives, you already have headaches. How could the king handle so many wives? As I said last time, they just collected beauties and let them get moldy in the palace.

We can call those beauties “moldy beauties” because they were moldy. Perhaps on that day, all of his two or three thousand concubines went on strike, or they were disobedient or they refused to dance for him, he was very upset, so he sat there reflecting on his Self nature within.

After contemplating on his nose for some time, he concluded that there were three questions in his life, and if he could find the answers, he would definitely become a happy man and definitely would have the power to benefit his country more. Moreover, the vexations in his mind would be alleviated. He thought that if he could find the answers to these three questions, he would never fail in anything he might undertake and there would be no questions that he could not answer.

So, here are the three questions.

The first question was: What is the right time to begin everything? What is the best time to do things? The second question was: Who is the right person to work with? Which person is most important to us? That means a partner. The third question was: What is the most important thing to do? That means “what is the thing that we should do every day, every moment?” What is the most important matter in our life 24/7?

He thought these three questions were of paramount importance. The three answers were even more important. If he could get the answers, he would definitely pacify and control the whole world. However, he had no answers to his own questions; he could not answer them himself. Perhaps we ordinary people would often ask these questions, too. Right?

For instance, “what is the best time for us to do something?” Perhaps he could find the answer through divination. There was no need to think too much. Just look for divination in a local deity's temple, and toss two shoes on the floor. We Formosan (Taiwanese) are good at handling these things. So are the Chinese, the Aulacese (Vietnamese), and all Asian people. Divination is the simplest solution.

There was once a person who went to a local deity's temple to consult the gods about his future marriage. He was in love with a girl, but she had a mole on her face that signifies bad luck, so he was worried that bad luck would come after marrying her. So that man tried divination at the local deity's temple. The first result was negative, the second one was also negative, the third one was still negative. On the tenth try, he finally got a positive answer.

The local deity was exhausted, so he put both shoes in the positive direction. Both shoes were put in the positive direction, so the man went home to marry the girl and let the local deity take responsibility. We also often have these three questions. For instance, we want to do a certain thing, but we don't know when the auspicious time is.

When we need to cut the ribbon for an opening ceremony, we also check for an auspicious day. For instance, I would ask, “What month is it?” He would say, “It is May.” “What day?” “The ninth.” I would say, “Oh! Nine-five! Wonderful. Let's cut it immediately.” Also, “What is the best time?” He'd say, “Usually here in our place, noon is the best.” So I would say, “Okay! Let's cut it at noon.” It is very simple.

If we believe with all our heart that this is the best time, then it will be the best time. Otherwise, even if it is an auspicious day, but we are doubtful in our hearts, then there will not be good results. Sometimes, we want to start a business and we want to find a partner who has professional skills, but we don't know a suitable person, so we also have to ask ourselves which person is the best choice for us, the most beneficial and the best partner for our business.

The same also applies to when we want to do other things. Sometimes, there are too many things to do, because there is so much suffering in the world, so we also ask ourselves, "What is the most important thing to do?" Then we won't feel hesitant. We will do it wholeheartedly.

So, not only did that king ask these three questions, we ordinary people also often ask these questions. Isn't that right? (Yes.) Have you found the three most important answers to these questions?

(Meditation.) Meditation!
That's too simple.
Our six-year-old kids can say that. You have meditated for so long, but still you cannot answer. That's right! One day I also said to my attendants, “I think perhaps you have been meditating too hard. Perhaps all of you are okay now, so you may not need to meditate or have group meditation anymore. Is that okay with you?” He said, “I don't think so.

I heard that group meditation yields lots of merit.” You have improved a little bit, haven't you? Have you? (Yes.) Really? (Yes.)

Is the meditation really useful? (Yes.) Okay, I believe you. Spiritual practitioners must not tell lies. Is it really useful? (Yes.)

Okay. That king was pondering over these three questions all the time. He thought for a very long time, but he was not enlightened and could not find the answers. Finally, he issued a notice and displayed it everywhere to let his people know that anyone who could find the answers to these three questions would be generously rewarded, and that he would give the person lots of wealth, lots of land and a high position, etc.

 Having read the notice, many people went to the palace to try to help the king. Everyone gave him different answers, but the king didn't like them. He was neither satisfied by nor happy with the answers.

 For instance, in reply to the first question, a person suggested that the king make a very detailed timetable. The king was asking when the most suitable time was to do things. So he taught the king to design a very meticulous timetable, listing what to do right down to the second.

And then the king should follow this timetable to do things every day. He thought that only then could the king get everything done at the proper time. But then another person told the king that it would be impossible to decide beforehand the right time for every action. All kinds of things could come up the next day.

How could the king know beforehand what he had to do? If he made a timetable and some unexpected things happened, or there were urgent situations, how could the king stick to his timetable and still manage such special situations?

How could he manage important state affairs? Therefore, the second man suggested that the king forsake all his pleasures and be on constant standby, attending to everything that was going on and then he would know the right thing to do.

Another person had different ideas. He said it was impossible for the king to foretell and solve what would happen in the future. Even when something happened, he might not be able to figure out what to do at that time.

Therefore, he suggested that the king call together a huge assembly with a lot of wise people so that they could advise the king what to do at anytime and in any place. The king could consult them, and this would be better.

By listening to these wise people, the king would be okay. Most kings do this. Right? But then someone else didn't agree. He said that there would be many things that needed to be decided immediately. It was impossible to wait for a large group of people to meet and then discuss or debate.

Sometimes there could be a lot of disputes, etc., and then time would be wasted and the king would not be able to make a truly good decision. Therefore, he thought if the king really wanted to know what would happen in the future, he should find a clairvoyant to be near him 24 hours a day.

If anything was going to happen, he could quickly alert the king so that the king would have enough time to make important decisions. For the first question, many people provided answers, but good answers were few. There were also various answers to the second question.

One person said that the king should completely trust his officials and let them make all the decisions. He would only need to give his seal of approval. It would be okay even if his officials made the decisions first and then he put his stamp on them later.

He would need to completely trust them. Another person said that the king should consult monks, priests, and nuns, etc., because they were spiritual practitioners who were more peaceful and who had better communication with God or Buddha.

Therefore, he should just entrust all affairs of the state to them. There were some people who suggested that doctors were more knowledgeable, and so he should just consult them when anything happened. So strange! These were affairs of the state, not bodily ailments.

They were really crazy. Another person was even worse. He suggested leaving all the important matters to the generals and let them fight it out. If they could not reach an agreement, then just fight it out. Many people came up with all kinds of strange ideas. Then it came to the third question.

Do you remember what the third question was? The second question was “who the best person is to work with?” There were different ideas: some suggested the monks, some suggested the doctors, some suggested the officials, some suggested the generals who were good at fighting battles.

The third question was: In our daily life, what is the most important matter for us 24 hours a day? That means something that needs to be done all the time. What is the most important thing to do 24 hours a day? Perhaps what he meant was, “What is the most important thing at any given moment of time?”

He wanted to single out that one thing. For example, there are many things to do. We have many matters and problems to handle around the clock. How can we single out the most important and the best thing to do? Isn't that right? That is what it means.

Sometimes, their translation is not very clear, so I have to explain it. So, this question is: How do we know in our daily life what is the most important thing to handle or to do? This question also attracted many different answers from people; they had different ideas.

For instance, some said that in our daily life, no matter what, science was the most important thing. “If we must choose, then science was the most important and indispensable thing.” Another person said religious belief was the most essential and indispensable thing for humans.

 Others suggested that the most important thing was dancing, and some said war strategies. Although the king was rather dumb, he was not contented with these answers. He was still not happy, so he didn't give the reward to anyone. After several nights, he still could not find answers that pleased and satisfied him.

One day, he heard about a hermit practicing in seclusion on a certain mountain, perhaps on the hill. The king heard that he had great wisdom.

Finally, the king decided to visit this hermit; however, the king also knew that this hermit usually received no one but ordinary people. He would not receive officials or rich and powerful people, and he avoided dealing with such people as much as possible. Therefore, the king hesitated.

He knew this hermit always refused to see rich and powerful people; he preferred to see ordinary people, common people. Nonetheless, he wanted to give it a try, but he worried that he might be refused. Therefore, he took off his royal robe and crown, changed his attire, and disguised himself as an ordinary farmer.

He then went up the hill alone, telling his bodyguards to wait for him at the foot of the hill, not at the main access but by the main road downhill. He climbed up alone.


When he reached the top, he saw this hermit monk tilling the soil in the field. He was turning the soil in order to plant something in his garden. Seeing this stranger, the hermit nodded and greeted him and continued tilling the soil.

While he was turning the soil,the king observed that this old man was not very strong and it was rather difficult for him to turn the soil. The task was a bit too hard for him. He was having difficulty breathing, panting audibly. Yet,since the king always got anything he wanted immediately, he did not tarry with words,so he said,

『I came here to ask you three questions. The first question is: What is the right time to do the right thing? If I want to do something, I need to know the best moment to do it. Secondly: Who is the best partner for me to do things with? Who is this most important person? How do I find the most suitable person to do different tasks with? And then the third one is: In this world,in our life, what affairs are the most important?』

The hermit monk listened to him very attentively, however,he said nothing. He just patted the king's shoulder. Fortunately, he didn't know the man was the king, otherwise,he wouldn't have dared to pat him. Do you know why? Because the bad karma (retribution) would have been too heavy.

After patting him, his hand would hurt for three days. So,after patting the king's shoulder, he continued to turn the soil, so he could plant things. Standing on one side, the king said,『It seems that you are very tired. You must be very tired, aren't you? Please sit down,sit down. Let me work a while for you.』

The hermit didn't stand on ceremony and just handed the hoe to the king,and then went to sip some tea. The king said, 『Okay! Have a seat.』 After turning two rows of soil,the king went back to the hermit and repeated his three questions. The hermit again gave no answer,but got up and took his hoe back, saying,

『Perhaps you are tired. Now I will resume my work.』 However,the king felt pity for the old man, so he refused to give the hermit his hoe back. He continued to help him turn the soil. It was good that the king did this,right? It was rare for a king to do manual labor, and it was rare for him to take pity on people.

It showed that the king was still curable. One hour passed, and another,until finally the sun was setting. The king laid down his hoe and said to the hermit,『I came here to ask you three important questions. However,if you cannot give me the answers, please let me know and I will go home and stop bothering you.』

Suddenly,the hermit asked the king,『Did you hear the noise of many people running around? There were some loud clashing sounds.』 The king turned around and saw someone there. They both saw the person, a rather old man. The man was holding his abdomen,stumbling out of the forest. He was injured and stumbling.

When he reached them he suddenly fell in front of the king and he kept moaning. He moaned very loudly because he was in great pain. The king moved the man's hands away and discovered that he was seriously injured.

The king then helped him clean his wounds. He tore off a piece of cloth from his own clothes to dress the man's wound. But because the man was bleeding too much, the king had to repeatedly wash the cloth and re-bandage the wound until the bleeding stopped.

Suddenly the wounded person came to and asked for some water. So the king went to the Nectar River, fetched a bottle of water and gave some to the man. By then the sun had completely set behind the hill. It became cold, so the king and the hermit carried the wounded man into the hermit's hut and laid him on the hermit's bed.

The injured person lay there and closed his eyes to rest. The king was also exhausted. He wanted to go home, but by now he was too tired. He had spent the whole day plowing the field. Never before had he worked so hard. He'd also treated the injured person, even though he was not a doctor,and had had to carry him too. Usually, it was other people who carried him. That's karmic retribution.

The king leaned against the wall and fell asleep snoring. When he woke up, the sun had already risen to the top of the hill. At that moment, he suddenly seemed to have forgotten everything. He had forgotten who he was, as well as why he had come to that place. He could only remember that an injured person was lying there.

Then he saw the injured person. The man was also looking around,feeling very strange and wondering why he was lying there. This often happens to injured people; after the shock, people tend to forget. Due to the hard struggle and pain, when they wake up later, they have forgotten what happened to them.

But only for a short time; they will remember later. Suddenly, the injured person saw the king sitting there. As you know that the king was in disguise at that time; he looked just like an ordinary farmer. However,when the injured person saw the king, he kept looking at him and staring at him.

In a very feeble voice, he said to the king, 『Please forgive me.』 The king was surprised and said,『What have you done that you have to ask for my forgiveness?』 The man then said, 『Of course you don't know me, Your Majesty. You don't know me.』 He knew the king! It was similar to the incident when I went to buy shoes.

Do you remember that story? I wrapped myself up to here,showing only a little bit of my eyes, my hat was down to here and here,but the guy still recognized me. He asked the people next to me,『Is this Supreme Master Ching Hai?』 Remember? I was wearing a track suit with an oversized jacket on top like those you are wearing,and it was zipped up to here. 『Supreme Master Ching Hai!』

 I thought he wanted to seek the Truth, but instead he wanted to get the winning Lotto number. At that time,I didn't have a hoe to give him. I just gave him $500NT and then rushed off with my shoes. Perhaps when he went home,played lotto with the number 『500』.

 So the man said, 『Of course Your Majesty doesn't know me, but I know you. I am your archenemy! I had sworn to take your life because you killed my younger brother in the war and you seized all my property.

So,when I learned that you were coming here alone today to visit this hermit, I decided to come here and wait for you to come down the hill and then I would kill you. However,after waiting for a long time, I still didn't see you come down,so I left my ambush hideout and came here to find you.

But before I could find you, I ran into your entourage, your imperial guards, and they recognized me. They wounded me. I was fighting hard with them,and thank God, I still had some luck. I managed to escape and came to this place. If I hadn't seen you, I surely would have died. But you saved me.

You cleaned my wound and bandaged it. Originally,I wanted to kill you,but instead you saved my life. So now,I feel very ashamed and I am very grateful to you. I have no words to express my gratitude. If I survive,I swear that I will be your servant forever to repay your grace and to compensate you for my mistakes, for my wrong thinking.』

He said,『Please give me your word of forgiveness.』 What he meant was that he wanted to be pardoned formally. Hearing his words,the king was very delighted! With such ease he had made peace with an archenemy and became good friends with him. Therefore,the king not only forgave the person, but promised to return all his property to him.

Also,he would send the imperial physician to his home to take care of his injuries. He would also send many servants to his place to wait on him until his injuries were fully healed. Then he ordered his servants to come - because they had chased him up there - he ordered them to escort him back home.

Then the king went again to find the hermit and repeated his three questions. He found that the hermit was sowing seeds in the field they had plowed yesterday. He was silent,as if nothing had happened. When the hermit monk saw the king,he looked into the king's eyes and said,『But you have already been answered!』

The king said, 『How? When?』 The hermit said, 『Think about it and you will know.』 The king thought for a long time,using his nose,eyes,knees, and his heart to think. He even used his solar plexus to think, but it was no use. He should have used his wisdom eye to think. Right?

 However,he still had no idea what the wisdom eye was,so he used the other organs to think,but he couldn't think of anything. He said,『Would you please just tell me?』 Then the hermit said, 『Yesterday,if you had not taken pity on me, this old man, if you had not plowed the field for me, if you had left in disappointment or anger because I didn't answer you,or if you had felt very agitated and very impatient and rushed down the hill, you would have been killed by your enemy.

 And then,even if you were not dead, you would have regretted not having stayed with me or helped me. Therefore, the most important time was when you were here helping me to turn the soil. And I was the most important person who cooperated with you and helped you. The most important person was me.

 And the most important matter at that time was to help me.』 In this way,he answered all of the king's questions. He continued,『Later, when the injured person ran to us, the most important time was when you were cleaning and dressing his wound. If you had not helped him with love,he would have surely died. Then you would have lost an opportunity to make peace with your most deadly enemy.』

You know that if this peace had not been attained,there would have been karmic retribution. The two of them would have had to come back as enemies again. They would still fight with each other. Perhaps when they fought, many lives would be lost, not just theirs.

So it was fortunate that he'd reached peace with the enemy,and everything was fine then. So the hermit said, 『Therefore,at that time, this person was the most important person to you and at that moment, the best thing to do, for the best intention, was to take good care of the wound in his abdomen.

Therefore,you should have realized by now that there is only one time that is important: Now! Now is the most important time because it is the only time over which you have any power to control. You cannot control the future,and the past has already passed.

So,at this moment, you should just do what you have to do,and do it with all your heart. That is the most important time. And the most important person is the person you are with at that moment. At any time,the person right next to you is the most important person at that moment.』

 He went on to say,『If you do not pay full attention to the person in front of you now, how do you know whether you will have another chance or time to have dealings with anyone else? Therefore,the most important person is the person right in front of you at any given time.』

And then he said, 『The most important purpose, or the most important thing to do,is to make the person who is in front of you now feel happy. That is the most important goal in our life.』 Now do you understand?

Do you know who wrote this story? Leo Tolstoy! Do you know him? A very famous Russian citizen,the one who wrote 『War and Peace.』 Okay,that's him. He wrote this story. He often wrote these kinds of stories.

We are also delighted to read them. I often read Chinese stories to you,so now we read stories from the West to see if there is any difference. There is no difference. You see,morals are respected in any country. Even vicious people also like morals and respect moral people. Okay. All right. That's enough. It is just past three o'clock. Have I explained it clearly enough? (Very clearly!)

The conclusion is that when any person is close to us, we should do our best to make him happy, to make him satisfied and delighted. That is the most important thing. It is so simple. That is why God says, 『Love your neighbor,』 or 『Love your enemies.』

When someone is in front of you, just love that person. Do not misunderstand, though. This love is not the kind of passion that binds people. We should transcend the level of human passions. The mundane love may look very similar to God's loving power, but when we love with that universal and unconditional love, it is more immense and it will not give us that kind of pressure or that kind of obligation. It won't make us feel that we are obliged; it won't give us those negative feelings of jealousy and possession.

Therefore,you see, most love affairs are very painful. Even the love of parents for their children is very painful. They feel very hurt when their children do not listen to them. The way children love their parents is also very painful.

If you love someone without being loved back,it is very painful. If you love someone and that person loves you, it is also very painful,etc. And when several people love one person, it is also painful. If one person is in love with several people, that's even more painful. Everything is very painful, very troublesome.

Only God's love,or the love for the whole world, can give us more happiness. Okay. I hope you will find that love, the sooner the better.

All right. Now you meditate for half an hour. I will sit here with you while you are meditating. I heard some fellow initiates say that you always look forward to Sundays so you can eat here. It is better to tell the truth.

Do you cook at home? Some of you don't know how to cook? Buy cookbooks. First,learn the basics, then buy cookbooks and read them,and then you will remember. If you find it too difficult, try to cook three dishes a week. It is all right to repeat them.

Change to a new dish every two or three days. After two or three days, change to a new dish. Repeat them like this and you will remember how to cook them. After a month, you will have memorized a few dishes by heart.

Then the following month, try another ten dishes. First,try the dishes that you remember. It's not too boring if you change to a new dish every three or four days,is it? If you just keep changing dishes this way, two to three times a week,or five to six times a month, you will be able to memorize them. After some time,you won't need to refer to the cookbooks anymore.

In one year's time, you will be able to cook for a king! You can memorize them. As you learn more,you will get more used to it, and then you can come up with many variations. You can modify one dish and make it into several different dishes. We will become more talented and have greater confidence,then we can cook anything. I heard that they will publish the cookbook called 『Supreme Kitchen』 soon.

You can give those recipes a try. Some of the dishes are very simple,not difficult. For instance,if you find that some of the dishes are too difficult, then don't try them. You try the simpler recipes first, the ones with only five or six lines; they should be enough.

Some recipes take up a whole page for the cooking method and ingredients. A whole page. When you see it, you'll just get confused. You'll add this and forget that, so give it a try first. Those who don't know how to cook, or men,first… Men should also try.

Cooking is very simple. Our monks here, the so-called monks,do their own cooking now. They think the girls outside don't cook well, so wherever they go, they hurry to build a kitchen. I don't have time; I'm very busy. But they still want to build a kitchen,so they can cook for themselves. They feel better and more free if they cook for themselves, and they don't have to depend on women to survive. They decided to be independent.

Therefore,you can try it. First,try those very simple or very familiar dishes that you have seen me cook before. I think they have recorded some of those on video. Those are not all the dishes that I can cook, but I cannot cook every day just for you to record on video. I also feel shy. Besides,I do not feel that cooking is the most important thing to do in the world.

To be a Master,you need to know how to sing, how to dance, how to cook, how to raise children, how to feed big 『children』 and how to teach other people how to be a good wife or husband. I need to know many things. All right. Let's meditate. Otherwise, if we waste time, our conscience will feel bad when we eat.

I wore a hat so that you would know where to look. You know? Look at my head here. The Jews, the believers of Judaism, always wear a hat. Sometimes,the hats are too heavy, so they just wear a small symbolic one on the top of their heads, to remind them to remember God, the Most High. That's right. Our wisdom is inside our head,right?

  A Modern Master 
 The Best Way to Treat Each Other 


Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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