Rudolph's Rainbow Cake of Wishes (In Korean)   
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  • Ground white rice flour
  • Strawberry powder
  • Green tea powder
  • Cocoa powder
  • Yellow pumpkin powder
  • Sugar


    1. Pour the rice flour into 5 different bowls.
    2. In the 1st bowl, pour in strawberry powder. Stir it evenly.
    3. In the 2nd bowl, pour in green tea powder. Stir it evenly.
    4. In the 3rd bowl, pour in cocoa powder. Stir it evenly.
    5. In the 4th bowl, pour in yellow pumpkin powder. Stir it evenly.
    6. Leave the 5th bowl by itself.
    7. Put sugar into each bowl, stir it well.
    8. In the steamer, place a wet cloth there so the cake doesn’t stick and comes off easily.
    9. Place the white flour layer in first, spread it evenly.
    10. Then place the pink flour layer in, spread it evenly.
    11. Then place the green flour layer in, spread it evenly.
    12. Then place the yellow flour layer in, spread it evenly.
    13. Finally place the brown flour layer in, spread it evenly.
    14. Pour water inside the large steamer. Then, put the cake on top. As the water boils, the rice cake can be steamed in 25 minutes on hight heat.
    15. Poke it with a chopstick to check if it’s well done. It is done if the dough doesn’t stick on the chopstick.

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