Pizza with Raw Chef & Author Elaina Love, Part 1: Crust & Sauce    Part 1
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Part 2 Play with flash player Play with windows media
Pizza Crust
3 cups chopped zucchini
½ cup extra-virgin
organic olive oil
1 cup soaked almonds
(½ cup pre-soaked)
½ teaspoon salt
(Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt)
Flaxmeal (ground flax seed)

Sauce Ingredients:
1 cup soaked sundried tomatoes
2 Medjool dates
1 small chopped tomato
1 medium-sized clove of garlic
1/16 onion or 1 shallot
¼ teaspoon Italian seasoning
¼ teaspoon oregano
7 basil leaves
1 teaspoon salt
(Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt)

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