Honeybee crisis deepens. - 26 Mar 2010  
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Honeybee crisis deepens.
This past winter on Vancouver Island, Canada, the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Lands noted a staggering 90% loss of the vital winged insects. A longer summer season due to climate change is thought to have weakened the bees’ immunity as they worked overtime collecting pollen to further the species of
both flowers and foods consumed by humans.

As scientists raise concerns about the Vancouver Island decline spreading further inland, a recently published study in the USA, where bees continue to perish from the malady known as Colony Collapse Disorder, found unprecedented levels of chemical pesticides in their North American beehive homes.

The nation’s federal courts have issued a ruling in support of more stringent regulations. Canadian and US researchers, we appreciate this message of alert to the dying honeybees, and are also grateful to all scientists and officials working to protect them.

Our prayers that humans everywhere turn to the organic, vegan diet as the best way to spare resources and protect all life. As during an August 2008 international gathering, Supreme Master Ching Hai has long indicated that troubled species such as the bees show the need for urgent, necessary lifestyle
changes to stabilize the Earth’s ecosystems.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: My God, now the continued decline of bees has affected the food now. This is nothing new, but they keep reporting it’s getting worse all the time.

Because if there are no bees, there is no pollination. And then some food, some fruits and some vegetables depend  on the pollination to bear fruits. And now a lot of bees have died We might have no food because of no pollination. So you guys maybe just start planting something at home. Some things that don’t need the bees.

But this is terrible, this is such a disaster The people don’t take care of the environment, and let all beings keep dying like this.

Just to be vegan, how difficult can it be? Is it difficult? Even if it is, this is the only choice we have to survive, then why not?

Why not  just change to the vegan diet?


Earth Hour 2010: Switching off the lights turns on hope for cooling the planet.
With global warming being felt everywhere in the world, cities, communities, organizations, businesses and individuals are showing their commitment to protect our future by turning off their lights for one hour this Saturday, March 27, 2010. The event will begin at 8:30 pm local time across the globe, with participation planed from over 120 nations.

Since its launch three years ago by the World Wildlife Fund in Sydney, Australia, Earth Hour has leaped forward in expansion, as Leslie Aun, Managing Director of Earth Hour US, told Supreme Master Television in a phone interview.

Leslie Aun, Managing Director of Earth Hour US (F): It's grown amazingly through the years. This year, we're anticipating participation in more than 120 countries.

We are really expecting literally hundreds millions of people to take part. Honduras, Madagascar, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, and Cambodia, and the Czech Republic, every year we add new countries, we add new landmarks.

Mount Rushmore this year, Niagara Falls, the Forbidden City in China, so it just continues to gain momentum and gain excitement. Our goal is just to continue reminding people and getting people to express their concern and their commitment for action.

It's the only planet we've got; we've got to look after it.

VOICE: We thank Managing Director Aun, the World Wildlife Fund, and all those involved as we look forward to taking part in Earth Hour at 8:30 pm on Saturday, March 27, 2010.

May this exciting event inspire people the world over toward the necessary actions to save our planet. You can find out more about Earth Hour at www.earthhour.org.

Extra News
US and Italian researchers report a drastic drop in New Zealand’s unique Ross Sea orca whale, a decline that they link to the nation’s toothfishing industry, with dwindling toothfish numbers as well.

Finding that dolphins off Israel’s coast are being endangered by trawling practices that cause them to be caught and killed in nets, Israeli researchers call for more marine reserves where fishing is banned.

Due to a combination of increasing population and climate change, experts in Lebanon warn that without swift resource management assistance, water could run out within four years.

As New Zealand’s North Island faces the worst drought in six decades, the Far North District Council prohibits activities such as commercial car washing and hose use, to prevent the area from running completely out of water.  