More evidence of life-sustaining conditions on Mars. - 8 Jun 2010  
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More evidence of life-sustaining conditions on Mars.
Research by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has shown that the planet is home to rocks rich in carbonate minerals, which form in the presence of water. Dr. Richard Morris from the Johnson Space Center in Houston led the study, which was based on a new analysis of data from NASA’s Exploration Rover.

Previous explorations had already indicated the presence of carbonate minerals, but the most recent analysis showed a full 25% carbonate by weight, or 10 times higher than what was known before.

Dr Morris stated, “It looks like Mars had a dense carbon dioxide atmosphere, so there was some kind of greenhouse effect. The atmosphere now is very thin, - it could have blown into space or it could have interacted with water and is now present in the rocks.”

Confirming evidence of water on Mars helps scientists answer a larger question about the planet’s ability to host life.

The European Space Agency will be seeking further clues in its upcoming ExoMars mission, which plans to send a rover vehicle in 2018.

The probe will be equipped with special instruments that can detect organic molecules as well as microscopic fossil formations of living beings.

Dr. Morris, National Aeronautics and Space Administration and European Space Agency scientists, this is indeed fascinating!  We look forward to more understanding of the mysteries of our planetary neighbor, which also provide insights into life on Earth.

In an October 2009 videoconference in Hong Kong, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared further thoughts about the past greenhouse gas crisis on Mars while reminding of the urgent need for humanity to take action in protecting our planetary home.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: According to planetary scientists, Mars and Venus were probably like planet Earth at an earlier time; they had a comfortable atmosphere, warmer temperatures, oceans and lots of water.

There is evidence that both of them experienced extreme climate changes. Thus today we see that Mars’ surface looks like there had been oceans, mountains, and rivers carved into them, even though there is hardly any living atmosphere left.

I have been able to contact the people in Mars; their ancestors were the survivors of the global warming catastrophe. They kindly gave us permission to share their sad past experience that it was their meat diet, their other unpleasant habits, their livestock production that emitted too much hot and poisonous gas, which triggered the release of other greenhouse gases from huge stores under the soil and ocean.

So tragically, the vast majority of people on Mars perished within a short time, along with the animals and plant life.

Our planet is also facing a similar fate very soon. If we all become vegan and live a virtuous, compassionate life, it won’t happen.

Our planet will not follow this fate of Mars and Venus and instead, will be saved and thriving in every corner.

World Environment Day 2010 recognizes “Many Species, One Planet, One Future.”
Rwanda was the global host to this year’s World Environment Day, which focused on biodiversity. As one of the many events marking the day, Oscar-nominated Hollywood actor Don Cheadle and acclaimed Chinese wildlife photographer Luo Hong joined Rwandan President Paul Kagame and UN Environment Program director Achim Steiner at Volcanoes National Park to name endangered baby gorillas.

In Russia, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin toured Moscow’s Elk Island nature reserve where he fed baby elk with a bottle alongside a group of Russian school children.

When one boy called upon the leader and government to enforce ecological laws more strongly, Prime Minister Putin asked the boy to send his ideas to the appropriate government agency, stating, “I agree completely.

Russia's nature is a gift from God, without any exaggeration a wonder which we enjoy every day and deserves our protection.” In the United Arab Emirates, the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority held events to raise awareness among children about the importance of water and energy conservation, while Cuba’s Environmental Directorate called for greater protection of biodiversity, saying that the rate of extinctions has increased 1000 times over that of 2002.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon echoed Cuba’s call, asking the international community to avert the mass extinction of biodiversity in soils, forests, oceans, coral reefs and mountains, as he stated, “Get involved, speak out. Learn and teach others.

Show leadership and help clean up. Reconnect with nature, our life force. Together, we can develop a new vision for biodiversity: Many Species. One Planet. One Future.”   A big round of eco-applause, all participants of World Environment Day.

Let us all join in dedicated efforts to live sustainably and in harmony with the divinely created co-inhabitants that grace our Earth.

Extra News
An international team finds evidence that the ocean released large amounts of carbon dioxide at the end of the last Ice Age due to warming, a discovery that may help them forecast how similar changes today could impact future atmospheric CO2 levels.

With 35 signatures needed for full ratification, France becomes the 20th country to sign the UN Watercourses Convention, which establishes standards for cooperation on the use and protection of rivers and lakes that either form or cross international boundaries.

The United Nations Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, John Holmes, states that the challenges to providing humanitarian aid are increasing as global warming-related weather disasters are on the rise.