United Nations Climate Change Conference begins - 28 Nov 2011  
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United Nations Climate Change Conference begins.
Starting Monday, November 28, the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 17) is opening in Durban, South Africa to convene for two weeks with a goal of an international agreement on alleviating climate change.
Supreme Master Television reports on location.

Correspondent: Hallo, Supreme Master Television viewers! We are here in the sunny city of Durban, South Africa, where over 20,000 delegates from 194 countries are gathering for the 17th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

After a year of preparation since COP 16 in Cancún, Mexico, the representatives will work toward an agreement on how to effectively alleviate climate change on a global level.

Mayor James Nxumalo – Durban, South Africa (M): We are facing a huge problem, not only in one country but all over the world – the issue of climate change. And therefore, everybody, individuals, governments, municipalities, must make sure that we begin to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. We must be able to save our future from today.

Nomusa Dube – Minister of Dept. of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, South Africa (F): More than anything else, we want to see decisions being taken by the delegates that are going to be arriving in our city and in our country.
Because for us, the climate change is real. For us, the changes that we’ve seen in the weather have made people to lose their lives. So we want to really see the decisions that are going to save our people, that are going to save our country and the world.

Mayor James Nxumalo – Durban, South Africa (M): May name is James Nxumalo, the mayor of eThekwini municipality in the city of Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Held from November 28 to December 9, COP 17 seeks to build on the implementation of the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol, as well as the Bali Roadmap of 2007, and the Cancún Agreements reached in December 2010.
Reporting from Durban, South Africa for Supreme Master Television.

VOICE: Our appreciation and best wishes, all decision makers, experts and other concerned participants at the United Nations Climate Change Conference. May your time together be productive in advancing humanity toward the restoration of a safe and abundant planet for all inhabitants.

During a November 2009 videoconference in Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke with concern of the urgent need to address climate change, as well as the measures that world leaders and members of the public must take to secure the stability of the Earth.

Even though some of the signs of the global warming are more subtle, like species becoming extinct in places you and I cannot see, there are other signs, many that are really very real and, sadly, much easier to measure. Some that have been predicted with certainty by scientists, including increased heat waves, drought, storms, and the spread of human illness – all of these are occurring to different degrees across the globe.

And I’m praying to all heavenly beings to help awaken the leaders, the media, the influential and ordinary citizens alike so that our planet won’t look like Mars in the near future.

So, prayer, combined with the efforts of citizens, and the governments and media’s powerful support, this formula could bring the fastest and smoothest transition to a stable planet.

We just have to turn away from the animal products. We stop eating meat, dairy, eggs, fish. If everyone does this, we will have a transformed world in no time.

Extra News
In a campaign launched on November 24, 2011, World Wildlife Fund Russia appeals to individuals and companies to assist in supporting a patrol program run by local volunteers to protect endangered polar bears in the Russian Arctic.


Published in November by a group of conservation organizations, the "State of UK’s Birds 2011" reveals a nearly 50% decline in mallard ducks migrating to Scotland over the past three decades, with other birds also diminishing in number, which the scientists say could be due to global warming and the far-reaching effects of rising  temperatures.


Environment officials in Texas, USA report that, without significant rainfall, the small town of Groesbeck is expected to run out of water by the first week of December 2011, as its previous river and reservoir water sources have virtually dried up due to prolonged drought in the area.

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