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Asia Noble Deeds

We sincerely thank Asia for your noble leadership that extends beyond borders in protecting the health and well-being of those in need throughout the world. Following are some of Asia’s shining examples of goodness, generosity, and unconditional brotherly love in action.

  • After four years of negotiations, Bangladesh and Myanmar begin construction on a “Friendship Road” to facilitate travel and trade between the two countries.
  • India’s Brindavan TV, a spiritual television channel, broadcasts a message of world peace and love for all beings, 24-hours a day, seven days a week.
  • At a peace conference in Petra, Jordan, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert invited Arab national leaders to meet with him and work towards peace in the Middle East.
  • India sends first-ever all-female UN peacekeepers to Liberia.
  • Presidents of Pakistan and Afghanistan meet with hundreds of tribal elders and religious leaders in Kabul at a “Peace Jirga” to cultivate friendship and understanding among all in the region.
  • Since laying down their arms for peace last year, Nepalese Maoists have entered the political mainstream and now hold five posts in Nepal’s 22-member, multi-party cabinet.
  • Two hundred and fifty Bangladeshi police officers receive the UN peace award for their service to the peacekeeping mission in Côte d'Ivoire.
  • Maintaining an agreement made during six-nation negotiations, North Korea shut down her main nuclear facility and successfully passed inspection by UN International Atomic Energy Agency.
  • Indonesia’s Ecosystem Restoration Decree protects a 110,000-hectare rainforest as home to 267 bird species, Sumatran tigers, Asian elephants, and clouded leopards.
  • India and Cuba sign a two-year accord to promote and collaboratively develop renewable energy through scientific exchanges on wind, solar, biomass, and hydroelectric energy production.
  • Aulacese scientists, students, and officials cooperate to protect several endangered turtle species in Âu Lạc (Vietnam).
  • The Philippines’ new bio-fuel law will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stimulate the national economy by producing the fuel from locally grown crops.
  • China protects her natural resources by strengthening environmental regulations, monitoring industrial sites for pollution, assessing fines for businesses that pollute, and offering financial incentives for businesses to go green.
  • India’s recently implemented Energy Conservation Building Code ensures that newly constructed buildings are energy efficient.
  • All of Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (MHI) factories will be completely solar-powered by the end of 2008.
  • Hong Kong develops and begins manufacture of concrete paving blocks made from recycled materials that also remove pollution from the air.
  • As part of the “Clear Sky with Natural Gas” campaign, Bangkok’s Mass Transit Authority in Thailand is refitting nearly 1,500 diesel buses with new, clean-burning, natural gas engines that will reduce air pollution and decrease fuel costs by about 50%.
  • India invests US$595 million in a project supported by China, the European Union, Japan, Russia, South Korea, and the United States, to develop sustainable fusion energy and reduce global warming.
  • On Green China Day, 5,000 trees are planted to add to the nation’s forests, which have increased from 12% to more than 18% of China’s total area since 1981.
  • South Korea donates US$900,000 to Âu Lạc (Việt Nam) for environmental protection and will also share expertise and technology with Aulacese environmental agencies.
  • India’s recently formed Council on Climate Change announces plan to re-forest 15 million acres of land with tree plantings.
  • In Đà Nẵng, Âu Lạc (Việt Nam) a natural waste by-product is transformed by an eco-friendly power plant into electricity.
  • Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), the world’s first carbon neutral international bank, partners with four leading environmental organizations and invests US$100 million to find on climate change solutions in major cities.
  • By November 2008, South Korea will finish construction on the world’s largest solar power plant.
  • As part of the United Nations Billion Tree Campaign, in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, a world record 10.5 million trees were planted in one day.
Animal News
  • Formosa (Taiwan) bans the import and export of protected animals in accordance with the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species.
  • Indonesia releases 17 pygmy kangaroos, also called dusky pademelons, into their natural habitat in the Papuan rainforest to help restore their populations.
  • Malaysia is the third country after Australia and Canada to adopt a “bear detection kit,” which acts as a deterrent from illegal use in traditional medicines.
  • China releases six endangered Przewalski horses to join their surviving 1,300 brethren in the Kelameili Nature Reserve, a protected area in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of Northwest China.
  • Seventeen cubs of the endangered giant panda species that were born last year at a Panda Protection Center in China's Sichuan Province recently started “kindergarten,” becoming less dependent on their parents and interacting more with their peers.
  • After 20 years of diligent efforts to encourage natural reproduction of the once-extinct white stork, Japan was rewarded this year when a chick hatched in the wild for the first time in 40 years.
  • To bolster the population of one of the world’s oldest vertebrates, China releases 100,000 Chinese sturgeons into the Yangtze River in Hubei Province.
  • A women's collective in the Indian village of Aretika collaborates with the World Land Trust to secure habitat for Indian elephants.
  • Effective in 2008, Formosa (Taiwan) declares a total ban on the capture or sale of whale sharks and will instead offer protection to this gentle giant that is like the dolphin in being a friend to humans.
  • Iran’s Social Welfare Organization expands medical and financial services for some 1.5 million households currently led by women.
  • McDonald’s in India has special menus and preparation methods to meet the needs of India’s many vegetarians.
  • Âu Lạc (Vietnam) bans cigarette advertisement and smoking in most public places.
  • Thailand bans alcohol advertisements and raises the legal drinking age to 20, with the law also requiring warning labels on pre-packaged alcoholic beverages.
  • Smoking and using a cellular phone while driving is banned in the Indian capital city of New Delhi.
  • India commits US$22 billion per year to provide her rural poor with life insurance, disability protection, and medical services.
  • Hong Kong prohibits smoking indoors and offers free medical counseling to smokers trying to quit.
  • The Tibetan Staff Mess in Dharamsala, India has decided to serve only pure vegetarian food for one year.
  • Beijing officials guarantee a smoke-free environment for the Olympic Games in 2008, with smoking also prohibited in all Olympic hotels.
  • China sends its fifth aid package to Darfur, containing US$5.2 million worth of all-terrain vehicles, ambulances, medical instruments, and mobile homes.
  • Âu Lạc (Vietnam) donates US$50,000 in flood relief to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).
  • In the third such contribution since 2004, India donates US$1.3 million in food aid to Iraq through the UN World Food Program and is also this project’s most generous donor nation.
  • South Korea sends US$47 million of flood relief to North Korea in an aid package containing emergency supplies such as blankets, medicine, food, and water as well as materials for reconstruction.
  • Japan donates US$4.5 million to Iraqi refugees in Syria and Jordan, in addition to the US$100 million pledged for the reconstruction of Iraq.
  • Pakistan donates US$5 million to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to help some three million Afghan refugees return to their homeland.
  • Japan provides US$4.2 million food aid to Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
  • The United Arab Emirates sends essential relief supplies to the Badawi refugee camp for Palestinians in northern Lebanon.
  • Japan has pledged $2.1 billion in loans to the Asian Development Bank for the creation of eco-friendly infrastructure and the development of renewable energy resources in Asia.
  • China relieves the Republic of Congo of US$64 million in debt.
  • Saudi Arabia’s fund for development pledges US$39 million for Palestinian refugees in Rafha, to build homes and schools as well as a clinic and community center.
  • Japan donates US$2.7 million to Nepal for food aid and agricultural development as part of almost US$60 million total food aid to Nepal.
  • China sends US$250,000 in aid to the Philippines after Typhoon Durian.
  • Âu Lạc (Vietnam) donates US$700,000 towards the reconstruction of Iraq.
  • Japan donates US$19.5 million to UNICEF’s polio elimination campaign. The funds will support immunization programs in Nigeria, Afghanistan, Angola, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Arab governments increase financial aid to the Palestinians by US$150 million.
  • China writes off 40% of the debt owed by Côte d’Ivoire and offers more financial and developmental aid.
  • India donates 40,000 tons of rice and 10,000 tons of wheat to Bangladesh after recent floods.
  • Japan’s Fund for Poverty Reduction donates US$360 million to help Afghanistan rebuild its economy.
  • The Israel- Âu Lạc (Vietnam) Humanitarian Mission donates US $50,000 in financial and medical aid, plus free medical care to people in remote areas of rural Âu Lạc.
  • Jordan offers free education to some 50,000 Iraqi refugee children.
  • China waives the debt of 33 African nations, continuing her tradition of financial and technological support to the continent’s developing countries.
  • Japan’s International Cooperation Agency helps improve mathematics and science education in Kenya.
  • China creates a US$1 billion fund to finance infrastructure development, agriculture, and manufacturing in Africa.
Good Government
  • With the majority of Indonesian voters being women, Indonesia’s major political parties have agreed to set a 30% minimum quota for women to hold leadership positions.
  • The Chinese government embraces transparency by granting public access to financial and economic information and allowing foreign journalists more freedom to conduct research in the country.
  • Originally imprisoned for minor crimes, over 700 elderly prisoners are released by the Northeast Indian state of Bihar.
  • The Iraqi government promotes national unity by offering cash bonuses for inter-sectarian marriages.
  • China brings an end to 2,000 years of agricultural taxes, improving the lives of farmers throughout the country.
  • The Palestinian government distributes back pay to more than 10,000 civil servants.
  • President Nguyễn Minh Triết of Âu Lạc (Vietnam) declares that all Aulacese (Vietnamese) around the world are welcome to re-enter their homeland, visa-free.
  • Pakistan encourages women to enter public service by reserving 20% of Parliamentary seats and 30% of municipal and regional council seats for women.
  • Egyptian officials help 3,000 Palestinians obtain passage through Israel as they return to their homes in Gaza.
  • China passes a law protecting the rights of property owners, which is welcomed by farmers and landowners as well as entrepreneurs and investors in the coastal cities.
  • Nepal drafts a Truth and Reconciliation Bill, bringing political parties together for the nation’s positive future.
  • Through government sponsored loans, grants, and vocational training, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) exceeds expectations for poverty reduction in 2006.
  • Kyrgyzstan’s President Kurmanbek Bakiyev signs sweeping humanitarian reforms of the national justice system into law, including alternatives to imprisonment, pardons, and the abolition of capital punishment.
International Relations
  • China waives 18 years and US$15.3 million of Guyanese debt.
  • Pakistan and Iran agree to cooperate on protecting the environmental resources of both countries.
  • Railways linking Âu Lạc (Vietnam), Cambodia and Laos bring prosperity and lasting friendship to the three neighboring countries.
  • Japan, Jordan, Israel, and Palestine cooperate on the Valley of Peace project to promote Palestinian agriculture.
  • As part of a six-nation agreement, North Korea regains access to US-frozen funds, thus paving the way to the country's nuclear disarmament and reintegration into the international community.
  • Chinese president Hu Jintao visits Liberia and pledges US$25 million to rebuild the country’s infrastructure.
  • India waives visa requirements for students, teachers, researchers, journalists, and medical patients from neighboring South Asian countries.
  • Cargo shipping between North and South Korea resumes for the first time in 50 years.
  • New Trans-Asia Highway fuels economic growth in Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Âu Lạc (Vietnam).
  • Âu Lạc’s (Vietnam) entry into the World Trade Organization normalizes her trade relations with the United States, and the US is now Âu Lạc’s largest export market.
  • Thailand’s first Muslim army general, Sonthi Boonyaratkalin, travels to Saudi Arabia to renew relations between the two countries.
  • A 2006 paper on National Defense reports that China has signed land-border agreements with 12 of its 14 neighbors, signifying a new era of peaceful border relations.
  • Aulacese (Vietnamese) President Nguyễn Minh Triết visits Bejing to speak with Chinese President Hu Jintao about increased cooperation between the two nations.
  • Iran opens an embassy in Egypt’s capital city of Cairo in a renewal of diplomatic relations.
  • Trains cross the border between North and South Korea for the first time in 56 years.
We thank you again Asia for all that you do. May Heaven continue to bless Asia with success in your noble mission, to bridge global relationship and bring peace and happiness to all co-inhabitants on our planet.

 AWARD OF THE MONTH ( September 2007) 

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