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Formosa’s (Taiwan) President Ma Ying-Jeou and Vice President Vincent Siew led the entire presidential office in the signing of a declaration of measures to reduce CO2 and save energy, which includes eating locally and partaking of more vegetables and less meat.
Japan donates US$10 billion to assist African nations to address climate change.
BP commits to invest US$8 billion in green projects over the next ten years. 
Chris Hohn
Chris Hohn, a British multi-millionaire financial manager donates nearly US$920 million through his Children’s Investment Fund (TCI) to assist children in developing countries.
Indonesia focuses military efforts and budget on disaster relief rather than military defense.
Japan pledges US$100 million in donations to alleviate global food shortages.
Dr. Jonathan Patz
Dr. Jonathan Patz, lead author of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports, states the need to reverse global warming by reducing livestock agriculture and the burning of fossil fuels.
Zambia bans smoking in public places.
UNICEF donates US$85 million to assist Zimbabwean communities care for needy children, including orphans, the disabled, and those living with HIV/AIDS. 
Sun Wah Group
The Hong Kong Sun Wah Group donates US$1 million to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) to improve education in developing regions.
Nicolaas G. Pierson Foundation
Nicolaas G. Pierson Foundation produces “Meat the Truth,” a documentary linking global warming to meat and dairy production. 
France doubles her aid donations for Afghanistan to US$166 million for reconstruction work.
Paul Newman
Award-winning American actor and director Paul Newman donates US$120 million for supporting education, the arts and disaster relief.
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom donates US$20 million to Ethiopia for humanitarian food aid.
President Michelle Bachelet
Chilean President Michelle Bachelet announces the ban of all whaling activities in Chilean waters, establishing them instead as a whale sanctuary.
Iran donates an additional US$50 million for the rebuilding of roads in Afghanistan.
More than one million Formosans (Taiwanese) pledge to go veg to save the Earth as a result of the “No Meat No Heat” campaign.
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia sends 300 tons of food to the Republic of Djibouti to help alleviate food shortages in the drought-stricken African country.
Asian Development Bank
The Asian Development Bank donates US$2 million to develop infrastructure and improve the livelihoods of people in northern to Âu Lạc (Vietnam).
European Commission
The European Commission donates US$25 million to Liberia to support development projects including roads, electricity and healthcare.
Yvo de Boer
UN climate agency chief Yvo de Boer suggests the best solution to reduce soaring food price would be for us all to become vegetarians.
Iraq donates US$40 million to the United Nations World Food Program to assist about 750,000 displaced Iraqis.
University of New South Wales, Australia
Australia’s University of New South Wales donates US$281,000 in post-graduate scholarships to students from the earthquake zone in Sichuan, China.
International organization BRAC
International organization BRAC is building more than 8,000 community schools to bring greater literacy to Uganda, Sudan, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Turkish contributes humanitarian aid for Iraqi refugees in Syria, bringing the total aid contribution to approximately US$680,000.
Jaipur, India
Jaipur, India is a city of the devout due to the large number of people who visit places of worship each day, follow a vegetarian diet, and abstain from alchohol and smoking. 
World Society for the Protection of Animals
World Society for the Protection of Animals supports the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare by gathering over a million signatures from 192 countries to encourage governments to respect life of animals and enhance their well-being. 
North Korea
North Korea launches a no smoking campaign with designated smoke-free public areas, and a ban on advertisement or promotion of tobacco products.
United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates will provide Syria with half a million ton of wheat to help offset the effect of rising food prices.
Lord Mayor Campbell Newman
Lord Mayor Campbell Newman of Brisbane, Australia announces that shelter animals will be protected from experiments.
Malaysia bans tobacco promotion and requires graphical health warning on all cigarette packaging.
Venezuela releases endangered Arrau turtles and Orinco caimans at a natural reserve to preserve their breed. 
Spain pledges $1 million to assist Lebanon in the clearance of leftover cluster bombs.
Russia reduces prison terms for inmate mothers through a program allowing around 6,000 mothers to raise their children. 
Daursky Nature Reserve
Daursky Nature Reserve officials convince Mongolian and Russian officials to allow removal of a section of border fencing to allow 90,000 gazelle to migrate to food during a drought. 
Ronan Lee
Ronan Lee, a Member of the Australian Parliament, advocates the shift to a vegetarian diet to conserve a significant amount of water and energy. 
Sailor Roger Stone
US sailor Roger Stone sacrifices his own life getting all others on board to safety when their boat capsized in the Gulf of Mexico.
Shen Cuiying
Shen Cuiying, a retired teacher in Shangai, China, donates US$652,000 from auctioning her apartment to rebuild a school in quake-struck Sichuan Province.
Yuhta Ohishi
Through his efforts, 10-year old Yuhta Ohishi from Shizuoka, Japan, successfully led a campaign to ban smoking in his hometown.
Isaiah Chong
Seventh grader Isaiah Chong of Hawaii, USA collects signatures to get a law passed to make drivers responsible in accidents involving animals.
Anna-Lena Glaab
Anna-Lena Glaab, a 10-year-old from Germany, donates US$16,000 in prize money to the Moria Grace Shelter for Kids in Namibia.
Abigail Heiselt
11-year old American girl Abigail Heiselt asks friends to bring dog or cat food as her birthday gift, and donates more than 600 pounds of food to an animal shelter.
Shilo the Collie
Shilo the caring collie dog protects two-year old girl Destiny King while she was lost in the bush.
Charlie the search dog
Charlie the search dog locates 90-year-old man who had become lost in Dorset, United Kingdom.
Yosuke the African grey
Yosuke, an African grey parrot, tells a veterinarian his name and address which enabled the police to return him home to his human companions. 
Three United Nations organizations, World Food Program (WFP), the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), provide a collective sum of US$123 million in emergency assistance to help with the food shortages in Kenya.
Germany increases funding to spend €500 million each year towards protecting forests and biodiversity.
111 Nations
111 nations approve a treaty to ban the use of cluster munitions following a 10-day meeting in Dublin, Ireland.
International donors
International donors pledge nearly €1 billion to restore the Niger River.
Hungary introduces a new law that restricts sale of alcohol.
Samsung’s 7th Four Seasons of Hope Gala held in New York raises US$1.1 million for disadvantaged children and families across the United States.
Ontario, Canada
Ontario, Canada bans smoking in any motor vehicles with youths under the age of 16 present inside.
United Arab Emirates
To promote health among school children, the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Education is banning junk food in all schools and encouraging fresh fruits and vegetables.
The Humane Society of the United States & Animal Rescue League
US Humane Society joins with Animal Rescue League of Iowa in helping rescue animals displaced by the recent flooding
Dr. Naomi Shield and colleagues
US orthopedic Dr. Naomi Shield and colleagues travel regularly to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) at their own expense to treat over 400 patients.
Mark Anslow and Ed Hamer
Journalists Mark Anslow and Ed Hamer state on Ecologist magazine that people will need to reduce their consumption of meat and dairy products to produce enough food in the coming years to feed the planet.
Jordan provides humanitarian relief to West Bank and Gaza as part of Jordan's comprehensive program to assist the Palestinian people
The United States passes a national policy that halts the expansion of industrial fishing in the Arctic to prevent further damage to the region.
Colombia tightens public smoking law with a ban on smoking in all public areas.
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka national military and police personnel help rescue the approximately 5,000 families stranded by flood.
World Wildlife Fund
World Wildlife Fund pays US$20 million of Madagascar’s debt to France to enable Madagascar to maintain certain areas of the country as natural habitats.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Dubai bans the sale of tobacco products to under-20s and forbids the entry of young people to public areas designated for smoking.
Ed Begley, Jr.
Ed Begley, Jr. renowned American actor and longtime environmentalist states it's time to go veg to save the planet during the Green Fair Silicon Valley.
The Ghana Vegetarian Association
The Ghana Vegetarian Association inaugurates the country’s first vegetarian reference library in Accra in support of a compassionate diet.
Sir Paul McCartney
Sir Paul McCartney gives a free concert in the Ukraine to promote unity amongst the country’s regions.
The Co-Operative Pharmacy
The Co-Operative Pharmacy teams up with homeless services in Cardiff on providing homeless people with free sun cream to help protect their skin.
Pakistan releases 96 men from India who were detained for crossing the border, and considers to release 312 more.
Captain Paul Watson of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s Captain Paul Watson, who is a vegan, patrols the world’s oceans to protect marine life.
Bicyclists in USA
More than 2,500 bicyclists ride for seven days from San Francisco to Los Angeles, USA, raising a record US$11.6 million for HIV and AIDS research.
A team of conservation experts
A team of conservation experts work to rescue more than 100 melon-headed whales that have become trapped in a bay in Madagascar.
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
Retired surgeon Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn recommends plant-based diet as the cure for heart disease.
Japanese company Genepax invents an eco-friendly, electric-powered car that runs exclusively on any kind of water.
Excel Dive & Tours dive team
A dive team from Excel Dive & Tours rescues a proboscis monkey at sea in Malaysia.
Dr. Dean Ornish
US researcher Dr. Dean Ornish shows that 3 months of following plant-based diet along with other lifestyle changes improves health at a genetic level
Engineering students at University of Southampton, UK
Engineering students at University of Southampton in the United Kingdom develop an amphibious cycle powered by a paddle wheel to be used in rescue and aid missions.
US Bureau of Land Management
The US Bureau of Land Management proposes to keep 430,000 acres of oil-rich wetlands located in Alaska free from drilling for the next 10 years. 
Formosa announces a 25 percent reduction in her military personnel. 
TimesOnline (UK)
Times Online in the United Kingdom suggests 10 reasons to opt for an animal-free diet as part of this week’s World Vegetarian Week.  
World Health Organization
The World Health Organization calls for all governments to ban all forms of tobacco advertising. 
United States
The United States urges Iceland and Norway to cease exporting whale meat to Japan.
Wales becomes a global pioneer with policies to encourage fair trade products. 
North American Jewish Vegetarians
North American Jewish Vegetarians establish the first Vegetarian Shabbat to promote animal-free fare amongst Jews.
The International Fund for Animal Welfare
The International Fund for Animal Welfare offers to carry out canine anti-rabies vaccination and provide vet aid to quake affected area in China.
Benjamin Zephaniah
On World Environment Day, British poet Benjamin Zephaniah urges readers to consider the harmful environmental effects of a meat-based diet
Itchou Corporation of Japan
Japan’s Itchou Corporation spends about US$1 billion to develop solar power facilities throughout Europe.
Pakistan freezes the defense budget and aims for further reduction as peace gesture to her neighbors.
World Bank
World Bank allocates US$1.2 billion in donations and loans to boost global food availability.
Nigeria commits US$51 million to tree planting across the country in the next six months.
Australian Queensland Government
Australian Queensland government commits US$27.3 million for travel allowances to ensure rural patients have adequate access to the healthcare system.
Iraq grants amnesty to 81,000 Iraqi detainees under a new law.
Singapore university students
Singapore university students organize animal welfare symposium to raise awareness on animal welfare and launch an Animal Protectors Grant.
Discovery Channel
Discovery Channel launches eco-channel “Planet Green” in the US with a range of programs to inspire people to take green actions.
Eight Canadian provinces ban the display of cigarettes in stores.
Frances Moore Lappe
Frances Moore Lappe wins James Beard Foundation’s Humanitarian of the Year award for her 40 years of writing and speaking out about the root causes of global hunger – raising animals for food.
Community of Sahel-Saharan States in Africa
The Community of Sahel-Saharan States in Africa waive visa requirements for business travelers among these countries.
To encourage greater unity between the country's Shi'ite and Sunni Arab communities, Iraqi courts have implemented a new amnesty law and ordered the freeing of approximately 20,000 prisoners.
United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates’ Ministry of Health promotes a volunteer-sponsored vegetarian week celebration called the Meveg Festival.
Canada passes Climate Change Accountability Act and becomes the first country to set a goal beyond the Kyoto Protocol.
French Health Ministry and National Institute for Health and Education encourage citizens to eat more fruits and vegetables via a major media campaign
Âu Lạc (Vietnam)
Âu Lạc's (Vietnam) Hà Nội extends smoking ban to include more public non-smoking areas.
Dr. James Hansen
Dr. Hansen, who heads NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, told US legislators we had already passed the danger point and that with our current course of action we are headed for mass species extinction, ecosystem collapse and dramatic sea level rises.
Muslim World League
Muslim World League sponsors a meeting in Mecca for Islamic religious leaders and scholars to prepare for an upcoming interfaith conference.
First Lady of Indonesia
First Lady of Indonesia Kristiani Herrawati Bambang Yudhoyono receives UN award for her work in coordinating women of Indonesia to plant one million trees in one day across the country.
Indian Scientists
Reports from Times of India shows Indian scientists are shaped by moral and spiritual standards.
Shanghai, China
Shanghai, China sets comprehensive action plans to clean the city’s air and water.
Ontario and Quebec, Canada
The Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec set up a market-based cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Iran has accepted more than 1 million Afghan refugees to date and taken in thousands Iraqi refugees over the years.
Germany claims current record for world’s largest solar power plant.
Tommy Lee of rock band Mötley Crüe
Drummer Tommy Lee of rock band Mötley Crüe no longer eats meat as part of a renewed commitment to his relationship with animal welfare advocate and Hollywood star Pamela Anderson.
German Scientists
Scientists in Germany succeed in a trial with a prosthetic retinal implant they developed to allow blind patients to perceive images.
Canadian Government
Canadian prime minister apologizes to the country’s indigenous people for cultural isolation and trauma inflicted on aboriginals in decades past.
Đinh Trần Vũ An
Đinh Trần Vũ An from Sa Đéc town in the southern Đồng Tháp Province in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) invents a drain for household wastewater treatment.
North American farmers
A number of North American farmers are taking a step beyond organic farming to go “veganic,” a method employing no animal manure or other byproducts.
Dr. Peter Pudney
Dr. Peter Pudney at University of Southern Australia invents a vehicle carrying two plus luggage with a 120 km/hour speed, minimal noise and zero emission.
Brian Sherman
Brian Sherman, founder of animal rights group Voiceless, offers a reward of approximately US$24,000 to anyone who can devise a feasible way to stop factory farming in Australia.
China continues to expand her reforestation effort with more than 50 million hectares of forests planted over the past 30 years.
United Kingdom
UK invests US$25 million in a recycling facility in East London that will transform plastic wastes into safe, reusable food packaging.
Cuban Urban Citizens
Cuba urban citizens grow vegetables, many organically, on small patches of empty government lands which supply most of Cuba’s fresh vegetables.
United Kingdom
United Kingdom forms a national Alcohol Support Team to help reduce alcohol use in the country’s most affected locales.
Computer manufacturer Dell launches Energy Smart Vostro 410, a “green” PC that offers an energy savings of up to 47 percent.
Print Audit
Print Audit issue new print monitoring software that helps companies save more than 90,000 trees and many thousands of dollars each year.
Pakistan implements daylight saving time and closes shopping centers two hours earlier to save energy.
Russia withdraws 400 troops from Abkhazia, a region that borders both Russia and Georgia.
Âu Lạc (Vietnam)
Thousands of Aulacese (Vietnamese) partake in the “Walk for the Environment” to raise awareness about caring for the Earth.
Bulgaria capital city build a new bicycle lane along Evlogy Georgiev Boulevard in an effort to reduce traffic congestion and carbon emissions
Australian National University
Australian National University in Canberra launches world’s first climate change legal research center.
Romanian Prime Minister Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu and other government officials
Romania’s prime minister goes to work by bike, while other officials by foot, to show their support for sustainable living on World Environment Day
Aulacese (Vietnamese) Agriculture Experts
Aulacese (Vietnamese) agriculture experts who have been able to grow two high-yield rice crops per year are helping African farmers increase their rice yields.
Alun Jones
Alun Jones, who lost his 7-year-old daughter to a bacterial infection, cycles 96km (60 miles) to raise funds for a hospital’s children's ward and the disease research.

  Helping to Save the Planet - Worldwide Environmental Organizations 


Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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