AWARD of the MONTH - SEPTEMBER 2010   

We thank the following and those unknown persons, groups, agencies, organizations and governments for their loving and selfless actions that bring meaningful comfort and assistance to others.
May your lives be graced by the Divine with evermore joy and fulfilling reward.

European Union
The European Union donates an additional US$60 million to Somalia to support the transitional government in efforts toward peaceful reconciliation.

His Majesty King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, Saudi Arabia
Saudi King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud's support and contribution to the improvement of world food security and agricultural development has resulted in remarkable agricultural growth in the country.

Greece passes legislation to ban smoking in nearly all public spaces.

Basque Country, Spain
Spain's Basque Country bans smoking in cars when children are present, as well as on playgrounds and school yards.

Manitoba Province, Canada
To eliminate puppy mills and further protect animal companions, a new amendment to Canada's Manitoba province's animal cruelty law imposes new license requirement and other regulations.

Sir Li Ka-Shing, Hong Kong
Hong Kong billionaire Sir Li Ka-Shing pledges to donate one third of his wealth to charity.

Chen Guangbiao, China
In a letter of intent to Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, Chinese billionaire and philanthropist Chen Guangbiao declares that he will donate all his wealth to charity after his death.

Holland M. Ware, USA
US businessman and philanthropist Holland M. Ware donates US$1.4 million to further PETA's campaigns to end cruelty to animals.

Maneka Ghandi, India
Maneka Ghandi is the founder of India's first ever animal shelter, People for Animals, dedicated to animal rescue work, lobbies for animal rights, and provides health care and treatments in its 26 hospitals.

Nine Lives Foundation
Nonprofit Nine Lives Foundation dedicates its resources to the welfare of felines by operating a veterinary clinic and shelter that provides rescue, medical, and adoption services.

Secret World Wildlife Rescue, United Kingdom
Secret World Wildlife Rescue in Somerset, United Kingdom, rescues and rehabilitates orphaned wild animals, preparing them for their release back into the wild.

Cariad Farm Sanctuary, Australia
Cariad Farm Sanctuary, a nonprofit vegan haven in New South Wales, Australia, cares for and provides a forever loving home for farm animals.

Florida Research Institute for Equine Nurturing Development and Safety, USA
The nonprofit Florida Research Institute for Equine Nurturing Development and Safety rescues and cares for injured horses.

Ailsa McKnight, United Kingdom
Ailsa McKnight of the United Kingdom saves the lives of six cats and three rabbits after rescuing them from their abandoned cages, paying for their treatment, transporting to the UK from Malaysia, and finding new homes for them.

George Soros
Concerned about global warming and the urgent need for action, Hungarian-born businessman and philanthropist George Soros donates US$1 billion for clean energy technology investments and US$100 million for environmental policy development.

Yevgeny Novoselov and Andrei Lamonov, Russia
Pilots Yevgeny Novoselov and Andrei Lamonov successfully land a malfunctioning plane, saving the lives of 81 passengers and crew on board.

Jamie Perkins
Seeing smoke coming from a house in the early hours of the morning, Jamie Perkins wakes up all the residents, thus saving the lives of nine individuals from their burning home.

Gaia Club
The Poland-based nonprofit Gaia Club endeavors to advance human and animal rights, as well as better the environment through multiple mediums, such as films, art, radio and television broadcasts.

9/11 search-and-rescue dogs: Thunder, Ricky, Jake, and Dorado
When the World Trade Center collapsed in New York City, USA, on 9/11, Thunder, Ricky, Jake, Dorado, and many other search-and-rescue dogs risked their lives to save their human companions or search for missing people, as well as providing comfort for their human counterparts.

Kjel the Dutch Shepherd, New Hampshire, USA
K-9 Kjel, the Dutch Shepherd, helps track and rescue two teenagers who have been lost in the woods in New Hampshire.

Pinky the boxer
Pinky the boxer saves her 9-year-old human friend from a potential medical emergency when she diverts a swarm of bees from him, ending up with 40 bee stings herself.

Canela the canine
Canine Canela's sensitivity and concerned barking during a walk with her human companion results in the rescue of an elderly man who has been clinging to life for three days below a precipice.


International community and Pakistan
International community comes together to help the flood victims of Pakistan, with donor nations pledging US$1.1 billion through the United Nations; nearly US$1 billion through the Organization of the Islamic Conference; personal donations from Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie and, British entrepeneur Sir Richard Branson and singer Imogen Heap; as well as the tireless efforts of Pakistan Army engineers.

Duduzane Zuma
Duduzane Zuma, son of South African President Jacob Zuma, pledges to donate 70% of his proceeds from a trade transaction estimated at US$139 million to benefit the less fortunate in his country.

Japan's International Cooperation Agency
Japan's International Cooperation Agency has doubled development support to Yemen during the 2009-2010 fiscal year to US$47 million.

The United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates donates US$42 million to the Palestinian Authority to support the continued operation of the Palestinian government.

The United States and France
The United States and France each donate US$25 million to assist in Haiti's post-quake recovery through the construction of an industrial park and the rebuilding of the country's main hospital.

The United Nations
The United Nations will provide US$10 million in emergency aid to Pakistan to assist with flood relief efforts.

Canada allocates US$6.2 million to create processes that support organic growing practices to become more efficient and profitable.

Oprah Winfrey
Media icon Oprah Winfrey surprises six successful charter schools in the US with donations of US$1 million each.

The Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation
The Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation in the United Arab Emirates are donating US$5.4 million for citizens and foreign nationals to perform Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

The European Union
The European Union contributes over €3.58 million to support revitalizing economic activity in Gaza and sustainable livelihoods for Palestinians.

Japan donates US$3 million to Bhutan to help design and reconstruct earthquake-damaged schools, making them earthquake-resilient.

Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, United Arab Emirates
Supreme Chairperson of the Family Development Foundation, Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak donates US$2.7 million for a campaign to provide healthcare to less fortunate children.

Norway donates US$1.9 million to promote university education for indigenous San students in Botswana.

Kuwait donates €1 million to Foundation Chirac to support the charity's goals of promoting peace and helping the less fortunate.

Russia sends a donation of US$1 million in humanitarian aid to Moldovan flood victims, including mobile power stations, rescue boats, and emergency supplies.

Straits Exchange Foundation
Formosa (Taiwan)-based Straits Exchange Foundation donates US$1 million to assist victims of heavy floods and landslides in mainland China.

New Zealand
New Zealand announces a US$729,000 donation to help alleviate hunger of millions in Western Africa.

The US Trade and Development Agency
The US Trade and Development Agency donates US$655,000 to Kazakhstan Railways to enhance the nation's rail system.

Brazil donates US$500,000 to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East to be distributed as humanitarian aid for displaced Palestinians in Nahr el-Bared, Lebanon.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Indonesia
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia authorizes the distribution of more than US$330,000 to aid victims of a volcanic eruption.

Muslim Aid
The United Kingdom- based Muslim Aid donates more than US$200,000 in medical equipment to Gaza, Palestine's Al-Shifa Hospital.

Delegation of the Catholic, Protestant, Cheondo, Buddhist and Won-Buddhist orders, South Korea
Five major religious organizations in South Korea deliver over US$200,000 in humanitarian food assistance to North Korea.

China's Red Cross Society
China's Red Cross Society donates US$100,000 toward relief efforts for residents affected by the Typhoon Fanapi in Formosa (Taiwan).

The 14th Dalai Lama
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama donates US$50,000 of his own money for research on kindness and compassion at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Brazil, Mozambique, and the World Food Program
Brazil, Mozambique, and the World Food Program sign an agreement to distribute €43,700 donation in food aid to primary schools.

Shomari and Stephanie Tillman
Grateful for the Salvation Army's help during their time of need, Shomari and Stephanie Tillman are donating US$25,000 to assist the charity in building a new homeless shelter.

Ezen Ho and five of her friends
Singaporean Ezen Ho and five of her friends changed their holiday visit to one of humanitarian assistance, bringing US$3,000 in cash donations and winter clothing for flood victims of Leh, India.

South Korean aid groups
South Korean aid groups sent 200 tons of rice to assist North Korea following floods as part of an initial shipment of US$8.6 million in assistance offered by South Korea.

Algeria sends 60 tons of humanitarian aid including food, tents and other supplies to Mauritania to help flood victims.

Libya sends 28 tons of medicines and equipment as well as water purification and medical kits to help flood victims in Cameroon.

Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov announces that in spite of a poor harvest due to extreme weather, the country is ready to offer food assistance to Georgia and Armenia.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees has provided emergency relief since 2008 to 400,000 cyclone victims in Myanmar, including paying and training beneficiaries to rebuild their homes.

King Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Saudi Arabia
Funded by donations from King Abdul Aziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, a camp opens in Pakistan's Sindh province to provide shelter and relief materials to families affected by the floods.

Bangladeshi government
The Bangladeshi government assists flood victims by distributing rice and cash relief, as well as approving house building grants for damaged property.

Life for Relief and Development, the Muhammad Bin Rashed Al-Maktoom Charity, and the Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Foundation
United Arab Emirates- based charities Life for Relief and Development, the Muhammad Bin Rashed Al-Maktoom Charity, and the Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Foundation supply food for thousands of people in Palestine and Haiti.

The government of Mozambique restores subsidies to keep prices of bread, water and electricity affordable for the country's people.

The UN Children's Fund, World Health Organization, and Sudan
For the first time in six months, the UN Children's Fund, World Health Organization, and the Sudanese government are able to coordinate a delivery of vital medical and food supplies to children in the Jebel Marra uplands of Sudan, Darfur.

The UN World Food Program
The UN World Food Program in Syria is expanding its electronic food voucher program, where Iraqi refugees conveniently receive coupons via mobile phones that can be used to purchase food at selected shops.

India launches a special fund to provide Indian nationals living in other countries who can no longer find work with food, medical services and airline tickets to return home.

Russia announces a provisional lifting of a ban on exporting wheat on foreign humanitarian aid.

South Korea's Red Cross
South Korea's Red Cross offers food, medicine and other supplies to North Korea to aid victims of floods.

India, the United Nations Children's Fund, and the Center for North East Studies
Funded by the Indian government and the United Nations Children's Fund, the nonprofit Center for North East Studies operates a boat clinic that provides health care to residents along the Brahmaputra River in India.

The Afghan Red Crescent Society and the Max India Foundation
The Afghan Red Crescent Society and the Max India Foundation partner to assist Afghan children with potentially fatal heart disease.

The UN World Health Organization
The UN World Health Organization assists North Korea in launching her first medical service system, enabling remote area hospitals to obtain on-line support.

Germany donates 290 two-way radios for use in Palestinian police cars as part of a €15 million aid package to help develop Palestine's police and judicial system.

The United Nations World Food Program, Agricultural Market Development Trust, and other organizations
The United Nations World Food Program, Agricultural Market Development Trust, and other organizations help boost food security in African and Asia by implementing small scale rain-harvesting techniques, resulting in increased crop yields.

World Bicycle Relief
The US-based World Bicycle Relief boosts school enrollment by donating 30,000 bikes to Zambian school children.

Turkmen President Gurbangulu Berdimuhammedov
Turkmen President Gurbangulu Berdimuhammedov pardons nearly 4,000 inmates and declares September 10 a non-working day in honor of the end of Ramadan.

The Druk White Lotus School, India
The Druk White Lotus School in Ladakh, northern India, adopts and cares for 42 youths who lost their parents during the region's August flash floods.

Cambodia opens a first-ever methadone treatment clinic to help people end heroin addiction.

The Indian Institute of Science, the Indian Institute of Technology, and the government of India
The Indian Institute of Science and the Indian Institute of Technology develop a US$35 solar-powered laptop to improve student education, which the government intends to support by installing broadband internet in 22,000 colleges.

Former Cuban President Fidel Castro
Former Cuban President Fidel Castro calls for nuclear disarmament for all countries and asks the international community to do everything possible to avoid conflict in the Middle East.

Missouri and other US states
Missouri joins other US states to ban the synthetic compound K2, which produces an effect similar to marijuana.

The United Nations Population Fund
The United Nations Population Fund has sent obstetricians and midwives to flood-affected areas in Pakistan to assist expectant mothers.

The United Kingdom's Department for International Development and Sierra Leone
With funding from the United Kingdom's Department for International Development, Sierra Leone provides free medical care to expectant and nursing mothers, and children under five.

Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland, Switzerland, the United States, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sri Lanka, Turkmenistan, Guyana, Sierra Leon, Laos and Liberia
The World Giving Index ranks Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland, Switzerland, the United States, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sri Lanka, Turkmenistan, Guyana, Sierra Leon, Laos, and Liberia as the most generous countries in offering money, time, and help to strangers.

Singapore's National Volunteer and Philanthropy Center shows donations to charitable organizations increased from US$279 million in 2001 to US$504 million in 2009, while volunteerism both within and outside the country also increases.

Marion Nairelet, France
Following a fire at a camp where a group of indigenous Roma people were living, French charity worker Marion Nairelet has successfully persuaded local officials to build homes for them.

Mexican President Felipe Calderón
Mexican President Felipe Calderón announces a plan to safeguard the lives of journalists which includes addressing the causes of violence, legal reforms, and providing immediate access to security personnel.

Ashley Judd
To increase awareness for their plight and suggest actions for change, acclaimed Hollywood actress Ashley Judd visits women and families affected by violent crimes in the mining region of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Kate Winslet
Oscar-winning British actress Kate Winslet launches a charity to help people suffering from autism.

Eva Longoria, Ryan Seacrest, Joe McHale and other Hollywood stars
Over 150 Hollywood stars including Eva Longoria, Ryan Seacrest and Joel McHale participate in the inaugural online Celebrity Twitter Auction to raise money for special needs children in Haiti.

Arlene Hoffman, USA
Fifty-four-year-old mail carrier Arlene Hoffman offers a kidney to the “paired exchange program” to ensure that her customer, who is suffering from kidney failure, obtains a donated kidney.

The Homeless World Cup
The Homeless World Cup helps people in need through soccer, while also providing training, job opportunities and counseling to improve their lives.

Researchers at the University of Colorado-Denver, USA
Researchers at the University of Colorado-Denver in the USA find that secondhand smoke induces a level of lung inflammation that causes smoke-related illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and others.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, USA
Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City, USA, proposes an outdoor smoking ban in public areas to protect citizens from secondhand smoke exposure and raise health standards for the city.

Jordanian Nizar Fakhoury and Climb for Cancer team
Jordanian Nizar Fakhoury and his Climb for Cancer team scale the world's tallest free-standing peak, Mount Kilimanjaro, raising funds to help two disadvantaged young cancer patients in his country.

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner
French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner visits the earthquake-damaged hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, where he commends the medical staff for having overcome extremely difficult conditions to provide vital medical care.

Sam Johnson, New Zealand
Canterbury University Law student Sam Johnson creates an online Facebook student volunteer group for post-earthquake cleanup in New Zealand.

The International Women's Club of Moscow
The International Women's Club of Moscow, Russia, hosts inter-cultural exchanges and friendships, raises money for charitable endeavors, and encourages members to engage in volunteer activities.

Erner Rojas
Philippine Emer Rojas joins other tobacco cancer victims in campaigning to have graphic picture warnings on cigarette packages to better protect the public.

Germany-based Novalung company has developed an artificial lung that saves the life of a two-year-old in Missouri, USA.

CNN International, Nnamdi Asomugha, Madieu Williams and Ndamukong Suh
As part of its weekly program, CNN International highlights US National Football League African stars Nnamdi Asomugha, Madieu Williams and Ndamukong Suh, who continually give back to their countries.

Participants of the World Week for the Abolition of Meat
Concerned groups and political parties around the world celebrate the first-ever World Week for the Abolition of Meat.

The US Executive Office of Science and Technology Policy, scientists, Dr. Tony Koslow, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography
A report issued by the US Executive Office of Science and Technology Policy, representing the work of many scientists, indicates that nearly half of the US coastal water bodies have become dead zones due to runoff from livestock manure and agricultural fertilizers; and Dr. Tony Koslow of the Scripps Oceanography warns that dead zones are a growing global problem.

Dr. Lee Yuan-tseh, Formosa (Taiwan)
Chemistry Nobel laureate Dr. Lee Yuan-tseh of Formosa (Taiwan) encourages decreased consumption of meat to ensure that the human race is not wiped out within 100 years due to climate change.

The United Nations Children's Fund, Zimbabwe, and international donors
The joint efforts of the United Nations Children's Fund, the government of Zimbabwe, and international donors enable the distribution of 13 million textbooks to primary schools.

Lewis Gordon Pugh,
British explorer and swimmer Lewis Gordon Pugh braves freezing temperatures to swim a meter across a lake at the base of Mount Everest to urge action on climate change.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has conducted an undercover investigation documenting inhumane treatment at a US commercial testing laboratory, resulting in the lab being closed and the rescue of around 250 dogs and cats from a life of animal testing.

Environmentalists, Beaver Lake Cree Nation, and other Canadian first nations
Environmentalists and Canadian first nations campaign to halt tar sand oil extraction, which is damaging the habitat of endangered caribou and releases so much CO2 during extraction that scientists have warned the process could set off runaway climate change.

Kenichi Fukushima and Against Meat Japan
Vegan advocacy group Against Meat Japan holds its first Meat Free march in Osaka, with the group's founder Kenichi Fukushima appealing to the public to adopt a compassionate lifestyle.

Prince Charles
His Royal Highness Prince Charles launches a tree-planting program to save a two million hectare rainforest area in Africa.

India declares elephant as a national heritage animal to protect their dwindling numbers.

Nepal's Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation and India's National Tiger Conservation Authority
Nepal's Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation and India's National Tiger Conservation Authority agree to work together to safeguard wildlife in the forest areas adjacent to the two countries.

Dr. Andrew Pershing and fellow scientists in the US and Canada
Dr. Andrew Pershing of the University of Maine and other US and Canadian researchers publish findings that whales store significant amounts of carbon in their bodies and thus play an important role in the balance of marine ecosystems and our planet.

Professor Francisco Casanova, Brazil
Professor Francisco Casanova of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil develops Earth-friendly bricks which decrease building costs 30 percent and reduce emissions by up to 90%.

Leilani Münter
American race car driver and vegetarian Leilani Münter works to inspire fans toward eco-friendly lifestyles through her own adoption of green practices.

Southwest Airlines
US-based Southwest Airlines announces plans to donate US$1 from every reservation made through its EarlyBird Check-In program, up to US$100,000, to benefit National Wildlife Refuge Association's recovery efforts following the Gulf oil spill.

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Federal Express
The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Federal Express partner to transport nearly 300 sea turtles to safety following the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Bolivian biologists and environmentalists
Bolivian biologists and environmentalists rescue 19 rare pink freshwater dolphins which had been trapped in a river by deforestation debris, and release them in safer waters.

El Al airline, Israel
Israeli national airline El Al announces a ban on the transport of primates or any other animals planned to be used in animal testing.

Friends of Humane Society of Tijuana
Friends of Humane Society of Tijuana organizes volunteers from Mexico and the US to treat some of the city's 7,000 street dogs and cats to improve their health and help find loving homes for them.

The United Kingdom's Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, and Pensthorpe Conservation Trust
The United Kingdom's Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, and Pensthorpe Conservation Trust initiate plans to reintroduce rare native cranes not seen for 400 years.

Sharjah Cats and Dogs and the government of the United Arab Emirates
Launched with the help of the government, the Sharjah Cats and Dogs Shelter in the United Arab Emirates are using online forums to find loving homes for abandoned pets.

Conservation efforts by local communities in China have enabled the Yunnan black snub-nosed monkey to increase in number from 1,750 in 1994 to 2,500 today.

Yasmin Qureshi, United Kingdom
Yasmin Qureshi, Member of Parliament for Bolton South East in the United Kingdom calls on the government to ban the use of wild animals for performing in circuses.

The New York City Audubon Society
The New York City Audubon Society in the US asks the city government to protect migrating birds by dimming city lights at night.

Facebook group
A Facebook group saves the life of pit-bull pup Huey by raising awareness of his imminent demise at an overcrowded animal shelter and paying for his transportation across the US to his new home.

Echo the rescue dog, United Kingdom
Echo, who helped look for survivors after the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, is welcomed back to Greater Manchester, United Kingdom, after a period of time in quarantine.


Officials in Beijing, China, pledge more than US$700 billion to develop clean energy in an effort to meet the goal of generating 15% of her electricity from sustainable sources.

President Bronislaw Komorowski, Poland
Poland's President Bronislaw Komorowski urges NATO and allies to draw up plans for troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, King Abdullah II of Jordan, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meet in Washington, DC, USA with US President Barack Obama and other dignitaries, with a goal of restarting direct peace negotiations.

Israel and Ukraine
Israel and Ukraine sign agreements to waive visa requirements for travel between the two countries.

Côte d'Ivoire
Former soldiers for the New Forces Group in Côte d'Ivoire have begun to receive payments for relinquishing their weapons and returning to peaceful civilian life, as well as becoming employed in various government projects.

African Green Revolution Forum and African heads of state
Over 800 heads of state have attended the first international African Green Revolution Forum in Accra, Ghana, to discuss new policy and investment initiatives that encourage sustainable agricultural practices, examine ways to increase food security, a greener environment, and reduce poverty levels.

France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, and Tunisia
Ministers of ten European and African countries located along both the northern and southern Mediterranean shores meet in Libya for the 5 + 5 Dialogue to discuss continued cooperation among member states.

European Commission President José Manuel Barroso
European Commission President José Manuel Barroso calls for governments to uphold human rights, including those of minorities.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and the Russian government
President Dmitry Medvedev and the Russian government have implemented a number of reforms aimed at reducing the nation's alcohol consumption by 50%.

Jews for Justice for Palestinians
Members of Jews for Justice for Palestinians from Israel, Germany, the US, and Britain deliver a symbolic amount of aid to Palestinians in Gaza, calling for the free passage of goods and people to and from the Gaza Strip.

12 Mongolian officials
Twelve Mongolian officials hold a cabinet meeting in a part of the Gobi Desert that used to be arable land to raise awareness of the urgency of global warming.

Lebanon earns praises from the Federation of Arab Journalists for the country's high level of press liberty.

First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva of Azerbaijan and First Lady Sandra Roelofs of Georgia
First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva of Azerbaijan and First Lady Sandra Roelofs of Georgia organize 10-day reciprocal visits for less fortunate youths to learn about the other nation's culture.

US First Lady Michelle Obama
Addressing chefs at the National Restaurant Association, US First Lady Michelle Obama appeals for healthier menu options with lower fat content, and adding side dishes of fresh fruits and vegetables.

V-Club, Russia
The nonprofit V-Club opens in St. Petersburg, Russia, to introduce the many benefits of the plant-based lifestyle, and donates funds to animal rights and environmental organizations.

Waste Plan, South Africa
Waste Plan, the largest recycling provider in Cape Town, South Africa, diverts 500 tons of refuse from landfills every month, thus far recycling enough paper to save more than 62,000 pine trees.

Russell Crowe
Oscar-winning Australian actor Russell Crowe quits smoking for his children.

Philippe Croizon, France
Philippe Croizon is the first quadruple-amputee to successfully swim the 21 miles across the English Channel.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has conducted an undercover investigation documenting inhumane treatment at a US commercial testing laboratory, resulting in the lab being closed and the rescue of around 250 dogs and cats from a life of animal testing.


Turkey and Greece
Turkey renews relations with Greece by revising the nation's national security policy, lifting restrictions toward Greece.

United Nations members
Leaders of 140 member states of the United Nations convene to discuss advancements toward the eight Millennium Development Goals, of which the goal of reducing extreme poverty by half is well on its way to being attained and the goal of eliminating gender inequality in primary and secondary education is also making progress.

The government of Morocco receives the 2010 United Nations Habitat Award for a several-year program that has been successful in reducing disadvantaged living conditions and improving housing among the underserved.

Officials in Scotland, United Kingdom, report crime in the past year to be at a 32-year low, with vandalism, violent crime, and crimes of dishonesty showing the most significant decreases.

The United Kingdom
Observing the fourth annual decline in five years and the biggest decrease since 1948, the United Kingdom saw a 6% fall in alcohol consumption in 2009.

Iranian scientist Baqer Larijani and Omani scientist Ali Jafar Mohammad
For their efforts through research to prevent diabetes and cancer in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Iranian scientist Baqer Larijani and Omani scientist Ali Jafar Mohammad are awarded the World Health Organization prize, plus US$300,000 to further their work.

Radio Okapi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo
The UN-backed radio station Radio Okapi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been honored with the 2010 Free Media Pioneer award by the International Press Institute for their use of media to foster peace.

US Scientists
To help those without access to eye-testing equipment, US scientists develop a special tool that gives an eye test through a smart phone and sends the test results to doctors in remote regions.

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development expects international sales of certified organic produce to increase to €52 billion by 2012, from €30 billion in 2006.

Germany realizes the possibility of providing 100% sustainable energy after passing milestones where solar energy in July began exceeding 50% of nuclear energy, and on December 26, 2009, wind energy was great enough to power the entire country. As the 20th anniversary of the reunification between East and West Germany approaches, Chancellor Angela Merkel remarks on the country's culturally-richer, progressive evolution over the past two decades.

George Clooney
Hollywood superstar George Clooney becomes the fourth recipient ever to be conferred the Bob Hope Humanitarian Award for his outstanding work that has inspired many in the industry to join in benefiting humanity.

Irom Sharmila, India
Indian social activist Irom Sharmila has been honored with the Rabindranath Tagore Peace Prize for her steadfast commitment to humanitarian ideals and human rights.

Russian Railway
Russian Railways launches a train service that will allow Russians to travel by train to Nice, France.

Marylebone Cricket Club of London, the Afghan Youth Cricket Support Organization, and the Afghan-Connection organization
The first ever girls' cricket camp in Afghanistan, sponsored by the Marylebone Cricket Club of London, the Afghan Youth Cricket Support Organization, and the Afghan-Connection organization is held in Kabul.

Marco Diaz
Dominican long distance ocean swimmer Marco Diaz has successfully completed the last stretch necessary to symbolically unite all five continents.

Alexandre Allard and Danny Luong, Canada
Canadian teens and longtime friends Alexandre Allard and Danny Luong win the 2010 Stockholm Junior Water Prize for developing a technique that uses bacteria to clean up waterways.

Philips corporation
Multinational Dutch electronics corporation, Philips, invents a machine that uses superheated air rather than oil to prepare food tastily and in a healthier manner than frying.

Korean automaker Hyundai introduces its first all-electric zero-emissions vehicle, with planned production for 2012.

Âu Lạc (Vietnam)
Âu Lạc (Vietnam) joins the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Wildlife Enforcement Network to minimize and prevent illegal wildlife activities, including hunting, trafficking and product trade.

Canon corporation
Japan-based electronics corporation Canon creates the world's largest image sensor which enables photography and videography in low-light environments and may facilitate recordings of animals and stars at night.

Former US President Bill Clinton
Former US President Bill Clinton discusses how the vegetarian diet helped him to lose 20 pounds for his daughter Chelsea's August wedding, and has been keeping up with the vegan diet to maintain his health.

Mark Zuckerberg, USA
American Mark Zuckerberg, vegan founder of the popular social networking site Facebook, has been ranked first in the US magazine Vanity Fair's list of 100 Most Influential People.

Natalie King, United Kingdom
22-year-old student Natalie King of the United Kingdom invents a pot that monitors and signals plants' needs.

Captain Sophie Blanchard
Captain Sophie Blanchard has been named Etihad Airways' first female captain, or pilot-in-command, in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Blanche Mannix, United Kingdom
Canadian-born vegetarian Blanche Mannix celebrates her 105th birthday in the United Kingdom, attributing her longevity and good health to her lifelong plant-based diet.

Kim Hee-Jin
Inspired by Supreme Master Ching Hai's book, “The Noble Wilds,” Korean film director Kim Hee-Jin has decided to become a vegan.

Cruelty Free Web Radio, Italy
Operates by volunteers in Italy, the recently launched Cruelty Free Web Radio broadcasts events and information about veganism, animal rights and the environment.


India's Planning Commission
India's Planning Commission has allocated more than US$300 million to be distributed to states as incentives for development of green technologies.

Russian Industry Minister Viktor Khristenko notes in a recent progress report that 48.3% of the nation's chemical weapons had been eliminated.

Japan has announced that work will begin to dispose of some 400,000 chemical munitions left in China since 1945.

Chinese top legislation has prepared a draft revision to the country's criminal law that would eliminate at least 10 crimes that are now considered punishable by death, as well as disallowing capital punishment for people 75 years and above.

The Algerian government offers to waive all arrests and legal proceedings for former members of parties such as the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat who pledge peaceful reintegration into society.

Israel allows a shipment of new vehicles to cross into Palestine's Gaza Strip for the first time since 2007.

The government of Rwanda is working to restore the Gishwati Forest region by relocating communities away from areas at high risk of climate change impacts while engaging residents in activities such as soil replenishment and tree replanting.

Yemen and USA
Yemen's Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Abu Baker al Qirbi and special US envoy Foreign Secretary Lincoln Lee meet to discuss cooperative endeavors toward a goal of eliminating small arms and weapons from the region.

Leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
Leaders of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia reaffirm their readiness to dialog with the government of Colombia to resolve conflict through peaceful negotiation.

Radio Quran, Othmane Touati and Samir Sayoud
Following an interview with Radio Quran in Algeria in which former members of a separatist group, Othmane Touati and Samir Sayoud, called on their Algerian counterparts to join reconciliation efforts, several of the group's leaders voluntarily surrendered their arms.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev
In response to Russian citizens' concerns about the steeply rising costs of essential food items, President Dmitry Medvedev visits a local supermarket to check bread prices and assures that he will investigate the situation more fully.

Young Muslims in Amman, Jordan
In support of peaceful coexistence with other faiths, young Muslims in Amman, Jordan walk from their mosque to a nearby Greek Orthodox Christian church, bringing flower bouquets to the clergymen and congregation members.

Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa
Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa states that the government is working to increase organic growing practices to provide chemical-free produce to fellow citizens.

Viktor Maslyakov, Russia
The newly appointed director of Russia's Federal Forest Agency, Viktor Maslyakov, announces plans to re-plant all the forests that were damaged or destroyed in the nation's wildfires.

The Animal Affinity Club, France
The Animal Affinity Club in Strasbourg, France, matches up small animals with inmates which results in the animals helping their caregivers to be calm, enhances their self-confidence, and improves the quality of their relationships.

European Union
The European Parliament approves a new legislation that reduces the number of animals used in laboratory experiments, including a ban on using chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans.

Denny's diner franchise
National US diner franchise Denny's switches its veggie burger option to a 100% vegan version.

Universities in the United Kingdom
Universities across the United Kingdom are offering more 'green degrees' to help the nation adapt and find solutions to climate change.

Buenos Aires, Argentina
In consideration for the environment, more and more people in Buenos Aires, Argentina, are leaving their cars at home and using bicycles as their preferred mode of transportation.

Linda Fondren, USA
Concerned about the health of her community, Linda Fondren in Mississippi, USA, organized walks for more than 100 individuals as well as offering free weekly access to her gym.


Morocco's Ministry of Foreign Commerce announces that starting on January 1, 2011, tariffs on Moroccan goods exported to Sudan will be reduced by 80%.

Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel Aviv, Israel, is lauded for many of the city's environmentally-friendly initiatives.

  AWARD of the MONTH - NOVEMBER 2010 
 AWARD of the MONTH - AUGUST 2010 

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