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We thank the followingand those unknown persons, groups,agencies, organizations and governments for their loving and selfless actions that bring meaningful comfort and assistance to others.May your lives be graced by the Divine with evermore joy and fulfilling reward.
The Japanese Foreign Ministry announces US$14 billion in loans and donations to assist developing countries.
Germany donates €95 million to Yemen for programs in water, sanitation, education, and job training.
The United States
United States donates US$50 million to the UN Population Fund for family health projects.
US Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan
US Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan announces US$50 million in financial assistance for organic farmers.
European Union
The European Union donates US$48 million to Angola for landmine clearance and water sanitation.
European Commission
The European Commission pledges US$46 million to Afghanistan for victims of conflicts and natural disasters, and asylum seekers in Pakistan and Iran.
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom donates US$21 million in humanitarian aid for Zimbabwe’s health system, water supply, and farmers.
Norway will donate US$15 million to Zimbabwe for health and education goals.
Prince Charles and Mayor Boris Johnson
During His Royal Highness Prince Charles’ May Day Summit on Climate Change in London, England, London Mayor Boris Johnson pledges US$4.5 million to create green jobs and eco-zones.
Ghent, Belgium
City of Ghent, Belgium goes meat-free once a week.
Senator Jamie Raskin, Mayor Williams, Erica Meier, Compassion Over Killing, USA
Takoma Park’s first Veg Week was inspired by Maryland’s Senator Jamie Raskin, Compassion Over Killing and Mayor Bruce Williams.
Prime Minister Hun Sen, Cambodia
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen banned sand exports to protect homes and the environment.
Taichung Mayor Jason Hu, Formosa (Taiwan)
Taichung Mayor Jason Hu promote bus ridership through the “Taiwan Easy Go” program.
Police officer in North Platte, Nebraska, USA
US police helps to stop car with a child driving after his father lost consciousness.
The Sanctuary, New Zealand
The Sanctuary in New Zealand provides a loving home for rescued animals and injured wildlife.
Guandu Nature Park, Formosa (Taiwan)
Guandu Nature Park’s conservation efforts result in the returning of the black-winged stilt bird and other species to Formosa (Taiwan).
Douglas Wakiihuri, Kenya
Kenyan Olympic medalist Douglas Wakiihuri organizes a marathon to benefit wildlife.
William Dennis Weaver, USA
American actor William Dennis Weaver founded an environmental organization and a charity to provide food for the needy.
News media worldwide
News media worldwide post notices to encourage the adoption of animal companions.
Department of Housing & Urban Development and the Department of Energy, USA
The Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Energy allocate US$16 billion to retrofit homes for greater energy efficiency.
Japan donates US$528 million to Pacific Island nations for producing solar power and clean water.
World Food Program (WFP)
The UN World Food Program provides US$180 million in aid to Bangladesh for people affected by increased cereal prices and natural disasters; airdrops food to displaced persons affected by heavy rains in the Democratic Republic of Congo;increases food aid to drought-affected Nepal; and assists Afghans with food aid and medical treatments.
The US Agency for International Development (USAID)
The US Agency for International Development (USAID) donates US$50 million in emergency food assistance to Ethiopia; US$6.8 million to Sri Lanka for medical centers and other supplies for persons displaced by civil conflict; and  US$400,000 to support water projects in Jordan.
United Nations
UN donates US$18 million to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Tanzania, and Âu Lạc (Vietnam) to safeguard forests.
France pledges US$16 million in humanitarian aid to Pakistan for displaced citizens of the civil conflict.
India donates US$1 million of humanitarian aid to the Palestine, as well as US$10 million through the UN Relief and Works Agency.
Anonymous donor
An anonymous donor gives US$7 million to the University of Alaska, USA.
China donates US$5 million and supplies to swine flu-stricken Mexico.
Greece donates US$4 million to Gaza for health and education facilities.
The United Nations
UN releases over US$3 million to help victims of the heavy rains in southern Africa.
King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, Saudi Arabia
King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz donates US$3 million to World Scout Foundation for peace efforts.
Department for International Development, Great Britain
The Department for International Development donates US$3 million for Somali refugees in Kenya.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donates over US$2 million for childhood pneumonia research.
Italy donates US$1.5 million to Lebanon to support the “Adopt a Village” program.
German Special Envoy Bernd Müetzelburg
German Special Envoy Bernd Müetzelburg pledged €600,000 to Pakistan for persons displaced by civil conflict.
China donates US$1 million in humanitarian aid to Sri Lankan residents affected by civil conflict in the region; and provides free cancer screening and treatment for women.
Finland donates US$700,000 in humanitarian assistance to Sri Lankan people affected by civil conflict.
South Korea
South Korea donates US$500,000 in medical supplies to Mexico to deal with the swine flu epidemic.
The Cross Timbers Community Church, USA
The Cross Timbers Community Church in the US has given away US$500,000 to those in need of financial assistance.
European Union
The European Union donates €250,000 to Fiji for flood relief, and €50 million to alleviate of malnutrition and improve farming in Pakistan.
Germany’s Federal Foreign Office
Germany’s Federal Foreign Office allocated €200,000 to Afghanistan for regions affected by winter storms.
The United Nations Refugee Agency
The United Nations Refugee Agency provides relief to flood-affected Akhdam families in Yemen.
Hollywood stars, USA
Hollywood stars raised millions of dollars at the 16th Annual Race to Erase Multiple Sclerosis.
UN World Food Program (WFP)
The UN World Food Program increases food aid to drought-affected Nepal; and assists Afghans with food aid and medical treatments.
Zambia donates 9,000 metric tons of maize to assist Zimbabwe’s economic recovery.
Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO)
The Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization delivers 91 tons of relief items to Gaza.
Turkey sends 10 tons of humanitarian aid to Pakistan.
France and  Doctors Without Borders
France and Doctors Without Borders donate two hospitals to Sri Lanka.
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia’s Campaign for the Relief of the Palestinian People in Gaza delivers 16 trucks of food aid.
UN World Food Program (WFP), Howard Buffet Foundation, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Howard Buffet Foundation sponsors the UN World Food Program to buy food from farmers in Kenya.
Association of Independent Trade Unions in Serbia
The Association of Independent Trade Unions in Serbia has opened a chain of SOS Markets for poor people and pensioners.
Red Crescent Authority
The United Arab’s Red Crescent Authority provides free eye treatment for patients in Somalia; and  donates 300 tons of humanitarian aid to Pakistan for refugees.
Russia pledges 150,000 tons of wheat to Cuba for hurricane victims.
India opens a field hospital and pledges 25 tons of medical supplies to Sri Lanka.
The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)
The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) donates eight trucks of medical supplies and equipment to a public hospital in Gaza.
ShelterBox, UK
UK’s ShelterBox charity distributes tents and equipment to earthquake victims in Italy.
Uruguay and Cuba
Uruguay and Cuba collaborate to serve Uruguayan eye patients in Argentina.
The International Rescue Committee
The International Rescue Committee undertakes projects to improve water supply in Somalia.
Egypt grants a humanitarian aid convoy from Italy, Greece, Switzerland, and Britain into Gaza, Palestine.
Princess Lalla Meryem, Morocco
As UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, Moroccan Princess Lalla Meryem’s works for the benefit of women and children around the world.
United States
US forms National System of Marine Protected Areas to protect oceans.
China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection
China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection encourages carbon emission reduction.
Czech Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT)
Czech Provincial Reconstruction Team provides support for development projects in Afghan villages.
Dubai Medical and Pharmacy Colleges’ students
Dubai Medical and Pharmacy Colleges students donate medical equipment to Jordan.
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) report links meat production to the global food crisis.

Dr. Arab Hoballah
Dr. Arab Hoballah, Chief of the Sustainable Consumption and Production Branch at UNEP, endorses the sustainable plant-based diet.
Television New Zealand
Television New Zealand broadcasts an exposé of a pig factory farm.
European Parliament
The European Parliament voted to forbid the import of products derived from seal hunting.
The US Environmental Protection Agency
Food containing the toxic pesticide carbofuran can no longer be sold in the US.
South Korean naval helicopter
A South Korean naval helicopter responds to a North Korean ship’s distress call and ensures its safety.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and  judiciary chief Mahmoud Hashemi-Shahroudi, Iran
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iran’s judiciary chief Mahmoud Hashemi-Shahroudi urged for a fair trial of Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi, resulting in her safe release by a three-judge panel.
The Asia Injury Prevention Foundation (AIPF) and the Vietnam Helmet Wearing Coalition
The Asia Injury Prevention Foundation and the Vietnam Helmet Wearing Coalition donate 10,000 helmets to students in Âu Lạc (Vietnam).
The Solidarity Peace Trust, South Africa
The Solidarity Peace Trust opens a school for Zimbabwean refugees.
The European Union and Japan
The European Union and Japan agree on a new greenhouse gas emission reduction document.
Dr. Jill Waibel, USA
US Dr. Jill Waibel developed a new laser treatment to eliminate scars of severe burn patients.
Hungarian citizens
Hungarians plant more than 1,500 saplings in Fenyőfő.
Jean-Michel Cousteau
Jean-Michel Cousteau protects the environment through his Ocean Futures Society and Ambassadors of the Environment program.
Prince Charles, The Dalai Lama, actor Harrison Ford, singer Joss Stone, comedian Robin Williams, Prince William, Prince Harry
Prince Charles’ online campaign to halt the devastation of the rainforest includes an animated video with renowned personalities such as the Dalai Lama, Harrison Ford, Joss Stone, Robin Williams, Prince William and Prince Harry.

Fruit Tree Planting Foundation, USA
The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation donates an additional 1000 trees to the Havasupai tribe in US.
Citizens of Catalonia, Spain
180,000 Catalonians sign a petition to ban bullfighting.
Spain announces a 97% decrease in harmful airborne nicotine after one year of an indoor smoking ban.
Jordanian Alliance Against Hunger
The Jordanian Alliance Against Hunger has organized a rally to raise funds to eliminate global hunger.
Martin Rudy Haase
Martin Rudy Haase has worked towards environmental preservation in the US, Costa Rica, Canada.
Professor John Browder, USA
Professor John Browder confirms that meat is the main driver of Amazonian deforestation.
Michael Pollan
Michael Pollan, a food resource expert, encourages US President Barack Obama to support meat reduction to lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Notable New Zealanders, Green Peaces Sign On campaign
Notable New Zealanders participate in a climate campaign calling for a 40% emission reduction goal.
Akvopedia website
Akvopedia website offers information on water and sanitation projects in various languages.
Shakila Khan, India
Indian Shakila Khan has cared for 40 orphaned children.
Prince Charles
Prince Charles urges rapid protection of the rainforests at the Nobel Laureates Symposium.
The National Expressway Bureau, Formosa (Taiwan)
The National Expressway Bureau implements ways to safeguard the purple milkweed butterflies in Formosa (Taiwan).
Dr. Peter Gleick, USA
Dr. Peter Gleick, President of the Pacific Institute, USA, calls for a plant-based trend to conserve water.
Gillian Anderson
American actress Gillian Anderson writes a letter to Members of the European Parliament for support in ending animal experimentation.
American musician Brian Chase
US musician Brian Chase shares the benefits of being vegetarian on his band’s website.
Wyntergrace Williams, USA
14-year-old Wyntergrace Williams invited Malia and Sasha Obama to sign the petition for veg options in public schools.
Malaysian animal welfare groups, Malaysia
Malaysian animal welfare groups are working to rescue hundreds of dogs on a deserted island near Selangor.
David Kirby
US Author David Kirby writes of the detrimental impacts on residents living near factory farms.
Indian actors  John Abraham, Celina Jaitley, Shilpa Shetty, and Malaika Arora Khan
Indian actors and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India promote public awareness about cruelty to animals.
The Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge
The Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge’s preservation efforts succeeds in seeing the birth of the lake sturgeon.
Washington, D.C.’s firefighters, USA
US firefighters rescue ducklings from a storm drain in response to the mother’s distress call.
The Farm’s personnel, USA
Personnel from the Farm, an animal sanctuary, cares for Molly the cow after she escaped from the slaughterhouse.
Neil McCallum, Australia
Australian Neil McCallum rescues a drowning kangaroo.
David Smith, Australia
Australian lifeguard David Smith resuscitates a Jack Russell terrier by mouth-to-snout resuscitation.
Telepathic animal communicator, USA
US telepathic animal communicator guides a couple to recover their lost Chihuahua.
Russia launches a digital public library that provides access to 6.5 million rare documents.



Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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