Current & Past Schedule
  2009-09-09     Wed
: : Words of Wisdom : :
The Freeway Method P3/3
January 15, 1989 Chiayi, Formosa
Subtitles: English Chinese Aulac Spanish French German Russian Arabic Persian Italian Hungarian Portuguese Hindi Hebrew Polish Turkish Punjabi Romanian Urdu Thai Indonesian Japanese Korean Mongol Dutch
      WMV (102 MB)     MP4(181 MB)  
: : A Journey through Aesthetic Realms : :
Supreme Master TV's 3rd Anniversary Special:Honoring the Arts, Culture,Science & Compassion - P1/2
Subtitles: English Chinese Aulac Spanish French German Russian Arabic Persian Portuguese Thai Indonesian Japanese Korean
      WMV (72 MB)     MP4(97 MB)  
: : Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living : :
Chef Cherie Soria of Living Light Culinary Arts:Sea Vegetable and Cucumber Salad
Subtitles: English Chinese Aulac Spanish French German Russian Arabic Persian Portuguese Thai Indonesian Japanese Korean Mongol
      WMV (42 MB)     MP4(83 MB)  
: :Between Master and Disciples : :
From the Holy Script-xures of Cao Đài *The Method of Self Cultivation and Spiritual Practice
*Meditation and Samadhi *Attaining Enlightenment
Subtitles: English Chinese Aulac Spanish French German Russian Arabic Persian Italian Hungarian Portuguese Hindi Polish Punjabi Thai Indonesian Japanese Malay Korean Bulgarian Czech-Slovak Mongol
      WMV (43 MB)     MP4(122 MB)  
: : Animal World : :
The Enchanted World of Native Gardens with Alrie Middlebrook P2/2
Subtitles: English Chinese Aulac Spanish French German Russian Arabic Persian Portuguese Indonesian Japanese Malay Korean       WMV (39 MB)     MP4(106 MB)  
: : Enlightening Entertainment : :
Supreme Master TV's 3rd Anniversary Concert: Rejoicing in Our Green Planet and Peaceful Life - P3/6
Subtitles: English Chinese Aulac Spanish French German Russian Arabic Persian Italian Hungarian Portuguese Polish Thai Indonesian Japanese Malay Korean       WMV (97 MB)     MP4(132 MB)  


  Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012