PCRM Legislative Fund strives to protect lives - 24 Feb 2011  
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PCRM Legislative Fund strives to protect lives. Recently, the US-based Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), founded by vegan physician and Shining World Compassion Award recipient Dr. Neal Barnard, invited the public and celebrities to an event to support government policies on non-animal testing ethical research as well as preventive medicine.

(Interviews in English)
Francis Fisher – Hollywood actress, Titanic (Vegan) (F):
PCRM is doing amazing work in the world, and it’s a blend of helping animals and making people aware that there is no reason to have animals suffer any more to test them, and in addition to letting the world know that we don’t need to eat animals any more in order to nourish our bodies.

Fawn – US singer (F): We should treat all living beings how we want to be treated.

Mariana Tosca – Hollywood actress (Vegan) (F): Veganism is really the core essence of everything that they put out there in the world. And they’re doing some really amazing things on Capitol Hill, and that’s why I’m here tonight to support their Legislative Fund.

VOICE: The PCRM Legislative Fund is headed by its Director of Public Affairs and vegan Mrs. Elizabeth Kucinich, also the wife of vegan US Congressman Dennis Kucinich.

Elizabeth Kucinich - Director of Public Affairs, PCRM (Vegan) (F): Our Child Nutrition Bill was successful, and we have had over 160 members sign on to the Great Ape Protection Act, which is to end invasive research on great apes. We work on this with our physician members and with communities up and down the United States, making sure that legislative action is really effective. And we are starting a new campaign to stop the subsidies which go to feed crops, which really are subsidies directly to meat and dairy.

Neal Barnard, MD – Founder, President, PCRM (Vegan) Shining World Compassion Award (M): I am happy to say that the work we have been doing not only helps individuals, but it’s been really helping policymakers to see a better way forward.

Persia White – Actress and singer (Vegan) (F): Unlike any other organization, the evidence for a plant- based diet is backed up with sound science, and I just love that, because we have scientists and doctors that are proving that, it’s not just compassionate, but it also is healthy.

Jane Velez-Mitchell – Emmy-winning CNN journalist (Vegan) (F): The obesity crisis is largely because of the overconsumption of meat and dairy products in the form of fast food and junk food. We know that meat production is the single biggest cause of global warming, far beyond transportation. So PCRM talks about how to switch to a plant-based diet and with a healthier lifestyle that is less impactful on the environment. So it's good for us, it's good for our bodies, it's good for the animals, it’s compassionate, it's good for the planet. It's good for everybody. Let's do it!

James Costa – Filmmaker, Lunch Hour (Vegan) (M): To me, it’s a group that – it’s doctors telling you what to do. It’s about being healthy. What is happening to our country, where 1 out of 3 children are obese, they have early heart disease?

Jenn Landon – Emmy-winning actress (F): There’s a huge health crisis in our country, people are dying from diseases of diet.

Shaun Monson – Director, Earthlings (Vegan) (M): When you get physicians who understand anatomy better than any of us do, and they come together and say, “Hang on a second, this isn't working,” we have to listen.

Brendan Brazier – Canadian Ironman Triathlete, author (Vegan) (M): So really, them getting this logical, simple message out to people is something that I like to support.

VOICE: Upon learning of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s extensive efforts toward the same noble causes, PCRM’s Director of Public Affairs Elizabeth Kucinich had invited her to the gathering. Although her schedule did not permit her to attend, Supreme Master Ching Hai sent a representative, while also contributing a US$50,000 donation for furthering the good work.

Chairman of our Association (Vegan) (M): Good evening ladies and gentlemen, it's an honor to be present here with all of you, the doctors, experts and the like- minded supporters who have done so much for promoting vegetarianism, clearly the healthy and the compassionate choice. Supreme Master Ching Hai has for almost 30 years encouraged people to adopt a plant-based diet out of love for all beings, humans and animals alike, and is thus ever appreciative of the shared ideas of Dr. Neal Barnard, Mrs. Elizabeth Kucinich and Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Tonight with privilege, I would like to convey sincere thanks from the Supreme Master Ching Hai to PCRM. In the letter from the Supreme Master Ching Hai to Mrs. Kucinich, she said, “Along with my deep appreciation for your efforts, I would like to humbly contribute US$50,000 for…” (cheers & applause) Thank you. (cheers & applause) “…for furthering the good work, and wishing you full support and Heaven’s blessing for the fruitful success of the occasion, and your continued tireless work to protect and cherish beings. All love and best wishes, Supreme Master Ching Hai.” Thank you.

VOICE: Ms. Kucinich and Dr. Barnard, among others, conveyed their appreciation to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Elizabeth Kucinich (F): I would like to say thank you so much for your generosity, your vision for working for animals, the environment, for humanity, and for supporting the PCRM Legislative Fund. We really thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Dr. Neal Barnard (M): I would just like to say thank you so much for really being an inspiration to so many people and for your support of the work that we are doing. It’s a long road ahead and I am delighted that we are working together.

VOICE: Bravo Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine Legislative Fund, for your outstanding work in saving both human and animal lives. We also join in thanking Supreme Master Ching Hai for her tireless efforts of compassion toward all beings as we pray that our world is soon governed by the principle of love for all.

For more information about the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine Legislative Fund, please visit www.PCRMLF.org

Dr. Neal Barnard's “The Get Healthy, Go Vegan Cookbook” is available at www.Amazon.com

VOICE: Dr. Barnard also signed a copy of his book for Supreme Master Ching Hai: "To Supreme Master Ching Hai, With deepest appreciation for all you do to make the world a better place! Neal Barnard"

Dr. Neal Barnard and Elizabeth Kucinich (Vegan): Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Jenn Landon (F): I’m Jenn Landon. Be Veg, Go Green, 2 Save the Planet! Ady Gil – US entrepreneur and animal activist

(Vegetarian) (M): My name is Ady Gil. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

Frances Fisher (Vegan) (F): Hi, I am Frances Fisher. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet! Save yourself!

Persia White (Vegan) (F): Hi, I’m Persia White and you’re watching Supreme Master Television. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet! (singing) Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!


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