Documentary film “Vegucated” premieres in USA - 23 Oct 2011  
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After garnering the Best Documentary Award at the Toronto Independent Film Festival in Canada, the new film “Vegucated” opened in the US to a sold-out audience in New York City, USA.

“Vegucated” follows the steps of a college student, a single mom and a bachelor as they embark on a 6-week journey of switching from meat to plant-based fare, meeting vegan lifestyle experts and others with interesting perspectives, and forever transforming their lives.  

Marisa Wolfson – Director/writer/editor of Vegucated; vegan (F): I think what this film shows is that you can take anybody from any walk of life really, you show them the truth about what goes on, you show them alternatives that are easy and accessible and delicious and fun, and everyone can be part of this solution to some of the world’s most serious challenges.  

Joshua Katcher – Film producer (; vegan (M): It is a funny, heartfelt, amazing story about three people who are just, you know, everyday, average people who are shown the information that a lot of people are not shown.

And that information is what goes on in food production, from an environmental stand point, from an ethical stand point, and from a nutrition stand point. I thought it was a great film.

Viewer – Vegucated film premiere (F): I feel that it already changed me. I'm ready, I’m already thinking about things that I will do maybe try being vegetarian, to start with. I think the tone of the film really inspired me to want to make a difference.

VOICE: In touring the US, the film has won the support of some of the country’s most prominent vegans and meat-free advocates, including TV host Bob Barker; renowned pop artist Peter Max; founding member and director Mary Max of Kind Green Planet, the film's production company; vegan hip-hop entrepreneur Russell Simmon’s executive assistant Simone Reyes; Ecorazzi senior editor Michael Parrish DuDell, and film producer Joshua Katcher. The film will soon be available worldwide for anyone to host screenings at a grassroots level.

Michael Parrish DuDell – Senior editor, Ecorazzi; vegan (M): The great thing about this film is that it’s mainstream, it's funny, it's entertaining, as well as being educational and really compelling.

Simone Reyes – Hip-hop entrepreneur Russell Simmon’s (vegan) executive assistant (Running Russell Simmons); vegan (F): Look at the way that their meat is killed, look at the conditions their meat lives in and start to understand that this isn’t just a slab of, you know, product, that there was a living breathing sentient being behind it, and the energy that they’re consuming is only terror, torture and fear.

Alexandra Jamieson – Holistic health counselor, vegan chef (F): After my husband made the movie “Super Size Me,” I made up this vegan diet to heal his body. What I love about this movie is that it’s really like “Super Size Me,” part two. So this movie shows you how you can take a sick body, use a vegan diet to heal yourself. It’s really exciting.

Viewer (F): It was really eye-opening. I never knew how animals were raised, like the cruelty of raising chickens and pigs and even fish. I mean, I was still a fish-eater until today.

Demetrius Bagley – Co-producer of Vegucated; vegan (M): Hi, I’m Demetrius Bagley. I’m a producer on the film “Vegucated.” It will be worldwide in 2012, hopefully in your country. I hope you’ll consider eating more veg and having your other friends and family and co-workers join you. Thank you.

VOICE: Congratulations, Marisa Wolfson and all involved in the making of “Vegucated,” on the ever-expanding premiere of this illuminating new film. May audiences everywhere watch and be inspired themselves to switch to the joyful, healthy plant-based fare! To find out more about the film “Vegucated,” please visit

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