Toxic algae creates plague for marine life – 2 Jan 2010  
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Toxic algae creates plague for marine life.



In oceans across the globe, warming temperatures and pollution, especially from livestock manure and related agriculture, are often responsible for the growth of  harmful forms of algae such as the red tide that is now spreading through waters off the coast of the United Arab Emirates. This algae impairs other organisms ability to absorb oxygen, leading to suffocation, and is thus devastating for coral, fish and other marine life. Both Iran and the United Arab Emirates report the death of many tens of tons of fish, marine mammals and coral thus far. Although cooler winter weather is expected to alleviate the situation, patches of the algae currently remain, meaning that it could continue to spread.


Meanwhile, possibly hundreds of thousands of seabirds are in peril in the Northwest USA as a toxic algae bloom has contaminated hundreds of miles of coastline. As this algal bloom decays, it emits a substance that removes the birds waterproofing from their feathers, leaving them vulnerable to starvation, dehydration and hypothermia.


Rescue efforts are underway but the unprecedented number of birds affected has left local centers overwhelmed.


It saddens us deeply to know of such distress to our marine and avian co-inhabitants. Let us all act with urgency to tread more gently and protect our shared Earthly home.






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