World Vegan Month inspires global pledge to be veg - 10 Nov 2011  
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From South Africa to South Korea, Hungary and Benin, awareness-raising events are being held throughout the month of November to mark World Vegan Month. Starting with World Vegan Day on November 1, members of the public everywhere are encouraged to adopt the beneficial vegan lifestyle.

Roxy Burger – TV presenter, South Africa (F): It’s very important for us to pledge on the first of November to not eat any meat, not eat any dairy products.

Balog Béla – Participant; vegetarian - Hungary (M): I’m 69 years old already and I've been vegetarian for 27 years. I experience many,many advantages of it.

Participant; vegan - Hungary (F): This (raw vegan) diet gives an abundance of energy.

VOICE: Supreme Master Television’s correspondents went to several of the locations, such as Brisbane, Australia.

Australian Correspondent (F): We are here today at the World Vegan Day Fair. A lot of volunteers have come together to help spread the message about the benefits of the vegan lifestyle.

Peter Milne – President, Vegetarian/Vegan Society of Queensland; vegan (M): I’ve been vegan for about 14 years or so. I found my stamina in tennis and those sorts of sports really increased. I know vegans who are weight lifters and things like that. (So the protein myth is…) It’s definitely a protein myth. Of course you can get enough protein as a vegan.

Correspondent (F): Reporting from Brisbane, Australia for Supreme Master Television.

VOICE: Originally founded by the international group, The Vegan Society, World Vegan Month celebrates a lifestyle free of all animal products to benefit human health, animals, and the environment.

Shih-Yún Chíh – Event organizer, Formosa (Taiwan) (F): As one becomes a vegan, one becomes a very superb person.

Group of participants (M,F): World Vegan Month, let’s be veg!

Participant; vegan – South Korea (M): Being vegan is so essential for people and the environment. Let’s all become veg!

Group of demonstrators (M,F): Be veg!  Be veg! Be veg!

Participant; vegan – Formosa (Taiwan) (F): I have had a vegan diet that contains no egg or dairy products for more than four years, and my physical health has become better and better. It's also a way to love and protect our planet and treat the animals with compassion.

VOICE: Our Association members, participating in places as diverse as the US, Benin, and the UK, also showed that veg food is a win-win in the kindness and taste departments.

US Correspondent in Chicago (F): Members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are distributing flyers and distributing delicious vegan samples. Some of the responses have been that people are willing to consider delicious vegan options.

Participant – Chicago, USA (M): I liked the sweet and sour un-chicken. It was delicious.

UK Correspondent (F): We are here at the Yoga Show in London, United Kingdom, where members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association have a stall to promote the plant-based diet. We are sharing information and distributing samples of vegan cheese and homemade vegan cakes. We have been approached by many people who have pledged to be veg. So, did you like our vegan cake today?

Participant (F): Yes, it's really, really nice.

Participant (F): I tried the vegan cheese, absolutely delicious. Thank you.

Vegan participant – Cotonou, Benin (M): My word to the world is for everyone is to adopt the vegan diet, which is more beneficial than any other, and they will see. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

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