Alcohol sales linked to human injury. - 26 Feb 2010  
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In an article being published in the March 2010 issue of Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, US scientists reveal a strong connection between human injury and locations where alcohol is sold.

In their studies, Richard Scribner, MD and Paul Gruenewald, PhD evaluated hospital patient data and found that in young people of legal age, neighborhoods with higher numbers of alcohol-serving restaurants saw increased traffic injuries while areas with more bars were associated with assault wounds.

Meanwhile, regions with a larger number of off-premise alcohol vendors such as convenience stores were linked to higher rates of all kinds of injuries, for both underage youth and young adults alike.

Based on these findings, the researchers recommend a community-based approach that would seek to reduce the number of alcohol outlets in a neighborhood as a way to promote reduced consumption and better health.
Our appreciation, Drs. Scribner and Gruenewald for your important work that offers hopeful insight into preventing injuries related to alcohol consumption. Let us all vote to replace the vending outlets of such harmful substances with wholesome activities that promote healthful freedom and vitality.
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