TV show host and comedienne Ellen DeGeneres speaks of being vegan - 17 Feb 2010  
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During an interview with CBS Evening News journalist and anchor Katie Couric, the Emmy Award winning talk show host shared, among many things, why and how she turned to consuming only plant-based fare.

Speaking of her viewing of the documentary “Earthlings,” Ellen stated, “It’s inside footage of factory farms; 50 billion animals a year are killed. They’re in pain, treated badly, diseased, pumped full of antibiotics. I saw the reality and just couldn’t ignore it. And I’m healthier and happier.”

During the interview, after Katie Couric asked on behalf of a viewer for Ellen’s favorite vegan recipe, Ellen directed people to her website at for a wealth of vegan information and delicious recipes.

Kudos and many thanks, Ellen, for sharing your journey of expanded compassion toward others, including animal beings. May your example of kindness inspire many viewers to adopt the humane and nourishing vegan lifestyle.


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